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Horsham Men in Sheds hosts a Spring Sale at the Old Cadet Building, Duke's Square, Denne Road, Horsham, RH12 1JF, on Saturday 11 March, 9.30am - 12.30pm. All are welcome to browse a selection of pre-loved tools and equipment, as well as items made by members. The sale also provides a chance to speak to the ‘Shedders’. Cash and cards accepted. mens-shed-horsham.org.uk

Horsham District Archaeology Group brings together people with a shared interest to explore historic parts of the Horsham District.
Upcoming events include a walk around Storrington’s archaeology sites on Saturday 18 March, and Simon Stevens’ talk on ‘The Potted History of British Archaeology’ at Copsale Village Hall on Wednesday 29 March, 7.30pm. This is followed by a talk on Richard Nevell’s geophysical survey of Knepp Castle, held at Copsale on 26 April, 7.30pm, and Anne Bone’s talk on Chichester archaeology on 24 May, 7.30pm. The Society will also be organising field trips and geophysical surveys throughout the year. For details about membership and events, email horshamarch@hotmail.co.uk
Inspirational monthly talks are being held at Storrington Chapel, North Street, RH20 4DH. The first of the ‘Would You Believe It?’ talks featured JB Rose, a former member of successful boyband, JLS. The next features Terry Puttick, Director of London City Mission, on Friday 17 March at 7.30pm. Future talks come from former professional footballer Linvoy Primus on 28 April (pictured inset) and bicycle designer Stuart Burgess on26 May. Tickets £3 (£5 for couples) from 07891 201716 or email neuropsychology@talktalk.net
A 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures are to be introduced in Slinfold. The changes were instigated by Slinfold Parish Council, which successfully applied for a County Council Community Highway Scheme to be devised. The new 20mph speed limit will apply to Clapgate Lane, Greenfield Road, Hayes Lane, Lowfield Road, Lyons Close, Lyons Road, Mitchell Gardens, Park Street, Six Acres, Spring Lane, The Street, Streetfield Road, Tannery Close, The Grattons and West Way. The scheme will be supported by traffic calming in the form of built out kerb lines to narrow the road in Park Street, The Street and part of Lyons Road. The works are estimated to cost £107,000.
Horsham District Council has launched a scheme to help residents recycle used coffee pods. Not-for-profit organisation Podback, created in partnership with coffee pod system manufacturers including Nespresso, NESCAFE Dolce Gusto and Tassimo, is partnering with the Council to deliver the service. Free collection bags will be provided by Podback for participants. To sign up to the service, visit podback.org
Here are some of the latest volunteering opportunities available in the Horsham District. Sussex Green Living are looking for volunteers to help with recycling in Billingshurst, and to create video content of projects they are involved in.
Little Lifesavers need volunteers to help deliver lessons to teach basic CPR skills to children aged between 9 and 13 in school.
The Macular Society requires someone who can help a person with sight-loss to connect with others through technology. For details about these and other opportunities in the

Horsham District, call the Voluntary Sector Support team on (01403) 215191, email volunteering@horshamdistrict.gov.uk or visit volunteerhorshamdistrict.co.uk l Citizens Advice in West Sussex has launched an appeal for new recruits who can give their time to help people struggling with energy prices, rising bills, debt, employment issues, and housing issues. Last year, the charity saw unprecedented demand, supporting 35,781 people. For details visit advicewestsussex.org.uk/volunteering/
St Catherine’s Hospice has unveiled a new shop in Horsham’s Carfax, in the unit that used to be the Post Office. The shop incorporates Catherine’s Bridal, which offers an array of pre-loved wedding dresses and outfits for special occasions. It also sells pre-loved books, clothing and bric-abrac, with a section dedicated to second-hand furniture and electricals. Janet Saunders, who has been volunteering in St Catherine’s shops for nearly 12 years, performed ribboncutting duties on 9 February, with Cllr Kate Rowbottom, Chairman of Horsham District Council, in attendance. Follow the shop on social media @catherinesbridalstore

West Sussex County Council is increasing its share of Council Tax by 4.99%, the maximum permitted amount. WSCC announced the raise as it approved a net budget of £708.8m, which forms part of the Council’s total spend of £1.86b in 2023/24. This includes £883m to support 286 schools and £458m on adult social care. westsussex.gov.uk l At a Full Council meeting on 22 February, Horsham District Council councillors agreed that its share of Council Tax would increase from £162.09 a year by £4.85 (2.99%) to £166.94 for a Band D property. l Horsham Horticultural Society’s Spring Show is held at North Heath Hall, St Mark’s Lane, Horsham, RH12 5PU on Sunday 2 April. Public viewing 2.30 – 3.45pm. Refreshments, raffle and plants for sale. horshamhorticulturalsociety.co.uk
Storrington Flower Club meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except August and December) at Sullington Parish Hall, RH20 3PP, at 2pm. The club has announced its spring programme, with Helen Hare’s demonstration ‘East to West’ on 22 March and Gill Homer’s 'Dream Time' on 24 May. New members welcome. For information, call Chrissy Desmond on (01903) 742102.
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