MAY 2016
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Grandma will do as she pleases/
The Shelley Fountain downed by Google?
his edition actually marks Ì i wÛi Þi>À > ÛiÀÃ>ÀÞ of AAH. We should really >Ûi Vi iLÀ>Ìi` Ì Ã À milestone with more fanfare. >ÞLi à i } } Ìà vÀ «ÀiÛ Õà Þi>ÀÃ] Ü Ì Ì i « VÌÕÀi Ì Ã «>}i `i« VÌ } / LÞ > ` Üi>À } «>ÀÌÞ >ÌÃ] Vi iLÀ>Ì } Ü Ì Ì i Ü À `½Ã > iÃÌ vwVi «>ÀÌÞ° / Ã Ì ] Ì iÀi >à >VÌÕ> Þ Lii > V > }i Ì ÕÀ traditional monthly routine. ÛiÀ à Vi Ì i wÀÃÌ i` Ì >Þ Ó䣣] Þ }À> ` > Ài `> Wilson (who is still well known vÀ iÀ `>Þà ÀÕ } Ì i ` petrol station/marine dealership L>V Ü i - ÕÌ Ü>ÌiÀ Ài> Þ Ü>à > Û >}i® >à `i ÛiÀi` AAH to outlets near her home in Loxwood. v>VÌ] à i vi>ÌÕÀi` Ì i wÀÃÌ yÞiÀ «À Ì } ƂƂ ° Ì Ü>à L>Ãi` >À Õ ` > >}i v v ÕÀ ÛiÀÞ ` vviÀi Ì «i « i] > ë Vi` Ì }iÌ iÀ] Ü Ì Ì i à }> ‘AAH: Something for Everyone.’ - à i½Ã Lii > ÃÕ«« ÀÌiÀ à Vi wÀÃÌ Ìi` Ì i `i>° I know that she really enjoys } } iÀ ÌÌ i `i ÛiÀÞ ÀÕ ] particularly The Wisborough «ÕL > ` Fishers Farm] Ü iÀi à i }iÌà > Ü>À Üi V i° ÕÌ Þ À> ` >½Ã Ì Lii Ì i LiÃÌ v i> Ì ÀiVi Ì Þ° Ü Õ ` ½Ì `>Ài ÃÕ}}iÃÌ Ì >Ì iÀ `>ÞÃ Ì i `i ÛiÀÞ Ìi> >Ài ÛiÀ à i½Ã > ÃÌÕLL À Yorkshire lass and would only tell me she will do as she L `Þ Üi « i>ÃiÃt ÜiÛiÀ] ÕÃÌ v À > Ü i] à i½Ã Ì> } > LÀi> ° / > à v À i>Û } i Ì i ÕÀV À> ` >t ƂÌ Ì i Ã> i Ì i] }iÌ Üi à °°° - i > Ü>Þà iÃ Ì iÃi ÌÌ i À> Ìà >Ûi] à «iÀ >«Ã à i½ Ì> i > LÀi> vÀ V « > } >L ÕÌ Ì i Üi>Ì iÀ Ì Ài>` Ì iÃi Ì Õ} Ìà >Ûi >L ÕÌ / i - i iÞ Õ Ì> ° ½Ûi > Ü>Þà Lii > L Ì v > v> v Ì i v Õ Ì> ] VÀi>Ìi` Ì >À Ì i L Vi Ìi >ÀÞ v Ì i }Ài>Ì À > Ì V « iÌ *iÀVÞ ÞÃà i - i iÞ] Ü Ü>à L À iÀi°
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À ii «ÀiÃÕ >L Þ ` ` ½Ì Ü that his own Google search was equally prejudiced when it produced that story from The
Õ ÌÞ / ià > à Ìi i >à ` ÕLÌ Û Ã Ìi` Liv Ài°
AAH: MAY 2016 i ÀÀ Ã
Wrote the articles. Did the layout.
/ LÞ * «Ã
Took all of the photos
Gary Cooper for text/images relating to the History feature Jim Hills for providing old images of Horsham Boys Club Michael Hartland for allowing a scruffy editor aboard his carriage Hugh Pryor: We’ll meet for that Stout House beer soon! Everyone who contributed to our News Round-up
Ì Ìà VÕÀÀi Ì ÃÌ>Ìi > V à >L i] `iV>Þ } à > L ià v > ÃVÕ «ÌÕÀi LÕÌ Ìà > iÃÌ V] vÕ Þ vÕ VÌ } À } > v À ] Ü V Ã>Ü Ã Ý Ì ià v Ü>ÌiÀ ëÕÀÌ } vÀ Ì i L ÌÌ v > À à } ë iÀi° / À Õ} ÕÌ Ì½Ã Óä Þi>À iÝ ÃÌi Vi] Ì i v Õ Ì> >à Lii ÕV `iÀ `i`] Ü V à v V ÕÀÃi] iÛ Ì>L i v À > Þ v À of conceptual art. What was Ài vÀÕÃÌÀ>Ì } Ü>Ã Ì i Üi } Ì } Ûi Ì Ì i i}>Ì Ûi Ü À`à v the detractors. v Üi½Ài } } Ì Ã « Þ V > ÞÌ } L>Ãi` ÃÞ L V ÌiÀ«ÀiÌ>Ì ] Ì i Ü Þ ` ` Üi not just commission a Ài«ÀiÃi Ì>Ì > LÕÃÌ v - i iÞ Ì i wÀÃÌ « >Vi¶ >ÃÌ Ì ] à i v Ì i i iVÌi` i LiÀà v Àà > District Council were still «ÕÌÌ } Ì i L Ì ] iÛi >Ã Ì iÞ w > Þ «ÕÌ Ì i v Õ Ì> ÕÌ
v Ìà ÃiÀÞ LÞ Û Ì } Ì ÃVÀ>« it. 7 ÃÌ Ã i ë i >L ÕÌ Ì i À Ã>` iÃà >Ì Ì i v Õ Ì> ½Ã `i Ãi] À Ƃ`À > ii Ì ` Ì i V > LiÀ Ì >Ì v Þ Õ ÌÞ«i` ‘world’s ugliest fountain’ into } i] / i - i iÞ Õ Ì> was the top result. / ÕÃ] Ƃ }i > iÀ½Ã sculpture was painted as a ÃÞ L v Ü À `Ü `i i L>ÀÀ>Ãà i Ì v À Àà > ° / à à >VÌÕ> Þ L>Ãi` > ÃÌ ÀÞ ÀÕ LÞ /he West Sussex County Times L>V Ó䣣] Ü i > Ài« ÀÌiÀ½Ã } i Ãi>ÀV v À such a term yielded a picture of / i - i iÞ Õ Ì> ° What the reporter failed to Ài> Ãi Ã Ì >Ì } i ÕÃià > complex PageRank formula Ü i }i iÀ>Ì } Ãi>ÀV ÀiÃÕ Ìð ̽à > ` L }} } Þ ÃV i Ì wV V> VÕ >Ì ] LÕÌ Ü >Ì } i certainly does do is to consider à vÀ ÜiLà ÌiÃ Ì >Ì Ì i ÕÃiÀ
There are many examples of truly awful fountains which V>ÕÃi v>À Ài à V ] `iÀ à ] >ÌÀi` > ` i L>ÀÀ>Ãà i Ì° v À ii Ü>à -Ü ÌâiÀ > `] «iÀ >«Ã à } i Ãi>ÀV Ü Õ ` >Ûi i` Ì Ì i ` >ÌiÀ Õ Ì> iÀ ] Ü V `i« VÌà > > à >V } > L>LÞt >` i Lii À>â ] ÃÕÀi Þ the top search result would >Ûi Lii v À > v Õ Ì> V } Þ ÀiviÀÀi` Ì >à ¼/ i /ÕÀ` Õ i Ì°½ V>Ìi` * Ì> À ÃÃ>] Ì Ã supposed to portray a local tree V> i` Ì i ƂÀ>ÕV>À > « i] LÕÌ looks more like poo on a stick. V Õ ` } ° Ƃ ÕÃiÕ *À>}Õi `iÛ Ìi` Ì Ì i }Ài>Ì >ÕÌ À] À> â >v >] >à > v Õ Ì> v ÌÜ w}ÕÀià «ii } Ì > « ] Ü ÃÌ >Ì Ì i Õ Ì> v 6 ÀÌÕià ÕÀi LiÀ}] Ì i Ü>ÌiÀ ë ÕÌà from the nipples of the female w}ÕÀið Art critics do not use The - i iÞ Õ Ì> >Ã Ì i Li V >À v À L>` V Vi«ÌÕ> >ÀÌ° / i ÞÌ V> Ü }i` ÃVÕ «ÌÕÀi V> i` ¼- i Õ>À` > ½ LÞ Ì i ,ÕÃà > ÃVÕ «ÌÕÀi >à > `> Û] ` ] à Ài}Õ >À Þ VÀ Ì V Ãi`° / i Ƃ V i V> /Àii LÞ - *iÀÀ Ì À> Ãià à }}iÀà >Ì "Ýv À` 1 ÛiÀà ÌÞ] Ü ÃÌ `iÀ >ÀÀ >}i LÞ - Õ Ü>À> Ü>Ã Ü `i Þ À ` VÕ i` social media. À> Ìi`] / i - i iÞ Õ Ì> Ü>Ã Ì Õ ÛiÀÃ> Þ >` Ài`° ÕÌ i Ì iÀ Ã Õ ` Ì } ` Ü ÃÌ ÀÞ >à > i L>ÀÀ>Ãà }] ÌiÀ >Ì > >Õ} } ÃÌ V °
I’m not done with this subject yet! Read The Column on p74 for more on The Shelley Fountain
MAY 2016
MAY 2016
MAY 2016
MAY 2016
News Round-Up
Details of Sumners Pond model show, and Julian Clary and Matt Cardle announce Capitol shows
My Story
Jim Hills on growing up on a Horsham council estate and being a Boys Club ‘legend’ to a generation
Mannings Heath mum-ofthree Katrina Blackman is off to Las Vegas for an arm-wrestling contest!
33 Art
Gordon Rushmer talks about his time as a War Artist as he exhibits at Horsham Museum
The Review
La Piazzetta in The Bishopric offers a taste of Napoli in the heart of Horsham.
Jump aboard a traditional Victorian carriage at the annual Knepp Castle Carriage Drive
Sussex Lighting is one of town’s most fascinating ‘destination’ shops, with a dazzling display of items.
Gary Cooper has written his second book, revealing Horsham’s Heroes of World War Two.
The AAH editor is blasted for his lack of food knowledge, and talking ‘clap trap’ on motoring!
The Cover Story Our cover features John O’Sullivan, a comedian from Horsham. John’s popularity saw him sell out shows at The Capitol and The Hawth wÛi Þi>Àà >} ° ƂvÌiÀ > LÀi> ] i½Ã returning to the stage and tickets were on the verge of selling out as AAH went to press. John actually hired Toby Phillips for a photoshoot to publicise his show and this is one of the more sensible images from that shoot. Others had John posing in stilettos or doing an impression of Mr Methane! John has been begging to be
featured in AAH for years, to which we’ve always responded ‘You have to actually do something that we can write about!’ Now that he’s not only been featured, but made the cover, we hope he’ll leave us alone! I would also have loved to use the image of historian Gary Cooper on the cover, as his books on Horsham’s war heroes are an incredible achievement. But there wasn’t quite space for the AAH logo! You can read our interview with John O’Sullivan on Page 67
AAH: The People EDITOR: BEN MORRIS editor@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 LETTERS: The Editor, AAH Magazine, 2 Viney Close, Ashington, RH20 3PT ADVERTISING: KELLY MORRIS advertising@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 PHOTOGRAPHY: TOBY PHILLIPS www.tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk info@tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk 07968 795625 WEBSITE: wwwaahorsham.co.uk We publish AAH online every month. You can read archive editions too. ADVERTISING Advertisers regularly report a great response from AAH. Well, we’re the best one around, aren’t we? Eighth Page Advert: £55 + VAT Quarter Page Advert: £110 + VAT Half Page Advert: £185 + VAT Full Page Advert: £300 + VAT Every Sixth Advert is Free (Excludes premium pages) advertising@aahorsham.co.uk or call 01403 878026 ARCHIVE EDITIONS/PHOTO SALES Past editions can be purchased for a cost of £3. Contact the Editor. Images can be purchased, either as digital downloads or prints. Contact Toby for details. DOOR TO DOOR DISTRIBUTION Horsham: Max Paterson, Jacquie Paterson, Andrew Price, John Gatehouse, Matt Bland, Oliver Whorwood, Lewis Spiller, Owen Wirth, Pat Gibbs, The Cocoracchio family, Jemima Delgado-
Holland, Toby Phillips, George Voisey, Lauren Maddock, Connor Heald, Paula Hunter, Katie Drysdale, George Williams, Luke Moran, James Bunch. Billingshurst: Anna Laker, Matt Jillians Southwater: Max Laker, Zoe Bacon, Tom Bourne and Lewis Geal Villages: Megan Green (Mannings Heath) Adam Browse (Warnham) Will Sessions (Ashington), Ben Morris (Stands), Dave Tidey (West Grinstead), Ben’s Grandma (Wisborough Green), Mike Hoare (Nuthurst), George Brown (Partridge Green), Oak Tree Farm Care (Maplehurst & Copsale); Mark Simkin (Washington), Liam Palmer (Broadbridge Heath) James Hobbs (Thakeham) and Callum Matthews (Storrington) Mike Miller (Steyning) PICK UP POINTS 4,000 more copies are available at businesses, clubs, organisations, and community centres across the district. Our stands can be found at... Horsham: Sakakini (Carfax), Artisan Patisserie (Market Square), Pavilions in the Park, Horsham Museum, Horsham Rail -Ì>Ì ] , vviÞ * ÃÌ "vwVi] iÜ ÕÃi Farm, Swan Walk, The Capitol Village Stands: CoCo’s (Southwater); Billingshurst Leisure Centre, Jengers Bakery in Billingshurst; Coco’s (Billingshurst) Barns Green Village Store and Sumners Ponds, Hutching’s Butchers in Partridge Green, Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, Bluecoat Sports Centre (Christ’s Hospital), Chanctonbury Leisure Centre (Steyning) Village Larder (Washington) and many more. STANDS: We have had to take away the Storrington stand as it took a bit of a bashing during Storm Katrina. We’ll get a new one out to Storrington soon!
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10: NEWS
/Âœ ĂƒĂ•LÂ“ÂˆĂŒ iĂœĂƒĂ‰ Ă›iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ vÂœĂ€ VÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂˆ`iĂ€>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
2 9
5 7
8 The 4th annual Sumners Ponds Model Show will take place on Saturday 18 - Sunday 19 June. There will be areas exhibiting boats, planes, helicopters, quads, drones, trains, cars and kites, with have-a-go areas, air Ă€Âˆyi ĂƒÂ…ÂœÂœĂŒÂˆÂ˜}] VĂ€>vĂŒ ĂƒĂŒ>Â?Â?Ăƒ >˜` v>ÂˆĂ€}Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` Ă€Âˆ`iĂƒÂ° ,ivĂ€iĂƒÂ…Â“iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ include a hog roast and ice creams. Admission ÂŁ7.50 ÂŁ5 V…ˆÂ?`Ă€iÂ˜Ă† 1˜`iĂ€ ĂŽÂ˝Ăƒ vĂ€iiÂŽ www.sumnersponds.co.uk
>ĂŒĂŒ >Ă€`Â?i] ĂœÂˆÂ˜Â˜iĂ€ Âœv The X Factor in 2010, ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“Ăƒ >ĂŒ /Â…i >ÂŤÂˆĂŒÂœÂ? on 19 June, at 7.30pm. >ĂŒĂŒ Â…>Ăƒ i˜Â?ÂœĂži` > ĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} Âœv Â…ÂˆĂŒĂƒ including chart topper When We Collide, and top 10 songs Run For Your Life, and Loving You ÂĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… iÂ?>˜ˆi Ž° ÂœĂƒĂŒ Ă€iViÂ˜ĂŒly, Matt landed the leading role next to Beverley Knight in ‘Memphis The Musical’ in London where he won a ‘Best West End Debut Award.’ Tickets to this special ‘Intimate & Live’ iĂ›i˜ˆ˜} VÂœĂƒĂŒ Ă‹Ă“x vĂ€ÂœÂ“ www.thecapitolhorsham.com or 01403 750220.
The Rising Universe, a sculpture in Bishopric better known as The Shelley Fountain, is to Li Ă€iÂ“ÂœĂ›i`° Ć‚ĂŒ > “iiĂŒÂˆÂ˜} Âœv Horsham District Council on 27 Ć‚ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ?] VÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ?Â?ÂœĂ€Ăƒ >}Ă€ii` vÂœĂ€ ÂˆĂŒ ĂŒÂœ be removed. The sculpture has `ÂˆĂ›Âˆ`i` ÂœÂŤÂˆÂ˜ÂˆÂœÂ˜] LĂ•ĂŒ ÂˆĂŒĂƒ `ÂœĂœÂ˜v>Â?Â? was ultimately down to cost, with reliability problems leading to high repairs and maintenance costs. There was a campaign ĂŒÂœ “>ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒ>ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i vÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒ>ˆ˜] ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > Ă€iÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒ>ĂŒÂˆĂ›i Âœv ĂŒÂ…i Public Monuments and Sculptures Association asking councillors ĂŒÂœ Ă€iVÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂˆ`iĂ€ ÂˆĂŒĂƒ vĂ•ĂŒĂ•Ă€i° /Â…i ,ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜} 1Â˜ÂˆĂ›iĂ€Ăƒi Ăœ>Ăƒ VĂ€i>ĂŒi` LĂž Angela Conner in 1996 to mark ĂŒÂ…i LˆViÂ˜ĂŒi˜>ÀÞ Âœv *iĂ€VĂž ĂžĂƒĂƒÂ…i Shelley’s birth. Visitors have not Ăƒii˜ ĂŒÂ…i Ăœ>ĂŒiĂ€ vi>ĂŒĂ•Ă€i ˆ˜ >VĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ since 2013, and landscaping vi>ĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂƒ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? Li VĂ€i>ĂŒi` ˆ˜ ÂˆĂŒĂƒ place.
ˆVÂ…iÂ?ˆ˜ ĂƒĂŒ>Ă€ VÂ…iv >˜ Swainson is the new i>` Â…iv >ĂŒ The Pass, South Lodge, Lower Beeding. >˜ Â?ÂœÂˆÂ˜Ăƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ VÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒĂ€Ăž Â…ÂœĂ•Ăƒi hotel, The Samling, in Cumbria, ĂœÂ…iĂ€i Â…i i>Ă€Â˜i` ĂŽ Ć‚Ć‚ ,ÂœĂƒiĂŒĂŒiĂƒ
and a Michelin star, which he Â…>Ăƒ Â…iÂ?` vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…Ă€ii Ăži>Ă€ĂƒÂ° >ĂŒĂŒ ˆÂ?Â?>˜ Â?ivĂŒ The Pass ˆ˜ Ć‚ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ?] >vĂŒiĂ€ £ä ĂƒĂ•VViĂƒĂƒvĂ•Â? Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ >ĂŒ -ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… Lodge.
Bill Penny, head coach at Atlantis Swimming Club in Horsham, has been inducted into the British Swimming Coaches Hall of Fame. Bill started coaching in New Zealand and Australia LivÂœĂ€i >Ă€Ă€ÂˆĂ›ÂˆÂ˜} ˆ˜ ˜}Â?>˜` ˆ˜ 1965 to establish Forest Hill Swimming Club at Crystal Palace. A year later, he took over at a struggling Woolwich club, achieving promotion to ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ `ÂˆĂ›ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Â° ˜ £™ÇÓ] ĂŒĂœÂœ Âœv ˆÂ?Â?Â˝Ăƒ ĂƒĂœÂˆÂ“Â“iĂ€Ăƒ ĂœiĂ€i ĂƒiÂ?iVĂŒi` vÂœĂ€ the Munich Olympics. Bill joined Olympic Head Coach Dave Haller at Beckenham in 1977, with the club taking six swimmers (including Duncan œœ`Â…iĂœÂŽ ĂŒÂœ ĂŒÂ…i ÂœĂƒVÂœĂœ Games. Bill later revitalised Glasgow Swimming Club, LivÂœĂ€i Ă€iĂŒÂˆĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂœ ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ ˆ˜ £™™x° i ĂƒÂœÂœÂ˜ vÂœĂ•Â˜` Â…ÂˆÂ“ĂƒiÂ?v taking the head role at Atlantis, ÂœĂ›iĂ€Ăƒiiˆ˜} > }Ă€i>ĂŒ ÂŤiĂ€ÂˆÂœ` vÂœĂ€ the club. He still coaches today,
>ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i >}i Âœv Çx° www.atlantishorsham.co.uk Age UK Horsham District Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂƒ > Âœvvii ÂœĂ€Â˜ÂˆÂ˜} at Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Horsham, on ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž { Ă•Â˜i] vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ™°Îä>“ q 12.30pm. Visit the garden with > VÂ…>˜Vi ĂŒÂœ LĂ•Ăž ÂŤÂ?>Â˜ĂŒĂƒ] }ˆvĂŒĂƒ] produce and cakes. Parking ÂŁ1, with tickets on the door. For details call 01403 751304 or visit
A French Market and Vintage Fayre visits Horsham on Sunday 5 Ă•Â˜i] £ä>“ q {“° /Â…i French market is run by France at Home, selling cheese, bread, Ă€i˜VÂ… …œ“iĂœ>Ă€i >˜` }ˆvĂŒĂƒÂ° Ć‚ 6ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒ>}i >˜` ,iĂŒĂ€Âœ “>ÀŽiĂŒ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? also be held. www.horshammarkets.co.uk
Coco’s salon at 4 Lintot Square, Southwater, hosts a Hairdressing Apprenticeship Open Evening on Monday 23 May, vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ĂˆÂ‡n“° ÂœVÂœÂ˝Ăƒ ÂˆĂƒ >Â?ĂƒÂœ Ă€iÂ˜ÂœĂœÂ˜i` vÂœĂ€ ÂˆĂŒĂƒ ˆ˜VĂ€i`ˆLÂ?i Foundation, which carries out
NEWS: 11
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10 Â?ˆvi‡VÂ…>˜}ˆ˜} ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€Â?`Â˝Ăƒ poorest places. www.cocos.co.uk Horsham Museum and Art >Â?Â?iĂ€ĂžÂ˝Ăƒ ˜iĂœ VĂ€>vĂŒ exhibition Transforming Light and Shadow: Showcasing 21st Century Ceramics] vi>ĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂƒ ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ Âœv vÂœĂ•Ă€ Ă€i}ˆœ˜>Â? ViĂ€>“ˆVÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒÂ° /Â…iĂž include: Atkinson-Jones, whose work is held by The V&A; John Evans, who has mastered the >˜VˆiÂ˜ĂŒ ÂŤÂœĂŒĂŒiÀÞ Âœv >ÂŤ>Â˜Ă† iLÂœĂ€>Â… Timperley, who uses textiles to create elaborate pure white wall ÂŤÂ?>¾ÕiĂƒ] >˜` ,>Ăž >Â?Â?>˜iĂž] ĂœÂ…Âœ creates light shows with his porcelain lamp stands. The iĂ?…ˆLÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Ă€Ă•Â˜Ăƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ÂŁ{ >Ăž ‡ ÂŁx July. www.horshammuseum.org
Horsham’s Battle of the Bands competition is L>VÂŽ vÂœĂ€ Ă“Ă¤ÂŁĂˆ >˜` ÂˆĂƒ now accepting entries. The Festival Weekend will take place on Saturday 13 - Sunday 14 August in Horsham Park’s Human >ĂŒĂ•Ă€i >Ă€`i˜° /Â…i VÂœĂ›iĂ€Ăƒ w˜>Â? ÂˆĂƒ Â…iÂ?` œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž >vĂŒiĂ€Â˜ÂœÂœÂ˜ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂŒÂ…i Âź"Ă€Âˆ}ˆ˜>Â?ĂƒÂ˝ w˜>Â? Â…iÂ?` ˆ˜ the evening. Last year’s covers and originals winners, %CVĆ‚UJ and
Team New Band, and, ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“Â° The event closes on Sunday >vĂŒiĂ€Â˜ÂœÂœÂ˜ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂŒÂ…i >VÂœĂ•ĂƒĂŒÂˆV w˜>Â?] with 2016 winner Jodie Munday ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“ÂˆÂ˜}° *Ă€ÂˆĂ˘iĂƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i > ÂŤĂ€ÂœviĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV Ă›Âˆ`iÂœ >˜` photo-shoot, studio time, and an iTunes single release package. Â˜ĂŒiĂ€ LivÂœĂ€i ÂŁ Ă•Â?Ăž >ĂŒ www.horshambotb.co.uk The Brigitte Trust is actively supporting people in Horsham with cancerr, MND and other Â?ˆviÂ‡ĂŒÂ…Ă€i>ĂŒi˜ˆ˜} ˆÂ?Â?˜iĂƒĂƒ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂœiiÂŽÂ?Ăž Ă›ÂœÂ?Ă•Â˜ĂŒiiĂ€ Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒĂƒ] ÂœvviĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} emotional support and practical Â…iÂ?ÂŤ >Â?œ˜}ĂƒÂˆ`i ĂŒÂ…i V>Ă€i Âœv ĂŒÂ…i medical teams. Free taster ĂƒiĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ >Ă€i Â…iÂ?` œ˜ { q x Ă•Â?Ăž with training starting September.
>Â?Â? Ă¤ÂŁĂŽĂ¤Ăˆ nnÂŁnÂŁĂˆ vÂœĂ€ Â“ÂœĂ€i ˆ˜vÂœĂ€Â“>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ÂœĂ€ Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒ www.brigittetrust.org
Manor Theatre Group presents Run for Y Your our Wife! at North Heath Hall, St Marks Lane, ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“] Âœv Ă€Âˆ`>Ăž ÂŁĂŽ q ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž 14 May, at 8pm. John Smith may seem like an ordinary taxi driverr,, but he has been keeping a big
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/Âœ ĂƒĂ•LÂ“ÂˆĂŒ iĂœĂƒĂ‰ Ă›iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ vÂœĂ€ VÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂˆ`iĂ€>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
12: NEWS
16 ĂƒiVĂ€iĂŒÂ° i Â…>Ăƒ > Â?ÂœĂ›ÂˆÂ˜} ĂœÂˆvi named Mary in Wimbledon, and >Â˜ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€ Â?ÂœĂ›ÂˆÂ˜} ĂœÂˆvi ˜>“i` >Ă€L>Ă€> Â?Ă•ĂƒĂŒ vÂœĂ•Ă€ Â“ÂˆÂ˜Ă•ĂŒiĂƒ >Ăœ>Þ° /ˆVÂŽiĂŒĂƒ Ă‹ÂŁĂ“ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ äÇÇÇ£ xĂ“{{™£ or www.manorhorsham.com iĂ€Â˜Âˆi /ÂœĂ€Â“i] vÂœĂ€Â“iĂ€Â?Ăž }Ă•ÂˆĂŒ>Ă€ ÂŤÂ?>ĂžiĂ€ vÂœĂ€ "ââÞ "ĂƒLÂœĂ•Ă€Â˜i >˜` >˜ ˆÂ?Â?>˜ Âœv Deep Purple, ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“i` >ĂŒ ÂœÂ?LĂ€ÂœÂœÂŽ Â?Ă•L] Horsham, on 23 April. The Holbrook will be hosting The Fake Festival, headlined by tribute bands The Jam’d (The >“Ž] Four Fighters (Foo ˆ}Â…ĂŒiĂ€ĂƒÂŽ >˜` Flash Â+Ă•ii˜Ž° -Ă•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ Furious Badgers and Alter Ego° /Â…i viĂƒĂŒÂˆĂ›>Â? ÂˆĂƒ œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž { Ă•Â˜i vĂ€ÂœÂ“ £Ó°Î䍓° www.theholbrookclub.co.uk
Julian Clary brings his show, The Joy of Mincing, to The Capitol on Tuesday 25 "VĂŒÂœLiĂ€] >ĂŒ n“° ĂŒ ViÂ?iLĂ€>ĂŒiĂƒ
Â?>Ă€ĂžÂ˝Ăƒ ViÂ?iLĂ€>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Âœv Îä Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ as a camp comedian; the ups >˜` `ÂœĂœÂ˜Ăƒ Âœv Â…ÂˆĂƒ ĂƒÂœĂ€`ˆ` Â?ÂœĂ›i Â?ˆvi] ĂŒÂ…i Â…i>Ă€ĂŒ ĂƒĂŒÂœÂŤÂŤÂˆÂ˜} >VVÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒ Âœv Â…ÂœĂœ Â…i Ăƒ>Ă›i` >“i Âœ>˜
ÂœÂ?Â?ÂˆÂ˜ĂƒÂ˝ Â?ˆvi] >˜` ĂŒÂ…i ÂŤiĂ€ÂˆÂ?Ăƒ Âœv Â…ÂˆĂƒ
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18 vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ä£{äÎ ÇxäÓÓä ÂœĂ€ www.thecapitolhorsham.com Communities against Gatwick Noise Â“ÂˆĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ  Ƃ ÂŽ held its second AGM at Warnham Village Hall on 15 April. About 200 people Vœ˜ViĂ€Â˜i` >LÂœĂ•ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i ÂˆÂ“ÂŤ>VĂŒ Âœv a second runway at Gatwick, Â…i>Ă€` vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ĂƒiÂ˜ÂˆÂœĂ€ >Ă›Âˆ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ˆ˜`Ă•ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ăž w}Ă•Ă€iĂƒ] ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`ˆ˜} Ă€iÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒ>ĂŒÂˆĂ›iĂƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ >ĂŒĂœÂˆVÂŽ Airport, its independent Arrivals ,iĂ›ÂˆiĂœ ĂŒi>“] ĂŒÂ…i ÂˆĂ›ÂˆÂ? Ć‚Ă›Âˆ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Authority and NATS, which ÂœÂŤiĂ€>ĂŒiĂƒ >ÂˆĂ€ ĂŒĂ€>vwV VÂœÂ˜ĂŒĂ€ÂœÂ?° A detailed report is available at www.cagne.org
˜Â?ÂœĂž >ââ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i >vĂŒiĂ€Â˜ÂœÂœÂ˜ >ĂŒ Coolham Live Music Club on Sunday 22 May, with the Harry Greene Trio, ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒi` LĂž ˆŽi ,ÂœĂƒĂƒÂ° v ĂŒÂ…i weather is good, the event may Li Â…iÂ?` >ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i ˜i>Ă€LĂž ĂƒĂŒ>LÂ?iĂƒ Âœv Coolham Live promoter Graeme Tame. The Kaz Hawkins Band ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“ >ĂŒ œœÂ?Â…>“ ÂˆĂ›i Music Club on Saturday 11 Ă•Â˜i] ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ÂœÂ?Â?ˆi ,Âœ}iĂ€ĂƒÂ° >â >ĂœÂŽÂˆÂ˜Ăƒ ÂˆĂƒ Â˜ÂœĂœ established as one the biggest
vi“>Â?i ĂƒÂˆÂ˜}iĂ€Ăƒ iĂ›iĂ€ ĂŒÂœ Vœ“i ÂœĂ•ĂŒ Âœv ÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ…iĂ€Â˜ Ă€iÂ?>˜`] ĂœÂ…ÂˆÂ?ĂƒĂŒ ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>Â“Â˝Ăƒ ÂœÂ?Â?ˆi ,Âœ}iĂ€Ăƒ Ă€iViÂ˜ĂŒÂ?Ăž released her debut album. Â…ĂŒĂŒÂŤĂƒ\Éɓ°v>ViLœœŽ°VÂœÂ“Ă‰ graemetamepromotions/
ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€ ,ÂœĂž>Â?Ăƒ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒĂƒÂ° >ÀŽ] > partner at Spofforths Chartered Accountants, has chosen the Chestnut Tree Hospice and Winston’s Wish as his charities vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i Ăži>À°
Ć‚vĂŒiĂ€ > Â?œ˜} Ăƒi>Ă€VÂ…] ĂŒÂ…i West Sussex Mediation Service Â…>Ăƒ w˜>Â?Â?Ăž vÂœĂ•Â˜` > new home. The charity, which ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›Âˆ`iĂƒ > Ă€>˜}i Âœv “i`ˆ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ services to those living and working in West Sussex, has been able to stay in Horsham >vĂŒiĂ€ ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆVĂŒ ÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ? “>`i >Ă›>ˆÂ?>LÂ?i ÂœvwViĂƒ œ˜ ĂŒÂ…i ÂŁĂƒĂŒ Â?ÂœÂœĂ€ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ÂœÂ?` VÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ? ÂœvwViĂƒ ˆ˜ Park House. www.wsms.org.uk
Horsham & Mid Sussex Voluntary Action has announced new local volunteering opportunities. Horsham District Community Transport, which enables vulnerable adults and children to access day care centres, shops and services, are Â?œœŽˆ˜} vÂœĂ€ Ă›ÂœÂ?Ă•Â˜ĂŒiiĂ€ “ˆ˜ˆLĂ•Ăƒ drivers and escorts. Horsham Town Community Partnership ĂœÂœĂ•Â?` Â?ˆŽi > ,ÂˆĂ›iĂ€ĂƒÂˆ`i 7>Â?ÂŽ Consultation Monitor to help with their grant application, whilst Shipley Parish Council needs help with restoration Âœv œœÂ?Â…>“ *>Ă›ÂˆÂ?ˆœ˜° CHAMS (Home-Start Crawley, Horsham & Mid-Sussex) ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›Âˆ`iĂƒ ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒ >˜` vĂ€Âˆi˜`ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂŤ ĂŒÂœ ĂžÂœĂ•Â˜} v>“ˆÂ?ˆiĂƒ Ă•Â˜`iĂ€ ĂƒĂŒĂ€iĂƒĂƒÂ° They need volunteer trustees and home visitors. For more details call 01444 258102, email VolunteerCentre@hamsva.org.uk or visit www.hamsva.org.uk
>ÀŽ -ÂŤÂœvvÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ… Â…>Ăƒ been appointed the ˆ}Â… -Â…iĂ€Âˆvv Âœv 7iĂƒĂŒ -Ă•ĂƒĂƒiĂ? vÂœĂ€ Ă“Ă¤ÂŁĂˆÂ° /Â…i declaration ceremony took place on Tuesday 22 March at Lewes
Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜ ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŒÂ° /Â…i "vwVi Âœv ˆ}Â… -Â…iĂ€Âˆvv Â…>Ăƒ Lii˜ >VĂŒÂˆĂ›i vÂœĂ€ ÂœĂ›iĂ€ 1,000 years and is the oldest ,ÂœĂž>Â? >ÂŤÂŤÂœÂˆÂ˜ĂŒÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒÂ° Ć‚Â?ĂŒÂ…ÂœĂ•}Â… rich with tradition, the modern ˆ}Â… -Â…iĂ€Âˆvv Â…>Ăƒ > Ă›iÀÞ `ˆvviĂ€iÂ˜ĂŒ role, encouraging the voluntary sector within the county as well as supporting the Queen and
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20 21
22 20
Horsham Football Club won the Southern Combination Premier Division by beating Hailsham T Town own 11-1 at Gorings Mead. T Terry erry Dodd became the wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ ÂŤÂ?>ĂžiĂ€ ĂŒÂœ ĂƒVÂœĂ€i Îä league goals since M Mick Browning in 1962. H However, it was his drinking antics that earned him fame affter the “>ĂŒV…° /iÀÀÞ Ăœ>Ăƒ LĂ€ÂˆiyĂž ĂŒÂ…i ĂƒiĂ›iÂ˜ĂŒÂ… …ˆ}Â…iĂƒĂŒ ĂŒĂ€i˜`ˆ˜} ĂŒÂœÂŤÂˆV on Twitter >vĂŒiĂ€ Â…i Ăœ>Ăƒ wÂ?“i` Â…iÂ?ÂŤÂˆÂ˜} Â…ÂˆÂ“ĂƒiÂ?v ĂŒÂœ > ÂľĂ•ÂˆVÂŽ }Ă•Â?ÂŤ
Âœv > ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒiĂ€Â˝Ăƒ LiiĂ€ >vĂŒiĂ€ missing an easy chance! Hornets v>˜ ÂœÂ˜Â˜ÂœĂ€ >Ă€Ă€ÂˆĂƒ V>ÂŤĂŒĂ•Ă€i` ĂŒÂ…i “œ“iÂ˜ĂŒ œ˜ Â…ÂˆĂƒ ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜i >˜` Ă•ÂŤÂ?Âœ>`i` ĂŒÂ…i VÂ?ÂˆÂŤ] ĂœÂ…ÂˆVÂ… Ăœ>Ăƒ viewed by over one million ÂŤiÂœÂŤÂ?i ĂœÂ…i˜ ˜>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? “i`ˆ> outlets retweeted etweete ed the footage. Horsham FC will return to The Ryman League. www.horsham-fc.co.uk
Private gardens will ÂœÂŤi˜ >Ăƒ ÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒ Âœv -ĂŒ
>ĂŒÂ…iĂ€ÂˆÂ˜iÂ˝Ăƒ ÂœĂƒÂŤÂˆVi
"ÂŤi˜ >Ă€`iÂ˜ĂƒÂ° /Â…i Â…ÂœĂƒÂŤÂˆVi Â…>Ăƒ ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ‘Dig It’ ÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒiĂ€] i>˜ Ă€Âˆvw˜° i>˜ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? Li >ĂŒĂŒi˜`ˆ˜} -Â?ˆ˜vÂœÂ?`Â˝Ăƒ ÂœÂŤi˜ }>Ă€`iÂ˜Ăƒ œ˜ -Ă•Â˜`>Ăž x Ă•Â˜i] >˜` Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒ > ¾ÕiĂƒĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ >˜` >`Ă›ÂˆVi ĂƒiĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Â° Ć‚Â“ÂœÂ˜} ĂŒÂ…ÂœĂƒi ÂœÂŤi˜ˆ˜} their garden ns are West Ham
Â…>ÂˆĂ€Â“>˜ >Ă›Âˆ` ÂœÂ?` >˜` -Â…iˆŽ Al Nemar Ghassan. www.stch.orrg.uk
-ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… Âœ`}i ÂœĂŒiÂ? Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂƒ ĂŒÂ…i -Ăž` >ĂœĂ€i˜Vi Orrchestra joined by
T h e Syd L a w r e n c e O r c h e s t r a j o i n e d b y g u e s t s i n g e r s, a r e s e t t o d a z z l e y o u w i t h A N i g h t A t T h e O s c a r s p e r f o r m i n g m u c h l ove d A c a d e m y Awa r d w i n n i n g s o u n d t r a c k s. Pa c k a p i c n i c a n d r o l l o u t y o u r r u g f o r a n e ve n i n g o f g l a m o u r a n d g l i t z, w i t h t h e S o u t h D ow n s p r ov i d i n g a s t u n n i n g b a c k d r o p. Pe r a d u l t £ 2 2 £11 f o r u n d e r 12 ’s £ 70 p e r p e r s o n f o r a t i c ke t & l u n c h i n T h e C a m e l l i a
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24 2 guest singers, ngers, with Big Band on the Law wns œ˜ -Ă•Â˜`>Ăž ĂŽ Ă•Â?Þ° /Â…i musical theme for the night will be A Niight at The Oscars, with ĂŒÂ…i L>˜` ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“ÂˆÂ˜} “ÕV…‡ loved movie themes. Visitors can ÂŤ>VÂŽ > ÂŤÂˆV˜ˆV vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i Vœ˜ViĂ€ĂŒ] Â…iÂ?` vĂ€ÂœÂ“ x ‡n“°/ˆVÂŽiĂŒĂƒ Ă‹Ă“Ă“ ÂĂ‹ÂŁÂŁ V…ˆÂ?`Ă€i˜Ž° www.southlodgehotel.co.uk
Drinkers at the Redhill Beer Festival voted ÂˆĂƒĂƒÂˆÂ˜}>ĂŒiÂ˝Ăƒ Powder Blue Porterr as their
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26 favourite beer. Festival Organiser >Ă€ĂŒÂˆÂ˜ œ˜}Â…Ă•Ă€ĂƒĂŒ ÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒi` ĂŒÂ…i ViĂ€ĂŒÂˆwV>ĂŒi ĂŒÂœ >ÀÞ >˜` Ă•Â˜Â˜Ăž Ă•V>Ăƒ] ÂŤĂ€ÂœÂŤĂ€ÂˆiĂŒÂœĂ€Ăƒ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ÂœĂœiĂ€ Beeding brewery, during a visit by CAMRA festival volunteers on 12 March. Kissingate hosts its -ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}viĂƒĂŒ Ă“Ă¤ÂŁĂˆ iĂ›iÂ˜ĂŒ œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž ÂŁ{ >Ăž] vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ÂŁÂŁ>“ q n“° ĂœĂœĂœÂ° kissingate.co.uk -ĂŒiĂžÂ˜ÂˆÂ˜} Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂƒ >˜ iĂ?ViÂ?Â?iÂ˜ĂŒ >Ă€ĂŒ ĂŒĂ€>ˆÂ? vĂ€ÂœÂ“ Ă“n >Ăž ‡ x Ă•Â˜i ÂĂœiiÂŽi˜`Ăƒ and Bank holiday Monday œ˜Â?Þ°Ž 6iÂ˜Ă•iĂƒ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? ĂƒÂ…ÂœĂœV>Ăƒi > diverse range of art and craft ÂŤÂˆiViĂƒ ÂŤiĂ€viVĂŒÂ?Ăž vÂœĂ€Â“i` LĂž Â?ÂœV>Â? >Ă€ĂŒÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`ˆ˜} ->Ă€>Â… Ă•vwiÂ?` ÂĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ ÂŤÂˆVĂŒĂ•Ă€i`ÂŽ *ÂœÂ?Â?Ăž ˆ˜VÂ…] >ĂŒÂ…iĂ€ÂˆÂ˜i >ĂœĂ€Âˆi] ->Ă€>Â… -iÂŤi >˜` Julia White. Brochures for the art ĂŒĂ€>ˆÂ? >Ă€i >ĂŒ -ĂŒiĂžÂ˜ÂˆÂ˜} ÂœÂœÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ >˜` library. www.steyningarts.co.uk
The new Horsham Festival will be held on 9 - 17 July. At the core of the festival will be some well-known iĂ›iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ] }Ă€ÂœĂ•ÂŤĂƒ >˜` Ă›iÂ˜Ă•iĂƒ ĂƒĂ•VÂ… >Ăƒ ĂŒÂ…i Ă€iÂ‡Â˜ÂœĂœÂ˜i` -Â…ÂˆÂŤÂ?iĂž Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ iĂƒĂŒÂˆĂ›>Â?] ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ Ć‚Ă€ĂŒÂˆĂƒĂŒÂ˝Ăƒ "ÂŤi˜ -ĂŒĂ•`ÂˆÂœĂƒ] ĂŒÂ…i VÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ?Â‡ÂœĂ€}>Â˜ÂˆĂƒi` -ÂŤ>Ă€ÂŽĂƒ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i *>ÀŽ >˜` ˆ˜`iÂŤi˜`iÂ˜ĂŒ charity Horsham Garden Music Festival weekend. Horsham Festival Â…>Ăƒ Lii˜ ĂƒiĂŒ Ă•ÂŤ >Ăƒ > VÂ…>Ă€ÂˆĂŒ>LÂ?i organisation, with a key objective ĂŒÂœ vÂœĂƒĂŒiĂ€ Â?ÂœV>Â? ĂžÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… `iĂ›iÂ?ÂœÂŤÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i >Ă€ĂŒĂƒÂ° 7…ˆÂ?ĂƒĂŒ Ă“Ă¤ÂŁĂˆ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? Ăƒii ĂŒÂ…i viĂƒĂŒÂˆĂ›>Â? Â?>Ă•Â˜VÂ…] ĂŒÂ…i ÂœĂ€}>Â˜ÂˆĂƒiĂ€Ăƒ Â…ÂœÂŤi ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i iĂ›iÂ˜ĂŒ ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? `iĂ›iÂ?ÂœÂŤ ˆ˜ vĂ•ĂŒĂ•Ă€i Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ ĂŒÂœ Ă€iÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒ > ĂŒĂ€Ă•i VĂ€ÂœĂƒĂƒ section of tastes and talents. www.horshamfestival.co.uk
Davina McCall is inviting Â˜ÂœĂ›ÂˆVi >˜` iĂ?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vi` cyclists alike to join her Big Sussex Bike Ride on -Ă•Â˜`>Ăž] ÂŁĂ“ Ă•Â˜i] ĂŒÂœ Ă€>ÂˆĂƒi vĂ•Â˜`Ăƒ vÂœĂ€ sick and disabled babies and children. This will be the sixth year
Image courtesy of Lee Collier Photography
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/Âœ ĂƒĂ•LÂ“ÂˆĂŒ iĂœĂƒĂ‰ Ă›iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ vÂœĂ€ VÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂˆ`iĂ€>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
Image courtesy of AJM Photography
ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i /6 ÂŤĂ€iĂƒiÂ˜ĂŒiĂ€ Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂƒ ĂŒÂ…i event in aid of Horsham-based V…ˆÂ?`Ă€iÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ VÂ…>Ă€ÂˆĂŒĂž Action Medical Research. There are three route ÂœÂŤĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ ‡ ĂŒÂ…i œœÂ? Ă“ÂŁÂ‡Â“ÂˆÂ?i Ă€ÂœĂ•ĂŒiÆ ĂŒÂ…i Â?>ĂƒĂƒÂˆV {Ă¤Â‡Â“ÂˆÂ?i ÂœÂŤĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ă† ÂœĂ€ iĂ?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vi` Ă€Âˆ`iĂ€Ăƒ V>˜ Â?œˆ˜ >Ă›ÂˆÂ˜> vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i Â…>Â“ÂŤÂˆÂœÂ˜ Ăˆn‡“ˆÂ?i Ă€ÂœĂ•ĂŒi° All of the cyclists will start between n>“ >˜` ™>“ >ĂŒ >ĂƒĂŒ -Ă•ĂƒĂƒiĂ? National Hotel and Golf Course ˜i>Ă€ 1VÂŽwiÂ?`° Â˜ĂŒĂ€Ăž ÂˆĂƒ Ă‹ĂŽn >ĂŒ www.action.org.uk/ davinas-big-sussex-bike-ride -ĂŒĂ•`iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ÂœÂ?Â?ĂžiĂ€Â˝Ăƒ
>˜Vi iÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒ ĂŒÂœÂœÂŽ ÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒ ˆ˜ vÂœĂ•Ă€ ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“>˜ViĂƒ vi>ĂŒĂ•Ă€ÂˆÂ˜} Ƃ½ Â?iĂ›iÂ? `>˜Vi students, the student-run Dance -ÂœVˆiĂŒĂž] >˜` ÂœÂ?Â?ĂžiĂ€Â˝Ăƒ Âźy>}ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂŤÂ˝ iĂœ Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` >˜Vi ÂœÂ“ÂŤ>Â˜ĂžÂ° /Â…i ÂŤĂ€Âœ}Ă€>““i] iÂ˜ĂŒÂˆĂŒÂ?i` Ten Thousand Hours ÂĂŒÂ…i >Â“ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒ Âœv ÂŤĂ€>VĂŒÂˆVi ĂŒÂˆÂ“i research suggests that it takes ĂŒÂœ Ă€i>VÂ… >˜ iÂ?ÂˆĂŒi `>˜Vˆ˜} Â?iĂ›iÂ?ÂŽ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i` > “ˆĂ? Âœv VÂœÂ˜ĂŒiÂ“ÂŤÂœĂ€>ÀÞ `>˜Vi] ÂŤÂ…ĂžĂƒÂˆV>Â? ĂŒÂ…i>ĂŒĂ€i] Â?ĂžĂ€ÂˆV>Â? Â?>ââ and commercial styles. Faye Lord, a vÂœĂ€Â“iĂ€ ÂœÂ?Â?ĂžiĂ€Â˝Ăƒ ĂƒĂŒĂ•`iÂ˜ĂŒ >˜` Ă€iViÂ˜ĂŒ }Ă€>`Ă•>ĂŒi Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ…iĂ€Â˜ -V…œœÂ? Âœv
ÂœÂ˜ĂŒiÂ“ÂŤÂœĂ€>ÀÞ >˜Vi] Ă€iĂŒĂ•Ă€Â˜i` >Ăƒ }Ă•iĂƒĂŒ VÂ…ÂœĂ€iÂœ}Ă€>ÂŤÂ…iĂ€ Âœv Wacky Races! www.collyers.ac.uk
The original Brotherhood of Man take you on a foot ĂƒĂŒÂœÂ“ÂŤÂˆÂ˜} Â?ÂœĂ•Ă€Â˜iĂž ĂŒÂ…Ă€ÂœĂ•}Â… ĂŒÂ…i Ă‡Ă¤Â˝Ăƒ >ĂŒ /Â…i >ÂŤÂˆĂŒÂœÂ? œ˜ Ă€Âˆ`>Ăž ÂŁĂŽ >Ăž >ĂŒ n“° i>Ă€ ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ }Ă€i>ĂŒiĂƒĂŒ Â…ÂˆĂŒĂƒ ˆ˜ > ĂƒÂŤiVˆ>Â? Vœ˜ViĂ€ĂŒ ĂŒÂœ “>ÀŽ {ä Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ ĂƒÂˆÂ˜Vi ĂŒÂ…i }Ă€ÂœĂ•ÂŤ ĂœÂœÂ˜ Ă•Ă€ÂœĂ›ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Â° /ˆVÂŽiĂŒĂƒ ËÓÓ°xä vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ĂœĂœĂœÂ°ĂŒÂ…iV>ÂŤÂˆĂŒÂœÂ?Â…ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“°Vœ“ ÂœĂ€ ä£{äÎ ÇxäÓÓä°
32 30
ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ Ć‚ Ć‚- (National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) has announced a series of summer lectures, held >ĂŒ /Â…i >ÂŤÂˆĂŒÂœÂ?] ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“° "˜ >Ăž ÂŁÂŁ] Ć‚Â˜ĂŒÂœÂ˜ >LĂƒĂ˘iĂœÂˆVĂƒ Â?iVĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂƒ œ˜ Five Centuries of Blue and White: An International History. Dr Anne Ć‚Â˜`iĂ€ĂƒÂœÂ˜] Ć‚] *Â… ] -Ć‚ }ÂˆĂ›iĂƒ > talk on RenĂŠ Lalique: Master of Art Nouveau Jewellery and Art Deco Glass œ˜ n Ă•Â˜i° "˜ ÂŁĂŽ Ă•Â?Ăž] ĂŒÂ…i -ÂœVˆiĂŒĂž Â…ÂœÂ?`Ăƒ ÂˆĂŒĂƒ Ć‚ ] vÂœÂ?Â?ÂœĂœi` LĂž a lecture on Freda Kahlo and Diego Rivera: The Golden Age of Mexican Painting LĂž Â…Â?Âœl ->ĂžiĂ€ °Ƃ Â ÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂŽÂ° iVĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂƒ ĂƒĂŒ>Ă€ĂŒ >ĂŒ £ä°{x>“ ÂVÂœvvii vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ™\{x>“Ž 6ÂˆĂƒÂˆĂŒÂœĂ€Ăƒ ĂœiÂ?Vœ“i] >`Â“ÂˆĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Ă‹x° The Horsham Circle of Life Festival will be held œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž Ă“n >Ăž ‡ ĂŒÂœ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž { Ă•Â˜i° /Â…ÂˆĂƒ series of creative events will include ÂŤiÂœÂŤÂ?i Âœv >Â?Â? >}iĂƒ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ…ÂˆÂ˜ ÂœĂ•Ă€ multi-cultural society. The festival
7-\ £Ç ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? Li Â?>Ă•Â˜VÂ…i` œ˜ Ă“n >Ăž >ĂŒ ΍“ at The Drill Hall, Denne Road. Music, song and storytelling are on ĂŒÂ…i ÂŤĂ€Âœ}Ă€>““i] ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > ViĂ€iÂ“ÂœÂ˜Ăž ĂŒÂœ ViÂ?iLĂ€>ĂŒi Â?>ĂŒiĂ€ Â?ˆvi ˆ˜ ÂŤ>Ă€ĂŒÂ˜iĂ€ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂŤ Horsham h Di i District. with i h Age A UK H Throughout the festival, there will be events celebrating the beauty of ĂŒÂ…i >Ă€ĂŒÂ…] ÂœvviĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} }Ă•Âˆ`>˜Vi œ˜ ĂŒÂ…i care of our environment. The closing ceremony is at The Drill >Â?Â? œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž { Ă•Â˜i] >ĂŒ ΍“° This will include a candle-lighting ceremony during a Circle of Life, >˜` > ,ÂœVÂŽ ÂźÂ˜Â˝ ,ÂœÂ?Â? /i> >˜Vi°
Cantatrice C i Ladies L di Ch Choir ir,, which has choirs in -ĂŒiĂžÂ˜ÂˆÂ˜} >˜` ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“] ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“ > Vœ˜ViĂ€ĂŒ ˆ˜ -ĂŒ >Ă€ĂžÂ˝Ăƒ Â…Ă•Ă€VÂ…] /Â…i >Ă•ĂƒiĂœ>Ăž œ˜ ->ĂŒĂ•Ă€`>Ăž ÂŁ{ >Ăž >ĂŒ Ǎ“° /ˆVÂŽiĂŒĂƒ VÂœĂƒĂŒ Ă‹n i>VÂ… vĂ€ÂœÂ“ Ragdolls in The ÂˆĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤĂ€ÂˆV] ÂœĂ€ œ˜ ĂŒÂ…i `ÂœÂœĂ€Â° /Â…i VÂ…ÂœÂˆĂ€ sing a huge variety of music and is very welcome to new members. The Choir rehearse on Wednesdays ˆ˜ /Â…i ->Â?Ă›>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ƂÀ“Þ >Â?Â?] ÂœÂœĂŒÂ… 7>Ăž] >ĂŒ £°£x“ ĂŒÂœ Ó°{x“° www.cantatrice.co.uk
/Â…i >Â˜Â˜Ă•>Â? ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ £äŽ road race, organised by Horsham Joggers and Horsham Lions Club, ĂœÂˆÂ?Â? Li Â…iÂ?` œ˜ -Ă•Â˜`>Ăž ÂŁx >Ăž] >ĂŒ ÂŁÂŁ>“° /Â…i Ă€>Vi ĂƒĂŒ>Ă€ĂŒĂƒ >˜` wÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…iĂƒ at Horsham Rugby Club and makes ĂŒĂœÂœ Â?>ÂŤĂƒ >Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` Ă€iĂƒÂˆ`iÂ˜ĂŒÂˆ>Â? ĂƒĂŒĂ€iiĂŒĂƒ] country lanes and woodland. There >Ă€i ÂŤĂ€ÂˆĂ˘iĂƒ vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ “>Â?i >˜` female in various categories and each runner receives a memento. There is an underr-16 -16 fun run at £ä°£x>“] œ˜ > ÂŁ]Óää“ VÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒi >Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` ĂŒÂ…i ÀÕ}LĂž ÂŤÂˆĂŒV…° Â˜ĂŒĂ€Ăž ÂˆĂƒ Ă‹{° ĂœĂœĂœÂ°Â…ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“Â?Âœ}}iĂ€ĂƒÂ°VÂœÂ°Ă•ÂŽ
Ƃ“LiĂ€ *Ă€i -V…œœÂ? Â…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂƒ > >`ˆiĂƒ -Â…ÂœÂŤÂŤÂˆÂ˜} >˜` *>“iĂ€ ˆ}Â…ĂŒ œ˜ Ă€Âˆ`>Ăž ÂŁĂŽ >Ăž] >ĂŒ Ƃ“LiĂ€Â?iĂž ,Âœ>` -VÂœĂ•ĂŒ Ă•ĂŒ] ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“] , ÂŁĂ“ { ] vĂ€ÂœÂ“ n‡£ä“° ˜Â?ÂœĂž “>ĂƒĂƒ>}i] Ă€iyiĂ?ÂœÂ?Âœ}Ăž >˜` ˜>ˆÂ?Ăƒ ĂŒĂ€i>ĂŒÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒÂ° /ˆVÂŽiĂŒĂƒ Ă‹x ˆ˜ >`Ă›>˜ViÂŽ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ >“LiĂ€vĂ•Â˜`Ă€>ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜}xJ}“>ˆÂ?°Vœ“
/Â…i -Â…ÂˆÂŤÂ?iĂž Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ iĂƒĂŒÂˆĂ›>Â? continues with more v>ĂƒVˆ˜>ĂŒÂˆÂ˜} ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“>˜ViĂƒÂ° Opera Hollowayy return vÂœĂ€ > ĂŒÂ…ÂˆĂ€` Ăži>Ă€ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ ˜iĂœ Ă“Ă¤ÂŁĂˆ ÂŤĂ€Âœ`Ă•VĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Âœv œ˜ *>ĂƒÂľĂ•>Â?i LĂž
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35 5
Aw ward-Winning Sausages by David Bell
Alsso finndd uss att Neew Al w Hoouusse Faarrm rm inn Hoorrsshaam m, Suussssexx Prrodduucee inn Stteeyynniinng anndd Caappeel Sttoorress. Yoouu caann alsso enjjoyy ouurr sauussaggeess att caaffee’s innccluuddiinngg Thhe he Olli livve ve Trree ee (Noorrt rthh Heeat athh Laan anee) an andd Neew ew Hoou ous use Faarrm Ca Caffee
Made using only British Quality Assured Pork. Available every Saturday at the Local Produce Market in the Carfax and many other quality stockists We are a family run business & pride ourselves on using only the finest ingredients for all our sausages. We are continually creating new varieties to complement the more traditional flavours. Some of our most popular sausages include: Traditional Pork Cumberland Pork & Leek Pork & Apple Pork, Sage & Red Onion Pork Garlic & Herb
At the Horsham Market in the Carfax every Saturday
Or for something a little different, why not try...
Chorizo Style Chilli & Chocolate Pork & Wild Mushroom We e alsso make sausages to o yo our own uniq que recip pes.
facebook.com/bangersgalore www.bangersgalore.co.uk 01403 262233
I was born in Motherwell, Scotland, in 1936. My mother was Scottish, and met my father when she came to do housework for a local family. When my mother fell pregnant, she insisted on going back to Scotland so that I had a Scottish L ÀÌ ViÀÌ wV>Ìi° My father worked as a labourer on the railway. We lived in Rofffey fey with my grandparents before Û } Ì ÛiÀÃwi ` , >`] > council area in Horsham, which had a reputation for being rough and ready. But nobody would do anything rotten. We all knew and looked after each otherr.. There was a group of us from Ì >Ì >Ài> Ü ÜiÀi Ì i wÀÃÌ Ì pass the entrance exams for Collyer’s, which until that time was an independent grammar school.
Jim Hills Lives: Coolham Jim’’s ‘rough and ready’ upbringing on a council estate proved useful in later life, as he revitalised Horsham Boys Club, beforre e opening a sports shop. As a young man n, I was small, and was someth hing of a late developer. I wass born with crooked legs an nd slept in splints to straighten g the em out. This meant that I nevver starred on the football pitch, b but I did play a lot of sport. I wa as captain of the school boxing a and gymnastics teams and was also a a member of Eddie Boxall’s Juveniles boxing club in town. My father was very strict. I came
I used to o write his work reports. At the time of my exams, I had > ÌiÀÀ L i yÕ] Ü V Ã Õ i i as I have e barely had a day offff work. I was encouraged to study for anoth her year and pass the exams, b but I had had enough of education. on.
home crying one day and got a belting for it, so boxing was me learning how to look after myself. My family never came to watch me do any sports competitions. I just got on with it, which made me grow up very quickly.
Þ wÀÃÌ L Ü>Ã ` ] buying ssteel for the railway lines. Whilst hilst in the city, I joined Ì i ÕV>Ã / Ì Þ >Ã Õ on T Tooting ooting ng Street. It was set up to give u underprivileged young people tthe chance to improve Ì i À wÌ iÃÃ > ` iÛi ÌÕ> Þ Ìi>V sports. T That was great fun, and I left there after two years with a glowing report.
I didn’t enjoy the academic side of Collyer’s. Coming from a background like I did, there were no books in my house as my father could hardly read. In fact,
I also joined ned a boxing club just outside Waterloo. I turned up for trainiing in a suit because I was wo orking during the day. Some off the boys took the Mick,
z Jim (far left) enlisted the help of Bill Pertwee for eventts at The Capitol
z Jim (front left) was certainly the smallest me ember of the Army swimming team
If you’d be interested in telling us your Story S So Farr,, we’d love to hear from you! Email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
‘The boys would do the e shopping for old people le living in the almshouses’ Ă•Â˜ĂŒÂˆÂ? ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›i` ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ VÂœĂ•Â?` w}Â…ĂŒ > bit. Usually, I didn’t get home to Horsham until after 10pm and I’d be up at 7am to catch the train every morning. Ć‚vĂŒiĂ€ ĂŒĂœÂœ Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ >ĂŒ Ă•V>ĂƒÂ‡/ÂœÂœĂŒÂ…] I joined the Army for National y Training Service as a Physical g I). I was supremely Instructor (PTI). wĂŒ >˜` Ăœ>Ăƒ ĂƒiÂ?iVĂŒi` vÂœĂ€ ĂƒĂ•ÂŤĂ€i“i wĂŒÂ˜iĂƒĂƒ ĂŒiĂƒĂŒĂƒ œ˜ ->Â?ÂˆĂƒLÕÀÞ *Â?>ˆ˜] which meant running around in shorts in December ember. I also fought in the boxing team and was in the Regiment swimming mming team, along ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > VÂ…>ÂŤ ĂœÂ…Âœ V>“i wvĂŒÂ… ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i ‘Mr Universe’ contest. Army life could ld be tough, but I could handle the discipline most of the time. My girlfriend lived in Horsham and I would cycle from Aldershot – where I was stationed ‡ ĂŒÂœ Ăƒii Â…iĂ€] iĂ›i˜ ĂœÂ…i˜ `ˆ`Â˜Â˝ĂŒ have permission. Somebody would cover for me on a Saturday night and Sunday nday morning, and
I would rride back early Monday morning. Once, I made it back 10 minutes late, which cost me my weekend d leave for a full month. I started to argue and they gave me more punishment. I learned my mouth shut! to keep m Ăž ĂŒÂ…i ĂŒÂˆÂ“i wÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…i` >ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? Service, I had passed many of the exam ms I didn’t take at school, and was made acting sergeant. I came close to staying on in the ƂÀ“Þ >˜` Ăœ>Ăƒ LĂ€ÂˆiyĂž V>Â?Â?i` L>VÂŽ because of the Suez Crisis, but decided against it. I went ba ack to work for the Ă€>ˆÂ?Ăœ>Ăž VÂœÂ“ÂŤ>Â˜Ăž ˆ˜ œ˜`œ˜] LĂ•ĂŒ ÂˆĂŒ had lost its appeal, as I wanted to be a spo orts teacherr.. So in 1958, after worrking as a voluntary assistant at the Horsham Boys Club for 18 months, the post of Full time eY Youth outh Worker became vacant. I was appointed on the condition n that I attend training ĂƒiĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ ˆ˜ 9ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽ ÂœĂ›iĂ€ wĂ›i
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-\ Ă“ÂŁ The boys were aged 14 to 21, but very few of them were towards the younger end of that scale. I would take them out in the community; they would do the shopping for old people living in the almshouses. We >Â?ĂƒÂœ Â…>` > ĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂœÂ˜} vÂœVĂ•Ăƒ œ˜ wĂŒÂ˜iĂƒĂƒÂ° ran sessions for boxing, judo, weightlifting and football, and brought in others to run drama and model aircraft clubs. Some parents chipped in too, running cooking courses or helping on Bingo nights. Our football team did very well. We entered the Crawley league at 1˜`iĂ€Â‡ÂŁĂˆ Â?iĂ›iÂ? >˜` >vĂŒiĂ€ ĂœÂˆÂ˜Â˜ÂˆÂ˜} the division we quickly moved into senior football. In those days, there were four divisions of the Horsham
ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆVĂŒ i>}Ă•i >Ăƒ iĂ›iÀÞ Ă›ÂˆÂ?Â?>}i Â…>` at least one team. The Boys Club team progressed from the fourth `ÂˆĂ›ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ĂŒÂœ ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ] >˜` ĂœÂ…i˜ Ăœi won that we moved into Intermediate level football. In doing so, we changed the name to Horsham Olympic, and that team is still going today.
‘People call me a legend but all I wanted to do was give youngsters an opportunity to do activites’ Never could I profess to be a professional football coach. But I was good at training players because of my Army experience. As a PTI, I was responsible for the wĂŒÂ˜iĂƒĂƒ ĂŒĂ€>ˆ˜ˆ˜} Âœv ĂŒÂ…i ,i}ˆ“iÂ˜ĂŒÂ˝Ăƒ team, which was made up of professional footballers who had been called up for National Service. Amongst the players were Dave
Ă•Â˜Â“ÂœĂ€i Âœv -ÂŤĂ•Ă€Ăƒ] iÀÀÞ 7>Ă€` Âœv Arsenal and Charlie Hurley of Millwall. There was little or no hope for an average club player to get in the Regiment team! For a generation, the Boys Club was the place to go in Horsham. I’ve had people call me a “legendâ€? but all I wanted to do was give youngsters an opportunity to mix and take part in activities. After a while, I started to organise adventure trips and even holidays for the Boys Club. We went V>˜œiˆ˜} œ˜ >ÂŽi 7ˆ˜`i“iĂ€i]
z Jim (far left) helped establish a successful Horsham Boys Club team
Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ] ĂŒÂœ }>ˆ˜ ¾Õ>Â?ˆwV>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂ°
22: MY STORY z Jim (centre) with Boys Club runners who won a cross country championship
The Sign, Display and Promotions Experts
ƂƂ >Ã > iÜ « V Õ« « Ì >Ì The Capitol in Horsham
and arranged holidays to Jersey, Belgium and France, introducing young people to travel. Over the years, ours became one of the biggest clubs in the country.
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7 i } À Ã ÜiÀi wÀÃÌ > Üi` into the club, it was big news! I remember that the Boys Club committee were not initially keen on the idea, so we started off by letting girls become members and come in only for the dance on a Friday night. The club would be absolutely rammed on dance night. It would take half an hour Ì VÀ ÃÃ Ì i `> Vi y À > ` >` to lock the doors to keep others out. We broke all the rules! Sometimes, we’d see rival Mods and Rockers groups turn up. I would let one group in and I’d talk Ì Ì i Ì iÀÃ > ` Ã>Þ º vi >Ã] come back next week and I’ll let you in instead.” We never had much troublel. If anyone started > w} Ì] Ì iÞ V Õ ` Li L> i`° Some of them might head up to
In 1980, Bill Pertwee, a comedy actor best known for playing ARP Warden Hodges in Dad’s Army, QHƂEKCNN[ QRGPGF a Lloyd’s Bank cash dispenser in Market Square, Horsham!
the pub at the station, but the landlord would call me and ask how old they were! Another popular aspect the Boys Club was the annual show at the old Capitol Theatre. Somehow, I was introduced to Bill Pertwee (Dad’s Army) who came up with an idea of bringing rising stars to the town. Tom Jones came along one year. He was supposed to perform for 10 minutes but was still on the stage after 40 minutes! Bill and his brother John (a future Doctor Who) would arrange all of the acts and I would do the rest. It always sold out. >ÀÀ i` }i] > iÀ > } À Ü wÀÃÌ iÌ « >Þ } Ìi ð This beautiful girl was watching and that was the only time I lost a game to my friend, as I kept hitting the ball out! Inge and I were married four months after Üi wÀÃÌ iÌ° I used to take our daughter,
-\ Ă“ĂŽ z Cyril Rutter was a centre half for Portsmouth Football Club. He visited the Boys Club and helped Jim with a training session.
Debbie, on Boys Club holidays. We had some real rough, tough kids. I vividly recall one boy, a biker who was often in trouble, reading Noddy books to my daughter by the pool when she was about four years old. The kids always looked after my daughter. Because of my youth work, I was invited to become a magistrate. It’s always a bit of a joke that I introduced the working class into the Magistrates Court! However, I was always made very welcome. I LiV>“i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ > iÂŤĂ•ĂŒĂž Â…>ÂˆĂ€Â“>˜ in both the Juvenile Court and the Magistrates Court, and in due course Chairman of the Juvenile Court for 10 years and Chairman of the Bench for the maximum period Âœv wĂ›i Ăži>Ă€ĂƒÂ° I’m told that I was a very fair magistrate. A chap once came to see me after I had sentenced him to six months in prison. He said, “I wanted to tell you that you were very fair and to thank you for the way you treated me in court.â€? Another chap later told me that he was looking at the lions on the crest behind the magistrates, wishing that they would come alive and bite my head off!
TOOVEY’S "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." – William Morris
Eventually, the set up of youth clubs changed. I was invited to become a 9ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… "vwViĂ€] LĂ•ĂŒ ĂžÂœĂ• Â?ÂœĂƒi VÂœÂ˜ĂŒ>VĂŒ with young people in such a role, and become more of a supervisor. It was the youth club chairman, Frank Ayling, who said ‘have you ever thought about setting up your own business?’ i Â…iÂ?ÂŤi` vĂ•Â˜` “Þ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ shop. Inge and I discussed ideas. As well as coaching at the Boys Club, I would coach spors every >vĂŒiĂ€Â˜ÂœÂœÂ˜ ˆ˜ Â?ÂœV>Â? ĂƒV…œœÂ?ĂƒÂ° /Â…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ was Newells School (now Handcross Park) and then came several other private schools. I also coached boxing and introduced judo to Manor School in Horsham. So really, a sports shop was the obvious idea. I Purchased a menswear shop and transformed it into a specialist sports shop. We had to sell off some of the menswear stock and Peter Bowles (To the Manor Born) Ăœ>Ăƒ œ˜i Âœv ÂœĂ•Ă€ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ VĂ•ĂƒĂŒÂœÂ“iĂ€Ăƒ] buying very long legged trousers! Amongst the celebrities visiting us regularly during the early days were Phil Collins for footballs for his son, and Mike Rutherford for cricket bats and tennis racquets. More recently,
>Ă›Âˆ` ˆÂ?Â“ÂœĂ€i Â…>Ăƒ Lii˜ > VĂ•ĂƒĂŒÂœÂ“iĂ€ for his sons. Debbie and I coached his boys Judo at Pennthorpe School.
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Read our previous My Story So F Far features on our website at www.aahorssham.co.uk
24: MY STORY z Jim’s Sport Warehouse is in Coolham
Debbie was four years old and there were pony rides in Horsham Park. I could not get her offff them! She went on to be an outstanding rider and now she trains Mantha, who is also very good and has won many competitions. We run Hillside Shows for novice show jumpers of all ages. This was started 15 years ago by Debbie and her partner, Phil plus a number of volunteers, myself included. These are a huge success as nobody is eliminated. Competitors travel from all over Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire to ride here.
When I started out, I gave a 10% discount to the big local sports V ÕLð À>`Õ> Þ] Ì >Ì LÀ> V i` out to village clubs and schools, and before long, players were getting discounts too. When we moved to Coolham, I decided to offfer the discount to everyone! We were in Billingshurst for 38 years. By the time our second lease had run out, I was fed up with the car parking problems in Jengers Mead, because my takings were plummeting. We had people running in for tennis
balls and leaving g with a £40 «>À } w i° Jim Hills Sports is still going, but it’s now a Sportss War Warehouse on Hillside Farm in Coolham. Even after three yearss, people still say “I didn’t kno ow that you were here!” In addition to coaching oaching Judo for 55 years, my hobby obby has been watching my Daughter aughterr,, Debbie and later my grandaughter andaughter, Mantha, competing eting in show jumping. It all started tarted when
I am very close to my family. I lost Inge to cancer after 36 years of marriage. Inge was playing with Mantha when she passed away, and that created an even closer bond between us. I’ve been receiving treatment for leukaemia and last year had six Ì Ã v V i Ì iÀ>«Þ° >ÃÌ month, a day after my 80th birthday, my family took me to Chessington to feed the girafffes. They usually make me do something exciting for my birthday, like paragliding,
but theyy thought I needed a peacefu ul day. Ironically, I had a heart attack whilst walking to the e giraffffe enclosur e! The team at -Ì i À}i½Ã ë Ì> / Ì } bsolutely brilliant, so I’m were ab back at work. I’m still a trustee of Horsham Youth Centr C e, although it has changed d a lot over time. There are certainly less activities now, and you uth clubs tend to be for 10 to 12 2 year olds. I still feel that, witth the right people, youth clubs ca an become as important as they used to be.
INTERV VIEW: Ben Morris PHOTO OS: T Toby oby Phillips
z Jim Hills Sports Warehouse is lo ocated on Billingshurst g Road, Coolham, RH13 8QN. ww ww w.jimhillssports.co.uk For information on the F jumping shows visit hillsidefarmshows.co.uk
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Kitchen Store Opens in Horsham
he Kitchen Store has
Lancing, close to where our
opened its third
kitchens are manufactured.
Sussex showroom at
Three years ago, we opened
46 East Street, Horsham.
our second showroom at Goldstone Retail Park in
The Kitchen Store – an outlet
Hove, and this is only our
for Paula Rosa and
third branch in Horsham.
Manhattan designs – has already generated a buzz
“So The Kitchen Store is an
with its Sussex-made range
independent, locally-owned
of kitchens, offering
and managed business, and
everything from sleek,
as a consequence we take
contemporary designs to
great pride in the way we
traditional styles with modern
treat our customers.
innovations. “Our staff are very friendly Director Alan Margetts said:
and approachable. We give
“Many people think that The
people the space to look
Kitchen Store is a chain, but
around our showroom. We
that is not the case.
showcase a wide range of designs, starting from
Kitchens from Paula Rosa and Manhattan
on ne g co.u
“We launched our first
£9,000, all offering diffferent
showroom back in 2004 in
ideas to inspire customers.
Images all from our new branch at 46 East Street
There’s no hard sell, but we
atmosphere, particularly in
are there if you need us.
East Street, and waited for the right location to become
“Our Horsham store is
managed by Mark Davies, who has vast experience with
“It is a close-knit community
Manhattan and Paula Rosa
and I love that about
kitchens, as do all of our
Horsham, and I felt that we
could bring something to the town too,” said Alan.
“We like to be there for our customers at every stage.
“We hosted a small opening
That is why the majority of
event and invited other town
our business is based on
centre businesses to join us,
and I was really pleased to see so many turn up. They
Vibrant Horsham
have made us feel very welcome. “Already, we have supported Piazza Italia by sponsoring
Alan opted for Horsham as a
and displaying work by artist
location for the third Kitchen
in residence, Joseph Rossi,
Store showroom on the
and we vey much look
recommendation of a
forward to being
member of staff, who lives
in Horsham for
near the town.
many years to
Mark Davies and Alan Margetts
come.” After taking a stroll through town on a summers day, he was impressed by the vibrant
46 East Street, Horsham, RH12 1HN info@thekitchenstore.co.uk
(01403) 259320
To buy images featured in AAH visit http://tobyphillipsphotography..pixxieset.com/
28: SPORT WORDS: Ben Morris PHOTOS: To oby Phillips
or a bit of fun, Katrina Blackman used to enjoy arm wrestling in pubs around Horsham town centre. She’d wrestle against friends, and occasionally a punter would present a challenge, usuallyy wagering g g a pint p of beer! “One time in a Brighton pub, my friend insisted on an arm wrestle,” recalls Katrina. “I beat him with my left arm - as it’s stronger than my right and a group of guys watching at the bar all tried to beat me, and they all failed! “Then this huge guy came in, and I knew he was going to be strong. But I’ve been beaten by women half my size, so I know that technique is important too. “Had he not said, ‘I’m not going to lose to a woman’ then I probably wouldn’t have Li>Ìi ° / >Ì Ài> Þ wÀi` me up, and I called on every
ounce of strength e to beat him! “He was veryy gracious in defeat, and he paid the £50 he’d wagered d.” Many years later aterr,, Katrina, now a mum of three living in Mannings Heath, eath, felt like she needed a hobby obbyy. There was only one thing she’d ever been good at… Two years after joining a club v À Ì i wÀÃÌ Ì i] >ÌÀ > Ã > British Champion heading to Las Vegas for a World Championship contest at the age of 48. Katrina said: “I should have started 20 years ago. I might have been world champion, rather than just winning a few pints!” It may have been long overdue, but Katrina’s success was achieved against all odds. Here, we track Katrina’s rise, fall, and rise again, starting in August 2014....
August 2014 Katrina was sitting at home with nothing to do, and decided that she needed a hobby. Recalling how much she enjoyed j y arm wrestling, g, she searched online and found out that there are only four arm wrestling clubs in the country. Thankfully, one of them is Sussex Arms Wrestling, based in Pulborough. “I contacted the club, and they sounded excited. I knew why when I turned up - I was the only female there! Sometimes, clubs need female members to enter certain competitions, so it was good news for them.”
October 2014 Initially, Katrina would go along to the club evening
once a week. Even at the start, she wass a worthy opponent for most off the men, and started to learn about diffferent arm wrestling techniques. “Thingss like foot position and having your body close to the table are vital. It’s very important to have a really strong grip so your opponent can’t ad djust just their hand, as you need to be in the ‘upper hand’ position. That allows you to draw on more powerr. There are two common moves arm wrestlers use. One is the ‘top roll’ where you pull the opponent’s hand away from their body towards the pin. The other is ‘the hook’ where you curl your wrist inwards to extend their arm and pull them down.”
KA ATRINA BLACKMAN: BLAC CKMAN: 29 ‘The noise was horrible - the loudest break you’ve ever heard!’ February 2015
Katrina came back from a JQTTKƂE CTO break to compete at the top level.
>ÌÀ > Ü>Ã w > Þ Ài>`Þ v À iÀ wÀÃÌ V «iÌ Ì > LÀ `}i° But it was to go horribly wrong. Taking on an opponent in the right arm competition – her weaker arm – Katrina’s humerus bone snapped mid-match. “The noise was horrible - the loudest break you’ve ever heard! But it actually didn’t hurt at the time, although I’m told that three other competitors couldn’t stomach it. it I held the arm in position for an hourr, waiting for an ambulance to arrive. The paramedic had to move my wrist and the two bones crunched togetherr. After a three hour wait in A&E, they needed to move my arm again for the X-Rayy.. I said ‘I’m a very strong woman, but I’m not moving my arm!’ That required a lot of gas and air!”
May 2015
Curtains, Blinds, Shutters, Canopies, Awnings and Soft Furnishings
Mobile Curtain Showroom Based in Horsham, covering Sussex and Surrey Hello, I am Tricia Jones, owner of Mobile Curtain Showroom, a superb and unique independent curtain and blind service based in Horsham. I provide beautiful contemporary and traditional made to measure and ready made curtains, a huge range of blinds including conservatory and shutters, tracks and poles, soft furnishings and now awnings and canopies.
Katrina had made a good recovery from surgery to repair her broken arm. She had spent a week in hospital undergoing treatment, which required part of her elbow being removed before the arm was rebuilt with pins, plates and bolts. “I spent two months resting my arm and waiting for the colour to return, as it i was black bl k fr f om my UJQWNFGT VQ O[ ƂPIGTVKR RU Graduallyy, the colour returned and I slowly started training again on my left arm, and building up my right arm strength very gently with light physiotherapyy.”
I also off ffeer a fantastic service called Curtain Express which is a made to measure service which delivers your new curtains or blinds 7 days aftter your order is placed. What sets me apart from other curtain shops is that I bring the curtain and blind store directly to your front door in my showroom
vehicle at a time to suit you including evenings and weekends. I take away all the time and hassle of numerous trips to the shops to select small samples of fabric and then trying to imagine what the fabric will look like in your home. Mobile Curtain Showroom has over 1,000 fabrics to choose from. The beauty of it is because my samples are curtain size you can instantly see how the fabric transforms the room, taking into account the light, colours, textures and furniture. I provide all types of curtain headings, valances, pelmets, tie backs and other soft furnishings such as cushions and bed throws as well as any type of blind you can imagine including conservatory.
I off ffeer free measuring and free sample loan. I can advise you on colour and design and give technical advice. I will look aftter your order from selection to delivery and provide a professional fitting service if required. So if you are looking to refresh a room, to update your whole home or office then call to make an appointment.
Customer Testimonial “We have just renovated our house and the Mobile Curtain Showroom has supplied all of our curtains and blinds. The whole process of choosing and buying curtains and blinds was so much easier as I could do it all in one
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For a FREE home consultation, please call Tricia on 07740 223377 tricia@mobilecurtainshowroom.biz
30: SPORT July 2015 After a couple of months of light training, Katrina’s health took a turn for the worse. Her recovering right arm started to turn red, and on the advice of her daughters, Katrina went to the doctor, who immediately diagnosed septicaemia and called an ambulance. “I was in Brighton Hospital for another two weeks. They opened up my arm and found an abscess underneath a metal plate. They opened up my arm again and removed the abscess, but it just didn’t calm down. It became re-infected and they needed to open it up for a third time. Eventually, the infection died down and for the next two months I had to administer the medicine through intravenous therapy.�
September 2015 Katrina was given the all clear, and started training again a month later. With her left arm
feeling strong, she felt that the British Championships in Lancashire, scheduled for December, were still a possible target. “I read about competitors in America who have suffered breaks and had to give up arm wrestling. To my relief, I found that my right arm felt good in training. However, the moment that I put my arm up at the table and someone gripped it, I didn’t JCXG VJG EQPĆ‚FGPEG VQ IQ HQT KV I was letting go easily, for fear it would break again. It was my trainer who encouraged me and built up that belief again.â€?
December 2015 After a few good months of training, Katrina entered the British Championships with low expectations, but came away as the winner of the left arm competition. She bravely decided to enter the right hand competition too, and against all the odds, made it to ĂŒÂ…i w˜>Â?°
“I feel I could have won it. In VJG Ć‚PCN YG YGTG DQVJ IKXKPI it all we had, but maybe if I YCU VQVCNN[ EQPĆ‚FGPV + EQWNF have drawn on a little more strength. Ultimately though,
she was very strong and I was pleased to come second. “Since then, I’ve been training as much of my right arm as I do on my left.�
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Katrina faces her greatest chal h llenge: l Th The AAH Editor!
Katrina will be entered in the Heavyweight division, and she’s been building up her muscles with the help of coach Andrew Adsett, from the Sussex Arms. Thanks to support from the Canadian Spa Companyy in Salfords, Katrina and Andrew can now make the trip to Vegas. This challenge comes as Katrina is starting to be tested by daughters Olivia, Isabella and Ellen nna - all keen arm wrestlerss and members of The
Arms! Sussex A “Olivia and Elenna have their Ć‚TUV EQORGVKVKQP KP /C[ CPF Isabella a shows great promise too. I’m m 48 now w,, so I will give up the m moment that one of my daughters beats me! It’s only a m matter of time.â€? z Sussex Arms Armwrestling has a Facebook Page, and you can also visit w .armwrestling.co.uk www To help sponsor Katrina, contact Ben at AAH at ed ditor@aahorsham.co.uk
February 2016 Katrina competed at the British Armwrestling Federation’s New Year’’s Cup, securing two top three wÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…iĂƒÂ° Soon afterr,, the World Armwrestling League g (W WAL) AL) in America >Â˜Â˜ÂœĂ•Â˜Vi` ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ] vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ ĂŒÂˆÂ“i] ÂˆĂŒĂƒ main contest would be open to the best European competitors. This gave Katrina a new target, although it would mean that Katrina would have to adapt to opponents with unusual techniques. “European women have a very distinct style. They tend to grip and try and take you down to the pin immediatelyy. Very few of them are as big as me, but just because they are small it does not mean that they are easy to beat, as they move very fast. You You have to be tense and be ready to hold them. In America, the women tend to have a similar style as me, with a long battle of power!â€?
March 2016 >ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜> wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ ĂœÂœÂ˜ > Ă€i}ˆœ˜>Â? ¾Õ>Â?ˆwiĂ€] before going through to a super ¾Õ>Â?ˆwiĂ€] v>Vˆ˜} >À“ ĂœĂ€iĂƒĂŒÂ?iĂ€Ăƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ all over Europe. She was able to beat them all to win the left hand competition, and she wÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…i` vÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŒÂ… ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i Ă€Âˆ}Â…ĂŒ Â…>˜` category. With the top three in each category qualifying, Katrina’s victory means that she’ll be heading offf to Las Vegas! “It’s very exciting, as arm wrestling is a diffferent ball game over there. There are a couple of women in America who are very big! “The event is sponsored by wellknown brands and there’’s a lot of media coverage too, which is not yet the case in Europe.â€?
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ART: 33
DIFFERENT STROKES Gordon Rushmer’s paintings depict the reality of war
hen choosing people to head out to a war zone, the military is looking for people with certain skills. You need to be in good shape, physically, have some form of wÀi>À Ã ÌÀ> }] > ` Li >L i to cope with the psychological demands placed upon you. And, in the case of Gordon Rushmer, be handy with watercolours! Gordon, who lives in Plaistow, is currently exhibiting his work at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery. Whilst his paintings of rural landscapes feature heavily, it is Gordon’s work as a war artist that commands most attention. His 10-year period as a war artist began in 1997, with a trip to Bosnia with Dutch Marines. “At that time, I didn’t have a V Õi >L ÕÌ Ü Ì w} Ì > Ü>À but I learned pretty quickly,” says Gordon. “When I returned, the Royal Marines said ‘What are you doing working for the Dutch?
We could use you!”
ARTISTS AT WAR You might wonder why the Royal Marines would want an artist among its ranks. For hundreds of years, war artists have been used by the British Army to create a visual account of all aspects of war. Despite the advances of photography, war artists are still employed. Dozens were used during the First and Second World War, with several losing their life whilst serving. “The Royal Marines have been buying paintings by war artists since the 17th century to keep a record of campaigns,” said Gordon. “I don’t know at which point of a war an artist is required, but in terms of the training and level of support, it’s well organised.” Gordon was asked to be an vwV > Ü>À >ÀÌ ÃÌ LÞ Ì i ƂÀ Þ 2000. Having accepted the challenge,
he needed to undergo training Liv Ài i>` } Ì V y VÌ zones. Gordon said: “I had to wear an Army uniform with face paint for the training exercises, and was iÛi Ì>Õ} Ì Ü Ì wÀi > }Õ ° “I was in my 50s, so it was tough, but they taught me how me how to look after myself up to a point, and eventually said ‘Okay, now we can use you.”
º Þ wÀÃÌ Ì ÕÀ Ü>Ã Ã Û ] v Üi` LÞ wÛi `i« Þ i ÌÃ Ì Afghanistan - starting in 2002 with Special Forces. “2002 was of the most dangerous times for Allied à ` iÀÃ] w} Ì } Ì i /> L> ° “I’ve been in situations where Ì i /> L> >à wÀi` }Ài >`ià our way, but I never felt I was put in danger, and found I was able to cope in that situation.”
Gordon’s wartime sketchbooks at Horsham Museum
Read more features of local artist on the Art page of our website at www.aahorssham.co.uk
34: ART
ith pictures of routine The King’s Palace in Kabul; Gordon’s watercolo ours capture real scenes of warr,, even if it may be mundane, with
PRESENTING REALITY You can’t stick an easel up in Afghanistan and start painting, as before very long, the T Taliban aliban will come looking for you. So Gordon would take photographs or make quick sketches of anything that grabbed his attention. His sketchbooks form a fascinating part of his exhibition at Horsham Museum. It is later that he sits down and
o paint, which decides what to isn’t always easy sy. “I’m always keen en to show Joe public what a shitty business war can be,” said Gordon. “Most news coverage overage of war is like playing a computer game, with ith explosions l i and d dead d d bodies. It doesn’t really mean anything any more, because we’ve been bombarded with such images by the media. º > ÌÀÞ } Ì w ` > Ì iÀ Ü>Þ in, to get people to stop and think.
“As a war artist, I feel like a reporter, except I’ve got more time - months if I need it - to think about what is really important about the things I’ve seen.” Thatt eventual Th tuall id idea might i ht iinitially iti ll seem fairly mundane. One of Gorrdon’s watercolours depicts soldiers diers falling asleep in a Chinook. Another pictur ctures the scene of a chaotic car bombing, focusing on a soldierr keeping post whilst
the blazze rages in the background. o “It’s reall,” says Gordon. “It’s not all abou ut death and glory. “I think we’re past the age of all the ‘Joh hn Wayne Wayne’ stufff. f. I want to present an insider’s view.”
AN ARTIST’S EYE “Some of the soldiers were younger than one of my sons, ÕÌ Ƃv} > ÃÌ> w} Ì } > Ü>À at the age of 19.
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Chinook helicopter foot patrols, or tired soldiers sleeping aboard a C
‘It’s not until you are there in the thick of it, watching the boys, that you know what it’s really about.’ “I tried to think how they might feel. “So I would go into a situation not really knowing what, if anything, will come of it. It’s not until you are there in the thick of it, Ü>ÌV } Ì i L Þà w} Ì } À taking coverr,, or lighting a cigarette, that you know what it’s really about. “That really is what it is to be an artist. Once someone can draw or paint to a certain level, then it’s down to what they do with the subject matter that’s important. p “Y You have to take the image somewhere else to make it work. That requires more skill than actually physically producing the painting.” In order to create the paintings he wanted, it was important that Gordon gained the trust of the soldiers. That was not easy. Firstly, Gordon was considerably older than the Marines, and secondly, they were not all enthralled by the idea of looking out for an artist. “The soldiers are there to do a job and I knew I’d have to work hard to earn their trust,” says Gordon. º9 Õ V> ½Ì } i Ü Ì Ì i vwViÀà all day. Y You ou have to mix in with
the soldiers. I would help out with guard du uty, carry equipment, share food, and nd they appreciated that efffort. fort.
“Perhaps it also so helped that I am not the sort off artist that would ask them to pose. “Eventually, th hey knew me and trusted me, so o would take me out to show me what was happening pp on the ground d.”
CARPET EXCURSION E One of the most ost iconic paintings from Gordon’s tours is of Darul Ƃ > *> >Vi] LÕ Ì LÞ } Ƃ > Õ > > ] i>À Ì i Vi ÌÀi v >LÕ ° The painting has won the Rowland Hilder er Award from the Royal Institute e of Painters in Watercolours in London. If it one of several awards from art institutions that Gordon has received, whilst his paintings are hung in major collections including The House of Lords, the Royal Archive and HM Foreign > ` Üi> Ì "vwVi° “It was reasonably quiet one-day, and some of the soldiers wanted Ì LÕÞ V>À«iÌà >LÕ ]» ÀiV> à Gordon. “So they did, and afterwards they à Üi` i Ì i }½Ã *> >Vi° couldn’t walk away from it without doing something. “It looked like everybody had wÀi` à iÌ } >Ì Ì ÛiÀ Ì i >ÃÌ 50 or 60 years. Monuments like that become iconic.”
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36: ART
scenes that Gordon likes to capture. On one occasion, Gordon was advised to visit Shipley Windmill, as it might make for an interesting subject. It did indeed inspire an idea, although the windmill is only just visible in the background of Gordon’s painting!” He said: “I stood there looking at the windmill, read a bit about Belloc, and thought ‘Yes, very nice!’ “Then I carried on walking and was strolling past Shipley Church where I came across three tombs, side-by-side. They really jumped out at me. “It is often the mundane things - not the showstoppers – that make all of us stop and look.”
COLOURS THAT SING Whilst Gordon occasionally paints with oils, he is renowned for his watercolours. It is the challenge of the medium that appeals… “With oils, if you make a mistake, you can scrape it off and paint over it,” says Gordon. “With watercolours, you can’t You have to get it right, so I think it’s quite an intellectual exercise. º Ì Ã > ` vwVÕ Ì i` Õ ° ̽à i drawing horses - if you get it wrong, everybody’s going to know – and I enjoy that challenge. “Oils are great to work with, as you can add texture and build layers, but it doesn’t have the w iÃÃi v Ü>ÌiÀV ÕÀ° Ü Ì½Ã seen as being a bit twee and out of fashion, but you can make a watercolour sing.”
THE QUIET LIFE Gordon’ last tour was to Helmand in 2007, which he found hard going. He had reached an age where the discomfort of being in a war
Gordon’s latest work depcits the Sussex countryside zone outweighed the enjoyment of being a war artist. Now, at the age of 70, Gordon is still a full time painter, but his work tends to focus on the more tranquil setting of the Sussex countryside. He said: “If I’m totally honest, I
don’t enjoy landscape painting as much as war painting. But the challenge is the same, in that you need to paint something that will sell.” Rural landscape painting may not offer the same adrenaline rush, but it is still the everyday
z Gordon Rushmer’s exhibition, A Wealden Artist Goes to War, is at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery until 28 May www.gordonrushmer.com
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‘Our food offers extremely good value as it’s priced for park residents’
Phil, who has previously been a chef at The Bax Castle in Southwater and The Red Lyon in Slinfold, believes more people from neighbouring villages should take advantage of the park’s peaceful setting
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LA PIAZZET TT TA A 5 Bishopric, Horsham, RH12 1TH
f Italy is the home of pizza, then Naples is itss capitol city. When Condé Na ast T Travel raveller went in search of itts top 10 pizzas in Italy, it de eclared that v ÕÀ v Ì i Ì « wÛi ÜiÀi Neapolitan, with Di D Matteo pizzeria topping th he list.
It’s good news then, that La Piazzetta – Horsham’s newest Italian restaurant – looks to Naples for its inspiration. Authentic Neapolitan pizza must be made with San Marzano tomatoes grown on Ì i Û V> V « > à v 6i iÃÕÛ ÕÃ] and the milk from water bufffalo falo raised in the marshlands of Campania. Whilst that may not be the case here, in the spirit of classic Italian eateries, La Piazzetta recipes are still a closely guarded secret, as though the future depended on it! Ƃ ` Ì iÞ½Ài ÛiÀÞ } `°°° Before we get on to that, let’s w ` ÕÌ > ÌÌ i Ài >L ÕÌ La Piazzetta.
The restaurant o opened on the site of the old Merryt M hought Restaurant in Th he Bishopric, Horsham. If there was sadn ness at losing a family-run business iness which >` Lii ÃiÀÛ } ` iÀÃ v À 80 years, there is relief that a small, independent ent restaurant has stepped in to replace it.
‘In the spirit s of classic Ittalian restaura ants, La Piazzetta t recipes are still a closely g arded guar d secret’
SECOND BRANCH The Horsham branch is the second La Piazzetta restaurant. Ì v Üà ÛiÀÞ ÕV Ì i ÃÌÞ i v Ì i Üi iÃÌ>L à i` wÀÃÌ ÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ> Ì *iÌiÀÃwi `° Tomasso Zak, who manages the Horsham branch, spent many years working alongside the owner, Dino, at the *iÌiÀÃwi ` ÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ> Ì Liv Ài taking the reins in Horsham. º Àà > à > ÛiÀÞ } ` « >Vi for La Piazzetta,” said T Tomasso. omasso. “It’s a nice town with fantastic people. “The owners were looking for à iÜ iÀi Ì >Ì Ü>à ÛiÀÞ V Ãi
Ì *iÌiÀÃwi `] > ` > LÕ ` } with a similar style. º"ÕÀ wÀÃÌ ÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ> Ì Ã > listed building with low oak beams, and this site in Horsham is also one of the oldest restaurants in the town. We like that element of history as we want to create a traditional, homely feel. “It made sense for the two restaurants to be fairly close together, as it means we can use the same fresh meat and seafood suppliers and the Ã> i y ÕÀ Ì ] Ü V Ã important.”
Linguine Marinara (£9.50) We tried a starter sized portion for a cheaper aper price (a Primi dish costs £11.50) .50) and found it a pleasing offfering, fering, with a good variety off seafood and fantastic colourr. The tiger prawns werre e fresh and «>V i` }Ài>Ì y>Û ÕÀ] > ` although the mussels werre e a bit on the small mall side, the dish was held together ether by a delightfully morreish pasta p and a nicely seasoned d sauce.
If you run a pub or restaurant and would be interested in an ƂƂ ÀiÛ iÜ] i > i >Ì\ editor@aahorsham.co.uk
42: THE REVIEW Gianni Bovanzi is head chef at the Horsham restaurant
Insalate Pollo (£6.95) Also available as a Primi dish (£9.50) There was a generous amount of grilled chicken, complemented by sundried tomatoes, fresh avocado and goat’s cheese. A crisp, clean, fresh salad.
The panna cotta con caramello and tiramisu ( both £4.90) both appeal, and our cheesecake had a lovely smooth, light texture with a soft, crumbling biscuit base.
FERRARA’S LEAD After a slow start, La Piazzetta has started to gain quite a reputation. Initially, renowned Italian chef -> Û>Ì Ài iÀÀ>À>] Ü i «i` iÃÌ>L Ã Ì i *iÌiÀÃwi ` branch, was based in Horsham. À ÌÜ Ì Ã] -> Û>Ì Ài helped to establish the consistency of the recipes, Liv Ài i>Û } > Û> â and his team in charge.
/ >Ãà Ã> `\ º-> Û>Ì Ài i ÃÕÀi` Ì >Ì iÛiÀÞÌ } >`i here had the same taste and y>Û ÕÀ >à ÕÀ *iÌiÀÃwi ` restaurant, where our food has ÛiÀÞ } ` ÀiÛ iÜð º ÛiÀÞÌ } à >`i vÀiÃ Æ Üi make our own pasta and sauces > ` iÛi ÕÀ `iÃÃiÀÌà q Ü Ì the exception of ice cream Ü V Üi LÀ } vÀ > ÛiÀÞ good supplier. “Our tiramisu, panna cotta, banoffee pie and cheesecake are all home-made.
“In Horsham, there are quite a few Italian chain restaurants, which people will always go to, but we offer something different, making pizza to our own special recipes. º Ì Ü>Ã µÕ Ìi ` vwVÕ Ì >Ì Ì i start, as a restaurant needs time to show what it can do. º Ü «i « i >Ûi Ãii Ü >Ì Üi vviÀ] Üi >Ài i>À } ÛiÀÞ } ` VÕÃÌ iÀ ÀiÛ iÜÃ > ` «ivÕ Þ «i « i Ü Ûi ÕÃ v À a long time.”
RUSTIC CHARACTER La Piazzetta >à ViÀÌ> Þ } Ûi ÌÃi v iÛiÀÞ V > Vi Ü Ì Ìà V Vi v building. There is a cosy, homely feel to it, Ü V à ` ÕLÌ Ü >Ì ÃiÀÛi` Ì i Merrythought Restaurant so well v À à }] Ü ÃÌ yiiÌ } enterprises came and went in the shops all around them. / i iÜ Ü iÀà >Ûi Lii `iÃÌ with their refurbishment, letting the exposed brickwork and timber vÀ> ià «À Û `i Ì i V >À>VÌiÀ] > ` stylish lighting, a rustic wall clock and a scattering of generic Venetian images sprinkling a little colour. It’s a pleasant contrast to the clean, clinical presentation of most Italian chains, and partly explains why there are no tables free on a cold / ÕÀÃ`>Þ iÛi } Ƃ«À °
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Anatra (£13.95) A superb Italian duck dish, with an honest price tag. The rich, pink meat was almost swimming in a wonderful reduced apricot sauce. It was served with lightly-season, y> À vÀii LÕÌ Ã vÌ Þ ÌiÝÌÕÀi` >Ã potato, and fresh green beans. This shows that there’s more to La Piazzetta than its name suggests!
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Pizza Pollo (£8.95) Created in a southern Italian style, with a soft, doughy texture and lightly crisp base, it’’ss a delicious pizza. The tomato sauce carries that pleasiing sweetness of Italian tomatoes, and therre e was plenty of oozing puddles p of melted mozarella and chunks of frresh chicken to ssatisfy atisfy pizza lovers.
a Piazzetta’s success Most of La since open ning in October, ÜiÛiÀ] V> Li >ÌÌÀ LÕÌi` Ì the food. Like any go ood Neapolitan restaurant,, the menu is short and simple e and offfers fers iÝVi i Ì Û> Õi v À iÞ° There are n nine primarily classic pizzas – Margherita, Pollo, Fiorentina,, Nepture, Caprino – they’re all here. All cost less than £10, with the Margherita st £7. costing just >Û } Ã> « i` Ì i « ââ> v the world famous Il Pizzaiolo del Preside ente and L’Antica Pizzeria da a Michele in Naples, I wouldn’t go as far to say that La Piazzetta t accurately ÀiVÀi>ÌiÃ Ì >Ì Ã> i ` ÃÌ VÌ Ûi y>Û ÕÀ > ` ÌiÝÌÕÀi° ÕÌ Ì i « ââ> ` ià >Ûi Ì >Ì same tender dough and delicious tomato sauce and soupy mozzar zzarella.
PERFEC CT P PAST AST TA There’s far more on offfer fer than just pizza, though. The pasta too has a delightful texture, an nd each sauce we sampled had all the hallmarks
The delicious duck breast with mash potato
La Pia azzetta has the same tender doug gh and delicious tomato sauce of cla assic Neapolitan pizza’ v > Û } Þ «Ài«>Ài`] home-ma ade, traditional Italian recipe. Popular pasta choices include Linguine Vongole o (fresh clams, shallots, fresh chili, white wine and parsley ey, £8.90) and one v / >Ãà ½Ã v>Û ÕÀ Ìi] *i i Ve erdi (bassil pesto, chicken,
sun-dried tomato, cream and parmesan, £9.50) With the e Anatra (duck breast with mash ash potatoes) costing £13.95, and Filetto al Peppe w iÌ ÃÌi> ®® >Ì > v>À vÀ wallet-busting busting £18.50, La Piazzetta t is an afffor fordable night ÕÌ] Ü >ÌiÛiÀ Þ ÕÀ Ì>ÃÌi°
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Award-Winning Farm Shop A
Tomasso Zak, manager at La Piazzetta in Horsham
The wine list is okay, if somewhat V ÃiÀÛ>Ì Ûi q /ÀiLL > ½ Abruzzo is the house white – and there are some pleasing home-made desserts to explore here too, all for less than £5.
maybe La Pia azzetta will be here as long as Me errythought. 7i½ `iw Ìi Þ Li L>V o
7 Ì i ÛiÀÞ } ` > ` « «Õ >À family-run Italian restaurant (Carmela) already established in the heart of Horsham’s restaurant hub on East Street, La Piazzetta is a welcome addition to the other end of town. 7 Ì ÃÜ vÌ > ` vÀ i ` Þ ÃiÀÛ Vi combined with good food in a homely setting, who knows -
Visit La Piazzetta at 5 Bishopric, Horsham, or call 01403 273133 www w.italian-r it li estaurantt t horsham.co.uk
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New House H Farm Shop Sh and d Tea Room is located in a beautifully renovated 16th Century barn, hidden in a quiet spot on the edge of Horsham. People come from all over to enjoy our cafe and locally sourced produce.
Local Food and Drink Produce Our locally sourced produce include fresh fruit and veg, eg freshly baked bread, fresh meat from local farms, beers by local brewers, wines from the Bolney Estate, Sussex cheeses, greetings cards and local crafts.
Strawberry Fields Tea Room Our tea room was voted Best Tea Room in the Sussex Life Food and Drinks Awards 2014.You can enjoy cakes and sandwiches, andwiches, paninis and Ploug ghman’s Also, don’t miss our Full English Breakfast (Served until 12pm).
We have Carpent C er’s gin, London’s newest gin from pos p sibly the UK’s smallest distillery
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Victorian Traditions at Knepp Castle Carriage Drive Ü ` ` Ì i V>ÀÀ >}i ÀÕ V i >L Õ̶ º wÀÃÌ >` Ì i `i> >L ÕÌ wÛi Þi>Àà >} ° Ì Õ} Ì Ì Ü Õ ` Li Vi v À à i v Ì i V> «i « i Ü >Ûi ÀÃià > ` À } > V>ÀÀ >}iÃ Ì V i Ì }iÌ iÀ v À > V>ÀÀ >}i `À Ûi° ë i Ì >À i - À >À ià ÕÀÀi v i«« >ÃÌ i] - « iÞ® > ` i Ì Õ} Ì Ì Ü>à > }Ài>Ì `i>° Ì i wÀÃÌ Þi>À] Üi >` i } Ì V>ÀÀ >}iÃ Û Ûi` > ` à Vi Ì i Üi½Ûi Ãii Õ« Ì £{ >ÀÀ Ûi v À Ì i `>Þ° >ÀÌ > ` >ÀÀ >}ià >Ûi i ÌiÀi` ÌÜ V>ÀÀ >}ià vÀ ÕÀ Àà > L>Ãi] Ü ÃÌ Ì iÀà >Ûi ÌÀ>Ûi i` vÀ iÜ` }>Ìi]
À } > ` wi ` Ì Li iÀi°» Joanne Hartland with Sir Charles Burrell at Knepp Castle
Joanne Hartland, Hartland Carriages
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‘The carriage run allows the horses to be gently introduced to the roads again before the show season starts’
Bob Alexander keeps the pub busy!
{n\ 6 /-
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KNEPP CARRIAG GE RUN: 49 Ć‚Ă€i ĂŒÂ…iĂ€i Â?ÂœV>Â? LĂ•ĂƒÂˆÂ˜iĂƒĂƒiĂƒ L>Ăƒi` >Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` V>Ă€Ă€Âˆ>}iĂƒÂś Âş ÂœĂ€ Â“ÂœĂƒĂŒ ÂŤiÂœÂŤÂ?i Â…iĂ€i] ÂˆĂŒ ÂˆĂƒ Â?Ă•ĂƒĂŒ > Â…ÂœLLĂž] >˜` ĂŒÂ…iĂž i˜Â?ÂœĂž iÂ˜ĂŒiĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} VÂœÂ“ÂŤiĂŒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ >ĂŒ ÂŤÂ?>ViĂƒ Â?ˆŽi 7ˆ˜`ĂƒÂœĂ€ *>ÀŽ >˜` ĂŒÂ…i iĂœ ÂœĂ€iĂƒĂŒ -Â…ÂœĂœÂ° ÂœĂœiĂ›iĂ€] ĂƒÂœÂ“i Âœv Ă•Ăƒ Â…iĂ€i ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i iÂľĂ•ÂˆÂ˜i ĂŒĂ€>`i° ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ >ĂŒ Hartland Carriages >˜` Ăœi “>Â˜Ă•v>VĂŒĂ•Ă€i >˜` ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂ?Ăž Â…ÂœĂ€Ăƒi V>Ă€Ă€Âˆ>}iĂƒ >˜` >VViĂƒĂƒÂœĂ€ÂˆiĂƒÂ° /Âœ`>Ăž] ½“ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > ÂŤ>ÂˆĂ€ Âœv vĂ€ÂˆiĂƒÂˆ>˜ Â…ÂœĂ€ĂƒiĂƒ V>Â?Â?i` ââÞ >˜` -ĂŒ>Ă€] ĂœÂ…Âœ >Ă€i Ă•Ăƒi` “>ˆ˜Â?Ăž vÂœĂ€ Ăœi``ˆ˜}ĂƒÂ° /Â…iĂž ĂœiĂ€i >Â?ĂƒÂœ Ă•Ăƒi` vÂœĂ€ V>Ă€Ă€Âˆ>}i Ă€Ă•Â˜Ăƒ >Â?œ˜} /Â…i >Ă•ĂƒiĂœ>Ăž ˆ˜ ÂœĂ€ĂƒÂ…>“ `Ă•Ă€ÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂ…i Ă€iÂ‡ÂœÂŤi˜ˆ˜} Âœv 7iĂƒĂŒ -ĂŒĂ€iiĂŒ > VÂœĂ•ÂŤÂ?i Âœv Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ >}ÂœÂ°Âť d Michael Hartland
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z You can read more about Hartland Carriages at http://site.hartland carrriages.co.uk/index.php CPF Ć‚PF QWV OQTG CDQWV Kne epp Castle and its safari tours online at www.knepp.co.uk
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Sussex Lighting
From Recession
To a Shining
Light In Horsham town
t feels lazy to refer to Sussex Lighting as an ‘Aladdin’s Cave.’ It’s a term too often used to describe any shop with a modest scattering of quirky or exotic odds and ends. It is a term that should be saved for truly fascinating shops, in which every nook and cranny is w i` Ü Ì Ã iÌ } Õ ÕÃÕ> À extraordinary. Sussex Lighting certainly falls into that camp. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for people to spend two hours browsing one item after another. Whether it’s chandeliers of hand-shaped rock crystal, extravagantly decorated wine glasses by Kolarz, aluminium `i à v ë ÌwÀiÃ] Ài >À >L i Portuguese lighting sculptures or beautiful glassware by Timothy >ÀÀ Ã] Þ Õ½ w ` Ì iÀi° Of course, you might just want a 60W screw cap bulb!
Andy Coe, who co-owns Sussex Lighting with his wife Suzannah, said: “In our stock room, we have all manner of old light bulbs, as well as drawers full of tiny items, from circuit breakers to Earth rods and pull chords. “People are amazed that we have these things, as modern lights use LED technology, but we take immense satisfaction from helping people with their lighting issues, even if it means they only spend 50p!”
‘We buy the things we like’ At a glance, it might look as though the shop is an intriguing bazaar of unrelated oddities; but that is not the case. Everything has been carefully selected by Suzannah and Andy,
DID YOU KNOW? This iconic Tiffany Wisteria Lamp, created in 1905, is one of the most expensive lights in the world. It was auctioned by Sotherby’s in 2010, selling for $1.5 million.
‘We place objects that might not necessarily work together, but might inspire an idea.’ with one simple rule. “We’re not too concerned about catering for all tastes,” said Suzannah. “Our rule is, if we like it, we bring it to the shop. “Increasingly, we are being a little more adventurous. Sometimes, we suspect something might not actually sell well, but we like to showcase different options that give people ideas and inspiration for their home. “That is why we mix things up in the shop, constantly moving items around and placing objects that might not necessarily work together, but might inspire an idea. “That could be a small table with an owl on top, or a combination of colours you wouldn’t naturally combine,
yet could catch someone’s attention.”
‘People thought we were crazy’ Such a shop is not built up overnight. Andy and Suzannah opened at the height of the recession, as they felt that the location was perfectly attuned to their vision for a lighting shop. Situated at West Point, where London Road meets -«À }wi ` , >`] Ì i à «½Ã huge windows have been exploited for all their worth. Hundreds of lights, hanging from a specially-created, reinforced metal structure, help to form what must be
If you’d like to discuss Advertising in AAH please email advertising@aahorsham.co.uk
Silver Award Winners at Hampton Court Flower Show 2005
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Suzannah Coe
Professional garden design drawn to your specification by award-winning team Services cover every size garden, from small urban gardens to large country estates Specialists in planting advice and designs
the most visually impressive window display in the town! It is a combination of both Suzannah and Andy’s knowledge and experience. When The Creative Assembly, a video games company she co-founded, was sold to Sega in 2005, Suzannah was looking for a new challenge that could incorporate her passion for interior design.
Andy already had experience as an IT manager as well as a lighting retailer, having previously run Sussex Lighting at a smaller unit in South Street, Horsham. “We invested heavily in the shop, at a time when a lot of retail outlets were going out of business,” recalls Andy. “People were telling us that we were crazy but with the free car parking spaces and the
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Andy Coe with a Tiffany light
n5QOG ƂPF VJCV VJG EWV ET[UVCN NKIJVU CTG UKORN[ VQQ nDNKPIo fantastic shape of the shop, Suzie had the vision to make it work. She keeps trying to give me equal credit, but it’s really not true. “However, what we all do here – whether its me, Suzie, our fantastic assistant manager Tash Morley, or the rest of the team
- Dan Felicity, Julia and Alannah - is provide very good customer service. “We also price our items honestly. We do have some wealthy and well-known clients, from all over the country and even from Russia and Hong Kong. But that does not mean
they pay over the odds for > ÞÌ }Æ v Ì iÞ V> w ` > item cheaper elsewhere – and with the internet, people will explore - then they will. “We are fair, and that is why we have very loyal customers.”
‘I like the natural crystal look’ Over time, Sussex Lighting’s collection has become
increasingly diverse and eclectic. Some of the items may be familiar to readers. The striking Tiffany lights, for example, featuring multi-coloured glass sections welded together, and the decorative glassware from the renowned Isle of Wight Studio Glass. Suzannah’s love of nature is evident throughout, with everything from brass owls to
Dale Jannels Director, A AT ToM Ltd
A rock crystal chandelier
TEL: 01403 272625
elephants carved in furniture. But still, it is the cceiling lights that hog much of the limelight. -Õâ> > Ã> `\ º7i Ìi ` Ì w ` that most high strreet retailers buy their lights from o the same suppliers. “W We cater for a dif difffer ferent market, although we do have hundreds of mid-range lights that are afffordable and yet still have fantastic design. “In terms of the wow factorr,, it is usually the Swarovskii crystal lights that attract the most attention. “What is fascinating though is how diffferent people have diffferent tastes. I like the natural look of the rock crystals, because it’s authentic and provides a vintage efffect. fect. “Some people don’t like rock crystals at all, because they do not provide the same level of ÀiyiVÌ >Ã Ì i VÕÌ VÀÞÃÌ> ð “Y Yet these bright crystal lights are simply too ‘bling’ for some
tastes. “Whatever your personal preference may be, we display everything in the shop, because you do not begin to get an understanding of the efffects fects from a photo in a brochure.”
‘A light brings a room to o life’ Some of the items tems unearthed by Andy and Suzannah zannah have been found close to o home. -iÛiÀ> w i Þ VÀ>vÌi` >ÕÌ V> and aviation models on display are actually crreated by Southwaterr-based -ba ased d Aut A hent h ic i Models, whilst Claire Harrison’s paintings, inspir pired by the natural world, hang on the walls. You might also o spot embroidery work by Worthing-based Lara Sparks, and nd Highland Bull footstalls by Horsham craftsman Alex Ansell. Other designss have been
www.atomltd.co.uk Many think that you cannot have a mortgage later in lifee. And, on the high street, this may still remain true in some cases as these lenders generally allow a mortgage term to last until the applicants retirement age. This used to be 65, officially it's now 67, but the reality is it can be much later. Most lenders have their maximum age, at the end of mortgage maturity,, at age 70. However, we all know that people are working a lot longer now and repayment of such a large amount of money may not be possible in these restrictive conditions. So the option is to raise further finance to repay the original loan or sell the property. Thankfully,, the first option is less onerous as it used to be. Many non household named lenders will look at lending to customers to a lot later in lifee, assuming the customers can prove their ‘Many lenders will look at continued ability to lending to customers a lot pay. This can take later in life, assuming the the maturity age up customers can prove their to age 80, 85 or continued ability to pay’ even 90 and above. If the customer has a good and regular amount of income, a high level of equity in the property and can satisfyy the lenders affo ordability requirements, then some lenders will be happy to lend. Have you heard of the Dudley Building Society? What about the Buckinghamshire, Harpenden, Marsden, National Counties, or Newbury Building Societies? Not necessarily well known names, but not ones to be ignored either. We are seeing these, and a lot more like them, launching innovative products to help all ages. Not looking fo or huge volumes, but looking to fill gaps in the market and this should be applauded. As always, seek specialist advice from someone who offeers a range of lenders from 'whole of market', not just a restricted panel or the high street.
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A striking design by Portuguese designer Serrip
à ÕÀVi` vÀ vÕÀÌ iÀ >wi `] ÃÕV as the distinctive nature-inspired organic shapes from Serip. -Õâ> > > ` Ƃ `Þ wÀÃÌ V> i >VÀ Ãà -iÀ «½Ã ÃVÕ «ÌÕÀi` } ÌÃ Ü ÃÌ `>Þ * ÀÌÕ}Õ> ] Ü iÀi -iÀ « VÀi>Ì À >À * Àià is based. Ƃ `Þ Ã> `\ º7 >Ì >««i> i` Ì Õà Ü>Ã Ì i v>VÌ Ì >Ì] Ì Þ ÜiÀi Ì iÞ ÃÌÀ }] LÕÌ Ì iÞ VÀi>Ìi` Li>ÕÌ vÕ ÀiyiVÌ Ã° º/ i `i> v > } Ì Ã Ì LÀ } > À Ì viÆ - iÌ } Ì >Ì LÀ }à ÕÌ Ì i V ÕÀ v Þ ÕÀ y À] Þ ÕÀ Ü> Ã] Þ ÕÀ vÕÀ ÌÕÀi] Þ ÕÀ `iV À>tions. º9 Õ V> ` Ì >Ì] iÃÃi Ì > Þ] Ü Ì > L L Ì i Vi }] LÕÌ «i « i >Ài VÀi>à } Þ } v À } Ì } Ì >Ì Ã ÌÃi v > vi>ÌÕÀi v Ì i room. º/ iÞ Ü> Ì } ÌÃ Ì >Ì Ü Li > feature even when they’re switched vv° 7 >Ì Üi ` à w ` Ì Ãi } ÌÃ Ì >Ì >Ûi Ì >Ì >ÀÌ ÃÌ V] VÀi>Ì Ûi i i i Ì° “I think that is what makes us a ‘destination’ shop.”
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Opening g Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm Visit the Showroom: 35 Queen Stre S et, Horsham, West Su ussex, RH13 5AA Telephone: 01403 269062 Freephone: 0808 1081666 Email: info f @sussexsurrey.com Website: www.sussexsurrey.com Facebook: sussexandsurreydoorsa andwindows Twitter: @sussex_surrey
Revealed: The Hidden Stories of Horsham’s
Heroes of WWII Y
ou would have thought that, having already compiled a book called Horsham’s Heroes of the Great War 1914 – 1919, Gary Cooper Ü Õ ` w ` > à >À L v À the Second World War relatively i>ÃÞ° ÕÌ Ì >Ì Ü>à v>À vÀ Ì i V>Ãi°°° “Putting together Horsham’s Heroes of World War II: 1939-45 Ü>à v>À Ài ` vwVÕ Ì] Ã>Þà >ÀÞ° ºƂÌ Ì i Li} } v Ì i ÀÃÌ World War, the men would all go and have their photo taken Ì i ÃÌÕ` à 7iÃÌ -ÌÀiiÌ° º/ Ãi >}ià Ài > i` Ü Ì Ì i À v> Þ > ` Ü>à >L i Ì ÕÃi Ì i v À Ì i wÀÃÌ L ° º/ i i Ü Õ ` > à ÜÀ Ìi iÌÌiÀà i] > ` Ì iÃi ÜiÀi vÌi «À Ìi` Ì i iÜë>«iÀ°
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>ÀÞ Ü Ì Ã incredible new book, available >Ì ÀÃ > ÕÃiÕ
ië Ìi Ì Ã >V v v À >Ì ] Ì À Õ} iÌ VÕ Õà ÀiÃi>ÀV >ÀÞ Ü>à >L i Ì «À Û `i L }À>« V> >VV Õ Ìà v > v
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Gary’s father served in WW2 and was involved in a major victory at Beda Fomm in Libya before he was captured and taken to a POW camp in Italy.
HORSHAM’S HEROES: 59 ‘Gary uncovered the names of 43 men not listed on the War Memorial - forgotten stories of a EQPƃKEV YG VJKPM YG MPQY UQ YGNN o « VÌÕÀià >Ài v Ì i à ` iÀ½Ã }À>Ûi] Ü V Ì ÞÃi v°»
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WAR MEMORIES Ƃ }ÃÌ Ì i ÃÌ À ià >Ài à i VÀi` L i >VV Õ ÌÃ] Ü Ì i Ài« ÀÌ } > « > i Li } Ã Ì ` Ü LÞ Ì i `iV }Õ v > iÀ > 1 L >Ì° Ì Þ ` ià >À޽à L V Õ`i Ì i Ü « Ì }À>« à v Ì Ãi Ü ` i`] LÕÌ > à à ÀÌ L }À>« V> >VV Õ Ìà v Ü >Ì Ì iÞ ` ` Liv Ài Ì iÞ ÜiÀi V> i` Õ«° / i L à } Ûi >``i` V ÕÀ Ì À Õ} Ì i i À ià v «i « i Ü ÜiÀi V `Ài v Àà > `ÕÀ } Ì i Ü>À] >à Üi >Ã Ì i ÃÌ À ià v ÃiÛiÀ> i Ü ÃÕÀÛ Ûi` Ì i -iV ` 7 À ` 7>À° º ë i Ì ÌÜ «i « i vÀ Ì i ƂÀ Þ] ÌÜ vÀ Ì i >ÛÞ > ` ÌÜ vÀ Ì i ,Ƃ ] LÕÌ Ã Vi Ì i ÌiÀÛ iÜà à i v Ì i >Ûi
NEW STORIES Remarkably, Gary uncovered the > ià v {Î i Ì ÃÌi` Ì i 7>À i À > v À} ÌÌi ÃÌ À ià v > V y VÌ Ì >Ì Üi Ì Üi Ü Ã Üi ° iv Ài ÜÀ Ì } à wÀÃÌ L ] Ì iÀi ÜiÀi Îx i > i` Ì i Àà > 7>À i À > vÀ Ì i ÀÃÌ 7 À ` 7>À° >ÀÞ Ü>à >L i Ì w ` > Ì iÀ xn] > ` Ì Ãi > ià ÜiÀi >``i` ƂÀ ÃÌ Vi >Þ° There were only about 120 men vÀ Ì i -iV ` 7 À ` 7>À ÃÌi` Ì i i À > ] > ` Ì i {Î >`` Ì > > iÃ Ì >Ì >ÀÞ v Õ ` Ü Li >``i` Ì Ì i « >µÕi Ç >Þ° >ÀÞ Ã> `\ º ÕÃÌ VV>à > Þ] >
Lost aboard HMS Cossack *É 8£x xä{° "À` >ÀÞ -i> > ° °-° ÃÃ>V i` >VÌ Óΰ£ä°£ {£° Aged 18 £ Î {x -Ì>À] ƂÌ > Ì V -Ì>À] War Medal Herbert George Turk Ü>à L À £ ÓÎ - ÕÌ Ü>ÌiÀ] Ì i ÃiV ` à v Ƃ vÀi` -Ìi« i /ÕÀ ] > ÃÌ>Ì >ÀÞ engine operator, and Edith /ÕÀ ji ÕÀv Ì®° / i v> Þ V> i Ì Àà > £ Îΰ During the Second World War, Ì iÞ Ûi` >Ì Èx *>À -ÌÀiiÌ° £ ÎÇ] iÀLiÀÌ i` Ì i , Þ> >ÛÞ >Ì * ÀÌà ÕÌ >Û> L>Ãi >à > Þ Ó ` >Ãð i V « iÌi` à ÌÀ> } «À À Ì Ì i ÕÌLÀi> v Ü>À > ` Ü>à « ÃÌi` Ì `iÃÌÀ ÞiÀ - ÃÃ>V °
ÃÃ>V LiV> i v> ÕÃ v Ü } iÀ i« V `>Ã Ì the enemy-held Norwegian « ÀÌ v >ÀÛ ] Ü iÀi iÀLiÀÌ Ü>Ã > } Ì i L >À` } «>ÀÌÞ Ü V ÀiÃVÕi` À Ì Ã Ãi> i vÀ iÀ > Ã «] Ƃ Ì >À ° ƂÌ ÓÎ\ÎÇ ÓÎ "VÌ LiÀ £ {£]
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Frederick Vincent May:
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new name will jump out with a ÀiviÀi Vi Ì Àà > ] > ` ½ think ‘there’s another one for the Memorial.’ “I don’t think there are too many Ài] LÕÌ ÃÕëiVÌ Ì >Ì Ì iÀi >Ài > viÜ Ü Ài > Õ Ü Ì Õð º >ÃÕ> Ì ià ÜiÀi ViÀÌ> Þ Ã«Ài>` >À Õ ` Ài° Ì i ÀÃÌ 7 À ` 7>À] > Þ Àà > i ` i` Ì i Ã> i L>ÌÌ i] LÕÌ World War Two, many were in LiÀ > ` > ` Üi ÃÌ i > ÛiÀ Ì i Ü À `° º «i i `>Þ Ã iL `޽à ÀiÃi>ÀV Ü w ` Ì i > °»
‘Gary is now writing a third book, based on Collyer’s casualties during the two wars’
Ì i Ì ÀiÃÌ Ã >ÕÀi Ã] >ÀÞ Ã Ü ÜÀ Ì } > Ì À` L ] L>Ãi` ÞiÀ½Ã V>ÃÕ> Ì ià `ÕÀ } Ì i ÌÜ Ü>Àð ƂÌ Ì >Ì Ì i] ÞiÀ½Ã Ü>à > ÛiÀÞ ` vviÀi Ì ÃV ] Ü Ì L >À`iÀà vÀ Ì i Û >}ià > ` ÕÌà `i v Ì i V Õ ÌÞ° >ÀÞ Ã> `\ º ÃÌ v Ì iÃi people are not included in the ÌÜ L Ã Ì >Ì ½Ûi ÜÀ ÌÌi ] > ` I’m hoping people will come v ÀÜ>À` Ü Ì v À >Ì ] iÛi v Ì V ViÀ Ã Ì Ãi i Ü >Ûi ÜÀ ÌÌi >L ÕÌ Liv Ài° º Ü Õ ` i Ì >««i> v À
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z Horsham’s Heroes of World War II: 1939-1945 costs £35 (hardback) from Horsham Museum with a limited print run of 300 copies. www.horshammuseum.org If you can help Gary with his request for information on Collyer’s war heroes, please email coopg709@aol.com or call 01403 241620.
The Ambulance Driver who went missing in Dunkirk /ÉÈÎ ÈÈ䣰 > Vi À« À> Ƃ{ -iVÌ ] £] ° °+° Artillery Company, , Þ> ƂÀ Þ -iÀÛ Vi À«Ã Killed in action between ÓÇ°x°£ {ä > ` Ó°È°£ {ä Aged 27 £ Î {x -Ì>À E À Ì Ã 7>À i`> ° Not everybody made it home Ã>vi Þ vÀ ÕÀ «i° > Þ LiV> i «À à iÀà v Ü>À > ` Ì iÀà ÜiÀi i` `ÕÀ } Ì i viÜ `iëiÀ>Ìi Üii à «À À Ì Ì i iÛ>VÕ>Ì ° " i ÃÕV Õ v ÀÌÕ >Ìi] Ài`iÀ V 6 Vi Ì >Þ] ` i` leaving a young widow and two à > V `Ài ° Ài`iÀ V Ü>à L À Î Ƃ«À £ £Î À } Ì ] > ` Ü i à Ìii à Ûi` Ì `}i Àà > Ì Ü ° i > Õ LiÀ v V> >`Ã] Ài`iÀ V i ÃÌi` Ì Ì i {Ì /iÀÀ Ì À > ƂÀ Þ® >ÌÌ> v Ì i , Þ> -ÕÃÃiÝ ,i} i Ì] } ÓÈ iLÀÕ>ÀÞ £ Ó ]
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Brighton Army Recruiting Centre and joined the Royal ƂÀ Þ -iÀÛ Vi À«Ã° " £È iLÀÕ>ÀÞ £ {ä] i Ü>à «À Ìi` Ì > Vi À« À> ° *À À Ì } } ÛiÀÃi>Ã] i Ü>à > `À Û } ÃÌÀÕVÌ À ÃÌ>Ì i` >Ì ,> Ã}>Ìi] Ü iÀi i ÌiÃÌi` iÜ Þ ÌÀ> i` `À ÛiÀà v À Ì i À V «iÌi Vi° * ÃÌi` Ì Ƃ{ -iVÌ ] £ i iÀ> °+° ƂÀÌ iÀÞ «> Þ]
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Team GB Paralympian Rachael Latham talks to the NCS group
IN LIFE It’s the fastest growing youth movement for generations. But what actually is NCS?
ave you ever heard of the National Citizen Service (NCS)?
A fun exercise during the Skills week
It is, according to the website, the fastest growing youth movement since The Scouts. Since it was launched in 2011, more than 200,000 young people have taken part. For those of you that think Ì `>Þ½Ã Þ ÕÌ V Õ ` Li iwÌ vÀ military-style discipline, the NCS is not a reincarnation of National Service. If it were, the NCS Yes Live! event for graduates, which features pop stars of the calibre of Tinie Tempah (he’s had three number one records, apparently) would seem a touch out of place. So what is NCS? The TV adverts (you may have seen them) and website are very colourful, but leave questions as to what the NCS actually is! So we went to Forest School during the Easter holiday to meet a group of NCS students > ` i «iÀÃ Ì w ` ÕÌ Ài° We spoke to Rose Abram (NCS «À iVÌ vwViÀ v À Groundwork South), NCS graduate Tommy Elston from Collyer’s, Horsham, and current NCS participants Josh Cargill (St Paul’s Catholic College, Burgess Hill) and Amelia Hilton (Steyning Grammar School).
Tommy is now looking at the International Citizen Service
Rose: NCS is a governmentbacked programme available to people aged 15-17. Across the country, there are different NCS providers, and in the Mid Sussex
region the NCS course is run by an environmental charity called Groundwork South. Amelia: I was looking at ways to put together a good CV for college, and someone had written online that NCS was fun and could boost a UCAS (University) application. Then I saw an NCS advert on TV but even after looking at the website, I was still a little in the dark as to what it was about. As it turned out, a few people I know had been on the course already, and said it was worth doing. Rose: The NCS programme has three main elements which must be completed before graduation. There is an Adventure element, which is usually a residential trip. The second phase is based on Skills – learning life skills and taking part in personal development workshops. The third phase is a Community project, which the students do as a group. Tommy: I heard about the NCS programme at an enrichment day at Collyer’s, which I went to whilst still a Forest pupil. The sense of adventure appealed to me, as I like outdoor activities. A lot of people take part in the The Duke of Edinburgh Award, which is good but very time consuming if you want to obtain the Gold award. The NCS is completed in just a month. Rose: The NCS is heavily subsidised by the government, so the most that a young person
NCS: 63 ‘We’re taking a trip to Sky Studios in London, and also visiting a Sony games company’
contributes is ÂŁ50. That covers all of the food, accommodation and transport. People can also apply for bursaries. Tommy: I took part in the NCS last year and have now graduated.I’m hoping to become an NCS Leader in future. For me, the Adventure phase was the most fun. We went to a PGL (adventure holiday company) camp in Swindon, where we did climbing, abseiling orienteering - even a leap of faith! Josh: Our group also went to Swindon. It was really cold, so we only had each other’s humour and conversation to keep spirits up. We climbed a Jacob’s Ladder and a trapeze, and took part in sports like archery, always encouraging each other. Amelia: Before we left, we had œ˜Â?Ăž >Â?Â? “iĂŒ i>VÂ… ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€ LĂ€ÂˆiyÞ° Ă•ĂŒ we did a lot of challenges and were all given the chance to lead the team. By the end of the trip, we knew each other really well. Rose: On the way to camp, the ĂžÂœĂ•Â˜} ÂŤiÂœÂŤÂ?i >Â?Â? ĂƒÂˆĂŒ ĂŒÂ…iĂ€i w`}iĂŒÂˆÂ˜} >˜` Â˜ÂœĂŒ ĂŒ>Â?Žˆ˜}° Ć‚vĂŒiĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ few activities they are like a family. When they come back, you can see that friendships are formed. Josh: Right now, we are in the Skills phase of the NCS. Rose: These are lessons that can’t be taught in the classroom. Today Ăœi½Ûi Ă€Ă•Â˜ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ >ˆ` ĂŒĂ€>ˆ˜ˆ˜} >˜` Mid Sussex Alcohol Project has hosted a workshop. The group also heard from Team GB Paralympian, Rachael Latham, from the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. Josh: /Â…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ >ˆ` VÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒi Ăœ>Ăƒ fantastic and I’m really glad I’ve done that. Rachael has been speaking about her personal ups and downs and has also given us team building games, mainly based on time management. Rose: Later in the week, the group will be learning budgeting skills for University. On Thursday, they are taking a trip to Sky Studios in London, and also visiting a Sony games company called Media Molecule. There, a Dragons Den style panel will help the group choose its Community project. Tommy: The Community project is the third phase of the NCS. There’s a Dragon’s Den event where the students will pitch a community focused idea as a group. My
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group’s idea, last year, was to raise awareness of autism. We went out to Swan Walk and The Carfax in Horsham and set up a stall, speaking to people in the community. Rose: On previous occasions, the NCS group has based its project on anything from teaching swing dancing in care homes to running painting classes at community centres. They can do anything as long as it is feasible, and the NCS leaders provide support. Josh: We haven’t yet discussed what our Community project will focus on. We are going to brainstorm later this week. Personally, I would like to run a project based around skateboarding, as I live in Burgess Hill and I do not think
AAH: Established in 2011. Written in a font that makes it seem like a long time ago.
‘I’m looking at doing the International Citizen Service (ICS) in a developing country.’ the facility is getting the support it needs. But I’m not sure that I’ll be able to sell the idea to the rest of the group! At the very least, I hope to learn something here that I can incorporate into my own community project one day. Rose: During this Community phase, you really see the group working together and see a change in individuals. Last autumn, we had one girl who was very shy and timid initially, but she led the Dragons Den pitch to 24 business leaders.
/ >Ì Ã ÜÃ Ì i V w`i Vi à i gained over her NCS journey. Amelia: So far, the course has been fun. I wasn’t sure what to expect, because you’re with people you didn’t know before you came here. But now we are all friends. Josh: For me, the chance to meet completely different people from colleges, and put together a project, is what makes it a good experience. I’m from St Paul’s Catholic College in Burgess Hill, and
here I have made new friends from Millais, the Weald, Forest, Tanbridge House, Collyer’s and other schools in Mid Sussex. Rose: Often, young people will only mix with a particular group at school or college, but here there is a mix of personalities. At the end of the four weeks, they are like a big NCS family. After the course, young people get exclusive access to volunteering opportunities and potentially apprenticeships, and we hold graduation events including Yes Live! Tommy: I’m now looking at doing the International Citizen Service (ICS) where you can go out to developing countries and take part in a community project. That has all come about through NCS. Amelia\ ½Ûi `iw Ìi Þ v Õ ` Û> Õi in the NCS so far, especially in terms of my CV as it might give me an edge when applying for University. Rose: We obviously live in a technical age, so it’s great to see young people engaging in their community. What they do here promotes them in a very positive light and changes stereotypes about the youth of today.
REPORT: BEN MORRIS PHOTOS: TOBY PHILLIPS z The NCS is recruiting for future courses. For more information, contact Poppy Horsman on 01233 600 141 or email
You can visit the NCS website at www.ncsyes.co.uk
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A .50 carat diamond of G/SI quality was worth £2,878 in 2011. Now, it has a value of £4,268.
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PAROCHIAL TALENT? Can John O’Sullivan be more than just ‘Horsham famous?’
ive years ago, John O’Sullivan was barely out of the local news. The former newsagent managed to stage two sell-out theatre shows off the back of his outrageous, headline-grabbing antics. But then he went quiet, at least by his own standards. Now he’s back, Ü Ì Ã wÀÃÌ Ã Ü wÛi Þi>Àð - where has he been and what can we expect next, asks Ben Morris...
version of Honda’s ‘Impossible Dream’ advert. It was brilliant LiÌÌiÀ Ì > > Þ V « Ì i wÀÃÌ show. But I remember sitting backstage, feeling completely `iy>Ìi`° *i « i ÜiÀi }iÌÌ } v>À more enjoyment from my videos than they were from my stand-up. I was a sideshow to my own clips! So what happened next? Nothing. I didn’t want to do shows any more. Over time, I convinced myself that parts of the show were worse than what they probably were.
You’ve been quiet, John? People tell me that I’ve been quiet but really that’s just because I haven’t been causing trouble.
Why didn’t you focus on creating more videos? The videos are the best work I’ve ever done. James Adair, who w i` > ` i` Ìi` Ì i > ] Ü>à > student when we started out. Two years later, he was a full-time cameraman. He couldn’t justify ëi ` } > `>Þ w } i ÀÕ } >VÀ Ãà wi `à > ` Ü>` } up rivers to Black Beauty!
Why not? I thought that I was becoming known as somebody who is rude to ÌÀ>vwV Ü>À`i à > ` à `i LiÀ>Ìi Þ a nuisance. Who else ever made a huge poster of themselves sitting on the toilet and hung it up in The Carfax? Which needs some explaining… Yes, it does! That happened whilst I was running The Candy Box some Þi>Àà >} ° Þ wÀÃÌ Ã Ü Ü>à Newsagent Provocateur, and I sold out The Capitol in 2010. That entire show really stemmed from joke billboards I would write and put outside the newsagents.
%QWNF [QW PQV ƂPF CPQVJGT cameraman? I didn’t want to do another show without him. It sounds ridiculous, but James made something great out of every idea. I didn’t think I could recreate that with anyone else.
Which attracted publicity? Yes, The Resident started it, when you were the Editor. I wrote billboards like ‘Crawley Girl Gives Birth to Pitbull’ and ‘Fire Station Goes Ex-Directory’ just to inject a bit of humour in town. Then I was in The Telegraph because I was threatened with arrest over remarks >`i >L ÕÌ > ÌÀ>vwV Ü>À`i ° You did chase attention... Because I wanted to be famous. But it meant that I sold out tickets to the show really quickly, which people loved, mainly because of the videos we made. They were a bit naughty and usually spoofed an advert that the audience already knew. People absolutely loved it! Then you sold out The Hawth? Yes, I wrote a new show, the imaginatively-titled Newsagent Provocateur II. But I didn’t enjoy it. I started the show with my own
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‘In England, people can n identify a prank call very quicklyy.” So you ditched Newsagent Provocateur? I left The Candy Boxx anyway, so the newsagent theme was no longer relevant. Then I sort of retreated into darkness! What’s changed? Since last yearr,, things have started happening again. I was auditioning diti i ffor TV adverts, which is the most humiliating thing in the world because you are treated terribly. But eventually, I became Heston Blumenthal’s body double for an ad campaign!
John is well known for his spoof videos, which include lude Ghost, a Honda advert, Black Beauty and a dating service commercial
Did you get to meet him? Yes, and by some good fortune, he actually found me funny. And because he found me funny, the crew liked me e too, which tends to be how it works in the `ÕÃÌÀÞ° " Ì i wÀÃÌ `>Þ] iÃÌ walked in and d burst out laughing when he saw me. I shouted ‘I know - it must st be like looking in the mirror!’
How did being a body double lead to a new show? Ì }>Ûi i Ài iÜi` V w`i Vi as I learne ed a lot from it. After that, I started rted doing live performin ng again, through a new App called ed Periscope. What is Periscope? It’s a live vvideo streaming App. form in front of a screen, Yo ou perfo tantly interact with the and constantly people w watching. I’ve managed to build quite a big following on there. I guess that hat takes time? Yes. I have have lived and breathed à V > i` > v À Þi>Àà q wÀÃÌ Ü Ì Facebookk, then Twitter, and now with Periscope scope and Facebook Live. If you ou don’t work at social media constantly nstantly, then it won’t work for you. What have you been doing on Periscope? I did a show in London with a scientist called Dr Zoe Laughlin,
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JOHN O’SULLIVAN: 69 who is an occasional expert on This Morning, in front of a small crowd. We streamed it on Periscope and it was the most manic hour of my life! There were experiments like ‘how to jar a fart’ and I loved it. So I started to do more online performing. Not just for the advancement of science though? No – it’s mainly prank phone calls! I make a call and people watching make suggestions on where the conversation should go, so there’s a lot of interaction. It’s a totally different form of showmanship. There might be 180 people watching and maybe 40 of them are typing their ideas. They tell me what to say whilst I’m actually having a conversation, which is challenging. It requires immediate improvisation. Who are you prank calling? Mainly Americans. Easy targets? Well, they do tend to fall for it. Actually, that’s not quite true. In England, people identify a prank call very quickly. They say “Yeah, very funny mate!” and slam the phone down. In America, they’re so focused on good customer service that they tend to go along with it for a minute or two. What pranks do you play? It’s silly things. I called up a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and said “I’ve heard of rhinoplasty, but can you do dolphinplasty?” The Periscope viewers then throw suggestions at me, and in this case, I asked if the surgeon could fuse my legs together and add a blowhole in the top of my head. ̽à ÕÃÌ `>vÌ Ì }à >à w ` >ÃÌÞ «À> V> à ÕÃÕ> Þ L>V wÀi° Prank calls doesn’t sound overly creative though... Periscope requires your brain to work quickly as it is all down to the viewers; I’m just an outlet for their ideas. You’re trying to have a genuine conversation whilst reading comments from hundreds of viewers, who all want their ideas to be noticed. Not everyone can do that. Are your calls ever rumbled? For every successful prank there are several bad ones! I was very close to being broadcast live on a popular Australian breakfast radio show. I rang up pretending to be One Direction’s former manager, threatening to reveal the ‘real reason’ why the band split up. I
In 2011, John was featured in The Argus after he claimed to have paid off a £50 parking ƂPG YKVJ C RNCVGHWN QH coins covered in jelly. “I was afraid that I was becoming known as a nuisance,” admits John.
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I was making it up as I went along, which wasn’t good enough.
“I don’t want to just be a local character anymore”
was transferred to the producer who asked me for my date of birth. They rumbled me! Has a call ever landed you in trouble? Not yet. I made a prank call to an all night service station, which was very popular on Periscope. I had the sound of a helicopter playing in the background and I shouted, “Mayday, Mayday! This is an emergency. We need to land on the forecourt.” The poor chap closed the station and we heard him shouting ‘Out! Out!’ to customers. The emergency was that Cilla Black was in the helicopter and needed a Ginster’s pasty. I did get a call
from Northumberland Police, telling me not to repeat such a stunt, but I don’t think it was genuine. You think you were pranked? Yes, I do! How many people watch you on Periscope? I can have 900 people watching over a period of an hour or so. That may not sound like a lot, but it’s probably as many people who are watching Channel 5 at the same time! I do feel it’s growing as it’s a new, more interactive form of entertaining. So what has made you write a
new show? On Periscope, I’ve found that there are people from Spain, Italy, France, Australia, America, Ü > w ` i vÕ Þ° / >Ì >Ã } Ûi i L>V Ì i V w`i Vi that I lost. It’s called ‘Come on my Sofa’? Yes, which I like as it’s quite naughty and daft. It will take the format of a Dame Edna style chat show. I’ll be chatting to Ewan Macintosh (Keith in The 1HƂEG), as well as a few other personalities. There’s also a video which I’ve made with James, but what’s important is that the whole show has a focus and a theme. In my previous shows, there were times that
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So you’re following a script? It’s not scripted. Like the Periscope performances, there is unpredictability and daftness, but there is still structure and I won’t be committing to ideas that could bomb completely! I know that I’m not a stand-up comic; I can’t write a script and repeat it night after night. I am someone who can present entertainment and can control diversions and ideas. This show will play to my strengths. Are you surprised that the show has sold so quickly? Yes, because very few acts – let alone unknown comedians – are able to sell out theatres in the current climate. It’s one thing people saying on social media that they’re going to be there, but to spend £13 on a ticket is entirely different, so I’m very grateful and relieved that people still care. Do you feel you are ‘Horsham famous?’ I used to feel like I was famous in just one town. I couldn’t have taken my last show on tour because the show was for Horsham and the audience was rooting for me anyway. I can’t do that same show again, as I don’t want to just be a local character anymore. I hate that, as local characters are usually a bit weird, aren’t they? Maybe you are too? Maybe, so I need to change that myself. On Periscope, people all over the world are laughing at me, which proves to me that it’s not parochial humour. That doesn’t mean I can go to Rotherham and sell-out, but I’m going to give it a go. Do you feel this is a make or break show? Maybe, but it’s not necessarily the last make or the last break!
contact Tracy for further details
07935 908409 area52workshops@gmail.com
z John O’Sullivan presents Come on my Sofa at The Capitol, Horsham, on Saturday 3 September. Tickets cost £13 from the Box QHƂEG QP QT www.thecapitolhorsham.com
editor@aaho orsham.co.uk @AAHMagazine azine (01403) 8780 026
Larry Culliford of Steyning writes: It is both a pleasure and a privilege to drive a Jaguarr,, and seems curious that a kind of mythology has become attached to these machines. (Re: Editorial – AAH Apr 2016)
Jason Garbutt (DVSA ADI) of Horsham writes: I am sure yo our article about ‘A Man in a Jag guar’’ (April 2016) was supposed pp ed to be amusing, g, and maybe in parts it was. However, you have incited me to write, as your misguided vÀÕÃÌÀ>Ì >Ã y> i` i v my frustrations – journalists writing a load of clap-trap without proper research – a dangerous activity as your reach > ` «« ÀÌÕ ÌÞ Ì yÕi Vi people is great, yet your knowledge is poor. I should like to draw your y attention to the Highway Code, in particular: Rule 134 You should follow the signs and road markings and get into the lane as directed. In congested road conditions do not change lanes unnecessarilyy.. Merrging ging in turn is recommended but only if safe and appropriate when vehicles are travelling at a very low speed, e.g. when approaching road works or a TQCF VTCHƂE KPEKFGPV +V KU PQV recommend at high speed.
I once parked on the grass verge of a very full open-air public car park; not a designated space, but not prohibited. While my passenger went to the ticket machine, I overheard a couple talking. ‘I didn’t realise people could park on the grass,’’ said the lady. ‘That’s a Jaguarr,’ ,’’ explained the man. ‘They can do what they like!’ I won’t argue rights and wrongs, but please consider that not all Jaguar drivers behave badly. Also, drivers of other types of vehicle can be inconsiderate too, not only through queue jumping, but also by speeding, texting g at the wheel,, careless parking and so on.
way, will you tell And how, anyw a real emergency from a false one when the time comes? Enough said, except xcept perhaps to mention thatt I’m learning my lesson, and my next car will be an eco-friendly hybrid. It seems betterrr,, don’ don t you think, rather than forever e jockeying for place, to co-operate perate together for the common n good and the Li iwÌ v Ì i « > i̶ Editor: You say that no ow - just wait until that day when your hybrid is down to 1% power ower and you just OKUU IGVVKPI VJTQWIJ VJG VTCHƂE lights because some blasted Jaguar g driver sneaked neaked in before you!
I DISLIKE ELLVIS, VIS, BUT IS HE A CULLTURAL TUR RAL ICON? Philip Beaumont writes: Peter Butler’s dismissal of David Bowie as a cultural icon of the 20th century (Letters, April 2016) seems to be based more on personal prejudice than on any facts or reasoning. I dislike the music of Elvis Presley, but do I consider him a cultural icon ? Y Yes es of course, to deny it is sheer folly. Was Bowie a cultural icon of the 20th century? YES ,in fact a huge, ginormous ‘yes’ with added snot and skid marks (I like profane humour too!) Bowie’s gender ambiguity makes the older generations uncomfortable but it’s certainly not a reason to deny him the title of cultural icon; his yÕi Vi Ü>Ã Õ}i° I have one piece of advice for Mr Butler; if he visits the Natural History Museum, he should be
very wary lest he h end up on permanent disp play with the rest of the dinosaurrs. By the way, The e Daily Mail is a À ` VÕ ÕÃ «ÕL V>Ì w i` Ü Ì silly headlines and a unsubstantiated non-peer reviewed health claims about bananas preventing cancerr.. Editor: I’m not a huge Elvis fan either - clearly he just copied Shakin’ Stevens!
Yes, the Highway Code recommends using BOTH lanes ÛiÀÞ Ã Ü Û } ÌÀ>vwV approaching a lane closure – in doing so the queue is shorter and creates fewer hold-ups further back. The Americans have been doing this for years, referring to it as zip merging. In faster Û } ÌÀ>vwV] Ì i iÀ} } should be carried out earlier as doing so at the last minute would be dangerous. Your actions, and those of other drivers attempting to block the lane, are dangerous and illegal. For a start, you are changing
lanes unn necessarily and secondly, the Highway Code further sttates: Rule 137 7 On a two o-lane dual carriageway you shou uld stay in the left-hand lane. Use e the right-hand lane for overtaking aking or turning right. After ove ertaking, move back to the lefft-hand lane when it is safe to do so. By blocking the lane, you are neither tu urning right or overtakin ng, therefore you are committing an offfence fence and inciting your readers to do the same. It could be punishable as ‘Driving w without due care and attention n or without reasonable considerat ation for other road users’, an n offfence which could earn you up to 9 points and V>ÀÀÞ > Ã } wV> Ì w it This actio on stems from a British obsession n with queuing and a sense of fairness which on closer insspection is misguided and also creates problems in other areas of driving. I hope you ou will take my commentts in the friendly way in which they are made, and perhaps p publish them in correction of your well-meaning but misgu uided article. Editor: Thank yo ou, Jason. Wel Well, there you go re eaders - dual queues is the way tto do it. I can’t promise that I won’ n’t write a load of clap trap in th he future though!
AAH: SURPRISINGL LY Y POPULAR IN N NASHVILLE! Peter Wynne of Billingshurst writes: Thanks so much for putting me in touch with correspondents since my article in February’s edition. As a result, I’ve been in touch with someone who I last
saw in Na ashville in the 1970s. It was wo onderful to receive this out of the e blue connection! Editor: You’re we elcome. If this leads to a hit reco ord, I expect 10% of royalties. Or at least a beer!
editor@aahorsham.co.uk @AAHMagazine
(01403) 878026 MORE SHOPS WILL CLOSE Chris Reed of Horsham writes: Piries Place car park was a useful place to park on Sundays and it brought people through Piries Place, which is fast becoming a ghost town. I know from talking to other business owners in i Piries Pi i Place Pl that th t Waitr it ose leaving l i >à > Ài>`Þ >` > à } wV> Ì ivviVÌ footfall and takings. Now, visitors will have to pay for parking. People will troll around the neighbourhood for free parking elsewhere, thus putting > Ì iÀ® > Ì i V vw v À * À ià * >Vi° It seems that the council do what they want, without considering shop owners. More businesses will move out or fail, I guarantee. Editor: That may be Chris, but us residents are far more concerned with helping poor old HDC keep its bank balance over the £110million mark!
L. N.. Price of Horsham write es: Well done with your Column piece e (AAH April 2016). / > Þ Õ v À V wÀ } there are those in society who care about others and are w willing to challenge HDC and iits, in my view, awful record on so many key policcy issues. You ccall for Cllr Dawe and his colleagues to show “ima agination and conssideration” for residents. I am afraid based on past perfo ormance, words like imag gination, consideration, vision and foresight do not featu ure in the lexicon of the likes of Mr Dawe. Mayb be you can develop your themes and ask the curr c ent HDC elected
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leadership and their WSCC colleagues a few other key questions, such as: U 7 Þ >Ã ÀÃ > Ã viÜ local authority-sponsor y p ed afffordable homes for rent? U 7 Þ >Ûi
consistently capitulated to the demands of housing developers not to provide 40% afffor fordable homes as required by Government policy? U Ü > Þ Ì ià i > ` colleagues met Liberty Properties in private to ` ÃVÕÃÃ Ì i y>Üi` ÀÌ Horsham Proposals? U Ü > Þ iÃ
are planning to develop in the south of the district? The list, as you recognise, could go on!
I too sshare your concern with tthe editorial content of paperrs like The Daily Mail, which h as Private Eye consisstentlyy points p out,, are m more about promoting propo oganda and egos of the ed ditor/owners, than seekin ng balanced, informed journa alism. Keep up the good work! Edito or: I’m su ure that we’ll look at some of these housing issuess in more detail in future. e But I do hope that *&% QHƂEGTU QT EQWPEKNNQTU can o offfset fset some of the new Sunda ay parking money for town businesses, as they can’t jjust keep taking hits see M Mr Reed’s letterr.
LE ETTERS: 73 IN SUPPORT OF PLA ATES TES Paul Aylett of Horsham writes: Our civilised western society has been churning out pottery for over 2,000 years and it tends to work well for me. Why then, do some of Horsham’s gastro pubs insist on serving food on chopping boards, bits of old slate, frying pans and baskets? I’m happy with plates! They’re clean, hygienic, smooth and splinter free! I’ve looked into this and it seems I’m not the only concerned punter; there’s a whole page on Facebook dedicated to keeping the plate. Want We W ant Plates is full of pictures from around the world showing various gastronomic creations in the most weird receptacles, from shoes to beer barrels, baking trays to shopping trolleys. As a wise man once said: “If it ain’t broke, ` ½Ì wÝ Ìt» Editor: I had a look! I can’t say I’ve ever seen corn on the cob in a pint glass, or coleslaw served in a shopping trolleyy. I endorse your plate-praising campaign!
P45 FOR FOOD CRITIC! Nigel Hughes writes: Regarding your “never mind the quality feel the width” review of Restaurant T Tristan ristan (AAH, APRIL 2016) which you comparing unfavourably with Harvesterr. Interesting method of analysis. OK, let’s apply this methodology to evaluate your magazine. AAH has 76 pages, the average roll of two-ply toilet paper has 500 sheets. Do the maths. As a piece of journalism a roll of toilet paper is six times better than AAH. Do you see what I did there? If you cannot distinguish between mass produced garbage and authentic quality you might seriously question what you Ì µÕ> wiÃ Þ Õ Ì ÀiÛ iÜ > ÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ> Ì (or anything else for that matter). Editor: I corrected your spelling mistakes. Y You’r ou’re welcome! A.A Cunningham of Horsham writes: Oops! The AAH food critic proudly volunteers ignorance of quinces and morels, suggesting he is entitled to be the proud recipient of a P45. Editor: Blimey! Everyone’’ss a critic...except for me, apparently! I must confess that of all the features, it is the meal reviews I most struggle with. I don’t yet have great knowledge of food, so tend to adopt a ‘layman’ approach to reviews. But you’re both absolutely right - top restaurants deserve a proper review w. Y Your our views have not fallen on deaf ears.
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The Shelley Fountain: A Visionary Story with a Sad Ending I bet that Angela Conner spent a long time considering how to best commemorate Percy Bysshe Shelley. As an internationally renowned maker of large scale sculptures, the London-based artist was commissioned to create a piece of art to mark the bicentenary of the great poet’s birth. It was not something that could be done half-heartedly. This sculpture needed to be worthy of Horsham’s most famous son, and would be placed in the heart of the town. Angela would, I’m sure, have read many works by the poet, seeking words that might inspire her own creative vision. She’ll have read Ozymandias, in which Shelley writes: ‘Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things’ Maybe then, Angela considered a bleak scene combining sand and stone, portraying a sculptured man - his desperate face devoid of hope - crawling witheringly in the centre of a giant sandpit. It could be a child-friendly vi>ÌÕÀi] y> i` ÌÜ Ã `ià by two ‘trunkless legs of stone.’ Perhaps they could be hollowed out, so children could hide inside them? Surely, the artist would have been struck by the beauty of this passage from Mutability. ‘We rest. A dream has power to poison sleep; We rise. One wandering thought pollutes the day; We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep; Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away:
assume In the wild woods, among the mountains lone, Where waterfalls around it leap for ever, Where woods and winds contend, and a vast river Over its rocks ceaselessly bursts and raves.
THE AAH COLUMN The Shelley Fountain is to be scrapped. So how will Horsham replace it? The only way it knows how... Beautiful, but how could it be à } wi` >à > >ÀÌ ÃÌ V V Vi«Ì¶ Perhaps the ‘dream’ could ‘rise’ from an underground platform like Thunderbird 2 – maybe just once or twice a day. / i ¼`Ài> ½ V Õ ` Li à } wi` by a huge brain, shaped with iÌ> V } >ÃÃ] w i` Ü Ì > swirling mass of noble gases and high-voltage electrodes that can be manipulated, or ’poisoned’ by touch!
a fruit tree, half ‘evil’ and foreboding, like the tree in the w ] Sleepy Hollow. Maybe (if the budget can stretch to it) a smoke machine could be wÌÌi` Ü Ì Ì i ¼iÛ ½ > v v Ì i tree, with a sound box playing a birdsong in the ‘good’ half. The serpent could slither whenever anyone walked by, or even hiss promotional messages, like ‘There’s a sale on at Dorothy Perkinssssss!’
And what’s this? Surely the mere mention of ‘snake’ in To The Mind of Man must have sent Angela’s mind into overdrive!
However, in the end, Angela Conner opted for an idea far better than any of these, after reading Mont Blanc.
‘So soon as from the Earth formless and rude One living step had chased drear Solitude Thou wert, Thought; thy brightness charmed the lids Of the vast snake Eternity, who kept The tree of good and evil.’
The everlasting universe of things Flows through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves, Now dark – now glittering – PQY TGƃGEVKPI INQQO s Now lending splendour, where from secret springs The source of human thought its tribute brings Of waters, – with a sound but half its own, Such as a feeble brook will oft
What’s not to love here? A giant serpent sculpture, carved in wood and coiled around a tree - half ‘good’ in the form of
This inspired a concept that met her favoured theme - Angela Conner would later create Wave, a 129ft wind and water sculpture in Dublin, and Revelation, a kinetic water sculpture at Chatsworth House. Her idea for Horsham included a large sphere-shaped fountain rising like a space shuttle, spurting a torrent of water (six and a half tonnes of it) into a pool below. A Rising Universe! As the sphere rises, four smaller spheres – each in their own small pool – rotate to provide a mesmerising spectacle. It may be that you never liked it – but as a concept, The Shelley Fountain is quite brilliant. It commemorated Shelley with symbolic meaning, provided entertainment value and undoubtedly attracted people to a quiet end of town. Until the Ü>ÌiÀ ÃÌ ««i` y Ü }°°° As is well documented, the mechanically-troublesome fountain has been living on borrowed time. Deemed too expensive to maintain by Horsham District Council, the councillors (with great reluctance in some cases, it should be noted) have agreed to remove it. And after years of discussion on the future of Horsham’s most famous public art, what is the best idea that our 44 elected councillors could conjure? A planting bed! Maybe, that’s a knowing nod to An Ode to the West Wind: ‘All overgrown with azure moss > ` y ÜiÀÃ So sweet, the sense faints picturing them’ But I doubt it...
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