1 minute read
media + modeling iii
from Selected Works
by aarogers1
Derived from a single point, this parametric spatial mechanism utilizes a cube and three spheres to create a variety of geometric constructs. The Grasshopper definition incorporates numerous modes of input, various relational hierarchies, and data flow logics- such as if-then conditions- to produce unique spatial domains. The cube acts as a boundary condition and the intersection of a sphere with any face of the cube triggers a unique output on the face of the cube. When the spheres do not intersect with the cube, points along the surface of each sphere create a network of nodes from which lines originate to create volumetric cells between the spheres and the cube. When the spheres intersect with cube, these cells disappear and a network of lines is constructed from the same surface points using a Delaunay triangulation computation. As the spheres move in space, the distance between these points change and, thus, change the network of lines.
line length < 7.5 cm
line length > 7.5 cm
B C volumetric voronoi diagram changes with relationship to sphere size and location
intersection with west and/or south borders triggers planar voronoi diagram scaled in relationship to distance from center point of sphere_03
intersection of sphere_02 with east border triggers contouring and division of lines shown as points