Universal Happines

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GUIDE To Happiness

Auther : Aaron Major Publisher : Aaron Major

Sex is a very important way of showing all different kinds of emotions specially Love and love is what makes most people happy. Just the same as exercising the chemicals that are released during give you the Over whelming sensations of happiness. However as long as you sensible and don’t catch a STI then sex is one of the great ways of creating happiness.

Money and having money can make people happy for number of reason. One Because you feel secure if anything happened to you e.g. lost or stuck somewhere. Also it makes you feel free and powerful because you can get Whatever you want and having that power does make a lot of people Extremely happy. However money does blind a lot of people and makes people think its the most Important thing in the world and makes you do stupid things to get it and that can Sometimes end up In losing loved ones and that is not a great position to be in and can make people Extremely depressed, so be careful.

Head space is a great way to make yourself Happy. It makes you happy because it frees Up your day makes you put things in to a clearer light And you feel a lot better for it. As well as relax it is a great Way to make you remember things,good things and remembering Good things always makes you happy. So next time your Having a busy day just take ten minutes to yourself and Get into a calm position where you feel better and more relaxed And happy for the day ahead.

Doing things you love is always going to make you feel happy And better because its your time, your doing something you love. So it is important that you always free up sometime for yourself And your hobbies because its is a great-way to escape from the Stress of the real world and lose yourself in whatever you do and See how much more happy you are afterwards.

Exercise is A good way To become More happy Because after you finish your workout your body produces chemicals that give you the feeling of accomplishment because you did your workout and because your more healthier for it. However before you do your exercise you will feel crap because its something your going to have to get done and it seems like a big hurdle to get over .But as soon as you get over it you feel great for it.

Socializing is a good way of Communicating to people, making new friends and a great way to blow of steam. Since this Is the modern world most people become more sociable after a few drinks. However do not let the drinks get to you because we all know what happens after a few drinks so just be-careful and you should a lot more happier for it.

Happiness Achieved

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