portfolio for internship 2024

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Born in 1998, Tainan, Taiwan M.Arch I, graduate student, GIA NYCU iamjustin1826@gmail.com

Education National Cheng Kung University

National Yang Ming Chao Tung University

Work Experiences

Wisdomfun Engineering Consultant, INC

Master of Architecture I(Undergraduate)

2022 -

- 臺北市文山區都市計畫主要計畫 (第二次通盤檢討)案(第一階段) - 臺北市內湖區紫陽綠地都市計畫變更委託專業服務案 -高雄都會區大眾捷運系統都會線(黃線)建設計畫周邊新增土地開發及都市計畫變更 委託專業服務案

- 捷運大安站及捷運信義安和站暨通化街周邊更新地區擬定都市更新計畫委託專業服務案 - 108年度優先推動更新地區都市更新計畫法定程序作業委託專業服務案 - 全市都市計畫通盤檢討前期作業–關鍵議題檢討委託專業服務案 Project Manager

ONE for ALL Construction, INC Design Assistant 2020.09 - 2021.03


Urban Redevelopment office. New Taipei City Government. 2018.07 - 2018.08

K.C.T Architects 2019.02 - 2020.04

Rhino, Grasshopper, Revit, SketchUp Enscape, Lumion, Twinmotion AutoCad Arcmap, QGIS

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Lightroom, Premiere Proficiency

Sense and Sensibility

A Twin House for Two Sisters

Category: Housing

Term: 2023 Fall

Instructor: Ling-Li Tseng

Indivisual Work

Rationality is rigorous, decisive, and orderly, while sensibility is uncertain, ambiguous, and chaotic. This twin-house design, inspired by Ang Lee's film "Sense and Sensibility", takes the different personalities and lifestyles of the two sisters as its starting point. Through the extreme differences in the volumetric composition and internal spaces, it responds to the sisters' polarized imaginations of life while reflecting their inseparable familial bond.

- Owner: elder sister

- Nuclear family

- Music Producer

- Music Studio & Record SHop

- Owner: younger sister

Performing Space

- Partnership

- Dancer

- Dance Studio

Inhabitants & Programs

blocks sharing servant spaces & core

Facade responding to the functions

"Sense and Sensibility", directed by Ang Lee in 1911 and based on Jane Austen's 1811 novel of the same name
Rotate block B toward Beida Park
Cutting the edges to create sloping walls
Massing: 2 houses
Collage of the urban fabric
Block A
Block B

Floor Layout

In terms of the internal spatial layout, the first and second floors house a record store and a dance studio, each run by one of the sisters. A small performance room on the first floor connects these spaces, serving as an area for the families to exchange inspiration and for the public to interact.

The third and fourth floors are dedicated entirely to living spaces. The layout on these floors reflects the distinct personalities and lifestyles of the two families: Building A emphasizes a sequential arrangement of living spaces, while Building B features an open layout to highlight flexibility and spontaneity in living.

Block A intentionally continues the rational urban texture of the surrounding area with a deliberate play of solid and void on the design of the façade, reflecting the internal spatial structure. In contrast, Building B features large, irregularly shaped windows that create a flow between the interior and exterior spaces.

Final Physical Model
Study Model
Conceptual Model

Let's Take the Long View !

Engineer Dormitory of Hsinchu Science Park

Category: Apartment Complex

Term: 2023 Fall

Instructor: Chien-Shuo Pai

Indivisual Work

The site was originally a comfortable courtyard residence complex designed for engineers 40 years ago, but it has now become one of the oldest buildings among the surrounding dormitories. Through this redesign, the focus is on sharing the lake view by placing two towers on the site. By offering a variety of public and private terrace spaces, it creates more diverse social spaces for the engineers.

providing total 70 housing units

maximum views towards the lake

Fragmentize: offering a variety of public and private terraces

Communication: commercial spaces and facilities for the inhabitants and the public

Lift & Reduce: to create different characters of the two towers
Twist: to have the massing more slender

In response to the concept of sharing the lake view, the design of the residential units ensures that the living spaces (living and dining rooms) of each unit face the lake. Different unit types are distinguished by the varying depths of the living spaces.

Section B
Sharing the Lake View

To create more opportunities for interaction, the ground level features a sunken plaza that gathers activities. Commercial spaces are placed along the street to enliven the entire dormitory area. Additionally, a direct pathway to the lakeside is provided on the ground level to improve accessibility to the lakeside promenade for the surrounding dormitory residents.

Open Ground Level

Shilin Nexus

Harmony of History and Modernity

Category: Urban Complex Development

Term: 2024 Spring

Instructor: Shu-chang Kung Indivisual Work

This design revolves around a new urban axis encircling the old Shilin district, reconstructing the urban structure, the old paper factory, and the surrounding areas. The axis connects Shilin's public transportation, cultural history, natural resources, community neighborhoods, and campuses, creating a new public corridor. To support the future industrial development of the Shilin area and its surroundings, the design integrates conference and exhibition functions with some of the old factories, creating a duality between the new and old buildings. Along the curved ground level, continuous new commercial functions are established to revitalize the surrounding neighborhoods. The conference center is elevated above the ground level, offering citizens new perspectives on the old Shilin district.

Convention/ Hotel/ Housing

Open Green Space for the Community

Housing Convention Hall Hotel

Renovation of the Historical Buildings

Roof Garden

Food Court Footbridge

Exhibition Hall Community Theatre Shopping Mall

Facing the Historical Buildings and the New Urban Complex

Grand Hall


Conference Hall

Hub : Sending and Delivering People

Big Roof : Celebrating the Past and the Future

Convention Hall : Forward the City

Hotel & Housing : Providing an Invisible Sense of the volume

Promenade along the Libary

Category: Library

Term: 2023 Spring

Instructor: Chun-chieh Fang, Jen-Huan Ho

Collaborated with Shi-Han Huang

The library lies quietly on the ground, surrounded by sea views, seamlessly connecting the seaside and the library interior with gentle slopes. The simple design of the façade creates a flow between indoor and outdoor spaces. The experience of wandering extends from the outside to the inside, with large open spaces and several intersecting gentle ramps allowing people to freely move through the library. Along the sides of the ramps, glass exhibition rooms and discussion spaces are suspended, combining the pathways of wandering and exhibitions to create multidimensional activities and interactions.

Setback: to provide open green spaces
Bend: to surround the sea shore
Pinch up: to emphasize the public building itself
Exterior landform with slight grade
Push: to create flows from outdoor to indoor
Ramps connecting through the whole library
Floating Boxes allowing various programs Sunroofs for natural light

Video Link

面對寬闊的海,圖書館讓出一片空空的白, 以謙和的姿態,靜靜俯臥、輕輕碰觸在地上, 長長的弧形圍繞著海,包容它的玩鬧, 緩坡讓海與俯臥的圖書館連成一線, 我們與書對話,與海對談。


Blooming Gymnasium

NYCU Student Gymnasium Design

Category: Gymnasium

Term: 2023 Spring

Instructor: Jen-Huan Ho, Chun-chieh Fang

Individual Work

A gymnasium is not only a place which provides a space for activities and competitions, but also where people can watch and can be watched. Accordingly, the court space is as important as the auditorium. In this proposal, the gymnasium combines the characteristics of crystalization – independence and interspersion, which reduce the formality of the gymnasium. Even though the court space still the centricity within the gymnasium, the audience’s multiple viewing perspectives in order to create a new and atypical viewing experience are more emphasized. Also, the interspersion of the massing makes itself fit the surroundings.

Triclinic Crystal System

The Triclinic Crystal System is the most asymmetrical among all crystal systems. There is no mirror symmetry relationship within a triclinic crystal, making it highly variable. Under the stimulation of the external environment, several crystal units will start growing on a specific point but in different directions and speed, which makes each unit be embedded with another. After the crystal blooms, the relationship between each unit and the center is defined.


–Funnel House

Category: Reading House

2022 Fall Instructor: Tien Ling


Massing: Horizontal & Vertical
2nd Floor

A-A’ Section

A-A' Section

B-B’ Section

B-B' Section

Final Physical Model

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