Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville: Bulletin for April 23, 2017

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Second Sunday of Easter + Holy Eucharist

April 23, 2017 • 10:30 am


We are blessed to have you worship with us. u All ages are welcome, however, we do offer child care during the liturgy. u Please join us for refreshments immediately following the liturgy. u


worship, in the form of quiet meditation, begins with the prelude

Prelude Christ has Arisen, Verse 1

Johann Sebastian Bach

• at the sound of the bells, all stand

Hymn 193

That Easter day with joy was bright

Opening Acclamation Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia. Song of Praise • S 278

The Word of God

BCP • Book of Common Prayer S • Service music found at the front of the hymnal

WLP • Wonder, Love, and Praise The people’s responses are indicated in bold type.

Collect for the Second Sunday of Easter Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. • at the conclusion of the collect all sing:

• all be seated

First Lesson

Acts 2:14a,22-32

Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed the multitude, “You that are Israelites, listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know-- this

man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law. But God raised him up, having freed him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power. For David says concerning him,

`I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken; therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; moreover my flesh will live in hope. For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One experience corruption. You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.’

“Fellow Israelites, I may say to you confidently of our ancestor David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Since he was a prophet, he knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would put one of his descendants on his throne. Foreseeing Psalm

1 2 3 4 5


this, David spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, saying , `He was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh experience corruption.’ This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.”

16 • sung by all

Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in / you; * I have said to the LORD, “You are my Lord, my good a/bove all other.” All my delight is upon the godly that are in the / land, * upon those who are noble a/mong the people. But those who run after other / gods * shall have their / troubles multiplied.

Their libations of blood I will not / offer, * nor take the names of their / gods upon my lips. O LORD, YOU are my portion and my / cup; * it is you / who uphold my lot.

6 7 8 9 10 11

My boundaries enclose a / pleasant land; * indeed, I have a / goodly heritage.

I will bless the LORD who gives me / counsel; * my heart teaches me, / night after night.

I have set the LORD always be/fore me; * because he is at my right hand / I shall not fall.

My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit re/joices; * my body also / shall rest in hope. For you will not abandon me to the / grave, * nor let your holy / one see the Pit.

You will show me the / path of life; * in your presence there is fullness of joy, and in your right hand are / pleasures for evermore.

Second Lesson

1 Peter 1:3-9

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer

various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith-- being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire-- may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.



Love’s redeeming work is done



John 20:19-31

The Holy Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, acording to John.

Glory to you Lord Christ

When it was evening on the day of Resurrection, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I

see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Christ. Sermon

The Reverend Edgar Wallace

Nicene Creed • BCP 358

all stand

Prayers of the People • BCP 387


Form III

• all greet one another in the name of the Lord The peace of the Lord be always with you.

The Peace

And also with you.

Dean’s Welcome

Holy Communion Offertory Anthem

This Joyful Eastertide

This joyful Eastertide, Away with sin and sorrow! My Love, the Crucified, Hath sprung to life this morrow.

Had Christ, that once was slain, Ne’er burst his three-day prison, Our faith had been in vain: But now hath Christ arisen, arisen, arisen, arisen.

Charles Wood

My flesh in hope shall rest, And for a season slumber: Till trump from east to west Shall wake the dead in number. Had Christ, that once...

Death’s flood hath lost his chill, Since Jesus cross’d the river Lover of souls, from ill My passing soul deliver. Had Christ, that once ...

• all stand

We walk by faith and not by sight

Presentation Hymn 209

The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer A • BCP 361 celebrant celebrant

people people

celebrant people


Sanctus WLP-859

Ronald Arnatt arr. Daniel Gilliam

• note: the choir repeats the first four bars as indicated by the



Memorial Acclamation • during the blessing of bread and wine the celebrant says: . . . Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. The Great Amen

• at the conclusion of the Great Thanksgiving all sing:

The Lord’s Prayer


The Breaking of the Bread Fraction Anthem


• families of choir members may receive the sacrament together at the beginning of the

distribution of communion. You may simply join your family member in the line, receive, then return to your seat. Children of choristers may return to their seat or join their family for the remainder of the service in the chancel. • any baptized person from any Christian tradition who wishes to encounter the Real Presence of the Risen Christ in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood is welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you wish to learn more about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, please speak with a priest or deacon following the liturgy. • gluten free wafers are available; as you prepare to receive bread indicate your preference to the priest • if you would like to receive a blessing instead of Communion, please indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest

Communion Hymn


Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face

• all stand; said by all

Prayer after Communion Almighty and everliving God, we thank you for feeding us with the spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; and for assuring us in these holy mysteries that we are living members of the Body of your Son, and heirs of your eternal kingdom. And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord. To him, to you, and to the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.


Blessing Concluding Hymn 205

Good Christians all, rejoice and sing


Let us go forth in the name of the Risen Christ. Alleluia, alleluia!

Thanks be to God. Alleluia, alleluia! Postlude


Christ has Arisen, Verse 3

Johann Sebastian Bach

The worship is concluded. The SERVICE begins! serving today . . .

Dr. Jack Ashworth, organist Daniel Gilliam, choirmaster The Cathedral Choir Aaron Angel, verger Faith Aeilts, Randy Wells, Bill Shelton, lectors Jan Margerum, John Werst, Frazier Marsh, John Vickerstaff, chalice bearers Chris Hart, Tim Tice, Janelle Vickerstaff, acolytes Patsy Melton, altar guild


... as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15

Cathedral Matters Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral April 23, 2017


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My dear people of Christ Church Cathedral and our

Today begins the second week of Easter. So, how are the great fifty days going for you? Are you finding ways of growing into the new life of the resurrection? Our Gospel reading today suggests that Thomas may have been having trouble with that. But I think he has gotten an undeservedly bad reputation for his hesitation when he meets Christ for the first time after the resurrection. Thomas is the patron of all of us whose faith is a matter not only of heart—but also of mind and body. Spanish poet and philosopher, Miguel Unamuno, captures this for me (and restores Thomas’ good name) when he writes: Those who believe they believe in God, but without passion in the heart, without anguish of mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, and even at times without despair, believe only in the idea of God and not in God himself. So, what do you think? Does your life in Christ engage all that you are? If not, how can we help? Check out the ministries detailed in CATHEDRAL MATTERS and find something that works for you. Looking ahead, plan to be with us, Bishop White, and the choirs and congregations of three sister parishes (Calvary, St. Francis, and St. Luke) for a combined Feast of the Ascension—here in the Nave, Thursday, May 25 at 7:00 pm. It will be a wonderful follow up to the Feast of the Resurrection that we celebrated just last weekend—and a productive use of our 50 days. I’ll keep you posted on the details, but mark your calendars now for the event. I’m glad you are here today. Faithfully,

The Very Rev’d Joan Pritcher Your Dean in the Interim On this Second Sunday of Easter

we pray New or Updated This Week — Midday Mass updates


Midday Mass

Pick a day to come pray with us. Commemorations for the week of April 23 are: Monday – Genocide Remembrance Tuesday – St. Mark the Evangelist Wednesday – Robert Hunt, Priest and First

Chaplain at Jamestown, 1607; presiding: the Rev’d Pr. Austin Newberry Thursday – Christina Rosetti, Poet, 1894; presiding: a member of the Bishop’s Staff Friday – Catherine of Siena, 1380

Join us at Midday Worship to help celebrate your birthday, your anniversary, or to keep any day of special observance. And be sure to thank your chapel leaders who serve the midday service: Dorothy Converse, Monday; Randy Wells, Wednesday; Page Curry & Terry Laun, Thursday; Jerry Marsh, Friday.

Daily Prayer Online

Prayer is an important part of being an Episcopalian. The discipline of prayer, known as the Daily Office, is one of the gifts of the Church to us. Daily Prayer Online uses our Cathedral Facebook page. Each morning at 5:00 am, a prayer will be posted; it can be accessed at any point throughout the day, and even in days following. You will also be invited, in the posts, to include prayer requests in the Comments section. We include those prayer requests in our Prayers of the People at Midday Mass and on Sundays. Check out Daily Prayer Online and consider sharing it with your friends. Make sure that you ‘like’ and ‘follow’ the Cathedral page: Christ Church Cathedral


Compline in the Garden

Compline in the Garden will begin in June and continue through the Summer. It will be a brief sung service—a gift to us and to our neighborhood. Let the Dean know if you would like to be part of the plans. YOU ASKED

What was that strange looking robe that the canons and the dean wore at the Vigil and on Easter Day?

Good question: it is called a cope—a cloak that is worn when the chasuble (the poncho-like robe that the Presider wears) is not used. Both garments have their origin in the Roman pluvial (a rain-cloak). The difference in the two vestments is that the cope is open in the front; the chasuble is closed. The cope I wore at the Vigil and on Easter Day was a gift to the Cathedral from St. Andrew’s Church in Glasgow, which closed earlier this year.

we study Sunday Bible Study

Every Sunday, 9:15 a.m. in the library Tom Peters leads a group in reading and studying through the Bible. The group is working its way through the Acts of the Apostles. You are invited to join the group at any time.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School uses a clergy, chapter, parent and parishioner-led Montessori-based curriculum.

We have added to our team: Art Specialist, Stephanie Potter; Assistant Presenter, Carol Syvertsen; and several special aides. Special thanks to Dorothy Converse, Hollis Real, Chase Durnil, Katie Grace Gilliam, Hunter Gilliam and Dr. Mike Foster. Contact Dean Pritcher if you would like to help with class preparation. Adult Book Study Sundays following 10:30 Worship

Join us for our Adult Study Series, based on Dr. Catherine Meeks’ recently published book, “Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism” (Morehouse Publishing, 2016). Dr. Meeks is the retired Clara Carter Acree Distinguished Professor of Socio-Cultural Studies at Wesleyan College and serves as the Chair of the Beloved Community: Commission on Dismantling Racism of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Dr. Meeks is a Deacon in the Diocese of Atlanta and a Provisional in the Society of St. Anna the Prophet. Sundays, today – April 9, following 10:30 worship, in the Library. The Study will be on break Easter Day, but return on April 23.

MEET: Stephanie Potter, who has been worshiping with us since Christmas of 2015. You will see her on Sundays, vested and singing in the Cathedral Choir. Our children benefit from her creativity—she serves as Art Specialist for Children Sunday School. Stephanie was confirmed at the Easter Vigil on March 26, 2016—the same evening that her son, Eli, was baptized. Stephanie was born and raised in Frankfort, Kentucky and was a member of Church of the Ascension. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Functional Design and Woodworking from Murray State University. She continues to make art and maintains a private art studio, focusing on printmaking and drawing. She is also an Art Teacher at Saint Mary Academy School in Louisville. Stephanie’s mother-in-law, Shela, is a devoted member of the Community Breakfast Team. Take a moment to welcome Stephanie and thank her for her faithful ministry here at the Cathedral.

we work Next Community Breakfast is May 7

The next Community Breakfast is Sunday, May 7, 8:45 – 9:30 a.m., in Bishops’ Hall. Serving our friends, neighbors, and fellow parishioners is one of the most rewarding ministries at Christ Church Cathedral. In addition to serving breakfast, personal care and food items are always accepted for the food pantry and Central Louisville Community Ministry. We need your help—contact Randy Peters if you can do that.



Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together

The Cathedral’s year-long work on justice ministry through CLOUT came to fruition on Tuesday, March 28, when 56 members and friends of CCC joined 1,026 others of faith from CLOUT’s 22 member churches at the annual Nehemiah Action Assembly. CLOUT (Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together) has worked for 25 years with great success in highlighting issues that affect the whole community. At the assembly, community officials and stakeholders committed to specific progress toward solutions to public health and safety crises in our community. This year CLOUT’s efforts focused on three areas: increasing funding for affordable housing, implementing and expanding Restorative Practices in Jefferson County public schools, and setting up a community-wide roundtable for those in health and criminal justice to begin to implement best practices programs that address the treatment of mental health and addiction. You can expect to hear more about CCC’s Justice Ministry as the team continues to work through CLOUT during the coming year to research and expand its efforts.

Downtown Episcopal Outreach (DEO)

Don’t be afraid of CHANGE—put it in the DEO Pig! DEO supports the Lunch Bags Program, Laundry Love, Kentucky Refugee Ministry and addresses gap needs that arise in service agencies throughout central Louisville. Using the Dean’s Discretionary Fund, and working with outreach partners including Central Louisville Community Ministries, Our Merciful Savior Episcopal Church and St. George’s Episcopal Church, we help with expenses such as ID application fees, prescription drugs, utilities, and some transportation costs. You can help by contributing to the Dean’s Discretionary Fund, and by putting coins and bills in the DEO Piggy Bank.


Reaching Out for Outreach Lunch Bag Ministry

The lunch bag ministry is a way for Christ Church Cathedral to help feed our neighbors who are hungry. The bags contain bottled water, a protein, canned fruit, a breakfast bar, a salty snack and something sweet. The lunch bags are assembled by a group of volunteer parishioners who meet at the church as needed to replenish the supply of bags. During the calendar year of 2016 we gave out 2,110 bags. The costs for the bags are paid for by Downtown Episcopal Outreach. So remember to “Feed the DEO Pig.” For more information, contact Paul Real who leads this ministry.

Laundry Love

Laundry Love provides assistance to individuals and families that do not have washers/dryers or cannot afford to add expensive laundry costs to their budget. Laundry Love happens every 2nd Thursday, 5:30-8 p.m. at Aunt Bee’s Laundromat, 2nd and Ormsby. Next Laundry Love event is Thursday, May 11. We are also helping to fund Laundry Love through your contributions to DEO (Downtown Episcopal Outreach). Contact Dorothy Converse or Mike DaRif if you have questions.

Kentucky Refugee Ministries

Consider supporting KRM which works to relocate refugees in Louisville. What your gift can do: $25 provides a blanket for a refugee child,
$50 provides a monthly bus pass for an adult seeking work,
$75 provides groceries for a family’s first week in Kentucky, $100 assists with medications for a sick mother,
$150 assists with a heating bill for a 1-bedroom apartment,
$500 assists with rent for a family’s new apartment,
$1,000 assists a family if someone gets ill and can’t work,
$2,500 co-sponsors a new family for three months.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries, 969-B Cherokee Rd., Louisville, KY 40204, (502) 479-9180.

BE KIND Philo of Alexandria was a Greek Jewish philosopher (c. 25 BCE – c. 50 CE) who lived and worked in Alexandria, Egypt. His method of blending Greek philosophy with Jewish philosophy was useful to Christian Church Fathers. For example, some scholars believe that his notion of logos (meaning God’s creative principle) influenced early Christology. We can see that illustrated in the first chapter of the Gospel of John—in the beginning was the word (or ‘logos’). Apparently, kindness, too, was important to Philo, as he is said to have written: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.

we listen New or Updated This Week — Coffee Hour Hosts

Coffee Hour hosts

Today’s Coffee Hour host is Randy Peters. Be sure to thank her for her hospitality.

Urban Ministry Open House Fellowship Coffee Hours

The Cathedral is one of four Urban Ministry core congregations in downtown Louisville. The other three are St. George’s, Our Merciful Savior and Calvary. During Lent and Easter, we are visiting each parish’s Coffee Hour to enjoy one another’s hospitality and fellowship. The Cathedral hosted the event in February and the response was great. Now, I ask that we go to the two upcoming Coffee Hours: April 30 at Our Merciful Savior (473 S. 11th St.); and May 21 at Calvary (821 S 4th St.). Each will be at 12:30 pm.


A greeting card program for Christ Church Cathedral parish has been developed to recognize special and significant days – birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and to reach out to the homebound and to express condolences. Adults with current e-mail addresses will receive e-cards from caring@christchurchlouky. org. When the animated portion ends, wait for your personal message screen to appear. Paper cards will be mailed to our children, youth and to folks without e-mail. Please add caring@ to your e-mail addresses so that your e-cards will reach your inbox. To assure receipt of e-cards, please inform the church office of a new or updated e-mail address (after the 2017 Directory listings). Thank you!

Pastoral Care

If you have a pastoral care emergency or concern, call Dean Pritcher any time on the Pastoral Care line: 502-632-3213. In addition, when there are pastoral concerns about members of our congregation, and with the concurrence of the person or people concerned, Randy Peters sends an e-mail to a list of people who have indicated that they want to know about these concerns. If you want to be included in that distribution list, please let Randy know, either in person or by e-mail,


Men’s Lunch Group

Cathedral men will meet for lunch and conversation on the first Wednesday of the month. For information call Mike DaRif at 500-4157. All Cathedral men are welcome.

Gay Men’s Supper Club

The Cathedral’s Gay Men’s Supper Club meets each month for conversation and supper. Contact Bill Shelton,, or call 897-3079.

Women’s Lunch Bunch

Cathedral women meet for fellowship and lunch on the third Thursday of each month. For more information, or to make a reservation, e-mail lunchbunchlady@yahoo. com, or call Mildred Franks, 893-3815.

Membership in the Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church membership is automatic in the parish at which you were baptized or confirmed, and you can easily move your membership when you relocate. If you would like to become an Episcopalian or to move your membership to the Cathedral, call the parish office, or leave your request with Dean Pritcher. The Cathedral will contact your former parish and make the necessary changes. You make the request, and the Cathedral will handle the paperwork.

STEWARDSHIP NOTES As we make our way further into the 50 days of Easter, our goal is to deepen our faith and explore what resurrection, ‘new life’, means to us. Imagine the men, women and children among us whose challenge is more complicated—whose notion of exploring ‘new life’ is the act of finding their way in a new country, a new city and a new neighborhood. If you would like to help those who are new to the USA and Louisville, consider giving to or volunteering with Kentucky Refugee Ministries (KRM), and watch for more news about sanctuary for them. You can learn more about KRM by calling (502) 479-9180, or by going to this website:

we build New or Updated This Week — Office Volunteers

Office Volunteers

Thank you to the office volunteers for this past week: Randy Peters, Page Curry and Jane Halliday If you would like to volunteer some time in the office contact Frazier Marsh.

Digital Giving

A campaign has been created for online giving with an option to give for general support. The goal is unlimited, but in the future items can be added with specific goals if needed. Payments are made online through with a credit or debit card. The Cathedral will receive a check each month less a 5% payment processing fee. A report will be emailed monthly as well, listing details of each contribution. Campaigns can be accessed using the Donate link at the top of our website. A link will need to be added for mobile. 6

Office Hours

The Cathedral Office hours are Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm., and the building is open from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm. To see Frazier Marsh, Parish Administrator, come between 9:00 and 11:00 am. However, if you have a pastoral care need at any time and cannot get through, the pastoral care line is always open. The number is: 502-632-3213.

RE-ENROLL in the Kroger Community Rewards program

The new Kroger Community Rewards program requires us to re-enroll each year. If you have not re-enrolled since August 2016, please do so now. It pays benefits back to the Cathedral every time you use your regular Kroger Plus Card, the savings card most of us use when shopping at Kroger. It’s easy to get started. Register your card by phone (1-888-904-0800) or online. Here’s how to register online: • Visit and hit “Create an Account.” • Register your Kroger Plus Card number. • Once you are registered, you’ll see a tab that says “Kroger Community Rewards.” Hit the “Enroll” tab. • You will be asked for the company name or number. For best results, enter the Cathedral company number, 11088. • Confirm “Christ Church Cathedral” as your charity and you are signed up. The Cathedral reaps the financial benefits every time you use your Kroger Plus Card.

Priest Associates

The Rev’d William L. Bippus and the Rev’d R. Edgar Wallace are Priest Associates at the Cathedral. They have served for some time now: on Sundays, preaching and presiding; on weekdays, in support of Midday Mass; and daily, offering sage advice from their wealth of experience in parish ministry. Join me in thanking them for their generous service to the Cathedral.

Parking at the Cathedral

Parking has been arranged for Sunday mornings at 3 locations: the Transamerica Parking Lot adjacent to Cathedral Commons (Sunday mornings only), at the corner of 2nd and Muhammed Ali; the old “Midas Lot” behind the Cathedral and entered by 1st St. at Louisville Surgical Center entrance; and the YMCA Garage on 2nd St. The Transamerica lot is only to be used for Sunday mornings (you will be towed if you park there at other times). The old “Midas Lot” can also be used on Sunday mornings and in the evenings and on Saturday when the Louisville Surgical Center is closed. The YMCA Garage can be used at anytime although there may be a parking fee depending on day and time. We will continue to work on other options.

Scan Your Bulletin and Other Tech Notes

A QR code is posted at each entrance of the Nave. Scan it with your smartphone or other electronic device to download the Service Bulletin and Cathedral Matters into your device. To access the Cathedral’s Wi Fi signal when you are here, use the password ccc421425. And friend us on Facebook: Christ Church Cathedral (421 S. 2nd St., Louisville). Let us know if you have any questions.

PLEDGE UPDATE Total of pledges received, 76 Amount pledged $295,533.50 new pledges 10 increased 32 decreased 7 no change 27 We would love to have 100% of you as part of the pledges. Prayerfully consider what you will commit to ministry at the Cathedral in the coming year and register it with a Pledge Card. Pledge Cards are in pockets of chairs in the Cathedral and at all entrances. 7

CALENDAR Sunday, April 23 • 8:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I in the Chapel • 9:15 am, Adult Bible Study in the Library • 9:45 am Children’s Sunday School in the Atrium (in Dean’s Hall) • 9:45 am Choir Rehearsal • 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II • 11:45 am Coffee Hour in Bishops’ Hall • Noon Adult Study Series in the Library Monday, April 24 • Cathedral Office Closed • Noon Eucharist in the Chapel Tuesday, April 25 • Office Hours 10 am —1 pm • 11 am Staff Meeting • Noon Eucharist in the Chapel Wednesday, April 26 • Office Hours 10 am —1 pm • Noon Eucharist in the Chapel • 6 pm Evensong in the Chapel • 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Thursday, April 27 • Office Hours 10 am —1 p.m • Noon Eucharist in the Chapel Friday, April 28 • Office Hours 10 am —1 pm • Noon Eucharist in the Chapel Saturday, April 29 • Cathedral closed

Sunday, April 303 • 8:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I with • 9:15 am Adult Bible Study • 9:45 am Children’s Sunday School in the Atrium (in Dean’s Hall) • 9:45 am Cathedral Choir Rehearsal • 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Cathedral • 11:45 am Coffee Hour • Noon Adult Book Study in the Library

Why do we pray, study, work, listen and build?

Benedict, the father of Benedictine spirituality, suggested that our life is best balanced between prayer, study, and work. We have taken that challenge as the basis of our common life together at Christ Church Cathedral: We pray (worship and the arts). We study (spiritual formation). We work (service to others). In addition, we know that we are sustained by our life together, and that works best when we listen to one another. We also aim to build and maintain a structure that will support all of our ministry efforts. And so: We listen (cathedral life and fellowship), We build (administration). In Cathedral Matters, you will find information about ministry opportunities at the Cathedral which fit into all five of these areas. Under each of the five main categories you will see what is new to the listing for this week. You will notice that some paragraphs repeat weekly, so that our guests won’t miss any news. You are urged to take your Cathedral Matters home with you so that you will have it for ready referenc Tuesday in Holy Week e. Now, read about our ministry, think about how you would like to be involved...and jump right in!

Christ Church Cathedral 421 S. 2nd St., Louisville, KY 40202 502 • 587 • 1354 Frazier Marsh • administrative assistant

The Very Rev. Joan Pritcher • dean

Dr. Robert Bozeman • canon musician 8

Prayer is at the heart of Christian community. We use this space to bring before God and the community the needs of those we love. Please submit prayer requests for yourself and others to the church office: We will include those names here so that the community may join you in prayer. . . . in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, for the Anglican Church of Melanesia . . . for Cathedral members in need of healing Gary Pope, Donna Pottinger, James Searcy, Tim Tice, Ruth Wukasch, Robert Bozeman, Carol Brown, Charles Cooksey, Gretchen Davis, Jack Jacobs, Carol Kendall, Norma Laufer, Larry Otto . . . for family and friends of Cathedral members requested by

We Pray . . .

Augie Vida Beard Ruppe, Preston Thomas Frank Turner Ed Harrel David Collett, Janet Shedd & family, Sam Watkins Alex and Brittany, Brian Coahran, Nathan Vessels Peg Box, Kelly Brown, Keith Kozel, Nancy Parshley Robinson/French Families, Mike Streuwing Andy Rochester Terry Swords Jeff Kevin Mathes Nancy Tucke, Tammi Winemillerr George, McKenzie Carey Duval, Elizabeth Foster, Maggie Foster, Michael Foster, Tara Moriarty Leah Adams, Monta Rae Cook, Linda Dean, Diane Flechler Carl Horton, Don Grube, Judy Horton Kathy Koloff, Phillip Koloff, Jim Porter, Sharon Turner Louis Besten, Forrest Cook, David Cracraft, Mike Kimery Gene Lichtefeld, Gibbs Reese, Alex Rohleder, Shaine Weaver, Judy Vance Justin Gallahar Clayton, Jim, Bill Turner, Mary Turner Jack Jacobs Grace Kleinschmidt Eric Zoerb Art Embry Sam and Noah, Foster care children in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Paula Hamilton, Shay Kalinowski, Jeff Potter Laura Ingram Koehler, Brian Starr Brian, Margo. David Ellis Lindsay Wager Stuart Cornelius Susan Livingston, Doug Murray Elena & Max Matthews Bevin, Carey, Chace, Chancey, Piper, Grace Flint Tom Stigger Randall Kennebruew Chaurice Weathers, Steve Whelan Julius Gray, Bee Lampkins Jared Stivers

Faith Aeilts Rob Beard Jerry Brown Carol Brown Melinda Collett Jim Collings Dorothy Converse Page Curry Mike DaRif Judy Donahue Darren Drain Tara Durnil McCall Eng Mike Foster Bobbie Fritton Vance Fritton

Lea Ann Garbrough Paula Hale Kirt Jacobs Bruce Kleinschmidt Sissy Lanier Terry Laun Kitten Lawless Jan Margerum Frazier Marsh Jerry Marsh Patsy Melton Mildred Payne Helen Murray Randy Peters Dean Pritcher Jan Scholtz Sue Speed Jim Snyder Tim Tice Kay Shields Wilkinson

. . . for those serving in the armed forces or recovering from the wounds of war

Cera Benbow, Nicholas James, Chris Jones, Mark Jones, Michael Lathon, David McGrath, Keith Morrisson, Chris Nobles, John Taylor

. . . for those celebrating birthdays

Steve Anderson

. . . for those celebrating anniversaries

Robert Bozeman & Raj Shah

Christ Church Cathedral Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky The Rt. Rev. Terry Allen White, Bishop The Very Rev. Joan Pritcher, Dean in the Interim The Rev. William L. Bippus, Pastoral Associate The Rev. R. Edgar Wallace, Pastoral Associate The Rev. Dr. Eva Markham, Deacon The Rev. Gary England, Deacon Canon Dr. Robert L. Bozeman, Cathedral Musician Liason for Children, Youth and Families Frazier Marsh, Interim Office Manager Thomas Thill, Sacristan 421 South Second Street, Louisville, KY 40202 502-587-1354 •

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