67 Thoughts You Have While Walking Through Michaels

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s2.quickmeme.com / Via quickmeme.com

1. Ooooh, this shopping center has a Michaels! Maybe I’ll just pop in for a minute. 2. Look at all of these different-sized jars, how cute. 3. I should get one in each size just for…you know, just ‘cause. 4. Omgosh, 30% off card stock?! 5. It’s so messy in this section. 6. Okay, I need to go back and get a basket. 7. Wow, mustache duct tape. 8. Need it. 9. Look at all of the designs, wowwwwww.


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NBC / Via reactiongif.org

10. I really want to scrapbook that trip to Mexico I took with the girls. 11. These embellishments are so cute! 12. Margarita stickers, hayyyy. 13. This paper is so perfect for those sunset pictures. 14. Oh my gosh, how sweet are these baby shower scrapbook papers?! 15. Is anyone having a baby soon? 16. Hmm, I’ll just get them and save them for another time. 17. 20 cents each?! 18. What a damn bargain!


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Disney/Pixar / Via tumblr.com

19. OMG spray paint! 20. I’ve always wanted to spray paint everything I own white and gold. 21. I’m getting a can. 22. Well, I guess I’ll need two of each can in reality. 23. I wonder where they keep the glue guns. 24. That one Pinterest thing I pinned said a glue gun was optional so I might as well pick one up now. 25. Does this place have an app? 26. Ooh, they do! 27. OMG COUPONS?! 28. This is soooo greeeaaaattttt!


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Universal Studios / Via reactiongif.org

29. My basket is getting so heavy. 30. Canvases are marked down 20%? 31. That’s legit. 32. Lemme check my DIY board for canvas stuff. 33. Canvas quote, melted rainbow crayon canvas, yup. 34. Need at least five of these guys. 35. Should have gotten a wheely cart. 36. Will anyone take my basket if I leave it for a minute? 37. This stuff is crafting gold. 38. Alright, I’ll be quick. 39. Sorry, Miss, I’ll stop running! 40. Phew, okay my basket is still here. 41. Ahh, now I can really shop without limitations. 42. Holy moley, Christmas stuff? 43. LET’S DO THIS.


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MTV / Via tumblr.com

44. Yarnnnnnnnn, omgosh. 45. I’m going to learn how to make the prettiest scarf like, ever. 46. Hello to making scarf gifts for everyone I know for the rest of my life. 47. I wonder which knitting needles go with which yarn. 48. Ah well, I’ll get a few and then learn how to use them on YouTube. 49. I really should not have come in here. 50. But I’m so glad I did. 51. I feel so inspired to create right now. 52. This is so fun!


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TBS / Via tumblr.com

53. Okay I need to head to the check-out pronto. 54. Hmm, I kind of wish I had been doing mental price calculations this whole time. 55. Ah well, shouldn’t be too bad. 56. My turn! 57. Hello, Miss. 58. Yes, I did in fact find everything I needed today if by that you mean “wtf is all of this shit?” 59. HOW MUCH?! 60. Even with the coupon?! 61. Shoooooot, but I want all of itttttt. 62. Whatever, Amex, haaaayyy.


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Spyglass Entertainment / Via reactiongif.org

63. My husband/girlfriend/mom/roommate is going to kill me if I come home with all of this stuff. 64. I guess I’ll just leave it all in my trunk for now. 65. Maybe next time I’ll bring someone along so that they can see how great it is! 66. Gotta spread the wealth. 67. What a magical place.



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i.imgur.com / Via huffingtonpost.com Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/alessiasantoro/because-michaels-is-crack 67 Thoughts You Have While Walking Through Michaels

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