How we look
Style guidelines for web and print
This is a guide to the basic elements that make up Cashee. 02 Brand objectives 03 Our logo 05 Our strapline 06 Do’s and don’ts 07 Our colours 08 Typeface usage 10 Photography usage 16 Contacting the designer
Style guidelines for web and print
What does the Cashee brand need to help achieve? To “shake-up” the cashback market and offer end users more than what is currently available. To create a website and a business model that is better than the current 100% cashback websites and offers something new. To be known by the press and public as “better” than the existing websites. To make the public “switch” from the current websites to us. To become the number 1 UK cashback website.
Style guidelines for web and print
There are three main versions of our logo, please use them kindly.
01 Using our logo on a white background
02 Using our logo on a red background
03 Using our logo on a purple background
Style guidelines for web and print
Please give our logo some room to breathe.
Use the ‘pie’ symbol to guide you in spacing out our logo. Note that the left hand side uses extra space.
Style guidelines for web and print
It’s not a nessesity, but sometimes our strapline can help.
Your piece of the pie
our our Your piece of the pie Note how lowercase letters are used to give spacing
Style guidelines for web and print
Please pay attention. Do’s and don’ts. 01
01 Use on white 02 Use on our red 03 Use on our purple 04 Never overlay the logo onto photographs 05 Never use on colours other than those stated 06 Never add shadows or effects to our logo 07 Never tilt or rotate our logo 08 Never outline our logo
Style guidelines for web and print
Only use the colours listed below. CMYK
Hex code
4 20 94 0
247 202 0
Hex code
18 100 46 8
189 22 81
Hex code
65 100 35 50
71 21 62
Style guidelines for web and print
Our typeface. Logo & headlines. Kefa II Pro is an elegant modern typeface with slab-serif origin, large x-height and relatively condensed letterforms that is suitable for both display and text sizes, and performs well on-screen.
Aa Kefa Bold
Aa Kefa Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!:£(%$@{[
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!:£(%$@{[
Use -40pt tracking on Kefa Bold
Use -20pt tracking on Kefa Regular
Style guidelines for web and print
Our typeface. Content & copy. Open Sans was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, yet friendly appearance. It was optimized for print, web, and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility characteristics in its letterforms.
Aa Aa Open Sans Bold
Open Sans Regular
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!:£(%$@{[
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!:£(%$@{[
Use 0pt tracking on Open Sans
Use 0pt tracking on Open Sans
Style guidelines for web and print
Using photography to convey the brand. All photography should be modern and sharp looking, with a focus on people between the ages of 18 and 45. All phtographs should be bright and airy, preferably set outdoors or in a well lit room. People should always be seen smiling and happy, and faces should never be cut off or covered up. Avoid using generic stock images of a modern ‘happy family’ or ‘grandma on the computer’ Images do not need to be resticted to a certain category, the most important thing to show is that people are happy, their activity is less important.
Style guidelines for web and print
Need any speciďŹ c ďŹ les? Stuggling to apply the brand? Contact the designer. Aaron Tolley Graphic Design LTD Email
Style guidelines for web and print