Dental Clinic Noida

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Singh Dental Clinic in Noida

Services  General-dentistry treatment  Family dentistry treatment  Cosmetic dentistry treatment  Braces or orthodontic treatment  Teeth whitening treatment  Dental implant treatment  Dental implant treatment  root canal therapy treatment  Wisdom tooth treatment  Dental bridges treatment

General-dentistry treatment :The treatments available from our general dentists at Singh Dental Clinic can help maintain the health of your smile and prevent tooth loss and gum deterioration. We strive to help you keep your own natural teeth and tooth extraction will only ever be a last resort in the maintenance of your oral health. Below are some of the diseases and conditions you should look out for and the general dentistry treatments we provide to return you to the very best of dental health should they arise. Gum disease Gum disease occurs when bacteria is left to enter and infect the gum tissue, usually due to improper oral hygiene. Smoking, poor diet and drinking can also exacerbate gum disease, so it is of vital importance to look out for the signs of gum disease if you fall into any of these categories. Symptoms include:

Family dentistry treatment:At Singh Dental Clinic we believe that dental health should be practised before the first tooth is even visible and offer a complete Family Dentistry service to ensure that you and your family's oral health is at its very best. Preventing decay by promoting healthy smiles We want to help maintain smiles that are all your own for every member of the family and so look to prevent decay and disease rather than cure them. We do so by offering tailored advice to each family member concerning their own personal oral health routine and by providing regular check-ups and deep cleanings. Bringing baby for dental care You can bring your baby into the practice from as young as six months. This may sound a little early, but as dental cavities can occur within the gums before your child's first teeth even erupts it may be a great benefit to their oral health if you visit the practice as early as possible. Taking care of your baby's health could be as simple as cleaning their gums every morning and night with a small amount of toothpaste and a wet cloth, which could prevent the development of gum disease and tooth decay when their teeth do start to grow.

Cosmetic dentistry treatment :At Singh Dental Clinic we aim to keep you teeth healthy and strong, but we also understand that the appearance of your teeth is important to you as well. This is why we offer the very best treatments and procedures available today, to enhance, rejuvenate and restore your smile, whatever your dental problem. Porcelain veneers Porcelain veneers are the ideal solution to many dental problems and can straighten crooked teeth, restore cracked or chipped teeth and enhance the colour of your smile in just two visits. Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like covers, which are attached permanently to the front of your teeth after the tooth has been prepared. Each veneer is custom made to suit the colour, shape and translucency of your smile, for a gorgeous yet natural looking transformation.

Braces or orthodontic treatment:Braces are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth.Braces (bands, brackets and wires) are usually made of stainless steel although clear brackets are available, usually at extra cost. Fitting the braces usually involves two visits. Braces remain on the teeth for the entire duration of treatment.Patients then attend approximately every 4-8 weeks for adjustments, wire changes, etc.During treatment, patients may need to wear such items as rubber bands and/or headgear with their braces. These items provide important extra forces for the correction of the bite. How Long does it take to complete the orthodontic treatment Orthodontic treatment usually takes 18 - 24 months. Some cases may be finished earlier and others may take longer to complete. The total treatment time depends on the severity of the original malocclusion, the type of treatment carried out, and the co-operation of the patient.

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