2.2 The Overall Journey of Language The transition of language and the changes in methods of communication are very much evident since ‘the beginning’. The whole journey of language is divided into the parts created, as new methods of transfering information are invented. However, these parts also merge into each other creating an evolutionary journey. This journey of Language can be analysed using differet methods, such as: •
Using Prof. G.N. Devy’s analysis and considering Languages to be Memories This model shows each cube as a particle or store of memory. Initially these particles come together in a systematic way as languages are developed to record these bits of memory using a set of rules. They then start to scatter away from each other as the use of these languages start to decline.
Figure 2.2.1a (left overlap) A model representing the theory of perceiving language as particles of memories
Considering languages to be a set of individual rules called Grammer.
This model shows how the nature of communication changed from being chaotic (as humans today perceive it) to being organised with a given sense of direction
Figure 2.2.2a (left overlap) A model representing the theory of perceiving language as a set of rules
Mapping the the complexity of languages for humans This model shows the communication initially being wide spread . Gradually a sense of direction is created as languages start to develop; but then these spaces become fragment into smaller areas creating a labrynth which can confuse a person
Figure 2.2.3a (left overlap) A model representing the theory of perceiving language as particles of memories 40