10 common mistakes new e commerce businesses make

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10 Common Mistakes New E-commerce Businesses Make

1) Improper Product Descriptions • Product descriptions are the lifeline of an e-commerce business. • New marketers don’t take it as a vital measure and won’t provide proper information about their products on their websites. • This can cause huge loss, so ensure proped product description.

2) Ineffective Images for Product • If your product image isn’t effective enough, it may not drive your customers to the required place. • So, when you’re adding an image to your product, make sure it’s engaging and attractive.

3) Lack of Business Story • Don’t forget to put the story behind your business • Your audiences will be eager to know about you & your values and also your truthfulness towards them.

4) Frustrating Navigation

• Navigation becomes critical when even after spending hours shopping, your customers are not able to access your products.

• So, as a new e-com marketer keep eyes on this factor and try to provide superior navigation.

5) Slow Page Loading Time • Some websites take a lot of time in loading this happens because sites have multiple images of various size • Maximum time for e-commerce websites (Amazon and Flipkart) page loading should be 7-8 seconds.

6) No Responsive Design • Mobile e-commerce is gradually developing • 51% of adults purchase through mobiles and the number is still growing • You need to address the importance of a mobile responsive website, not only for you but also for your consumers.

7) Technical SEO Errors • Ensure your website has passed all SEO tests. • Some errors would be, The first one would be duplicate page creation due to URL variables. • One can rectify it with “Canonicalization.” • The second one is 404 like errors. One should do a detailed examination of technical SEO errors.

8) Information Missing on “About” Page • “About” pages are there in websites as an imperative part. • most of your visitors stop by your “About” page. • The page is really important to drive your sales proposition. • your “About” page should be for your consumers so that they can better understand your brand.

9) Not as much of Social Activities • You can’t flourish without social media integration. • e-commerce sector, social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are immensely important. • also need to focus on the online reputation management of your brand as well. • Reviews make a great difference in e-commerce businesses.

10) Improper Cart Management • Sometimes you may find that, when you put a product in your cart it seems to be out of stock • You may find options like “Credit Card, Debit Card and Internet Banking” • when gone for processing, the “make the payment” won’t be working or taking time in redirection to bank’s page. • There is a chance of “session out”. Lack of “COD” feature also causes problems to consumers.

Conclusion • E-commerce is surely a great resource for revenue generation. But, numbers of businesses fail to accomplish their goals lacking several inputs required for successful enrichment. • Above mentioned are some of the mistakes you should know & avoid as new e-commerce brand in order to flourish.

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