CDP Choline Powder: Reviews & Benefits & Side Effects–Pure Nootropics(4)
7. CDP choline powder Benefits VS Alpha GPC Benefits The body turns choline into CDP choline powder, which is then broken down into phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is the body’s choline warehouse of sorts. It can help both with the cell membrane creation, but also creates acetylcholine when necessary. Alpha GPC is on the opposite end of the process from CDP choline powder. Alpha GPC is a byproduct of phosphatidylcholine instead of a precursor. Basically, what this all means is that in the process of choline metabolism, CDP choline raw powder is closer to the original choline source and Alpha GPC is closer to the form used by the cells. That’s actually a tough question that’s up for debate. There have only been two studies directly comparing the two when injected intramuscularly. In the first study, Alpha GPC seemed to increase cognitive function more than CDP choline raw powder and in the second, Alpha GPC resulted in higher plasma levels of choline. While Alpha GPC seems to be the clear winner, it’s proposed that the method of ingestion may have had an impact and also that the plasma levels may indicate higher uptake of CDP choline powder. When not compared head to head, both Alpha GPC and CDP choline raw powder have been proven to be effective. Given the inconsistency in a superior supplement, the best course of action is to simply test them out. You can start with either one for a couple 1
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
weeks, then switch. If one worked better than the other did for you, you’ve got a winner! You could also use them concurrently to ensure that the entire process is covered. When it comes to essential nutrients, choline is a frontrunner in keeping the brain and body healthy. Choline plays a crucial role in the synthesis of cell membranes, which then uptake nutrients of their own. Within the brain, choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps maintain proper memory muscle function. The importance of proper choline levels becomes paramount in aging populations when synthesis of acetylcholine slows down, causing memory and cognitive function to decline rapidly. In less severe stages and cases, the impact of age on memory is used as a joke or excuse when someone forgets something, but in more severe cases, the memory loss can be devastating. Choline can only be absorbed through diet. Certain foods like eggs and meat are higher in choline than others, but these are also the same foods that have been vilified and wrongly accused of causing many other diseases. As a result, many Americans are choline deficient, with an estimated 10% or fewer men, women, and children get the recommended daily amounts of choline. This especially becomes problematic for vegetarians and vegans who do not have these foods in their diet. When there is a choline deficiency, the body prioritizes construction of cell membranes, leaving brain function on the back burner. In addition to eating more choline-rich foods, choline supplements are a solid way to increase choline intake, especially in aging groups. Two popular supplements with high bioavailability are CDP choline powder and Alpha GPC. Even though they’re technically different, both are effective since they occur at different stages in choline’s metabolic breakdown.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
8. CDP choline powder Side Effects CDP choline powder side effectsThe Natural Medicines database has rated CDP choline raw powder as Possibly Safe for oral use in adults. CDP choline powder is generally well tolerated when taken at appropriate dosages. While side effects are rare, there are a few mild side effects that have been associated with this supplement. These include effects like headaches, fatigue, nervousness, nausea, diarrhea, and other GI issues. In extremely rare cases it could possibly result in a drop in blood pressure and/or dizziness. Once again most of these effects are quite rare. This supplement actually has a very safe toxicity index and should be considered by almost everyone with the exception of pregnant and nursing mothers (simply due to a lack of evidence and testing for safety). Overall, CDP choline powder is a safe, effective supplement that may help improve memory, concentration, and attention, and it can offer many benefits for those both young and old. 3
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com