Everything You Should Know About Pregabalin(1)
EverythingYou Should KnowAbout Pregabalin(1)..................................................................................1 1. What is Pregabalin?...................................................................................................................2 2. Pregabalin mechanism of action.................................................................................................3 3.Pregabalin Uses......................................................................................................................... 3
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
1. What is Pregabalin? Pregabalin (148553-50-8) is a drug that is mostly sold under the brand name Lyrica in various regions in the world. It’s an anti-epileptic medicine that is also referred to as anticonvulsant. The drug is used to slow down brain impulses that lead to seizures. On the other hand, Pregabalin affects the brain chemicals that send pain signals across the body nervous system. The drug is also used in the medical world to treat different pains caused by various diseases such as nerve pains caused by fibromyalgia, diabetes, and even spinal cord injury pains. Pregabalin exists capsules, extended-release, or long-acting tablets and also in oral solution (liquid). All Pregabalin forms work in the same way, and your doctor will be the best person to choose the right one for you depending on your condition or what you want to achieve by the end of the dosage cycle. Being an oral drug serves as the best pain drug for many patients who are unconformable with regular injections. The drug also can lead to some severe side effects when overdosed or misused. Make sure you always follow the dosage instructions for better results. Pregabalin (148553-50-8) can be used together with other medications to aid the treatment of onset seizures in children aged at least four years old and adults too. For many years now, the drug has been playing a vital role in the medical world, making it one of the most potent pain-relieving drug on the market. The drug should only be taken under a doctor’s prescription for better results. However, always make sure you get the Pregabalin from a reliable seller or manufacturer around you.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
2. Pregabalin mechanism of action Pregabalin belongs to an anticonvulsants class of medications. Typically, the drugs in this class work in the same way and are used in the treatment of similar conditions. It’s not yet clear how exactly Pregabalin works, but it’s believed to work through calming down the damaged nerves in the body that lead to seizures or pains. The drug reduces the pains in the body that is caused by various reasons or diseases. Talk to your doctor for more information about Pregabalin.
3.Pregabalin Uses In the United States of America, Pregabalin has been approved for use in the treatment of diseases such as; Epilepsy Post-herpetic neuralgia or pains that occur after shingles Diabetic neuropathy pain and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a health condition that involves widespread pains, such as in the muscles, connective tissues, or heightened and painful response to touch. In other parts of the world, like in Europe, Pregabalin is used in the treatment of anxiety disorder, a condition that other medications are used to treat in the United States of America. As mentioned earlier, Pregabalin is also used with other drugs to enhance the results. Doctors can also prescribe the medication to patients with various conditions that can be treated or controlled by the Pregabalin.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com