HGH dosage:How to choose the dose of HGH reasonably?

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HGH dosage:How to choose the dose of HGH reasonably?

HGH dosage:How to choose the dose of HGH reasonably?...................................................................1 What is human growth hormone?......................................................................... 2 What is Hgh Cycle?..................................................................................................2 Hgh Cycle Dosage................................................................................................... 2 Health state and dosage of growth hormone...................................................... 4 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 4


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com


What is human growth hormone? The body naturally produces growth hormone (HGH or simply GH) in the pituitary gland, and, as its name implies, it is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Increasing muscle mass and bone density are impossible without GH, but it also plays a major role in maintaining the health of all human tissue, including that of the brain and other vital organs. When secreted, GH remains active in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, but this is enough time for the liver to convert it into growth factors, the most crucial of which is insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, which boasts a host of anabolic properties. Scientists began to harvest GH from the pituitary glands of cadavers in the 1950s, but didn’t synthesize the first HGH in laboratories until 1981, with its use as a performance-enhancing drug becoming popular shortly thereafter.

What is Hgh Cycle? As an hgh cycle before and after photo or testimonial will show, it refers to the use of human growth hormones, be it synthetic or natural, over a certain period. The typical somatropin cycle lasts for 4 to 6 months and hgh is usually stacked with a testosterone supplement and steroids.

Hgh Cycle Dosage The best hgh cycle is going to work only if you take the proper dosage. However, using synthetic hgh is not the same as using steroids because there is no standard dosage. If you ask about the minimum or maximum dosage for a cycle you’re going to receive different responses. However, you can use the following guidelines and make the necessary adjustments.


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com


For anti-aging purposes you can start off with 2 IU every day. You can inject yourself anytime of the day on a full or empty stomach, it’s your choice. You can inject yourself any time but many like to do it during the morning or some time before going to bed at night as those are the times when your body releases hormones. For general fitness, bodybuilding, improving athletic performance and fat loss, 4 IU daily will be fine. Hardcore and advanced users can up the dosage to 6 IU, but when go up that high the side effects start to hit you hard. For a first time hgh cycle the dosages above will do, but you can increase the dosage depending on the situation. If your goal is to hasten your recovery after an injury, increase the amount to 8 to 16 IU every day. This is a high dosage and it is not suitable for everyone. When taking anything higher than 4 IU, divide the dose throughout the day rather than take it at one go.


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com


Health state and dosage of growth hormone You should consider HGH side effects, although they are mild (see another article about HGH side effects to learn more): 

Blood sugar. Problems with the pancreas and possible diabetes are the main side effects of HGH. That is why before starting to use HGH, you must pass the blood test to find out the level of your blood sugar or take the glucose tolerance test. Also, don’t take growth hormone if your close relatives have diabetes. If your test shows 4-6 mmol/l, you can take HGH up to 10 IUs without Exogenous Insulin. If your level is higher, perform a deeper medical examination.

High pressure. Growth hormone usually causes water retention and increases blood pressure, so if you have problems with blood pressure, you need to choose only pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone (Jintropin and Ansomone), which causes milder side effects and increases your HGH dosage gradually to avoid water retention.

Cancer. You can read about it in the article about side effects in greater detail. In short, growth hormone can’t provoke cancer incidence, but it can accelerate the development of tumor if it already exists.

So don’t use HGH or steroids if you have cancer or your close relatives experience problems with it.

Conclusion Hgh cycle results are effective, but as was demonstrated here, the side effects of synthetic human growth hormones cannot be dismissed. The fact that their use is strictly regulated also says a lot about the dangers involved in their application. If you still want the benefits provided by hgh but don’t want to deal with the side effects, the best way to deal with it is to go natural via any of the products we mentioned here.


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com

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