3 minute read
Lorcaserin effects:Does Lorcaserin powder really work for fat loss?
lorcaserin powder, brand name:Belviq, main ingredients:lorcaserin rawpowder, which is used along with dietand bodybuilding to treatobesity,for fatloss.The medicine is sometimes given to treatobesityassociated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, ortype 2 diabetes.drug lorcaserin is in a class ofdrugs known as serotonin receptoragonists. lorcaserin powderworks bytargeting chemicals in the brain thataffectappetite.
Lorcaserin powderOverview
Lorcaserin is a prescription medication used to help adults who are obese or who are overweightand have weight-related medical problems to lose weight and keep from gaining backthatweight. Lorcaserin mustbe used along with a reduced calorie dietand an exercise plan.
Fatloss Lorcaserin is in a class ofmedications called serotonin receptor agonists. Lorcaserin works byincreasing feelings offullness so thatless food is eaten.
This medication comes in tabletform and is taken typically1-2 times a day, with orwithoutfood.
Common side effects oflorcaserin include headache, nausea, and backpain. Lorcaserin can cause lowblood sugar(hypoglycemia) in patients with diabetes.
Lorcaserin can slowyourthinking and cause dizziness. Do notdrive a caror operate heavymachineryuntil you knowhowlorcaserin affects you.
Whatis Obesity?
Obesityis developing into a pandemicin countries like the USA, the UKand India.The WHO projects thatby2015, about700 million adults will be clinically obese.Obesityis a majorpublichealth problem, beyond the disabilitydirectly related to excessive adiposity, and italso increases the riskofseveral chronic diseases such as hypertension, sleep apnoea, diabetes, coronaryartery disease and cancer. Clearly, obesityis a serious threat, imposing a vast economicburden on the healthcare system.
3 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com Howdoes Lorcaserin powderworkon Obesity?
The drug works bycontrolling appetite —specificallybyactivating brain receptors forserotonin, a neurotransmitterthattriggers feelings ofsatietyand satisfaction. Serotonin is also involved in mood; manyantidepressantdrugs workbypreventing the reuptake ofserotonin and keeping brain receptors bathed in the chemical. Researchers atArena saytheirdrug is designed to seekoutonlythe serotonin receptors thataffectappetite.
Howeffective Lorcaserin powderis?
Lorcaserin, used in combination with dietand exercise, results in modest weightloss ofabout12.9 lb (5.8 kg) compared with 5.6 lb (2.5 kg) with placebo.3On average, about47% ofpatientswill lose atleast5% oftheirbody weight(about11.1 lb [5 kg]) compared with 23% ofpatients receiving placebo (numberneeded totreat[NNT] = 4).1–3About22% ofpatientswill loseatleast 10% oftheirbodyweightvs. 9% ofpatients receiving placebo (NNT= 7). This weightloss is maintained, on average, fortwo years. Weightloss occurs early, and those who donotlose 5% oftheirbodyweightin thefirstthree monthsare unlikelyto achieve 5% loss by52 weeks. Weightloss also occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes who are nottaking insulin, although notto the same extent.4 Stopping lorcaserin afterone yearresults in an average weightgain thatis within 2.2 lb (1 kg) ofbaseline.1–3 There is no research on the effectof lorcaserin on mortality, incidence ofdiabetes, orotherpatient-oriented outcomes.
Studyshows,abouthalfthe dieters who tooklorcaserin fora yearin the study lostatleast5% oftheirbodyweight, compared to 20% ofdieters who tooka placebo pill. Aboutone in five lorcaserin users lost10% ormore oftheirbody weight, compared to one outof14 placebo users.
People who continued on the drug fortwo years were able to maintain their weightloss betterthan those switched to placebo afterone year, researcher Steven R. Smith, MD, ofthe Florida Hospital and the Sanford-Burnham Institute tells WebMD.
lorcaserin powder, brand name:Belviq, main ingredients:lorcaserin raw powder, which is used along with diet and bodybuilding to treat obesity,for fat loss.The medicine is sometimes given to treat obesity associated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes.drug lorcaserin is in a class of drugs known as serotonin receptor agonists. lorcaserin powder works by targeting chemicals in the brain that affect appetite.
Lorcaserin powder Overview
Lorcaserin is a prescription medication used to help adults who are obese or who are overweight and have weight-related medical problems to lose weight and keep from gaining back that weight. Lorcaserin must be used along with a reduced calorie diet and an exercise plan.
Fat loss Lorcaserin is in a class of medications called serotonin receptor agonists. Lorcaserin works by increasing feelings of fullness so that less food is eaten.