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PCT drugs for recovery-Nolvadex,Clomid,Letrozole,Aromasin,Halotestin

In bodybuilding area,how to choose a suitable steroids for bodybuilding is a question to ask,also there is another on MuscleTalk,that is how to choose the post cycle therapy (PCT) drugs like Clomid, Nolvadex and Letrozole,Aromasin,Halotestin,Anastrozole correctly.Today we are gonna to teach you how to choose a suitable PCT drugs.

Post cycle therapy (PCT) is a method of employing drugs which work via various mechanisms to go, is a process that involves specific compounds, nutrition, and often pharmaceutical drugs to help control levels of estrogen, re-regulate hormonal levels and get you back to normal after a cycle of prohormones/steroids.Most anabolic steroids, especially the androgens, cause inhibition of the body’s own testosterone production. When a bodybuilder comes off a steroid cycle, natural testosterone production is zero and the levels of the steroids taken in the blood are diminishing. This leaves the ratios of catabolic : anabolic hormones in the blood high, hence the body is in a state of catabolism, and, as a result, much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going to be lost.Thus,PCT becomes a need when bodybuilding.Here are the six PCT drugs ,we are gonna introducing them and their different function in PCT.


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