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Stacking Primoblan

6.Stacking Primoblan



As greatas Primo is, mostguys feel theyneed to kickitup a notch byadding something strongerand in thatregard, Primo is veryeasyto stacksince it goes with anything. There are no contraindications with othersteroids and whateverelse you’re using, Primobolan will simplyadd a greateranabolic impactto it. The mostlogical stacking choice with Primo would be testosterone. Testgoes with everything as well and the combination is a winning one. Notbeing particularlyandrogenic(even though, like all steroids, it’s based offofthe testosterone molecule) Primobolan can still cause some suppression sincetheandrogenicqualitywould bejustenough tosuppressbut nothigh enough to add more than the bodywould produce on its own. This is one ofthe criticisms ofPrimo. Formaximum growth, some androgen elevation is needed. The induced suppression along with the lackof androgen replacementcan lead to a slightloss oflibido. Adding a little testosterone rectifies thatpotential pitfall plus increases greatermuscle building potential. Togetherthe two steroids provide all you wantand need from a cycle. Stacking multiple injectable compounds is usuallyunnecessary.

Ifyou’re looking fora “kickstart” to you cycle Primo also stacks especiallywell with fastacting orals. When using Primoboaln with Dianabol you’ll getthe initial impactofthe D-bol along with the sustained solid muscle build up for the Primo. It’s the bestofboth worlds. Butwhen using an oral, ALWAYS use a properliverprotection supplements. (N2GUARD, Protein FactoryPOST- CYCLE and LIV52 are among the bestand the mostpopular. Betteryet–use all three). Rumorhas itthatArnold tooka 100mg shotofPrimobolin a day along with 25mgs dianabol tabs a day. Thatwas regarded as pushing the envelope backin “the day” though bytoday’s standards it’s prettymild. It’s alsoaprettygood stack. Thetwo complimenteach otherwell and you can get both the increased size and blood volume along with the superiornitrogen retention and relative safety.


7.Primobolan ForWomen

Primo is considered the bestchoice forwomen due to its lowandrogenic qualities and consequentlean gains. Women tend to wantto avoid excessive bulkiness and the smoothness thatcomes from waterretention. Also, since estrogen creates a “soft” look, steroids thataromatize can destroythe aestheticthey’re attempting to achieve. One drug which creates hardness withoutbloating orestrogen buildup is Masteron, butMasteron is a pure androgen. This can lead to the masculinizing side effects mostwomen seekto avoid — hairloss, bodyhairgrowth, tougherskin, a deepervoice and most disturbing, enlargementofthe clitoris. Since Primo is almostpurelyanabolic,

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