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Primobolan Cycles and Use


3.Primobolan Cycles and Use


Primobolan cycles are commonlyin the form offatlossand/orcutting cycles. It isalmostneverused asa bulking ormass-gaining agent, and mostofitsuseis in the form ofa pre-contestdrug in the final weeks leading up to a competition showorphoto shoot. Itis typicallycycled with othercompounds thathold similarqualities, properties, and half-lives. Manybodybuilders often stack Primobolan with Testosterone Propionate (orTestosterone Enanthate) and useitforthefirst8 weeksofa cycle in ordertoassistin theretention ofmuscle mass during periods oflowcaloricintake.

Otherbodybuilders will perform oral Primobolan cycles stacked with compounds such as Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate, as all ofthe compounds involved worksynergisticallyespeciallywhere half-lived are concerned. Somemayopttouse Primobolan (eithertheoral orinjectable)with some form ofTestosterone and Winstrol (Stanozolol), typicallythe injectable form ifitis with the oral Primobolan. Itis importantto remembernotto utilized two differentoral compounds within the same cycle.

Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) should normallybe run forno longer than 8 weeks, and the injectable form (Methenolone Enanthate) can be run in cycle lengths of10 –12 weeks (orlonger, depending on the individual’s goals and desires).

4.Primobolan Dosages andAdministration

Primobolan dosage and administration depends heavilyupon which form is being used: oral orinjectable. Medical prescription Primobolan dosagesoutline 200mg as a firstdosage, followed with 100mg everyweekforthe complete duration oftherapy. The medical condition being treated would determine what the actual full Primobolan dosage is. The range can be anywhere from 100mg everyone ortwo weeks to 200mg everytwo to three weeks. Medical guidelines fororal Primobolan dosages call for100 –150mg perdayforno longerthan 6 –8 weeks ofconsistentuse.

Where bodybuilding, athletics, and performance enhancementis concerned, beginnerPrimobolan dosages forthe injectable formatnormallystartatabout 400mg perweek. Intermediate Primobolan dosages are usuallyin the range of 400 –700mg perweek, which should be adequate enough, and advanced users mayventure as high as 800 –1,000mg perweek. Female Primobolan dosages in terms ofsafetyand minimal virilization are usuallyin the range of

www.aasraw.com 50 –100mg perweek. Injectable Primo tends to be used farless frequentlyby females than the oral variant, which is the preferred form.

Oral Primobolan dosages begin in the range of50 –100mg perdayfor beginners, 100 –150mg perdayforintermediates, and 150 –200mg for advanced users. Female oral Primobolan dosages are usuallyrecommended to be within the range of50 –70mg perday, and should presentlittle riskof virilization.

Oral Primo should be administered once perdaywith no requirementto split up dosages throughoutthe day, as its half-life is about2 –3 days. Injectable Primobolan exhibits a half-life of7 –10 days due to the Enanthate ester, and should be administered twice perweek, with each injection spaced evenly apart, in orderto maintain stable and steadyblood plasma levels.

5.Primo forBulking orCutting

Primobolan is one offewsteroids thatis ideal forboth bulking and cutting. The truth be told, there reallyis no such things as “bulking steroid” or a “cutting steroid” it’s justthatsome generate more waterretention than others. Thatcan workin youradvantage ifyou’re looking to puton weight(even water weight) in orderto getyourbodyadapted to more mass. And the feeling of busting outofyourshirtsleeves can be fun too. Butbeyond waterretention, bulking and cutting is more a matterofdiet. Primo will notproduce fast increases in weightweightbyitself, butifcalories are increased it’s a wonderful drug forbulking withoutthe bloat. (Whatsome people call a” lean bulk”). Ofcourse, in a calorie deficitPrimo will still create muscle growth, making ita favorite for competitive bodybuilders in the lastfewweeks before a contest.

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