The 7 Best Nootropics(Smart Drugs) in the market of Noopept(2)

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The 7 Best Nootropics(Smart Drugs) in the market of Noopept(2)

Noopept powder Indications Noopept is used in the therapy of attention breakdown, memory loss, as well as other cognitive functions or emotionally labile disorders that have emerged against the backdrop of postcommunity syndrome, asthenic disorders, cerebral vascular insufficiency, brain trauma and pathological conditions that reduce intellectual potential.

Mode of application The pill “Noopept” is taken after a meal. At the initial dose of 20 mg divided into two doses (morning and evening), with insufficient effectiveness and good tolerability, you can go to 30 mg (three times a day for 10 mg), counting so that the last reception was not later than 18 hours. One course lasts from 1.5 to 3 months, and a second course can be carried out with a one-month break.

Noopept Side effects and contraindications Almost all nootropics powder mean a ban on the use of women during pregnancy. However, with the reception of “Noopept” in the list of contraindications is included: • restriction on age to 18 years, • deficiency of lactase, • marked violations in the liver and kidneys, 1

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• lucose-galactose malabsorption, • lactose intolerance. The last factor associated with a pathological reaction to lactose (milk) among the eastern Slavs is observed in 16-18% of the population. For Europe, this is the average figure – more for Austrians (up to 20%), Finns (18%), Italians (depending on the region from 15 to 52%), Balkans and residents of Crete (56%). In the south of France, this figure reaches 67%, and in Sicily – 71%. The percentage of lactose intolerance among the inhabitants of Central Asia is 80 – this means that 4 out of 5 people cannot use this nootropic drug. In this case, it is more expedient to switch to alternative natural remedies with a similar nootropic effect (for example, ” HeadBooster “), but as well as the reception of “Noopept”, it is necessary to take into account hypersensitivity to the components. Side effects of “Noopept” include allergic reactions and the possibility of lifting blood pressure in people with arterial hypertension.

The response of “nootropian” about the action of “Noopept” and natural analogues People who use nootropic drugs for medical purposes, but to expand memory and stimulate brain activity (“nootropics“), usually experience the effect of various substances and can make a comparative subjective assessment. So, “Noopept” is described as a drug, which already in the second week of reception allows you to keep increased intellectual activity throughout the day. It is noted that there are no headaches that usually occur with the same load, if the drug is not taken for a long time. Separate mention of dreams, which when receiving this nootropy become more vivid and expressive. Similar characteristics for a subjective description are, for example, Semax, Optimentis (Optimumis), HeadBooster (HeadBuster), etc., but not all preparations are described in the same way. For example, “Fenibut”, which is also used to strengthen memory and attention, reducing nervousness, simultaneously makes a person quite emotionless with slightly slower reactions.


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd

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