The 7 Best Nootropics(Smart Drugs) in the market of -Phenylpiracetam(3)
Phenylpiracetam(Carphedon) powder Dosage, safety, how much to drink. We believe that no matter how you are told that “the drug is completely safe,” we do not recommend its use for more than 3 weeks, it too exhausts you because of neurotransmitters working at high speeds. In fact, in our opinion, it is best to use phenotropic episodically, or courses of 2-3 weeks and treat it as a “Turbo Mode”. To achieve nootropic action, as already mentioned, it is necessary to drink at least 2 weeks above. On the packaging you will see that it is taken up to 3 months, clevermind.ru considers it, exclusively, a commercial move, since the price of this miracle is about 800 rubles (at the end of 2014). So, the reception of 3 weeks: It has been experimentally established that a person’s weight plays an important role if you are less than 70 kg: 1 tablet (100 mg) every morning, if there are no effects, then add one more, or simultaneously, or in 2-3 hours. You are more than 70 kg: start with the 1st, then you will most likely have to switch to 2 or even 3 per day.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
Carphedon powder How long does it take to effect? The drug has 2 actions on the rate of occurrence: 1. Within 5-6 hours. Colors are brighter, energy, concentration. There is no euphoria, you will feel collected and determined, but you will understand this only when the effect of the drug is over. The time between “think-to-do” is noticeably shortened, and at this moment it’s best you do not make mistakes. Speech becomes more rapid, I want to talk about everything, but if there are no extra ears, then read, write, program, in the end. Another very interesting effect – I want everyone to talk faster or you read the book so quickly that you eat some words. Athletes are also happy. 2. Within 10-14 days. The memory and wit is slightly improved, as is the case with conventional nootropics. Bright FullHD dreams are removed, so you can practice “guided dreams”.
When to wait for the effect? After 20-60 minutes, depending on your metabolism (metabolism). Nootropic effect – after 10-14 days.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com