The Definitive Guide to Testosterone propionate powder from(1)
The Definitive Guide toTestosterone propionate powder from(1)............................................................. 1 1.What is testosterone propionate powder?................................................................ 2 2.What is Testosterone propionate cycle?................................................................... 2 3.How to use Testosterone Propionate powder?........................................................ 4 4.How to inject Testosterone Propionate?................................................................... 4
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
1.What is testosterone propionate powder?
Testosterone propionate powder has a specific androgenic effect: it stimulates the development and function of the external genitalia, prostate, seminal vesicles, and the secondary sexual characteristics in men (voice, hair). It participates in the formation of the body constitution and sexual behavior in men, stimulates the libido and potency, and stimulates spermatogenesis. It reduces the production of luteotrophic and follicle-stimulating hormone. Testosterone is an antagonist of female sex hormone – estrogen, has an antitumor effect in breast tumors in women. It has anabolic effects, resulting in a stimulation of protein synthesis, decreasing fat deposition, keeping necessary things for the synthesis of protein, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, enhancing fixation of calcium in the bones and increasing muscle mass. With sufficient protein diet it stimulates the production of erythropoietin.
2.What is Testosterone propionate cycle?
Testosterone propionate cycle is prescribed in primary and secondary hypogonadism, eunuchoidism; impotence endocrine genesis, post-castration syndrome, male menopause; infertility as a result of violation of spermatogenesis; osteoporosis caused by lack of androgens, acromegaly, the initial stages of prostatic hypertrophy. Hormone-dependent tumors in women (breast, ovarian), menopausal disorders in women (combined with estrogens); functional bleeding with hyperestrogenism; mastitis, accompanied by painful premenstrual tension of the mammary glands; endometriosis, uterine fibroids are the reasons to use testosterone propionate cycle. Propionate is applied in treatment of anemia in men and women with the ineffectiveness of causal treatment (as an adjunct to treatment of causal).
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
As an anabolic agent testosterone propionate is used in various pathological conditions which are accompanied by enhanced dissolution of proteins (chronic infectious diseases, exhaustion, surgery, injuries, mostly men).
Propionate goes in 50 or testosterone propionate 100 mg per 1 ml, which is convenient and perfect for both amateurs and professionals. For beginners it is recommended 50 mg every other day, for experienced – testosterone propionate 100 mg/ml. The course requires taking anti-estrogens according to standard schemes to avoid gynecomastia, water retention and other estrogenic effects. After completing the course you need to take post-cycle therapy. It is also recommended to take cortisol blockers (whey protein or amino acids, omega-3, ascorbic acid, etc.) at the end of the cycle in order to keep up the mass.
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
3.How to use Testosterone Propionate powder?
The most common dosage for Testosterone Propionate is: 50 to 100mg every day 50 to 100mg every 2nd day Every 3rd day should be the absolute minimum because that’s near the border of Propionate activity timespan.
4.How to inject Testosterone Propionate?
It can be injected into any muscle (if the muscle is big enough). The most popular being buttocks, shoulder or even triceps. Testosterone propionate is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously in oil solutions 0.5-1 mL of 1% or 5% solution of the drug daily, 1-2 days from 2 weeks to 1-2 months. The testosterone propionate therapy is held under the supervision of a physician. When eunuchoidism, congenital underdevelopment of sexual glands or surgical removal testosterone propionate dosage is 0.025 g or 0.050 g every other day. With the improvement of the condition the doses are changed to 0,005-0,010 g daily or every other day. With impotence due to the lack of gonadal function, nervous and mental exhaustion and fatigue, male menopause and vascular and neurological disorders the dose is 0.010 g daily or 0,025 g 1-2 days.In the initial stage of prostate testosterone propionate 10ml is applied every other day for 1-2 months.In the early stages of hypertension and angina, dose is 0.010 g of 1-2 4
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com
times a week. The course of treatment is 15-20 injections.With dysmenorrhea the dose is 0,025 grams a day ( 20-30 injections in total). In vascular and neurological disorders of the climacteric nature the dose is 0.010 g every other day, a course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.In ovarian cancer and breast cancer (under 60 years) together with both radiotherapy, testosterone propionate is given in the dose of 0,050 g daily for 3-3.5 months and then the dose is reduced to 0,20-0 30 g per week for a month, subsequent two months the dose is 0.15 g per week, and another 2 months – 0.10 g, then a maintenance dose of testosterone propionate half-life is prescribed. In chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver in severe form with symptoms of portal hypertension and ascites one of the schemes of intramuscular injection of testosterone propionate in liver is: the first 2 days – 1 ml, then 3 days – 2 ml, 4 days – 3 ml of 1% oil solution of the drug; in the next 7 days – 1 ml of 5% oil solution, 4 days – 2 ml, and 2 days – 1 ml of a 1% solution. A high dose of testosterone propionate intramuscularly is: single – 0.05 g (1 ml of a 5% solution), daily – 0.10 g (2 ml of a 5% solution).
AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com