Yohimbine powder Dosage, Benefits, Side effects, Reviews(5)

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Yohimbine powder: Dosage, Benefits, Side effects, Reviews(5)

9. yohimbine powder HCL Danger High blood pressure and increased heart rate are two common side effects of both yohimbe HCL powder and yohimbine powder HCL powder, according to the NCCAM and the Mayo Clinic. Both yohimbe and yohimbine hcl powder can become dangerous if taken in larger-than-recommended doses, so consult with your doctor before you begin taking the herb or the drug, and follow his instructions. According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering, those with depression, schizophrenia, high-blood pressure, or diseases of the kidney, liver or heart should avoid taking yohimbe, as should women who are pregnant. Because it interacts with many common medication pathways, consult a doctor before taking yohimbe or yohimbine powder HCL powder.

10. yohimbine powder side effects Even at the recommended dosage (5.4 mg 3x/day), yohimbine powder has multiple side effects. Higher doses (200-5,000 mg) result in stronger side effects and can be toxic to the brain. Extremely high doses (above 5,000 mg) can be lethal. 1

AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com


Common side effects of yohimbine hcl powder are: —Nausea —Dizziness —Headache —Stomach pain —Allergic reactions —Anxiety —Nervousness —Increased blood pressure (hypertension) —Increased heart rate (tachycardia) —Kidney failure —Paralysis Several studies have shown that yohimbine powder promotes food- and drug- seeking behavior in rats and monkeys. Because yohimbine hcl powder reduces clotting, it should be avoided by hemophiliacs and those who have recently undergone surgery. Blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin, and heparin should not be taken with yohimbine powder HCL powder. yohimbine powder should not be taken with drugs that increase blood pressure and heart rate such as tricyclic antidepressants.


AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd aas14@aasraw.com

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