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Q&A with Dr Peter Sergel
Hamilton Gardens
Dr Peter Sergel is the Director of Hamilton Gardens, a world-class public garden with a unique concept of telling the history of gardens throughout civilisation.
What are your favourite parts?
My favourite part of Hamilton Gardens is generally the site of the next garden to be developed. You can visualise what it will look like from each angle and then it’s very rewarding to see it gradually become reality.
What are the most popular exhibits?
Just about every garden has been mentioned as someone’s favourite. However the most popular gardens seem to be the Italian Renaissance Garden, Mansfield Garden, Indian Char Bagh Garden and the new Surrealist Garden.
Who typically visits the gardens?
Under normal circumstances roughly a third of visitors are local, a third domestic tourists and third international. Ages and ethnicities are pretty evenly spread with a slightly higher proportion of young families.
What's planned for the future?
We have four new gardens under development that will add to our ‘story of gardens’ theme. The Ancient Egyptian Garden, Pasifika Garden, Medieval Garden and the Baroque Garden. More visitor facilities are also being developed to cater for the increasing visitor numbers.