5 minute read
Creativeness, the Needed Spark in an AgAv Business
by Bill Lavender
FARMVILLE, NC — On a recent trip, I stopped in east central North Carolina after a long flight from mid-state Illinois. Walking around after departing the aircraft, I looked closely at the bottoms of shoes; no, there wasn’t any tar on them, although I was pretty sure I was in the Tarheel state!
Only joking, I asked my hosts Wayne and Lou Slaughter of Wa-Lu Aviation why in the world would Tarheel be a nickname for a football team and for other references to the state. It was explained to me that many years ago large quantities of tar were mined in North Carolina and inadvertently the stuff found its way to the boot heals of the workers, thus the name Tarheel.
It had been awhile since visiting North Carolina. The last time was three or four years ago for an article about Gene and Elby Powers. During that trip I reminisced about the summer in 1974 when I flew for an operator (Tom Stancil) in nearby Oriental, North Carolina, even driving by the long since deserted airstrip to find the Airstream mobile home used for an office abandoned in the bushes.
Farmville is somewhat west of coastal Oriental, however I do recall making a long ferry flight or two for a couple of small tobacco fields (five and ten acres each in a 800 hp Thrush) during that summer. However, I just missed meeting Wayne Slaughter by about two years. Wayne began flying ag in 1976, working for Jim Craft Spray Service in Farmville. In 1987 he and wife Lou, formed Wa-Lu Aviation and have been at it ever since.
From Flanagan Field, Wa-Lu Aviation works from a sod strip shared with local Farmville general aviation pilots. If you are a Tri-Pacer buff or a Piper Cub enthusiast, undoubtedly you will see several interesting aircraft with a visit to the Slaughters.
One particular Tri-Pacer Wayne is restoring looks better than a new one; a genuine “dope and fabric” shop.
There still remains some tobacco acreage in Farmville, but true to its reputation, tobacco flying is made up of patches. The mainstay for ag flying in this region of North Carolina is cotton. Work begins in late June, peaking in July and August and continues to the first frost in early November. Even so, the area has suffered three bad years, backto-back, from a mix of problems. In 1999 cotton experienced its worst set back with the flood from Hurricane Floyd. Fortunately, the Slaughter’s home and Flanagan Field were on high ground, but their neighbors weren’t so lucky.
Like so many ag aviation companies, Wa-Lu Aviation has looked and found an alternative to cotton. By no means a replacement for the crop, spraying a block of pine trees has helped make up some of the losses, adding tach hours to the AT-301 and two Ag Trucks.
It can never be said those in the ag aviation business aren’t creative, and when it comes to addressing a problem, that creativeness really blooms. I’ve found this true, not only in the United States, but from agav operations worldwide. One problem that many companies are facing is the competitiveness of the ground machine, or rather being treated like a “911” service. Wa-Lu Aviation has addressed this problem in a rather unique and creative way.
In June of 2000 Wayne and Lou realized if they didn’t get a commitment from their customers for continued support with acreage to treat, they may as well pack their bags and move on. From that position, Wa-Lu Aviation distributed a letter to every grower they flew for, especially the ones that never showed up except in a time of crisis. The side bar to this article pretty well sums it all up with a direct reprint of their letter.
Most everyone knows the Slaughters from their work in the NAAA. Wayne served on the executive committee of the NAAA, finally becoming president in 1996. Lou served similarly for the WNAAA, becoming its president in 1997. But, not before Wayne had worked in the NCAAA as its president in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Wayne also served as president of NAAREF in 2000. With all their effort, time and dedication to the national association, Wayne and Lou may be taking a break from their work with NAAA.
“NAAA work is something everyone should become involved in and something each should allow to pass over them for new blood to enter”, Wayne says. He continues explaining this is his last year serving the designated five years on the pastpresident’s advisory committee. Now, he believes, is as good as time as any to let others step up to the plate and serve the association. And like always, and as everyone who knows the Slaughters, Lou is of the same opinion as Wayne. Everyone has benefited from their efforts, and I doubt that we’ve seen the last of them, maybe just a brief resting period; right Wayne and Lou?
Dear Wa-Lu Aviation Supporters,
We would like to convey our personal thanks to everyone who has supported WaLu Aviation over the last few years. Your friendship and your business means a lot to us. Your continued support is our reason for sending you this letter.
When cotton emerged back in this area, Wa-Lu Aviation invested in equipment to take care of your crop needs. Equipment that is very expensive to purchase and maintain.
This past year Wa-Lu Aviation was very close to closing its doors due to lack of spraying over the past three years. This lack of business was due to several reasons, drought, BT cotton, low insect pressure during cotton and soybean seasons and ground rigs falsely assuming they can do the job better and cheaper.
To assure that Wa-Lu Aviation is still in business and has the equipment to take care of your crops in the event of weather such as we experienced in September 1999, just a heavy rainy season, or a heavy insect infestation, we are asking you to consider committing if not all of your crop, a percentage of your crop to us to service. To those growers who commit their crop, we will in turn commit to flying your entire crop before those who have not committed any crop even if we have to lease extra aircraft. (Which could not be done in Sept. 1999 because of a lack of business prior to the flood.) We will also commit to a better price for those who commit vs. those who have committed none.
Help us to help you - Please give us a call or return the enclosed form to let us know your thoughts on this proposal. We need your input now in order to plan for this year.
Remember, without you there will be no Wa-Lu Aviation flying service for you to depend upon.
Wayne and Lou Slaughter