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Merit Has a Long History of HAPPY HEADS
Our MSA Helmets completed testing and CERTIFICATION to the new DOI Spec LH050 MACH 1 and LH250 MACH 2 in small and large shells by November 2020. Anyone that does not need the DOI Certification can purchase our standard MSA helmets as previously set up. If someone has a previously owned LH050 or LH250 helmet and needs a DOI Certification, you can call our office to discuss the necessary modifications and costs.
Check out Merit’s new Heavy Duty Chin Strap with magnetic FIDLOCK clasp which was designed for the DOI Certification. This can be added to any MSA LH050 and LH250 Helmet as well as EVO helmets at a fraction of the cost our competitor’s charges.
We now install the BOSE A20 ANR with blue-tooth but change the BOSE flex boom to a short flex boom and mic. This short flex boom can also be added to any Merit helmet setup.
The Blu-Link cellphone/music system we have sold for the past 14 years now has a new and improved update. The Blu-Link II. The upgraded model does everything the original one did but has added the following features: 2 Volume controls for Blu-tooth and comm system; 2 channel systems to run both phone and iPad at the same time; USB power port if the battery fails; port to power GoPro cameras; port to record audio and voice command calling. All this for an additional $10.00 more than the original version.
Merit has a long history of HAPPY HEADS in our helmets, and we continue to offer excellent customer service as that is the lifeblood of our business. Call us to discuss our DOI Certified helmets as well as the Talk Thru Comm System.