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Unmatched pricing for OEM parts
As the largest Honeywell TPE Channel Partner globally, TAE Aerospace can provide the lowest pricing on OEM parts for our customers.
Why TAE Aerospace is the largest authorized Honeywell MRO in world
• Unmatched pricing on OEM parts
• Largest OEM parts holding to assist with quicker turnaround times
• LRUs, component and fuel nozzle sales and support
• Consignment stock
• In-house repair capability
• Lease and exchange engines
• AOG support
• Global sales, field service and technical team ready to support your next engine or component event.
Other authorized MRO providers and non-authorized facilities are being forced to pass on the significant price increases we see in the economy today. As the only globally-licensed TPE MRO provider, TAE Aerospace can continue to deliver the lowest pricing to our customers. Our global capability also means you will benefit from our large stock holdings, in-house LRU capability and the only Honeywell Authorized Rental engine pool.
For example, the current Honeywell 1st stage wheel (P/N 3108164-4) list price is $174,831.* As a TAE Aerospace customer, you will pay $53,000. That’s a difference of almost $122,000!
Talk to us today about how we can offer a cost-effective solution for your next engine or component event. Contact Bruce Hubler on +1 (208) 229 8340 or email bruce.hubler@taeaerospace.com
Check It Out
I always find it surprising and a bit humbling how much one can forget in a relatively short time, such as finding all the fuel drain valves as part of a pre-flight walkaround. Likewise, the Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) checklist procedures are always more than just a bit rusty after a long layoff. Moreso is the many operating limitations contained in the POH.
Off-season is a great time to review the manufacturer’s checklists, particularly items such as engine failure at low altitudes where reaction time is critical. You look after your checks, and your checks will look after you.
Remember the Domino Effect
It’s easy enough to make safe decisions when daily operations are routine, but it’s when the action gets hot and heavy, and you are faced with a barrage of incoming factors at once – approaching inclement weather, a sudden insect outbreak, an unexpected engine problem –it’s like a domino effect on stress levels and operational pressures. That’s when we need to strictly adhere to operational safety tenets.
You can also use the domino effect to your advantage. Our behaviors are interconnected, so when you change one behavior, other behaviors tend to shift in a similar direction. The implementation of one safety initiative tends to lead to additional safety initiatives.
Stay in Your Comfort Zone
As you progress through the new season, you will regain more and more proficiency in aircraft handling, but in the early days of a new season, stay in your comfort zone. Don’t push the weather. Don’t push the performance limits of the aircraft. Don’t push the load size. When you are about to take off, and your Spidey sense is tingling with a vague but strong sense of something being wrong, take the time to have a second look. Don’t shoot first and ask questions later. It will get you into the kind of trouble you don’t want.
Read and Discuss Accident/Incident Reports
“The probable cause being the pilot’s failure to maintain adequate clearance from – you pick one – the crop, the tower, the powerline, the tree line.” While such reports are often stark in their assessment of an incident, they are real-life scenarios that could happen to anyone. They provide an excellent resource to begin conversations on risk management in the industry.
Adapt and Innovate
From the early days of ag aviation, where human flaggers were used to guide the aircraft on each spray pass, through flag dispensers, and the early adoption of GPS units, the industry has always been a place where innovation and change are part and parcel of normal operations. Be open to new ideas and operational innovations, and make that a part of your annual recommitment to safety. The only surprises you’ll get are pleasant ones.