The Cost of Getting Sick in Today’s Health Care Environment - Part 3 In Part 2 of The Cost of Getting Sick, we saw how international health insurance from companies like The American Assurance Underwriters Group (AAUG Insurance Company LTD) could combat the need for people to endure rising health care costs in places like the United States. In the third and final part, we’ll see how the rest of the world has relied on innovation to not only catch up with the level of health care within the U.S., but even surpass it. Innovation Brings International Health Care to the Forefront For years, the United States has depended on innovation to support the health care system. Citizens were able to rely on new technologies, new drugs, and new treatments to help ensure that their level of care remained topnotch. This innovation also served as a tool to boost the economy. However, as of late, innovation has slowed and the United States is losing its grasp as a world leader in health care. Part of the reason is the failing economy. However, a large portion of this downward trend is due to the fact that other countries are looking to bolster their own economies by working to lure research facilities and high-paying health care jobs away from the U.S. By offering friendlier regulatory policies and lower taxes, health care businesses are finding that it’s to their own benefit to relocate. So too, are international health care customers. The Rise of International Health Care Services In many countries, we see that hospitals and surgical centers have been upgraded to not only compete, but outperform facilities within the U.S. and across the globe. These new, state-of-the-art facilities are advanced
and offer high levels of care and top-tier doctors educated in the best medical schools in the world. With highly educated physicians moving for more lucrative employment, many countries are now seeing a growth in the number and type of procedures they can offer. Now, international health insurance carriers from companies like AAUG Insurance Company can expect to have coverage on an entire range of options, from cancer treatment to heart surgery. Even world-class pre and post-care rehabilitation services are being offered in many hospitals and clinics--something that U.S. citizens can’t even get. A Positive Health Care Trend A recent trend suggests that, with countries focusing more and more on developing and improving their health care services, the increased attention has had positive effects on the global population. According to a 2012 report by UNICEF, Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed, child deaths in many countries have been dramatically reduced by almost half, going from nearly 12 million in 1990 to 6.9 million in 2011. International Health Coverage and You Procedure after procedure, hospital stay after hospital stay, people who go to the United States for their health care are paying exorbitant amounts of money. With the recent surge of innovation and high level of care across the globe, international health insurance makes more sense for both monetary and quality reasons. If you have to choose between not having health insurance or paying too much to travel to a country to get health care, the advances in globalized medicine, combined with top-flight insurance companies like AAUG Insurance, have given you a better option. There’s no reason to go broke just to be healthy. Not anymore. For more information, visit @–