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Rewind to the Future

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Pastor David Hamstra and his family.

There was an atmosphere of joyful fellowship! After months of speculating and waiting for our new pastor, David Hamstra and his family finally arrived at the Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor David Hamstra began by thanking the Alberta Conference Evangelism Coordinator, Pastor George Ali, for his kind words and building up his expectations. In his address to the congregation, Pastor David took the time to articulately welcome well-wishers, members from his previous church in Fort McMurray, and all attendees. Before delivering his sermon, Pastor David made a profound statement. He said, “When I leave here, I don't want you to talk about all the great things that I did while I was your pastor here. I want you to be talking about all the great things that you did while I was here. The church is a team, and I am here to help you to do what God has called you to do.” The pastor stated that this philosophy is one that he has carried throughout his ministry. As I listened to Pastor David Hamstra's thought-provoking sermon, titled ''Rewind to the Future,'' he illustrated an example of playing video games with his children and how pressing the rewind button to the video games allowed him to undo mistakes and gave the feeling of almost having God-like power. We were taken back to Genesis 1:27–31, where God created this world, and it was very good. There was peace, contentment, and harmony in all aspects of life. It was shalom. That was where we started the race, with the option to grow, expand, and flourish. However, in 3:9–10, the race took a wrong turn when Eve became distracted. It was not shalom anymore; all relationship was broken. God had a relationship with Adam and Eve that was based on loving trust. They were in the best possible environment. They were given the freedom to eat of all the trees in Eden, but there was a boundary line, and when those rules were broken, God had to press the rewind button. He gave His life to save you and me. The Bible tells us the deceiver, Satan, is in the business of imitating God. His goal is to be like the Most High. As we were led through the promises from God's words, from Genesis to Revelation, we were reminded and reassured by Pastor David that restoring shalom is God asking us to trust in Him because He gave His life in order to press the rewind button and bring us back to Eden one day. As I sat in my seat and tried to put it all into perspective, I took away from the sermon that we are not left helpless because God has made restoration possible for you and me.

— Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, Children's Sabbath School Department

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