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Over 19 months into the pandemic and following a blistering summer heatwave, Sherwood Care staff and residents are as strong as ever, with much to be thankful.

Unprecedented is not a word that is used much in healthcare. Unexpected will be used from time to time, and even unusual gets an occasional mention, but rarely will you hear reference to unprecedented circumstances. From end-of-life experiences to seasonal influenza outbreaks to sudden challenges that call for quick, creative solutions, the staff at Sherwood Care have, as they say, “seen it all, heard it all, and done it all” before. And one of the key factors in their successful navigation of these experiences, they will tell you, is that they face them as a team.

In the early spring of 2020, this teamwork attitude was tested in genuinely unprecedented ways. "I'd be lying if I said we weren't worried," shares Sherwood Care CEO Kathy Fortunat of the reaction among staff as news of the global COVID-19 pandemic began to unfold. "There was certainly an awareness, as it progressed, of how severe it was and the challenges that we had as an organization." Stories of the devastation to long-term care centers coupled with ever-changing orders from medical authorities were at times overwhelming as care center leaders met daily in the early months of the pandemic. Their response: "We did what we always do," says Kathy; "we pulled together as a team, and we asked for God's direction and wisdom" along with prayer for protection for everyone connected with the care center, recognizing that Sherwood Care's team extended well beyond the building walls. "And then we started to do what we do," she continues, explaining that from the very beginning, families, as well as staff at all levels, were kept informed of the plans being put into action. More than just telling them what was going on and what to do, however, Sherwood Care's philosophy of leadership and partnership at all levels meant the staff was also directly involved in giving feedback and input as plans were implemented, changed, and changed again on a weekly, and at times daily basis. Besides strong communication, staff support was put in place. Additional staff hiring was done in all departments to relieve the increased workload around the pandemic and maintain complete, consistent shift coverage. Gave each staff increased access to mental health support through the chaplain, social worker, and external providers. "And food, lots of food," says Kathy with a smile, referring to the many donations of meals and treats from families and the community as tangible expressions of their appreciation for the care provided.

Even behind the masks, the group is smiling. We are all in this together.

From the onset and throughout the successive waves of the pandemic, Sherwood Care has effectively prevented any spread of COVID-19 both within the building and among staff. While other facilities have faced complete lockdowns with the suspension of programs and the isolation of all residents, we have been able to maintain a relative sense of normalcy for our resident population. Acknowledging this phenomenal accomplishment, Kathy and her team are quick to tell everyone it is because of two things: first, the blessing and grace of God, and second, the dedicated, hardworking team of caregivers at all levels.

Then, as if an ongoing global pandemic wasn’t enough, the team faced yet another unprecedented challenge with the heatwave in the early weeks of this past summer. As temperatures reached near and above forty degrees, the realities of living and working in a 52-year-old building became evident when the air conditioning in one area broke down. But as always, families and staff rallied and rose to the occasion. Extra fans were brought in and purchased for hallways and common areas. Cooling towels were provided to staff, along with daily supplies of cold bottled water throughout the building. Staff covered for each other to give time off the floor in air-conditioned spaces. And, once again, food, lots of food, in the form of frozen treats throughout the day. As the days stretched into weeks, when tempers could have flared with the temperatures, Sherwood Care staff worked extra hard day in and day out to stay cool and collected as they faithfully carried out their duties and provided extra care needed in these exceptional circumstances.

Not many generations can say they have been through an unprecedented event; fewer still will be able to say they have survived two. This is especially true if you work in healthcare. But in the face of two unprecedented, large-scale events, the team at Sherwood Care has come through as strong as ever, and stronger. And in the end, we can all say, "Been there… done that… got the T-shirt!" #SherwoodCareStrong.

— Submitted by Adam Deibert - Chaplain, Sherwood Care

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