3 minute read
Sylvan Lake Church Turns Trash into Treasure
Dale Jacobson standing beside large stack of bottles for recycling.
Running a successful Pathfinder club is a complex endeavour that requires the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit, dedicated leadership, willing young people, knowledgeable teachers, a proper facility, a supportive sponsor church, and solid financial supports. The Sylvan Lake Lighthouse Pathfinder Club has long benefited from the above blessings. But three years ago, two significant extra expenses loomed large on our club’s horizon. Our tents and camping equipment needed a serious upgrade and the 2024 Gilette, Wyoming International Pathfinder Camporee was fast approaching. The logistics and expense involved in making this once in a lifetime experience available to as many pathfinders as possible was daunting, to say the least. But this is where, we believe, the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit was revealed.
At this time, three and a half years ago, the writer of this article (and grandfather of a new pathfinder) had a completely random, — no, providential — conversation with an Alberta Parks employee. Somehow the conversation landed on the subject of fundraising and the upcoming needs of our local pathfinders. This very friendly public servant then revealed to me that all recyclables collected in Alberta Provincial parks were distributed — free of charge — to qualifying Alberta non- profit organizations and that our group sounded like a perfect fit. Wow!
The green light to explore this fund raising option was given by the local pathfinder leadership and after several months of back and forth with Alberta forests and parks we were awarded the contract to collect recyclables from Red Lodge Provincial Park for the 2022 season. This partnership went very well and the contract for Jarvis Bay Provincial Park was added for 2023. As of this writing, we have just concluded our pickups for the 2024 season and in total have earned $14,117.90 in three years. Our pathfinders also had another contract to vendor food and beverages on Sunday afternoon at camp meeting and over the past three years raised an additional $4,469.16. Thank you to all readers who supported us by eating our “tacos in a bag” at camp meeting!
Twenty-two of our pathfinders and staff attended the Gillette Pathfinder Camporee this past August and had an amazing experience. Thanks to God’s leading in this and so many other ways. P.S. By the way, did you know Alberta leads all other provinces in Canada by recycling 83% of all bottles and cans sold each year? Go Alberta!
— Submitted by Dale Jacobson, Pathfinder Parent