2 minute read

Out of the Mouth of Babes…

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Yes. Have you never read, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise”?’” (Matthew 21:16, NKJV)

The Sabbath of November 7, 2020, was a happy one for the Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church as our children led the entire service with enthusiasm. From the welcome to preaching the Word, children rose to the challenge. It was so inspiring! Members and visitors alike confirmed God’s gifts to these children. The presence of the Holy Spirit was felt powerfully in the congregation.

Chloe Quines and Danielle Rondael sweetly and confidently welcomed the congregation to worship. Jaeden Muthiah and Ayden Polishuk led together in a segment called “Kingdom Building,” followed by Joash Muthiah's prayer. London Quines invited the congregation to faithfully consider giving their tithes and offerings to the Lord, followed by a blessing. The offertory was a beautiful violin rendition of “When He Cometh” by Katelynn and Krystalynn Thanaki and Rhea Mullapudi. What a blessing to see Pratishta and Praveeksha Manukonda share the children's story on the prophet Elijah's life so creatively!

The message was delivered by Ayden Polishuk, who had just turned 11 years old and looked forward to this day with great anticipation. He spoke with passion and conviction about a topic dear to his heart: living boldly for Jesus. He titled his sermon “The Faceoff with the Prophets” and vividly described Elijah's boldness at Mount Carmel. In conclusion, Ayden challenged everyone to practice holy boldness in their everyday lives.

Jr. Pastor Ayden Polishuk preaching the Word!

Children Praise Team led by Jaeden Muthiah and Praveeksha Manukonda.

Jaeden Muthiah and Praveeksha Manukonda enthusiastically led the praise team, along with their skilled band. Everyone joined their innocent voices in praise to our Creator. Xander Rondael read 2 Timothy 1:6–7, leading to song meditation rendered by a talented quartet called “Sending”: Arden, Bryan, Chyrine, and Djecelle.

Violin trio (L to R) Katelynn Thanaki, Rhea Mullapudi, Krystalynn Thanaki.

The service ended with a powerful and dynamic action song, "Be Bold, Be Strong, for the Lord Your God Is with You! ”

Chloe Quines and Danielle Rondael welcoming everyone to worship.

I strongly believe the children have an essential part in God's story of salvation. If we “train up a child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6), God can make their willing hearts a fountain of praise that will bring others to Jesus! “Let us not get tired of doing good, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). God is busy at work raising young spiritual warriors in our midst and pouring out His Spirit on our young people.

At Red Deer Seventh-day Adventist Church, we believe in discipling our children to be leaders for Jesus and are planning to train children to preach the Word and be labourers with Jesus, preparing the world for His soon return. What a privilege we all have!

Quartet (L to R) Bryan, Chyrene, Djecell & Arden Sending.

For the full worship experience of our children’s service, you can go to this link: livestream.com/reddeeradventist/thefaceoffwiththeprophets

—Submitted by Lucia Polishuk, Red Deer Seventh- day Adventist Church

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