3 minute read

Please, Can You Help Me?

It was a long day. I didn’t have time for social distraction; I had worked overtime and was helping a friend manage his serious illness when my cell phone began to vibrate in my coat pocket. Picking up the phone, I quickly recognized her frantic voice. She was a young woman who I was fully acquainted with. I had volunteered several times at one of the Women’s Shelters in my community, where she frequently sought help. It was during this time that I got to know her. I tried my best to focus and listen to her frail, weak voice as she spoke softly. ‘’Please, can you help me? I don’t want to die”. At that moment, my heart sank. These words embrace all my worst fears and suddenly remind me how fragile life is. I silently poured out my heart to God and asked Him to keep her safe until I could reach her.

It was only a few weeks ago I recalled praying with her as she shared with me her struggle with a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol addiction, and physical abuse from her previous relationships.

During one of those private moments, after I had prayed with her, I told her how much God loved her and wanted to save her from her past, and I quickly handed her a soft-covered book of Steps to Christ. As we said goodbye, I encouraged her to read the book as often as she can and to allow God to speak to her heart. However, at that time, I did not realize that I had written my cell phone number, not intentionally, on a page of the book I gave to her. Looking back, I now believe that was God’s doing, not mine.

As I made my way through heavy traffic to her home, I again silently asked God to keep her safe. Stepping into the entrance of her doorway to her apartment, I tried to stay focused.

Despite my frequent communication with God, I still felt concerned for her safety and mine however, my strong sense of empathy forced me to continue. I was not expecting her to open the door on my first knock, but she did, and at that moment, it was quite evident from her appearance that she was suffering from extreme weight loss, poor appetite, lack of sleep and intense fear. I followed closely as the medical team transported her to receive care, and again, I poured out my heart to God. I told Him I didn't want this person to die. As I reflected on this experience, what if I had refused to get involved? Or to ignore the vibration of my phone.

Despite my frequent communication with God, I still felt concerned for her safety and mine however, my strong sense of empathy forced me to continue.

Many others like her are experiencing some form of hopelessness, feeling displaced and having nowhere to go. A life without God can become very complex, confusing, stressful, and unexplainable to those who cannot find their way.

As I reflect on the ministry of Jesus, He encountered people whose outward appearance could have turned Him away. Including the demon-possessed man in Mark 5: 1- 20, but He saw the heart, and He met them. We cannot give up on our witness to God. Let's look beyond outward appearances!

— Submitted by Ina Martin, Edmonton Central

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