1 minute read


Dear Town Hall Participant,

Thank you so much for taking the time from your busy schedule to attend this Town Hall Meeting. Your attendance indicates a real interest and commitment on your part.

The purpose of a town hall meeting is to hear reports from Administration as well as directors on what has been taking place in the Alberta Conference over the last three years and plans for the balance of this session.

An opportunity will be given to ask any questions you might have concerning these reports. Many inquiries have already been submitted by email and will likely be addressed in the administrative and departmental reports given.

This meeting will not be the occasion for taking questions that uniquely pertain to only a single church, as this will not be of interest to everyone. It is better to address these specific questions in a meeting with local church personnel.

We look forward to being with you very soon.

Pastor Gary Hodder President of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

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