hydroponic farm facing south and 15 degrees E. of South for Max direct sungith
tomato, lettuce, peppers, beans
community center kitchens, rec. spaces biking
farming affordible organic food
plinth community center views maximize views cross hudson
stoop community terraces assembly
road fitness connectivity
summer sun ferry dock bike rental
transportation hub, with water taxi pier, bike rentals, bike storage, etc
park winter sun
paths - running walking biking all-year hydroponic farms
tidal basin for hudson water monetering
With our clients, Nourishing NYC and the West Harlem community in mind, we looked to the complex riverside site for formal and programmatic inspiration. The abandoned marine trash transfer station stood out as a wasteland separating relatively vital waterfront parks, the West Harlem Piers Park which leads to Riverside Park and the Riverbank State Park. Most of the recreational activities we imagined happening on the site, are possible in surrounding parks. Our vision for the site was to connect surrounding recreational spaces, and use existing structures as an armature for our proposed buildings.
Education arts cultural events
increasing real estate values
Our paths outlined ponds for water-related activities; they also required us to transition down from the +70 ft elevation of Riverbank Park to the level of the Hudson. At the Plinth we terraced down and enclosed hydroponic farm units, through which Nourish NYC would employ members of the parks surrounding community and also provide educational talks, in the community center’s kitchens about healthy cooking and eating.
filtered water pond
teaching kitchens
creating jobs
138th St River Park viaduct connection
tidal pond
water taxi fishing
sun study view corridor connection
wetland water filtration and fishing
program diagram
community center rec space
connecting plinth and park
biofilter planters on existing walls facing south
siteplan 1:1000 scale
existing greenway connection
The existing wall of Riverbank State Park invited us to hang planted bio-filtration panels for the filtration of water run-off in addition to fumes from the wastewater plant’s exhaust. In this way the site will begin to mediate it’s not-so-green history, and absorb some of the toxins, which escape the wastewater plan’s systems. tomato, lettuce, and peppers grown hydroponically
zen garden
seed handling
circulation diagram
bike rental/ storage
seed handling
commmunity center recreation rooms
hydroponic farm
transverse section
hydroponic farm
water taxi dock/ existing piers of marine transfer sta.
community transfer station
aerial view from above riverside drive
view from west harlem piers park
view to community center from filtered water pond