Progr cil barcelona 2014 16 pag1

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Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy and Robotics 2014 Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

Barcelona May 29-30-31 2014 Hotel Fira Palace Barcelona, Spain

Course Directors Alberto Breda Barcelona, Spain Inderbir Gill Los Angeles, USA Joan Palou Barcelona, Spain Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy Humberto Villavicencio Barcelona, Spain

Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro Per la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

Under the Patronage of

Asociación Española de Urología - AEU Società Italiana di Urologia - SIU EAU Section of Uro-Technology - ESUT Fundació Puigvert Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro


ear Friends and Colleagues It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Barcelona for the European Meeting on Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery.

“Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics” has reached the 11th edition and the concept that initiated this adventure is quite alive and shows great potential for the future of Urology. The comprehensive scientific program will include live laparoscopic and robotic surgeries performed by the world’s most prominent urologic surgeons. In the past meetings, we have witnessed many challenging procedures. It is now time to expand our indications and to look forward to new challenges like the Trans-Douglas RARP, the Clampless Partial Nephrectomy, the Robotic Orthotopic New Bladder, the Cava Thrombus in RCC, the retroperitoneal Robotic Partial Nephrectomy and the HD-3D STORZ System. We are enthusiastically anticipating an extremely stimulating meeting. Live surgery, discussions and thought-provoking debates will take place with the participation of the best urologists in the International arena. There will be three monitors transmitting three different surgeries at the same time. Each delegate will be provided with headphones with the possibility to select the preferred moderation. All questions will be transmitted to the moderators via Twitter. We are very proud to host this 11th International Meeting in Barcelona, the perfect city for old antiquities and innovative techniques to convene. All the surgeries will be transmitted live from Fundació Puigvert, one of Europe’s leading centers in Urology. We hope that the challenging procedures that you will see will lead the way towards defining the future of Urologic Surgery.

Alberto Breda

Inderbir Gill

Joan Palou

Vito Pansadoro

Humberto Villavicencio

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004

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Four among the best Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons are going to perform, in live surgery, the full spectrum of urological procedures available today.


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Three among the best Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons are going to perform, in live surgery, the full spectrum of urological procedures available today.

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Vito Pansadoro, Rome Enzo Disanto, Acquaviva delle Fonti


Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro

Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro

Per la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

Per la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica


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Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro Per la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

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Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

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Vincenzo Disanto Bari, Italy Evangelos Liatsikos Patras, Greece Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy Jens Uwe Stolzenburg Leipzig, Germany

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Thursday Thursday, May 29th 2014

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004



8:00 - 8:20 am

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/ 41 2 & * 1 & $ 3 / 1 2 Inderbir Gill Los Angeles, USA Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy Yinghao Sun Shanghai, China Xu Zhang Beijing, China


Alberto Breda, Inderbir Gill, Vito Pansadoro

Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotic 2014

Walter Artibani

Vice secretary EAU -

Giuseppe Martorana

President SIU Società Italiana di Urologia

Jose Luis Alvarez Ossorio

Coordinator of Laparoscopic and Robotic Group AEU

Tibet Erdogru

Presentation of CILR 2015 Istanbul, Turkey

8:20 - 9:00 am


Inderbir Gill

Selecting the correct Partial Nephrectomy

Axel Merseburger

EAU Guidelines in Robotic Surgery

9:00 am

Surgical Session

Monitor 1:

Moderators Luis Martinez Piñero, Axel Merseburger, Francesco Curto

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Joan Palou, Humberto Villavicencio, Fundació Puigvert Esperanza Martí


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Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotic 2015

Monitor 2:

Jose Luis Alvarez Ossorio, Diego Rengifo, Jose Heriberto Amon Sesmero

Monitor 3:

Thomas Hermann, Roland Van Velthoven, Rafael Coelho

Renaud Bollens

OR 1: Advanced Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy

Antonio Alcaraz

OR 2: Transvaginal assisted Radical Nephrectomy

Alberto Breda

OR 3: Laparoscopic 3 mm Radical Nephrectomy with trans-vaginal extraction

Inderbir Gill

OR 4: Robotic “zero ischemia” Partial Nephrectomy

Jens Rassweiler

OR1: Laparoscopic 3 mm Retroperitoneal Pyeloplasty (SMART)

# ! " # Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

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Thursday, May 29th 2014


Friday, May 30th 2014

3:00 pm

Surgical Session

8:00 - 9:00 am


Jens Rassweiler

New technology in Endourology - ESUT Lecture

Monitor 1:

Moderators Carlo Terrone, Christophe Iselin, Pilar Laguna

Roland Van Velthoven

EU Survey on Laparoscopic and Robotic Cystectomy

Monitor 2:

Tibet Erdogru, Carlos Hernandez, Jose Luis Alvarez Ossorio

9:00 am

Surgical Session

Monitor 3:

Jose Gregorio Pereira, Joan Palou, Jens Rassweiler

Monitor 1:

Moderators Eduardo Solsona, Oscar Rodriguez Faba, Paolo Emiliozzi

Jim Porter

OR 1: Robotic Retroperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy

Monitor 2:

Carlos Hernandez, Xu Zhang, Evangelos Liatsikos

Francesco Porpiglia

OR 2: 3mm Transperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy

Monitor 3:

Roland Van Velthoven, Jens Uwe Stolzenburg, Christophe Iselin

Xu Zhang

OR 3: Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy

Joan Palou, Roland Van Velthoven Peter Wiklund

OR4: Robotic Radical Cystectomy with intracorporeal Studer

Juan Antonio Pe単a

OR 4: Retroperitoneal 3 mm Partial Nephrectomy

Tibet Erdogru

OR1: Laparoscopic Pudendal Nerve release

Alex Mottrie

OR 5: Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

Shahrokh Shariat

OR3: Robotic Nephroureterectomy with Lymphadenectomy

Evangelos Liatsikos

OR 6: Laparoscopic Nephrectomy for PKD

Richard Gaston

OR2: Laparoscopic Ureteral Reimplant in uretero-ilealstenosis

3:00 pm

Surgical Session

Monitor 1:

Moderators Pilar Laguna, Diego Rengifo, Marco Martini


Monitor 2:

Jose Heriberto Amon Sesmero, Jeans Rassweiller, Francesco Porpiglia

Monitor 3:

Richard Gaston, Renaud Bollens, Alberto Pansadoro

G端nter Janetschek

OR2: Laparoscopic RPLND/Residual mass

Marino Batista Mirandolino

OR1: Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy with Extended Lymphadenectomy

Inderbir Gill

OR 3: Robotic right Radical Nephrectomy with cava thrombus level 3

Vito Pansadoro

OR 4: Robotic Ureteral Reimplantation (Psoas-hitch and Boari Flap)

Saturday, May 31th 2014



8:00 - 9:00 am


3:00 pm

Surgical Session

Walter Artibani

Technical Innovations to improve Nerve Preservation

Monitor 1:

Moderators Günter Janetschek , Carlo Terrone

Technical Innovations to improve Nerve Preservation

Monitor 2:

Guglielmo Breda, Roland Van Velthoven

Monitor 3:

Alberto Breda, Juan Morote

Surgical Session

Markus Hohenfellner

OR1: Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

Moderators Jens Rassweiler, Diego Rengifo, Thomas Hermann

Richard Gaston

OR3: Robotic Intrafascial Radical Prostatectomy

Jens Uwe Stolzenburg

OR4: Robotic Extraperitoneal Radical Prostatectomy (Intrafascial)

Vipul Patel

9:00 am Monitor 1:

Saturday, May 31th 2014

Monitor 2:

Walter Artibani, Eduardo Solsona, Inderbir Gill

Monitor 3:

Joan Palou, Jose Gregorio Perreira, Axel Merseburger

5:00 pm

Luis Martinez Piñero

OR1: Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy “Piñero Technique”

Monitor 1:

Aldo Bocciardi

OR3: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy “Bocciardi Technique”

Vipul Patel

OR4: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy



“The Young Corner”: Challenge the Young! Moderators Alberto Breda, Vipul Patel, Shahrokh Shariat

Monitor 2:

Francesco Porpiglia, Francesco Sanguedolce, Thomas Hermann

Bernardo Rocco

OR1: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy: “The Rocco’s stitch”

Antonio Celia

OR3: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy interfascial nerve-sparing

Information Scientific Secretariat

Operative Secretariat

Information Registration Fee Full Delegate

Vincenzo Pansadoro Foundation Via Aurelia 559, Rome 00165, Italy Tel +39-06-66418008 Fax +39-06-6630771 Fedra Congressi Viale dei SS. Pietro e Paolo 23 Rome 00144, Italy Tel +39-06-52247328 Fax +39-06-5205625

Congress Venue

Hotel Fira Palace Av. Rius i Taulet, 1-3 E-08004 Barcelona, Spain

Surgical Sessions

Fundaciò Puigvert

Official Language


Registration online


Emerging Countries Delegate

Before November 30th, 2013 € 500,00 +VAT From December 1st, 2013 to March 2nd 2014

€ 700,00 +VAT

From March 3rd, 2014 to May 25th 2014

€ 850,00 +VAT

On site Registration

€ 950,00 +VAT

Lower-Middle Income Countries Before November 30th, 2013 € 250,00 +VAT From December 1st, 2013 to March 2nd 2014 € 350,00 +VAT From March 3rd, 2014 to May 25th, 2014 € 450,00 +VAT


On site Registration

€ 950,00 +VAT

Low Income Countries Before March 3rd, 2014

€ 350,00 +VAT

After March 3rd, 2014

€ 450,00 +VAT

Lower-Middle and Low Income Countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification: Trainee/Resident


Before March 3rd, 2014

€ 250,00 +VAT

After March 3rd, 2014

€ 350,00 +VAT

Before March 3rd, 2014

€ 100,00 +VAT

After March 3rd, 2014

€ 200,00 +VAT

Group Registration

Please write to: or call +39-06-52247328

Registration Fee includes

Scientific Program, Materials, Coffee breaks and Lunches

Information Cancellation Policy

Fees for registration will be refunded in full if written notice of cancellation is received by April 30th, 2014. No refund will be given for cancellation received after April 30th, 2014 or if you register but fail to attend. Please send your written cancellation request to Raffaella Greco at:


Cover illustration “Casa Batlò, by Antonio Gaudì ” illustrated by Alessandro Ferraro, Design TUTTOALTO Francesca Pansadoro, Printing: O.GRA.RO.

Scientific Secretariat Vincenzo Pansadoro Foundation Via Aurelia 559, Rome 00165, Italy Tel +39-06-66418008 Fax +39-06-6630771 Email: Web site: Operative Secretariat Fedra Congressi Viale dei SS. Pietro e Paolo 23, Rome 00144, Italy Tel +39-06-52247328 Fax +39-06-5205625 Email: Web site:

Registration online

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