Week 2 Plans Overview
Week 2 Plans Overview and Preparation The focus for this week will be on recognizing, building and printing names within the classroom.
Plans Circle or Instructional Time Objectives • Students will be able to recognize their names. • Students will be able to recreate their names using a variety of materials. • Students will be able to match names. • Students will be able to sort objects and verbally relay their rule of sorting. • Students will understand what is expected of them during “Center Time”. • Students will be able to work cooperatively in the centers. Materials • A copy of the book “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes. • A copy of the book “Alligator Shoes” by Arthur Dorros • Craft (name badge) template on page 54 • Buttons for sorting • Name cards (for printing names) on page 31, Week 1 Plans Anticipatory Set Show them the book “Chrysanthemum”” and explain that this is a book about a girl with a long name and this causes her problems when she enters kindergarten. They are going to be doing activities with each other’s names and sorting objects. Literature Connection Introduce the book “Chrysanthemum” by doing a picture walk. Look through the book discussing the pictures and making predictions. Read the book to the class. Follow-up Discussion This is a great book to use for discussing names and the virtues of being a good friend to others. Name Game This game would continue from last week’s plans, however, now the children must say the name of the child they are passing the ball to.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 1
Word Wall Continue reading the names on the word wall and doing related activities with them as in the previous week. You could sort them to the number of letters each name has. You could try replacing the beginning consonant letter(s) with another letter making a rhyming word. Example: Pat to Rat. Name Activities Attendance The children’s name cards are displayed on a table and placed in a pocket chart to show they are there that day. This builds on name recognition. Use for Center Activities The children would choose their name when selecting a center. This would be placed on the sign-up board. Songs (tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) Children can take turn choosing a name from the word wall (not their own). This song is sung to that person. That person replies how they are that morning. Good morning, (first name) How are you? Good morning, (first name) How are you? How are you this special day? We’re so glad that you came to play. Good morning, (first and last name). How are you? Another Song (tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?) Here we are together, Together, together, Here we are together, Learning at school today There’s _____ (name), and _____, _______, and ______. Here we are together, Learning at school today.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 1
Letter Identification Song Related to Names (tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) If your name begins with “Aa” clap your hands (clap) If your name begins with “Aa” clap your hands (clap) If your name begins with “Aa”, If your name begins with “Aa” If your name begins with “Aa” clap your hands. Literacy Center - Name Matching Introduce the literacy center. Have extra copies of student name cards. Blank cards can be found on page 31 for printing names on, Week 1 Plans. The children could match these to the ones on the word wall. Demonstrate how to do this using sticky tac. Duplicate name cards could also be laid out on the table and the children find the ones that match OR play the game outlined below. Match the Name Game Board - Displayed on the Website This game is played in partners. Two name game boards would be printed off (page 55) and matching game cards (page 56). Sixteen children’s names are printed on the game board and cards. Each child is given a game board. The name cards are cut and placed in a large container (coffee can). The children take turns picking out a name card. They place them on their board accordingly. If they pick up a star card or one that is no longer needed it is returned back into the container. It is the other player’s turn. The first person to have their game board completed with matching names is the winner. This is a great visual discrimination and name recognition game. Connection to Literature Math Lesson - Sorting The children sorted fruit on Day 5, Lesson Plan in Week 1. This concept would be reviewed. Read the book “Alligator Shoes” by Arthur Dorros. Follow-up Activity Have children sit in a circle. Each student takes off one of their shoes and places this in the middle of the circle. These would be sorted to common characteristics (running shoes/dress shoes or Velcro and tie shoes). Math Center Introduce the math center. Buttons are great to use for this center. The children would sort these according to common characteristics. After, they would tell you their rule for sorting.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 1
Writing Center Children will be printing their names using different media. Some suggestions are outlined below: 1. Playdough - using alphabet cookie cutters 2. Finger paints 3. Chalk and chalkboards 4. Magnetic board 5. Deodorant roller bottles filled with paint 6. Die cut letters from a variety of materials (sandpaper or craft foam) 7. In the sand or salt tray Craft Center Friendship Name Badge The badge template found on page 54 can be colored, painted, or traced on colored paper. The children would print their names on it and decorate the badge. Other Centers Same as previous week. Assessment: Observe children during Center Time and assess if they are able to complete the activities that were introduced at Circle Time.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 2 Kinderplans.com Circle or Instructional Time Objectives • Students will be able to identify and print their names. • Students will be able to start identifying other classmate’s names and building these names. • Students will be able to participate in a shared reading experience. • Students will understand proper expectations when working in centers. • Students will be able to work cooperatively in the centers.
Materials • A copy of the book “My Name is Alice” by Jane E. Bayer • A copy of the emergent reader “Family of Friends” as a predictable chart found on the website. • Copies of the emergent readers, enough for each child in the classroom to complete. • Envelope with each child’s name printed on it. Inside there would be two sets of bingo chips with each letter of their name printed on it. For example, in the name “Janice” there would be 12 letter chips placed in the envelope with each letter of the name printed twice. • Magnetic alphabet letters for sorting. • Book “My Name Is Alice” by Jane E. Bayer. • Name template found on page 57. Anticipatory Set Explain that you will be reading the book “My Name Is Alice”. They will also be reading from the chart and making their own name book. They will continue sorting and name writing activities. Literature Connection Show the book “My Name Is Alice” by doing a picture walk. Read the book to the children. This is a great book to use for introducing the alphabet. After, discuss the book. Shared Reading - Displayed on the Website Each day read the predictable chart “Family of Friends” as shared reading experience, modeling the reading process by pointing to words. Different names would be used each day. The pictures from the reader would be inserted on the chart.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 2 Kinderplans.com
Literacy Center 1 - completing the interactive component in the reader The children would be compiling and completing the interactive component part of the emergent reader. They would be printing or stamping their friend’s name where it says “My friend’s name is”. This would be demonstrated in “Circle Time” Other Options for the Interactive Component If you are working with younger children, they could just pull names that have been previously printed or typed and glue these on the blank pages. The children could also complete the blank pages by asking friends to print their name. Literacy Center 2 Building Names Game - Displayed on the Website Print each child’s name on an envelope. You would print each letter of their name twice on bingo chips. For example, in the name “Janice” there would be 12 letter chips with each letter of the name printed twice. This game is played in partners. The bingo chips are placed in a can with blank bingo chips. The partners take turns picking up a bingo chip. If they pick up a blank bingo chip or one that is no longer needed, it is returned back into the can and it becomes the other partner’s turn to pick -up a bingo chip. The first person to build the name would be the winner. The bingo chips for that name would be placed in the correct name envelope after it has been built. After a new name envelope would be chosen and the game would be played again building the new name. Demonstrate how this game would be played in “Circle Time”. Math Introduce the new math center activity. The children will be sorting magnetic alphabet letters. After, they would have to tell you their sorting rule. Craft Center - Rainbow Name Children can complete the “Rainbow Name” craft displayed on the website. The template to complete this craft is found on page 57. Children can print their names with a pencil. After they outline it with different colored felts as displayed on the website. You could also type their names and have them trace over the letters with a colored marker. Assessment: Observe children during Center Time and assess if they are able to complete the activities that were introduced at Circle Time.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 3 Kinderplans.com Circle or Instructional Time Objectives • Students will be able to identify and print their names. • Students will be able to start identifying other classmate’s names and building these names. • Students will be able to participate in a shared reading experience. • Students will be able to match upper-case letters that look similar to the lowercase letters. • Students will understand proper expectations when working in centers. • Students will be able to work cooperatively in the centers.
Materials • A copy of the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” by Bill Martin. • A copy of the emergent reader “Family of Friends” as a predictable chart found on the website. • Copies of the emergent readers, enough for each child in the classroom to complete. • Envelope with each child’s name printed on it. Inside there would be two sets of bingo chips with each letter of their name printed on it. For example, in the name “Janice” there would be 12 letter chips placed in the envelope with each letter of the name printed twice. • Upper-case game board found on page 58 and matching lower-case bingo chips prepared in advance or the lower-case letters on page 62. • Magnetic alphabet letters for sorting. • “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” tree craft templates found on pages 48-51. Anticipatory Set Explain that you will be reading the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” to them and show them the book. They will also be reading from the chart and making their own name book. They will continue sorting and name writing activities. Literature Connection Show the book “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” by doing a picture walk. Read the book to the children. This is a great book to use for introducing the alphabet. After, discuss the book and the rhyme. Follow-up Literacy Instruction Look through the book for matching upper-case and lower-case letters. Discuss the alphabet letters where the upper-case looks very similar to the lower-case letters. Print these on chart paper or on the white board.
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Week 2 Plans - Day 3 Kinderplans.com
Follow-up Literacy Game - Displayed on the Website This game is played in partners with each one given the game board found on page 58. The lower-case letters would be printed on bingo chips (2 sets) or use the lower-case letters found on page 62. The children pick-up a bingo chip or card and match it accordingly. If they pick-up a chip or card that is no longer required, it is placed back into the container and it becomes the other person’s turn. The first person to complete the game board is the winner. Note: There is an answer key for the children to use on page 59 if they require assistance with this activity. Related Craft Activity - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree - Displayed on the Website Demonstrate how they would complete the related craft activity displayed on the website. The trunk template found on page 49 would be traced on brown construction paper. The children would trace the palm tree leaves found on page 48 on green construction paper and cut them out. These would be glued to the tree trunk. A few of the coconuts found on page 51 would be colored, cut and glued to the tree. Shared Reading Continue reading the predictable chart “Family of Friends” as shared reading experience, modeling the reading process by pointing to words. Different names would be used each day. Math The children would continue to sort alphabet letters and buttons. Assessment: Observe children during Center Time and assess if they are able to complete the activities that were introduced at Circle Time.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 4 Kinderplans.com Circle or Instructional Time Objectives • Students will be able to identify and print their names. • Students will be able to start identifying other classmate’s names and building these names. • Students will be able to participate in a shared reading experience. • Students will be able to match upper-case letters that look different to the lowercase letters. • Students will understand proper expectations when working in centers. • Students will be able to work cooperatively in the centers.
Materials • A copy of a chosen alphabet book. • A copy of the emergent reader “Family of Friends” as a predictable chart found on the website. • Copies of the emergent readers, enough for each child in the classroom to complete. • Linking friends templates found on pages 52 and 53. • Upper-case game board found on page 60 and matching bingo chips prepared in advance or lower-case letter cards found on page 62. You may also want the children to have access to the answer key found on page 61. • Magnetic alphabet letters, buttons or shape blocks for sorting. Anticipatory Set Explain that you will be reading an alphabet book to them (one you choose) and show them the book. They will also be reading from the chart and making their own name book. They will continue sorting and name writing activities. Literature Connection Show the alphabet book you have chosen by doing a picture walk. Read the book to the children. Explain that they will be matching the upper-case letters to the lowercase letters but with the ones that look different. Follow-up Literacy Instruction Review what they learned yesterday about upper-case letters that look similar to their lower-case letters. Today the focus is on the ones that look different. These would be printed on chart paper or the white board.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 4 Kinderplans.com
Follow-up Literacy Game - Displayed on the Website Upper-Case Letters Look Different Than Lower-Case Letters This game is played in partners with each one given the game board found on page 60. The lower-case letters would be printed on bingo chips (2 sets) or use the lowercase letters found on page 62. The children pick-up a bingo chip or card and match it accordingly. If they pick-up a chip or card that is no longer required, it is placed back into the container and it becomes the other person’s turn. The first person to complete the game board is the winner. Note: There is an answer key for the children to use found on page 61 to use if they require assistance with this activity. Shared Reading Continue reading the predictable chart “Family of Friends” as shared reading experience, modeling the reading process by pointing to words. Different names would be used each day. Math The children would continue to sort alphabet letters and buttons. They could also be sorting shape blocks. Craft Center - Linking Friends - Displayed on the Website The children could complete the linking friends craft project displayed on the website. They would trace the outline on their color choice of construction paper and then add facial features. They would print or stamp their name in the middle. Assessment: Observe children during Center Time and assess if they are able to complete the activities that were introduced at Circle Time.
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Friendship Theme
Week 2 Plans - Day 5 Sharing and Cooking Day Children can share activities they completed during the week. Reading their emergent readers to partners would be a good choice activity for this day.
Literacy The children can be introduced to the alphabet cards found on pages 63-67. Color ones are found on the website. The pictures are related to the alphabet program. The children can put these in order. More work can be done with them when using the future theme units. Books About Friendship Prior to cooking, a friendship book could be read to the class. A list of books can be found below: 1. How to Lose All Your Friends by Nancy Carlson 2. Will I Have a Friend? by Miriam Cohen, Pictures by Lillian Hoban 3. Do you Want to Be My Friend? by Eric Carle 4. My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohmann 5. My Friend Isabelle by Eliza Woloson 6. Moonbear’s Friend by Frank Asch Cooking - Friendship Mix (Trail Mix) Have children count different dried food mixtures to make a Friendship Mix. Some ingredient that could be used are mini wheats, mini pretzels, cheerios, banana chips and nuts (if there is no allergies).
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Friendship Theme
Palm Leaves The leaves can be traced to make the “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” tree. About 4 leaves would need to be traced and cut. The tree trunk template and coconuts are found on the next pages ...
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Friendship Theme
Tree Trunk The tree trunk can be used as a template for the children to trace on brown construction paper. The leaves on page 48 would be traced on green paper (about 3 or 4 of them). A few of the coconuts on pages 50 and 51 would be colored, cut and glued to the tree.
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Friendship Theme
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ii
Ff Gg Hh Jj
Mm Nn Oo Pp ŠEE Learning Company Inc.-http://www.kinderplans.com
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Friendship Theme
Qq Rr
Uu Vv
Yy Zz
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Friendship Theme
Linking Friends Template - Displayed on the Website
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Linking Friends Template - Displayed on the Website
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Friendship Theme
Friendship Name Badge The badge can be colored, painted, or traced on colored paper. The children would print their name on it and add decorations to complete the project.
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page 54
Friendship Theme
Match the Name Game Board - Displayed on the Website This game is played in partners. Children’s names are printed on the game board below and on the cards found on page 56. Each child is given a game board. Two copies of the cards would be made. These are cut and placed in a large container (coffee can). The children take turns picking out a name card. They place them on their board accordingly. I they pick up a star card or one that is no longer needed, it is returned back into the container. It is the other player’s turn.
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Friendship Theme
Match the Name Game Cards The children’s names would be printed on the cards below to match the ones on the game board on page 55. Two copies of these would need to be made. The cards are cut and placed in a container to play the game outlined on page 55. The first person to have their game board completed is the winner.
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page 56
Friendship Theme
Name Plates for Rainbow Name Craft Children can print their names with a pencil. After they outline it with different colored felts as displayed on the website.
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Friendship Theme
Upper-Case Looks Similar to the Lower-Case Letters This game is played in partners with each one given the game board below. The lower-case letters would be printed on bingo chips (2 sets) or use the lower-case letters found on page 62. The children pick-up a bingo chip or card and match it accordingly. If they pick-up a chip or card that is no longer required, it is placed back into the container and it becomes the other person’s turn. The first person to complete the game board is the winner.
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O U X Z page 58
Friendship Theme
Answer Key The chart below can be used by the children as a guide or an answer key to check the accuracy of their answers for the game found on page 58.
Cc Kk Oo Pp Ss Uu Ww Vv Xx Yy Jj Zz ŠEE Learning Company Inc.-http://www.kinderplans.com
page 59
Friendship Theme
Upper-Case Looks Different to the Lower-Case Letters This game is played in partners with each one given the game board below. The lower-case letters would be printed on bingo chips (2 sets) or use the lower-case letters found on page 62. The children pick-up a bingo chip or card and match it accordingly. If they pick-up a chip or card that is no longer required, it is placed back into the container and it becomes the other person’s turn. The first person to complete the game board is the winner.
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Friendship Theme
Answer Key The chart below can be used by the children as a guide or an answer key to check the accuracy of their answers for the game found on page 60.
Aa Bb Dd Ee Ff Gg Ii
Hh Mm
Nn Qq Rr Tt ŠEE Learning Company Inc.-http://www.kinderplans.com
page 61
Friendship Theme
Lower-Case Letters These can be used as matching cards for the games on pages 58 and 60
c k s u x y
o p v w j z
a b d e f g h i l m n q r t ŠEE Learning Company Inc.-http://www.kinderplans.com
page 62
Lower-case letters that look similar.
Lower-case letters that look different.
Friendship Theme
Alphabet Picture Cards These can be used for sequencing and making names.
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Friendship Theme
Alphabet Picture Cards These can be used for sequencing and making names.
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Friendship Theme
Alphabet Picture Cards These can be used for sequencing and making names.
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Friendship Theme
Alphabet Picture Cards These can be used for sequencing and making names.
Ww ŠEE Learning Company Inc.-http://www.kinderplans.com
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Friendship Theme
Alphabet Picture Cards These can be used for sequencing and making names.
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