Nazifa Virani

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PORTFOLIO N a z i fa

V i ra ni

La La Land Year 3, Semester 2 Critic: Sarah Dunn What if there was a new type of monumentality in Los Angeles? These new monumental forms attach themselves to the existing infrastructure, in order to transform the perception of the both: the highway and the city. The forms disrupt Los Angeles infrastructure by settling into their residue, they consist of apertures that allow for the passing of ramps and elevated freeways. Moreover, what if the new monumental forms were used to create an urban thresh- old? Similar to the manner in which the Arc de Triomphe recontextualizes a series of Parisian boulevards, the new monument for LA would recontextualize the iconic freeway system. The self-similar forms of the primitives could combine to form a large bridging monument. The new monument is inserted as an urban threshold. Not only mediating the boundary from one highway to the other, but also from one side of the hill to the next. Creating a distinction in the façades emphasizes the two sides of the monument: the softer side facing the valley, and the more regular side facing Los Angeles. The interior is a nesting of baths, meditation chambers and shrines, within a maze. The idea is not that of a linear progression, but instead you can enter on either side through a maze that can drop you off in one of the bigger space. It takes that which already exists in LA-- the detox DVMUVSF BOE BNQMJĂžFT JU CZ QMBDJOH JU XIFSF JU EPFTOnU CFMPOH *U QSPWJEFT a relief from the highway The monument mediates the landscape and the infrastructure: not just interacting with the highway but also the hilly topography of the west. Inserting the monument as an urban threshold means not only recontextualizing LA highways but also signi- fying a moment in the city and in time.

No Place for Softness Year 2, Semester 1 Critic: Marina Nicollier, Alexander Eisenschmidt The monotony of the urban environment propels the idea of preservJOH B TQBDF TPMFMZ NFBOU UP GVMĂžMM NBOnT EFTJSF GPS VOEFSTUBOEJOH 5IJT DPOWFOUJPO DFOUFS GPMMPXT JUnT USBEJUJPOBM SPMF PG CFJOH B HBUIFSJOH TQBDF for people with similar avocations but furthers this idea by becoming a pensieve for soft moments. It is an assortment of atmospheres that allow for an empathetic experience within the uncompromising city.

Rendering On-Site

Chicago Bungalow Year 2, Semester 2 Critic: Xavier Vendrell

The Chicago Bungalow is a proposal for a housing block that is suitable for everyone from students to nuclear families. Instead of mainting the regular double loaded corridor, as found in much of housing, the corridor is now on the exterior. It is a platform which allows residents access onto their units, as well as to their private balconies. Each unit is given an exterior space, along with a green house. The interior organization of the units is based upon the division of spaces: The auxilary vs. The living.

500 sq ft Floorplan

1000 sq ft Floorplan



Heavy Rotation Year 2, Semester 2 Critic: Kelly Bair Heavy Rotation pairs the formal and material results of distributing excessive mass in the physical world (weight, loading, adjacency, gravity) XJUI UIF QSFDJTJPO PG EJHJUBM NPEFMJOH TPGUXBSFnT NPTU CBTJD DPNNBOE revolve. Technically, this course considers a shift in digital fabrication from operating (processing commands in software or hardware) to UPPMJOH DPOTUSVDUJOH MPX UFDI QSPKFDU TQFDJĂžD NBUFSJBM BTTFNCMJFT Traditionally, the machining of 360-degree forms was limited to low-tech revolution tools such as the rotational lathe, a machine only capable of SFWPMWJOH TJOHMF TFDUJPO QSPĂžMFT BMPOH POF BYJT 4QFDVMBUJOH PO UIF SPMF PG tooling, we paired hi-tech digital machining (cnc, laser cutting, 3d printing) with low-tech industrial design prototype manufacturing methods such as upholstery, casting, and vacuum forming in effort to produce WBSJBCMF TFDUJPO QSPĂžMFT BTZNNFUSJDBM EJTUSJCVUJPOT PG NBTT BMPOH NVMtiple axis, and material nuance distinct from the rigors of their computational counterparts.

Simultaneous Plan Year 3, Semester 1 Critic: Sean Lally

The objective of the project is to address the problem of sensory overload in our everyday lives. Our senses are able to absorb enough stimuli in order to read our environment and make desicions. Increasing control over energies produces an overstimulation of the senses. Is the solution to hold back or give the body the ability to channel through these stimuli? An implant, similar to a radio dial, will allow users to tune into whichever channel they desire. The channels are commissioned to designers, who are able to curate the habitats within them. The habi- tats within a channel becomes an immersive environment, triggering multiple layers of the human sensory system. These channels are predesigned with the visual stimuli, chemical stimuli (scent/taste), and environ- mental factors (humidity/pressure/temperature) in order to create this immersive environment allow- ing for the engagement of the new sensorial abilities. The designers of the channel control the quality of space that is produced ,the service fees and the rate of redesign. A sensory plasticity would be allowed by the dial, similar to way in which BOJNBMT DBO UVOF TQFDJĂžD TFOTPSZ TZTUFNT UP UIF FOWJSPONFOU JO PSEFS to extract relevant information. A turn of the dial for the user could mean the introduction of a new habitat within the same space.

T Y P O LO G IES 1. Over it

2. Under it



3. Around it

4. In front of it




c d

b a

An event as experienced by a person with a radio implant tuned to a specific channel.

The same person can experience a different habitat, within the same space, with a turn of the dial

Standing on the outside, the viewer can see the ghost channels as they facilitate the ongoing activities


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