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Join the PSSA today

Join the PSSA - Launching the Public Sector Sustainability Association

The Public Sector Sustainability Association (PSSA) provides a professional association and network for all those working in the Public Sector who have a common interest in sustainability. The aim of the association is to bring together a wide group of people working across all areas of the Public Sector – to help educate, train, support and connect as we work towards a more sustainable future.

Never has there been a more pressing need and indeed, requirement for individuals and organisations to turn their attention to sustainability and take stock of their environmental impact on our world.

An increasing number of UK local authorities have declared a climate emergency. But having made this important step, what happens next? Well for many sustainability professionals working within these authorities, they simply do not know. Logically, the first step that can be taken is to develop a strategy to address

the challenge of the emergency they have declared. However there are a number of pitfalls and issues which can arise when doing so and there is a need for the individuals tasked with creating such a plan to be given the knowledge and support they need to do so.

Similar issues are faced by professionals working in the NHS (the health and care system in England is responsible for an estimated 4-5% of the country’s carbon footprint), Universities, Schools and of course central Government.

Through the PSSA we hope to

provide these individuals with the support, guidance and knowledge that will assist them and by extension, the entire country in tackling the climate emergency and recuding their organisations carbon footprint. The assocation will provide the latest news and developments, best practice, case studies, white papers, reports and guides to this aim.

There is no charge for membership to those working within the Public Sector and we are now open to new members. If you are interested in joining, please visit our website where you will find more detailed information about the association and also a membership form to join.



Public Sector Sustainability Awards

Highlight your commitment to sustainability - become an environmental leader.

The purpose of the Public Sector Sustainability Awards is simple - to promote environmental leadership, to innovate and to inspire all those working in the Public Sector committed to reducing the carbon footprint of their organisation.


There is no qualifying criteria that needs to be satisfied in order to enter the awards. All we ask is that entrants send us up to 2000 words detailing the activities undertaken by them to reduce, by any means, the impact of their organisation on our environment. Please feel free to attach any images, graphs, charts etc to support your entry.

You can focus your entry on just one project or multiple schemes. You can enter as an individual or on behalf of your organisation, or both, as there are awards for both categories.

There is no charge for entry.

If you wish to enter, please complete the registration form at www.pssa.info/pssawards or download the form from the website, complete it and email it back to us. Your completed entry needs to be submitted by the 31st January 2020 and should include images and/or logos.

Please send your entries through to submissions@pssa.info.

If that is not possible, you can mail them to:

PSS Awards, 42 Wymington Park, Rushden NN10 9JP

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