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NEW! Clivet New European Hub Opens!
The air-conditioning company Clivet has established its European Hub in the spaces of the innovative SuperLab Bicocca in Milan, the eco-sustainable building born from a major recovery project of the former Breda offices, opened last autumn to host companies and start-ups. A space that also opens up to citizens, thanks to a hall open to all.
On the first floor of the ‘horizontal skyscraper’, the new Clivet headquarters will be dedicated to exporting the Italian brand and heat pump technology throughout Europe. The company plans to expand the number of employees at the new Milan offices to around 70 by 2024. Present at the inauguration were Clivet’s top management, representatives of trade associations and Euro MP Oscar Lancini.
On 4 May, the new offices of Clivet’s European Hub were inaugurated, on the first floor of the 100-metre-long horizontal sustainable skyscraper, made of iron, glass and with transparent rubber external finishes, created through a redevelopment of the industrial building that used to house Breda Siderurgia. The building, with a public hall open to all citizens, is powered only by renewable sources, without gas power stations, and boasts Leed Gold certification.
The inauguration was attended by the Honourable Danilo Oscar Lancini, a member of the European Parliament’s International Trade (INTA) and Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committees; representatives of various associations: Aicarr, Anima, Assoclima, Assolombarda, Eurovent, GBC Italia. There were also football legends Franco Baresi and Daniele Massaro with some managers of AC Milan, of which Clivet is a partner.
With this step, Clivet continues its constant growth, highlighted by the positive results achieved in the last year: turnover has risen from 149 million euros in 2020 to 262 million euros in 2022.
The CEO of Clivet SpA, Stefano Bellò, comments: “For the offices of our European Hub, we chose SuperLab considering the ability of this structure to best meet our needs. The building has features that reflect Clivet’s DNA and our principles of sustainability and total well-being. First and foremost, I refer to the Leed Gold certification for energy performance and the ecological quality of the interiors, the resources and materials used, such as the recycled elements from the silicone rubber of the façade. The structure is also completely carbon free. We believe it is the space with the right characteristics to represent the international expansion that is among our main goals’.
The European Hub in Milan now houses 16 people, which, according to the company’s plans, will grow to around 70 by 2024. Great impetus will be given to research and development activities: in October 2021 the Clivet and Midea Innovation Centre was inaugurated in Feltre, now the Milan offices at Superlab will host a new Clivet-Midea R&D HUB, and another R&D hub will be opened in Padua during 2023.
Some spaces on the ground floor of the horizontal skyscraper will also be used as a training centre for professionals working with Clivet at an international level, with a special area equipped for tests and simulations. The aim is to guarantee customers a complete service of the highest quality, not only on products but also on advanced systems such as smart living solutions for integrated comfort and energy management.
The Balance studio, designer of the entire SuperLab, has been able to interpret the idea of making this location a division of Clivet projected towards Europe and the world. Architect Jacopo Bracco says: “The walls, the furniture, the brightness, the soundproofing elements are continuous references both in colours and geometric shapes to the Feltre headquarters and to the mountains where Clivet is located. The use of wood, transparencies, blue in its various declinations, and the inclusion of living elements such as trees and lichen make this headquarters a new cell of Clivet, a junction towards the world, a welcoming environment designed to facilitate teamwork and openness towards the outside world.”
Clivet’s expansion towards Europe will also be supported by the construction in Feltre of a new 30,000 square metre factory dedicated to the production of heat pumps, with 300 new employees to be hired during 2024.
Contact: enquiries@clivetgroup.co.uk