26 minute read
Thorn Lighting has launched the Energy reap the rewards in terms Service Solution to help customers of both sustainability achieve the maximum benefits of and the financial benefits energy efficient solutions. Rising energy it has to offer. costs and increasing pressures to reduce Planning a lighting energy consumption are making the scheme and incorporating need to become energy efficient more the most energy efficient of a strategic necessity than an option products, can yield for the environmentally conscious. significant savings, reduced
Dedicated to auditing, designing, maintenance intervals supplying, installing, and maintaining energy and minimal interruption efficient lighting systems as a full turnkey for the foreseeable package, Energy Service Solutions is a comprehensive, and hassle-free service for customers across all industry sectors. Energy Service Solutions will help improve energy efficiency and ensure companies future. An optimised correctly adapted lighting control system could help you reduce your energy consumption by up to 82% by the efficient application with the use of a daylight, presence and time-based lighting control system. More information can be found on Thorn’s website www.thornlighting.co.uk
New research has revealed carbon or emission elimination (36%) vast majority of businesses we spoke that the amount of ‘carbon and carbon emission reduction (17%). to were working towards new carbon jargon’ - different ways of The report sets out key issues that need reduction targets, and board support describing emissions reduction targets, to be addressed, from the lack of a single for sustainability seems to be increasing, strategies and measurement - could reference point for businesses to ensure which are really encouraging signs. be seriously hampering business clarity and consistency to the need for a “It’s therefore vital that the carbon jargon progress towards net zero. Net Zero roadmap to allow businesses surrounding net zero doesn’t prevent
The report from leading energy to plan and adapt their operations. businesses from planning, measuring, consultant Inspired Energy has revealed The report also examined whether and making progress on decarbonisation that 86% of organisations believe ‘net energy professionals felt under – only by working together can we make zero’ could become a meaningless term pressure to deliver ambitious carbon net zero by 2050 a reality. Supporting unless there’s a more coherent approach reduction targets, with almost a quarter businesses to improve their sustainability to how it is interpreted and measured. saying the most pressure was coming credentials through consistent definitions,
The ‘Cutting the Carbon Jargon’ report from their organisation’s board or a clear mandate and a framework canvassed the views of over 100 energy CEO. However, almost two-thirds of in which to operate, could boost UK professionals across sectors including businesses expressed concern that their businesses and ensure that organisations manufacturing, retail, professional services organisation’s carbon reduction targets of all shapes and sizes are well placed to and the public sector. While many are could be seen as ‘greenwashing’ or benefit from decarbonisation as well as being proactive in setting ambitious ‘jumping on the net zero bandwagon’. avoid any company being left behind.” carbon reduction targets – 9 in 10 (88%) Where organisations are working Inspired Energy is already working are working towards new strategies, towards new targets, delivery plans with businesses to support them in their rising to 97% among manufacturers and focus heavily on investment in green net zero ambitions, working through a dropping to 79% for retailers – only half technology, and working collaboratively structured framework to set Science Based (53%) said that they ‘fully understand’ with colleagues and departments across Targets, explore and implement carbon the term ‘net zero’. the organisation to drive change. 60% reduction strategies and technologies,
However, even among those businesses, of respondents supported green strings and put in place robust measurement the research revealed the way it is being attached to any Government and reporting tools to monitor progress. interpreted varies significantly. Over two- incentives or bailouts that support For more information about thirds of energy professionals admitted businesses with post-Covid recovery. Inspired Energy’s net zero services or that they’re confused by the sheer Crowe from Inspired Energy concludes: to download a copy of the Cutting the amount of terms used to describe carbon “It’s clear from our research that Carbon Jargon report, visit: reduction, and when asked to define the businesses are engaged with net zero www.inspiredenergy.com/carbonjargon meaning of net zero, energy professionals and striving to play their part in helping mentioned carbon offsetting (42%), the UK to reach its 2050 target. The

The Heat Pump Association has The report sets out to ‘level the playing released a ground-breaking field’ across all heating types, encouraging report outlining the steps best practice and low carbon heating for that the UK Government must all installations, regardless of technology take to shape future policy and type. This will ensure the smooth decarbonise the heating industry. transformation of the domestic heating
The report aims to substantially market from fossil fuels to low carbon shake up the existing frameworks and over the next decade, reducing fuel bills introduce regulatory, impactful, and and carbon emissions from homes. meaningful changes in the heating The recommendations can be neatly sector, paving the way for mass deployment of low carbon heating. The aims of the report are to: 1. Promote changes to establish infrastructure in existing homes for low carbon heating 2. Build and develop installer skills for the recommended changes 3. Lower fuel bills for existing heating systems 4. Lower carbon emissions for existing heating systems These aims are comprehensive, providing enough detail to influence civil servants and policy makers on the benefits of implementing these changes as well communicating the benefits to the industry. summarised into three key points: 1. Introduce a maximum flow temperature of 55° in Building Regulations to be applied to replacement heating systems from 2026. 2. Introduce in Building Regulations for Heat Loss Calculations to be carried out for all replacement heating systems from 2026. 3. All heating installers to have a Low Temperature Heating and Hot Water Qualification[i], or equivalent, as part of accreditation scheme refresher courses. The implementation of these recommendations will establish the heating infrastructure in homes, and skills amongst the installer base, needed for low carbon heating installations, by ‘laying the groundwork’ for wider heat pump adoption. Heat pumps being an established technology, recognised by the Committee on Climate change as the backbone to the decarbonisation of heat. Chairman of the HPA, Graham Wright commented - ‘This report could not come at a more pertinent time. The push for a Green Recovery from COVID-19 has put the UK in a unique position to be able to develop new and innovative policy that works to tackle the negative effects of the pandemic whilst working towards net zero. The regulations suggested in this paper undoubtably offer the Government a road to recovery for the heating industry that is green and saves energy and money for the UK.’ Email: info@heatpumps.org.uk
Sutton Housing Partnership enlists ENGIE for net zero carbon retrofit pilot
Leading energy and services specialist, to additional homes next year. investment budgets and deployed patient ENGIE, has been appointed by ENGIE Zero offers a one stop capital. These savings are combined with other Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP), shop for local authorities, housing revenue streams and government incentives in London to design, build and deliver a associations and registered providers to to finance the upfront costs of the works. programme, which will transform existing decentralise, digitalise and decarbonise James Cook, Divisional Director for ENGIE properties across the borough into low homes in a way that is derived from the UK & Ireland, said: “Our principal goal as an maintenance, net zero carbon homes. Energiesprong performance standard. organisation, is to support our partners across
ENGIE will utilise its recently launched Energy efficiency measures delivered by both the public and private sector to meet their whole house retrofit model – ENGIE ENGIE for SHP will include an air tight wrap net zero ambitions and offer viable solutions
Zero – to deliver a pilot project to an to the eight selected properties, as well as which will support them in achieving this. This initial eight homes in one of the first installing a pre-fabricated super insulated is why we brought the ENGIE Zero offer to schemes of its type within the London facade and roof system with intergrated market. We have utilised the Energiesprong boundary, which is part of Mayor of solar PV panels to generate electricity at model for other clients in the UK and delivered
London’s Energy Leap Initiative. the point of use. New high performance some of the country’s first zero carbon homes.” SHP has received capital funding windows and doors will replace older The initial eight pilot units have the potential to allow the homes to undergo a models and air source heat pumps to pave the way for zero energy retrofitting at programme of works; which will will also introduce renewable heating. scale, radically changing the approach to energy result in energy savings far exceeding These works coupled with a real time efficiency and helping eradicate fuel poverty. standard retrofit approaches – with monitoring and maintenance programme Planning approval has been granted and a 30 year performance guarantee. will ensure occupant satisfaction and ENGIE will deliver the initial construction
Additional support has been provided building energy performance. works over the coming months. through the Mayor of London’s Retrofit ENGIE Zero can show savings For further information on ENGIE,
Accelerator – Homes programme, with against a ‘Business as Usual’ scenario visit www.engie.co.uk/places
SHP keen to roll out the approach for Clients’ planned and responsive
Two leading energy providers have aligns well with UK Government, Scottish come together to help reduce Government and Welsh Government emissions from heating in UK policies that support the roll out of district homes and other buildings, which heating in urban areas. The Government’s are currently responsible for around successful flagship Heat Networks 37%1 of the UK’s carbon emissions. Investment Programme and the proposed Low carbon heating provider Vattenfall Green Heat Networks Fund specifically will work with one of the UK’s biggest target collaborations between waste heat recycling and energy recovery companies, sources and heat network operators.
Viridor, to capture heat from Viridor’s Viridor and Vattenfall believe that heat energy recovery facilities (ERFs) across captured from energy recovery facilities the UK. Vattenfall and Viridor are now present huge opportunities for local beginning the exciting journey to develop authorities to address fuel poverty, improve Noah Nkonge, Head of Partnerships at potential heat off-take projects together. energy security and, by reducing reliance Vattenfall Heat UK added “To reach net
The heat will then be delivered through on fossil fuels, reduce emissions and zero the UK has to crack the problem pipes developed and operated by improve air quality. Large scale heat network of emissions from heat, which currently Vattenfall to homes and businesses projects also have significant local economic make up one third of the UK’s total in the area, providing clean, affordable benefits, creating jobs through the life of emissions. Working together with Viridor, heat. The waste collected from the the project from concept and construction we’re looking to bring all the right people community will be recycled into clean through to operation and servicing. and organisations to the table so we can heat for the same community, creating Mike Reynolds, Managing Director at reduce emissions and provide reliable, a local closed-loop energy system. Vattenfall Heat UK commented: “It made affordable heating for homes and Viridor operates a fleet of ERFs up perfect sense for one of the market leaders businesses in cities across the country.” and down the UK and is continuing to in energy recovery facilities to collaborate Richard Pennells, Viridor’s Managing expand its operations in new locations. with one of the market leaders in delivering Director of Energy, said: “This announcement
These include plants near areas of clean heat to customers across Europe. This underlines Viridor’s commitment to ensuring urban regeneration which present great type of cooperation is important to Vattenfall that all waste becomes a useful resource opportunities for new-build and existing as we build out our business in conjunction which contributes to the UK economy. Our properties to be served by district with key players in the UK energy landscape. ERFs put non-recyclable waste to work heating networks in the coming years. We have a shared vision of serving our within sophisticated combined heat and
This exciting collaboration is common in communities with clean, efficient and low- power plants. We are excited about this new
Europe, where Vattenfall already works with cost services. Together we will be able to collaboration with Vattenfall which combines
ERF owners and operators. The approach really inspire bolder and braver thinking two leading businesses in their sector to being taken by Viridor and Vattenfall and ultimately faster decarbonisation.” create meaningful change in towns and cities across the UK.” www.vattenfall.com Designing low carbon buildings: Swansea team’s know-how gathered in new toolkit for others to use
The team that designed and built two in operation for over two years. Both low carbon buildings at Swansea buildings can generate and store enough University, which generate their solar energy to meet their own needs, plus own energy, is publishing a toolkit of have enough left over to charge up electric the design principles that they used. vehicles or share with other buildings.
The aim is to encourage others to The toolkit has been written to share construct these “Active Buildings” as it would the principles used in the Active Buildings drastically cut the UK’s carbon footprint; and the learning from them, with the currently 40% of our emissions come from aim of encouraging others to adopt heating and powering our buildings. or improve on them and to support
The Active Building design principle was wider uptake of low carbon designs. from 2025. The Welsh Government has pioneered by researchers at Swansea Its release during SPECIFIC’s ‘Heat Week’, gone a step further by declaring that new University’s SPECIFIC Innovation & raising awareness about the challenge homes must be both heated and powered Knowledge Centre. It combines renewable of low carbon heating in buildings, also from clean energy sources by then. That’s energy technologies in one intelligent coincides with Wales Climate Week. just five years away. Are we ready?” system, all integrated into the building, Author Joanna Clarke, architect of The toolkit is available at specific.eu.com/ providing occupants with low carbon the Active Classroom and Active Office, what-are-active-buildings/#toolkit. energy for heat, power and transport. said “The way we heat and power our The author also runs workshops
It has been proven to work in two award- buildings accounts for 40% of UK carbon with architect practices and other winning buildings at Swansea University’s emissions, and that has to change. 85% organisations. Please contact Bay Campus – the Active Classroom and of UK homes use gas boilers for heating, info_specific@swansea.ac.uk. the Active Office – which have now been but they will be banned in new homes

The postgraduate university specialising the solar farm, surpassing the amount in science, engineering, technology of energy produced in the peak of and management has been a leader summer in 2019 and seeing them well in energy and power for over 20 years. Not on their way to achieving 50 per cent. only is the university innovating in solar Cranfield University secured interesttechnology, it is also tackling some of the free finance from Salix to the value greatest challenges facing the world today. of £1.6 million over five years.
In response to the Covid-19 crisis, The loan was used to install a 1 Megawatt Cranfield recently created low-cost solar farm at the university and replace ventilators that serve two patients at existing fluorescent lighting with more This huge reduction in carbon once to avoid cross-air contamination. efficient LED in five main buildings and 11 emissions equates to a lifetime annual For this project, Cranfield looked to reap halls of residence across the campus. saving of over £7 million, with the project the benefits of solar power to help reduce This project is the latest venture in a long- set to pay for itself in just five years. its estate’s carbon emissions by half by standing partnership between Cranfield The project has been completed 2020, against 2005 baseline figures. and Salix, which includes a ring-fenced slightly ahead of time and to budget,
It has been publicised that many higher recycling fund which began in 2009, where with no changes to the original business education institutions could struggle to financial savings are reinvested year-on- case and no reported change in costs. meet Government targets, but Cranfield has year to fund energy-efficiency projects. In addition to several ongoing behaviour used funding from Salix Finance to stay on The solar project has delivered huge campaigns, Cranfield University is track, aiming to surpass the Government’s benefits to Cranfield, decreasing its undertaking further energy-efficiency 30 per cent reduction target for the public greenhouse gas emissions and reducing projects, including the delivery of an LED sector and meet their own, more challenging its reliance on the National Grid. lighting upgrade programme, upgrades target of 50 per cent by the end of July 2021. The farm generates five per cent of the to a building energy management system,
The solar farm project completed in electricity needed for its Bedfordshire and works to replace old housing from 2018 and since then, has continued to campus and is estimated to have saved an existing RAF base building, delivering deliver substantial energy savings. the university more than £300,000 a year. more modern and efficiently heated
With April and May 2020 being one of It has contributed to the university accommodation blocks for students. the warmest on record, Cranfield saw a cutting its carbon emission by half and www.salixfinance.co.uk drastic increase in energy produced by looks on track to beat Government targets. www.cranfield.ac.uk
Kaifa integrates Acklio’s solutions to introduce the first DLMS smart electricity meters running over LoRaWAN®
After water and gas meters, LoRaWAN® is now available for smart electricity meters. This is made possible thanks to SCHC compression and fragmentation (IETF RFC 8724). This new standard technology initiated by the co-founders of Acklio is central to their software offering. SCHC allows the communication of devices using IP-based protocols over LPWAN networks. It thus enables high value-added use cases on constrained IoT networks. Among them is DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056, EN137571), the global standard for smart energy

metering which new profile for LoRaWAN leverages SCHC as an adaptation layer.
As an outcome of its collaboration with Acklio, Kaifa introduces the first electricity meters running over the LoRaWAN protocol available on the market. By doing so, it completes the bundle of connectivities already available to the range of meters 1500m (M-BUS, PLC, NB-IoT, PSTN/GSM, GPRS, 3G, 4G...). Low-power, low-cost, and easy to deploy, LoRaWAN is emerging as an excellent connectivity option for the advanced metering infrastructures (AMI) to provide utility companies with real-time data about power consumption. A global market representing millions of smart meters with LoRaWAN deployed by 2025, and with enormous growth potential in emerging markets in the short term. LeTao He, Vice President of Kaifa: “Utilities are beginning to look at
LoRaWAN, primarily to fill in gaps in coverage of existing deployments, and later to provide the primary connectivity to an entire network of meters. We chose Acklio to ensure full compliance with the new standard communication profile. It guarantees our meters with full interoperability with the global ecosystem of DLMS/COSEM solutions. Moreover, by completing the integration in just few weeks, working with Acklio allowed us to bring the product to market in record time!”
Acklio’s SCHC stack allows the conversion of existing DLMS meters in just a few days. This gives meter manufacturers the unique opportunity to migrate their product lines to LoRaWAN in record time. In addition, the SCHC implementation by Acklio also benefits network management. It allows to increase the density of meters on a network, while using the security mechanisms of DLMS at scale - reducing the total cost of ownership while ensuring reliability. www.ackl.io

SP Energy Networks trials world first’s technology which will maintain system stability and support increase of renewable generation
Anew project set to revolutionise an uninterrupted and stable supply of the UK’s electricity network electricity as we move to sustainable and net has been installed in East zero energy system. The project will provide Renfrewshire – helping to smooth an innovative solution to help ensure a the transition from traditional energy robust and resilient energy system that generation to renewable power. can adapt to meet the needs of customers
SP Energy Networks will be trialling its both now and well into the future. ‘Project Phoenix’ initiative over the next The Phoenix Project is expected to 12 months at Neilston substation and reduce network operating costs by plans to roll out the technology across between £53m to £66m, helping to reduce technology within the RIIO T2 Price Control. further locations once complete. customer’s bills while also minimising Phoenix will aid with the transition to
Maintaining stability in the system as carbon footprint – saving over 62,000 a future transmission network that can we facilitate the transition to cleaner, tonnes of carbon, which is equivalent to benefit from clean energy resources greener electricity generation sources is a the electricity use of over 6,000 homes. without compromising the security and key challenge within the UK transmission SP Energy Networks has worked with quality of supply to the customers. network. As traditional fossil fuel generation partners, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, National Through innovative solutions like is replaced by more and more renewable Grid ESO, The University of Strathclyde Phoenix, SP Energy Networks is leading the energy such as wind farms, the network and The Technical University of Denmark way in the transition to more renewable system needs to be fit for purpose to on the project and will analyse the live trial energy solutions and is committed provide the stability and resilience needed. data to prove the concept before validating to supporting local communities to
SP Energy Networks’ pioneering Phoenix the commercial mechanisms in order to achieve a better future, quicker. project, will help address these system roll the technology out wider. SP Energy Email: phoenix@spenergynetworks.co.uk issues to ensure customers receive Networks already has plans to roll out this
New Solar and Tesla Batteries help to make Portsmouth Greener
Anew large 250 kilo-watt (kW) solar reduce the site’s reliance on grid-bought system has been installed on the electricity by almost 50%; despite there roofs of Portsmouth City Council’s being many energy-hungry processes Hilsea Industrial Estate. This complements at the industrial estate. The system will the existing 50kW system and completes reduce carbon emissions by 69 tonnes the biggest single solar and battery a year, and reduce the running costs installation for the council to date. It of the site significantly. During the marks another important step towards summer months, virtually all of the power the council’s target of net zero carbon required to run the site will be coming by 2030, with solar and batteries being from either the panels or batteries. identified as one of the key technologies Cllr Dave Ashmore, the council’s to deliver the renewable power needed. Cabinet Member of Environment and
This ground-breaking project uses Climate Change said: “It’s fantastic to see batteries as a key component of the Portsmouth City Council leading the way installation; installed alongside 738 when it comes to innovative projects like solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The the one at Hilsea Industrial Estate. Not ten-unit battery system, is the largest only are we producing and using our own operational Powerwall installation in the renewable energy but projects like this UK. The system can store 135 kWh of dramatically reduce the Council’s ongoing electricity at any one time; enough to energy costs. The Council has been power an average domestic homes for 2 clear in setting out its plans in tackling weeks. As well as capturing more of the climate emergency and it’s fantastic to solar power generated on the site, the see projects like acting out these plans.” batteries are also able to take advantage The work was carried out by one of storing power at night, when electricity of Portsmouth City Council’s Solar PV is cheaper. Stored energy is then used framework contractors, Evo Energy during mornings and early evenings when and project managed by the City electricity costs are more expensive. Council’s in-house Energy Team. Combined, the solar PV and storage will The council has already used its

framework to install Tesla Powerwalls in 13 housing blocks, with a further 20 on the way. However, this is the first time that such a large number of the units have been used in a single installation. Where batteries have been installed previously, up to 98% of the sites’ electricity demand has been met through the batteries and accompanying solar.
Energy storage through the use of batteries is set to become a key technology for Portsmouth City Council and their ambitions to become net zero carbon by 2030; as they strive to take every opportunity to harness renewable energy opportunities. Email: kyle.mattison@ portsmouthcc.gov.uk

Together with WPD, Kiwi Power payment terms, and procurement implemented a grid management terms for every programme, linking to program - Flexible Power - flexibility markets proved challenging. which utilises distributed energy In an effort to address the challenges resources to alleviate local grid they faced, WPD decided to build its own congestion and constraints and better flexibility programme that would allow manage maintenance outages. them to procure the right amount of
As more customers look to a lower flexibility when and where it was needed. carbon future and invest more in electricity In 2017, WPD launched Flexible generation, an increasing number of Power, a customer-facing portal for is growing. As of October 2020, it had distributed energy resources (DERs), the procurement and operation of contracted flexibility totalling 439MW. such as solar photovoltaic panels and flexibility services from businesses with The company has started signposting, wind farms, are being connected to the potential to shift demand away from too, showing customers where future distribution networks. This growth is peak periods or the ability to switch their requirements will lie, and thereby putting an increased strain on DNOs’ consumption to on-site generation. Once assuring a greater sense of certainty. networks, with an increase in demand, contracted, providers are given access But it doesn’t stop there. Also in October generation and storage requirements, to the Flexible Power Portal where they 2020, it was announced that three new all of which requires them to become are able to declare their flexible assets’ DNOs were to join the programme. SP smarter, more active, and more flexible. availability, receive dispatch signals, and Energy Networks, Scottish and Southern
An increase in the number of view performance and settlement reports. Electricity Networks, and Northern requests for DER connections on WPD’s Having worked with Kiwi on an innovation Powergrid will shortly add their own network meant it needed to find ways of project in the past, WPD was aware of the zones as they collaborate with WPD managing the accompanying additional company’s more than ten years’ experience and each other to signpost and operate constraints, as well as better managing as an operator, asset manager, and battery all of their flexibility requirements. outages and network recovery. energy storage developer, its work with For the first time ever, flexibility providers
The traditional approach to addressing DNOs and its technological capabilities, will be able to view flexibility locations, such constraints is for DNOs to reinforce and therefore felt confident in selecting requirement data, procurement notices and their network. However, the EU Clean them to create the platform software. documentation published by all four DNOs
Energy Package mandates that all DNOs A combination of Kiwi’s expertise on a single, joint website. The DNOs intend should consider flexibility services first. In and the ability of its technology team to to work in partnership to further develop line with this, UK industry bodies, including adapt the solution to meet WDP’s needs the Flexible Power brand and develop the the Energy Networks Association (ENA), made it the ideal partner with which to portal functionality to enable interface urged Ofgem to incorporate a “flexibility develop Flexible Power as a platform that capability with other flexibility platforms first” approach in its RIIO-2 price controls fits perfectly into the standardisation so wider market participation options can regime, on which it consulted in 2018. approach the UK is now leading on. increasingly be made available to providers.
In common with the overall market, WPD’s innovation has been a success. A For more information, visit the company ran a series of increasingly map on the Flexible Power site shows 54 www.flexiblepower.co.uk larger procurement rounds for flexibility local grid zones for which WPD requests services. But with different contracts, flexibility services - and this number TEAM STRENGTHENS ITS PUBLIC SECTOR OFFERING WITH HELGA DPS APPOINTMENT
Supporting the expansion of its suite billing solutions, and Bureau service. in the energy sector, as well as first of services, TEAM Energy, the UK’s The HELGA DPS provides public sector class design and project management, leading energy and sustainability organisations the opportunity to set out their and ongoing training and support. management solutions provider, has requirements with potential suppliers, so HELGA is part of the Crown Commercial become a supplier on the Heat Networks they may find the right energy management Services (CCS) which provides public sector and Electricity Generation Asset (HELGA) partner for them through a more cost customers with an alternative route to
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to offer effective and efficient procurement process. procuring energy management services. organisations in the public sector products In addition to becoming suppliers The CCS can help organisations save and services that help them reach their on the HELGA DPS, the company has money and time through simple and easy energy and carbon emissions goals. recently been awarded a place on the purchasing processes, and provides access Organisations within the public sector CCS G-Cloud 12 Framework, to offer to a wide range of suppliers. Providing looking to advance their energy efficiency their cloud-based services to the public organisations in the public sector with an and sustainability strategy can use the sector. G-Cloud 12 allows organisations opportunity to gain end-to-end energy HELGA DPS to access TEAM’s suite of to procure digital services cost- management support to ensure they advanced energy management products effectively via the digital marketplace. are able to meet their compliance and and services. These include their range Public sector organisations seeking to certification needs and build a successful of consultancy services, their innovative procure TEAM’s products and services will and optimised energy management Sigma energy management and tenant benefit from their 35 years’ experience service. www.teamenergy.com ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 9