20 minute read
The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) has released a new Technical Guide to add to its portfolio of online Guides available to download.
The new Guide, entitled “The Impact of Controls on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings”, focuses on the British and European standard, BS EN 15232-1:2017, which assesses the cumulative impact of building automation and controls – commonly referred to as BACS - on the energy efficiency of buildings.
Terry Sharp, President of the BCIA, said: “It is a well-documented fact that buildings account for over 40% of global energy consumption, and buildings rarely perform as well as their designers calculated. BCIA member companies use the BS EN 15232 Standard as a guiding light for control system design and operation, so we have released this Technical Guide to help manufacturers and systems integrators understand the Standard better and improve the performance of the buildings they work on.”
The BCIA’s Technical Guides are designed to help members and those in the building controls and BEMS
Working in collaboration with Argent Related and London Borough of Barnet, Vattenfall will design, build and operate the district heating network over the coming decades, with a view to eventually removing all CO 2 emitting sources.
The district heating network will provide low carbon heating and hot water to 6,700 new homes and half a million square metres of new office, retail and commercial space as part of the proposed regeneration scheme. It will include 8MW of heat pumps, supplying over 80% of the total heat requirements of the site, alongside other low and zero carbon heat sources to keep the Brent Cross South site warm. Engineers are also working on a plan to use the infrastructure to cool Brent Cross South in the summer, as well as heat it in the winter.
Vattenfall to bring low carbon heating to London homes and businesses
Vattenfall Heat UK has signed an agreement with Brent Cross South developer Argent Related to provide low carbon heating to homes, shops, and other businesses in the redevelopment scheme in Barnet, north London. At 8MW, the district heating system will be the largest installation of its kind in the UK.
The cutting-edge installation is expected to be operational from 2023. It will be developed to its full scale over the coming decades, building on Vattenfall’s experience in constructing and operating some of Europe’s fastest growing heat networks in cities such as Amsterdam.
Vattenfall was appointed preferred partner for the district heating infrastructure in early 2019 by Argent Related, who are developing the site in partnership with Barnet Council. The district heating solution will enable all partners to achieve its ambitious decarbonisation goals and to provide reliable and affordable heat to customers.
The system will be ‘future-proofed’ at the design phase by taking a staged approach to the installation of the heat generation infrastructure. This means that the most recent and innovative technology can be installed when it is required, as opposed to reinstalling new technology when those in use become outdated. A range of existing and future low and zero carbon heat sources will be integrated into the network to further expand it, including heat pumps, electric boilers and even waste heat from datacentres.
industry work more effectively. All Technical Guides can be downloaded from the “Resources” section of the BCIA website. www.bcia.co.uk
Adriana Rodriguez, Regional Director (South) at Vattenfall Heat UK , said:
“This is a really exciting partnership with Argent Related and means we can install a state-of-the-art heat network that will deliver affordable, reliable, and low carbon heating for people in the Brent Cross South redevelopment.
“Vattenfall’s purpose is to power climate smarter living. Working with ambitious partners who share our vision and values, like Argent Related and Barnet Council, means we can make regeneration in London climate-friendly.”
Anthony Peter, COO of Brent Cross South DM, said: “Brent Cross South will be a new town centre which encourages people to thrive, leading healthier lives, and which is being designed to ambitious sustainability targets. We have chosen to work with Vattenfall to help us deliver future-proofed energy infrastructure with the aim of achieving zero carbon heating within a generation.” vattenfall.com/uk
Energy Management?

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Read your Modbus, MBus or pulse meters with our wireless transmitters Powerful battery powered transmitters operate from water pits, basements and outbuildings Sensitive receivers pick up transmissions from over 10km away Data from receivers upload to the cloud (or your software) via GPRS or Ethernet Data from receivers can be accessed via a Modbus interface, e.g. by a BMS master

New report highlights crucial role of renewable hydrogen and massive expansion of wind power in UK’s future energy system “ P owering the Future: RenewableUK’s Vision of the Transition” sets out a wide-ranging vision of how the UK’s capacity grow six-fold to over 120GW by 2050, attracting tens of billions in investment, alongside other renewable
Despite the short-term impacts of expects energy storage to grow even wider range of technologies such Covid-19 on energy use, RenewableUK exponentially as batteries and other forms as renewable hydrogen alongside more expects low cost renewable power to of storage scale up to ensure our power wind, solar, battery storage and – crucially grow rapidly in the next ten years to supplies remain balanced at all times. - people participating far more pro-actively meet new demand from electric vehicles, The document envisages significant in the way our modern energy system low carbon heating and renewable changes in the way consumers use the operates, making it more flexible. hydrogen. By 2050, RenewableUK predicts energy system, with clean electricity rather Our members are delivering innovative, renewables could be providing over three than fossil fuels used to power transport low-cost, practical solutions in the quarters (76%) of the UK’s power needs. and heating through electric vehicles, solar battle against climate change which
The study highlights the huge technology, heat pumps and other sources. remains a long-term threat to our way potential for green hydrogen – hydrogen As well as benefitting from cheap renewable of life. Renewable energy sources are produced using renewable electricity power, consumers will have opportunities penetrating the global energy markets – as a zero-carbon alternative to to reduce energy costs by, for example, faster than anyone expected, and fossil fuels like gas or petroleum. selling power stored in batteries or EVs to generating power cheaper than fossil
The UK’s mix of high renewable energy the grid when it’s needed most and buying fuels sooner than anyone predicted”. capacity and strong climate change policies electricity when it’s cheaper. This flexibility “In the world we are trying to build, mean that renewable hydrogen is likely will be a key characteristic of our electricity the transition to a modern energy to become cost competitive in the UK system, and of energy companies’ business system ultimately means two things: faster than in other parts of the world. models, in the transition to net zero. reduced emissions and reduced Renewable hydrogen can be used instead The report sets out a series of energy bills for households”. of gas in factories – in heavy industries recommendations to Government to RenewableUK’s new modelling in like steel-making - where progress on deliver the right markets and policies to the report shows that, working with decarbonisation has been slow to date, as secure low-cost energy, decarbonisation Government to ensure that right policies well as heating boilers in homes. Green and energy security. These include holding in place, the UK’s world-leading offshore hydrogen from renewables can also be annual auctions for contracts for largescale wind industry can attract £54bn in private used to power a turbine in the same way renewable generators to provide lowinvestment to quadruple capacity to 40 as a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) cost power, rather than every two years, gigawatts (GW) by 2030 which will provide plant currently works, and in hydrogen fuel and targeting support specifically at more than one-third of our electricity, cells for heavy good vehicles and shipping. innovative technologies which are not yet and grow further to 90GW by 2050.
A net zero emissions energy system able to compete with more established www.RenewableUK.com would see low cost wind energy power sources in these auctions.
RenewableUK’s Chief Economist Marina Valls, who wrote the report, said “This is an incredibly exciting time for the energy energy system is set to change between sources like solar and innovative floating sector. We’re entering an era of rapid now and 2050, the Government’s target wind and marine energy. In addition technological change as we move closer date to reach net zero emissions. to these power sources, RenewableUK towards total decarbonisation, using an
How can a flexible energy system help deliver net zero? T he launch of a vital project that will costs to consumers. This work will also range of organisations across the energy investigate the role of a flexible explore the business models required to system including: Bryt Energy, EDF energy system in achieving a net zero deliver an integrated flexible system. Energy, the Greater London Authority, the economy has been announced today by a It builds on influential Carbon Trust Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers, new cross sector consortium. The project, reports from 2016 (see Notes to Editors), SBM Offshore, Scottish & Southern led by the Carbon Trust and supported by which identified that the cost of a future Electricity Networks, SP Energy Networks, Imperial College, will explore the potential energy system in Great Britain could be Statera Energy, UK Power Networks, for an integrated and flexible energy reduced by £40 billion with greater flexibility and Western Power Distribution. system to reduce the cost of reaching the and the implementation of storage. The consortium will engage with the UK’s net zero economy goal by 2050. The project’s findings will be published Department for Business, Energy &
The Flexibility in Great Britain in early 2021 and are expected to Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Ofgem, the project will conduct in-depth analysis inform energy system stakeholders Committee on Climate Change, the based on modelling, research and and policy makers’ work on net zero National Infrastructure Commission and stakeholder interviews to investigate commitments, heat decarbonisation National Grid throughout the project. how different sources of flexibility pathways and the rapid transition to Imperial College London will lead on across the heat, transport and power low emission transport options. advanced energy systems modelling. sectors can reduce overall system The consortium represents a broad www.carbontrust.com

Rinnai gears up with social distancing innovation and continues full support services to all essential works - NHS facilities, care homes, schools, and supermarkets – and restart industries R innai is introducing new services centred on social distancing for installers – in addition to continuing its dedicated operational support to Essential Works, plus the provision of FREE audits on hot water supply systems and technical guidance on legionella testing for bringing systems back into service.
The new social distancing aids from Rinnai, allows remote viewing of plant rooms used via an App on any standard iPhone or Android simply by clicking a link. It allows the installer and Rinnai, in real time, to view a site and plant room to provide the best solutions for hot water delivery.
Another innovation is the ‘Help Me Choose’ facility – simply visit www.rinnaiuk.com and follow the instructions related to your projects and the company will respond with a full specification.
Provided there is a constant supply of gas and water the Rinnai units are guaranteed to supply temperature accurate hot water in unlimited quantities for all hygiene regimes in all types of healthcare sites or temporary accommodation.
Tony Gittings, for Rinnai, has also pointed out that, “We can also offer a number of other services such as a • Collection of new units/spares Rinnai’s complete range of hot system health, Legionella procedures, from Runcorn HQ for Saturday and water heating units are available for commissioning advice and much more.” Sunday. All will adopt ‘safe distancing’ next day delivery on orders placed
The Rinnai services for restart and in any contact for this or deliveries. before the previous mid-day. continued essential works are: - • Emergency delivery on working days All Rinnai units give instant and constant • Service and system health and weekends / out of hours – under flows of hot water for hygiene and checks readily available “essential works” circumstances and, cleaning use in all healthcare, care homes, • Restart kits are readily available where possible, Rinnai will readily supermarkets, food manufacture and mobile • Spares stock – readily available offer a delivery service to site. hygiene, including any new or planned sites. • Rinnai’s Runcorn UK HQ emergency • Out of hours and weekend Installers and sites can speak to the weekend opening and sales technical support – installers, company direct via the contact points below - support – open for any emergency site managers, contractors and Call 01928 531 870 or email engineer@ / essential equipment provision all end-users simply call 01928 rinnaiuk.com and sales@rinnaiuk.com of new units and for spares. 531870 select technical and if the Alternatively use the smart online • Weekend operational & technical call is not answered immediately contact points “Help Me Choose” or “Ask support help line – simply call leave a voicemail. Response will Us a Question”, all held on the website 01928 531870 and select sales and if be within one hour between homepage at www.rinnaiuk.com the call is not answered immediately, 0800–22:30, seven days a week. For more information on the RINNAI leave a voicemail and the company This means that there be a technical product range visit www.rinnaiuk.com will respond within an hour. response every day of the week.
Understanding the true value of carbon capture and storage: new paper highlights strong case for technology investment and deployment T he Global CCS Institute, a think tank of a portfolio of climate mitigation solutions, and maintaining both direct and indirect backed by governments, industry, CCS is a cost-effective and versatile option employment. In fact, to reach energyresearch and financial institutions, released today an expert paper aiming to able to significantly reduce CO 2 emissions in several hard-to-abate industrial sectors such related sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement, more than 2000 assess and redefine the value and full range as cement, chemicals, and steel, as well as facilities will be needed by mid-century, of benefits of carbon capture and storage provide low-carbon, dispatchable power. It requiring at least 100,000 employees. (CCS).The report demonstrates the positive will also be crucial to decarbonize hydrogen The technology’s deployment can society-wide benefits of the technology, production currently the source of some also create value to society by creating including economic, social and environmental benefits and opportunities linked to this 700 mtpa of CO 2 emissions (equivalent to combined total emissions of the UK and new net-zero industries and innovation spillovers potentially catalysing clean energy technology’s deployment. Indonesia), as well as delivering negative innovation-led economic growth in
“CCS needs to be an integral part of the emissions. The deployment of CCS today also other industries. The opportunities to solution to building resilient and climate neutral economies and deliver net-zero lowers the overall cost of the energy transition as well as the risk of falling short on global re-use infrastructure for CO 2 storage and transportation in harmony with emissions. Investment in the technology also climate targets, increasing resilience of climate the large-scale deployment of CCS drives economic growth and employment. This strategies by diversifying technology options. could also result in significant synergies paper brings together recent data, insights The report also examines CCS’ role as a including ease of permitting and and analysis on CCS’ full potential. We hope driver of economic growth and employment. cost reductions as well as deferring that it will help policymakers assess the range Addressing social aspects and supporting a decommissioning costs, freeing up overall of opportunities advanced by investing and just transition, CCS can alleviate the geographic resources for the energy transition. deploying the technology”, said Guloren and timing mismatches of the transition. Globally, there are now 19 large-scale Turan, General Manager, Advocacy and For example, jobs in emissions-intensive CCS facilities capturing an estimated Communications, Global CCS Institute.
The paper highlights the imperative industries such as cement, iron and steel are high-quality and high-paid, and often local 40 million tonnes of CO 2 every year. An additional 32 facilities are at various need to conceptualise the full potential communities rely on them. CCS application stages of planning and development. and multifaceted value of CCS and reveals will support the preservation of these jobs. The full report can be downloaded that it can benefit whole communities, Furthermore, CCS will support the creation https://www.globalccsinstitute.com/ industries, countries and regions. of an industry workforce and supply chain fit wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Thought
The analysis of the report finds that as part for a net-zero economy while also creating Leadership-The-Value-of-CCS.pdf
At a national level, National Grid data leading data quality and shows non-domestic electricity demand access to Stark ID. Stark’s during the first month of lockdown flagship analytics service. (March 25th – April 17th) falling by 19.6% Great data and access compared to the same period in 2019. to Stark ID during the
Analysis by Stark’s team of data scientists lockdown has empowered showed Stark customers had reduced their Stark’s customers to take electricity consumption by a staggering even greater control of 29.5% during this period, thanks to Stark’s their energy, with access superior data and analytics tools.
In total, Stark customers are saving nearly to features such as: • Ability to set Figure 1 - Stark customers compared to National Average, £750,000 every day more than the average for UK businesses during lockdown. £16.5 million of electricity spend has been saved collectively by Stark customers during the first 22 days of lockdown alone. How did Stark customers achieve a 29.5% reduction compared to the national average of 19.6%?
All Stark customers benefit from industry • • • • automatic alerts on all their sites for complete visibility. Option to upload updated occupancy parameters into Stark ID to monitor buildings that are empty. Run time of use reports (ToU) to make sure nothing was left on. Identifying and monitoring baseload, ensuring energy bills remain as low as possible while sites are unoccupied. Access to unlimited accounts allowing everyone to contribute, even from home.
Stark has been running free webinars for all their Stark customers with record breaking numbers of attendees. All our previous webinars are available to watch at any time.
Since lockdown started, all of Stark’s officebased teams have been working remotely and on hand to assist their customers. www.stark.co.uk

Almost two-thirds of workers (64%) those working in marketing (37%) are most colleagues when the restrictions end. have evaluated their environmental likely to now consider buying an electric car for Northern England (43%) has the highest impact during the coronavirus their commute as a result of the lockdown. proportion of workers stating they will pandemic, and the majority (53%) are However, working from home comes with appreciate their work colleagues more in seeking permanent changes to their working its own set of challenges, with 38% stating the office when the lockdown restrictions week once lockdown restrictions ease, they will appreciate their work colleagues are eased, followed by workers in Scotland according to a newly released survey. more in the office when the lockdown ends. (39%) and the Midlands (35%).
The new research from Hitachi Capital UK More than one in four (26%) admit Robert Gordon, CEO of Hitachi Capital UK, has established the enforced lockdown for finding it hard to stay motivated working said “Our research shows that people are not many Brits has altered their outlook for the from the confines of their own home. only re-evaluating how they work, but also the long term future. A staggering 40% of workers Whilst there is an overwhelming clamour impact they have on the environment and what are now considering greener commuting for greater home working after the long term changes they are prepared to make. alternatives post-lockdown, with over a quarter lockdown restrictions end, almost one in “The lockdown has created a positive (26%) now more likely to buy an electric five (19%) also miss face to face time with and fundamental shift in attitude when it car than they were before the pandemic. colleagues, despite regular video calls. comes to the environment, with the majority
The study of over 1,800 UK adults illustrating Meanwhile, the greatest clamour for of people placing more importance on a wider evaluation of day to day working life home working beyond the lockdown comes reducing their carbon footprint than ever during lockdown also found that 41% cite the from recruitment and HR professionals before. Over a quarter of commuters would time and cost savings of ditching the daily (69%), followed by IT workers (63%) now actively switch to an electric vehicle, commute as the main reason home working is and legal professionals (61%). a significant shift pre the lockdown. Even a more attractive proposition. The flexibility of In contrast, those working in business more want more agile working, suggesting a working from home is identified as the most & consulting (51%), marketing (50%) and reduction in commuting and travel for work, significant benefit by 13% of respondents. education (46%) are most eager to return to which again will impact on the environmental
Analysing the sector by sector landscape, their regular place of work alongside their economy. www.hitachicapital.co.uk
Sefton Council elects to self-supply water in partnership with Waterscan

Sefton Council is expecting to improve its environmental performance and achieve significant efficiency savings by entering a self-supply water partnership. S efton Council has applied to Ofwat success of existing programs like our for a water and sewerage self-supply Climate Emergency Declaration” licence (WSSL) following an in-depth Sefton Council’s Energy & options appraisal to determine how Environmental Management Team best to enter the open water market. is responsible for managing gas,
The agreement will provide the Council electricity and water utility services with greater control of its water management, for council buildings, schools and Waterscan’s Water Strategy Manager, Jonathan Williams, Utilities Officer at Sefton sport and leisure facilities. Combined, this Anastasia Sousanoglou, highlighted further Council, commented: “Our ambition to selfportfolio of sites totals 184 measured benefits of Sefton Council being active in the supply water is driven by our goals to both and 64 unmeasured supply points. water market. She said: “While many large enhance our environmental performance With a diverse estate to manage, the team organisations in the private sector have and achieve cost savings across our property recognised the need for a sophisticated confidently approached the open water portfolio. Having undertaken a thorough understanding of water service provision, the market, it’s incredibly important that the needs analysis, we are confident that selfwider marketplace, regulation and compliance. public sector isn’t left behind because of the supply will help us to achieve these goals, in Sefton Council has therefore taken the decision significant impacts that it has on effective, turn paving the way for further investment to enter into a partnership agreement with sustainable water stewardship, nationwide. and innovation across our borough.” specialist consultancy Waterscan to assist with “Sefton Council - along with Blackpool
Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council’s its water procurement. With this agreement, Borough Council which was granted a Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance Waterscan will conduct meter readings, self-supply licence in 2018 - will have & Corporate Services said: “A self-supply deal with central market operating system an important contribution to make in licence will mean we’re an active participant transactions, manage wholesalers and provide ensuring that public sector needs are met in the water market. It will give us much technical support and services to uncover as the market evolves. It will be able to more control over our water use and effluent further water efficiencies. The Council will exercise a public sector customer voice as discharge, enable us to make effective pay water and sewerage charges through the a member of MOSL, the market operator, and confident strategic decisions based usual settlement process and be able to build and through attendance at Self-Supply on accurate information, and build on the a direct relationship with the Wholesaler. User Forums.” https://waterscan.com/ ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JUNE 2020 9