Abbie Fung - Architecture Portfolio

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Purpose:Existing:Location:SiteProject:Area: Wetland & River Restoration, Wetland Promotion & Education Centre (Urban Planning & Detailing Design) River157haAdur, Shoreham, UK Brighton Airport, Recreation Ground and New Salts Farm

This project is to use a more natural base method to resolve the flooding problem that Shoreham by sea facing, and restore ecosystems sustainably. The existing flood defence wall to be demolished and a tributary and new salt marsh are design in the site to increase the water storage area, also extend the existing abandoned habitats. The wetland centre is allocated next to the Brighton Road, which will become a new landmark to represent Shoreham and it aims to provide a journey like experience for the visitor to strengthen the public's knowledge and understanding of wetlands.

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Looking for the fogotten part of memory - Nature

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SSSIExistingArea Proposed AreaConservationEco Proposed Eco Buffer Area Low Salinity High Salinity RiverExistingAdur WaterwayProposed for River SurfaceWaterwayProposedWaterforWater 4.5 -1.6 3.1 2.7 0 00.5 0.50.5 0.5 0 1.5 1.51.5 1.5 2.5 3.52.5 6.5 5.5 - 3 3 6.5 3.7 4.9 4.9 2.1 3.4 3.6 3.1 3.1 Design Sketches - Urban Planning Academic Project - Forgotten Memory Page 3

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2. recreation ground is a historic landfill site, and contamination has identified in proximity to the site.

There are longstanding problems in the site, such as 1. undesirable location for housing.

The design of the proposed waterway is based on the previous creeks found in the historical map and connect them with the existing one. The mudflat of the new saltmarsh referenced Tollesbury saltmarshes as the basis for design extension. Ponds are created for extra water storage while flood and also act as a waterscape during low tide.

3. Large parts of Shoreham by sea will regularly fall below sea level by Therefore,2050.the existing Brighton airport, recreation ground and New salts farm will be taken in this project, in order to reconnect the nature with the resident and improve the ecological system.

More than half of the site will turn to flat, very low lying land with varying topography. Different habitats would be created, including open water, reed beds, fens, wet meadows, scrub and woodland.

Oystercatcher Dunlin Ringed plover Teal Lapwing HenBewick'sHarrierswan SandpiperPurple Redshank Let It Grow 0 - 5 years, Recovery Stage Low Tide Low Tide HighAverageTide High FloodTide 5 15 years, Developing Stage 15 30 years, Mature Stage Let It AllowFloodwater be part of the building Meadow Planting Meadow Planting - Summer

ConstructLandscapea forest around the river Adur, enrich biological habitats, create a comfortable small environment, and provide life support functions. The multi-layer landscape creates diverse habitats, a comfortable microclimate and increases three-dimensional space. Build a promenade, provide historical site explanation, ecological education and other services, creating a rich landscape tour experience for tourists. Set up activity space around the promenade, which can use for science research, sports, outdoor development and other activities.


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maritimaEelgrassSuaeda portulacoideHalimionesempervirensPhragmitesSolidagoSea lavender AcerButterflyweedHolmeplatanoidesOakViburnumdentatum Tamarix HamamelistetrandravirginianaPanicgrass AsterDistichlisspicatatenuifolius roemerianusJuncusMarshmallow alternifloraSalicorniaSpartinaIrishMoss Bream Mussel Fiddler CrabOyster RoachPikeChubOystercatcher Purple Sandpiper Hen Harrier Redshank Teal Bewicks Dunlin Lapwing Ringed ploverPlantUplandRiparianMeadowEmergentSelection Academic Project - Forgotten MemoryPage6

Main Entrance Souvenirs Shop Exhibition Area Exhibition 1 (Wetland) Exhibition 2 (Wetland & Lagoon) Lecture Room 2Lecture Room 1 Exhibition 3 (Wildlife) Reception Office 1RoomMeeting Office 2 StorageRefuseRoomGenset RoomM&E Viewing Platform StorageRefuse Cafe Indoor Children's Play Area Exhibition 4aExhibition(Seasonal) 4b (Seasonal) Workshop 1 Workshop 2MiniCinemaGensetRoomM&ERoom CrossingProposed BackOfficeof House Area/Plant Room Exhibition Area Vehicular Access Point Vehicular Lecture/WorkshopRoute Area Visitor Access Point Main Visitor Route Connect to Boardwalk, Birdhide and Block B Block B Lay-by BackCafe of House Area/Plant Room Exhibition Area Vehicular Access Point Vehicular Lecture/WorkshopRoute Area Main Visitor Route Boardwalk Connect to Block A Floor Plan Block A There are designated visitor car parks and lay by within the development. The 22 visitor car parking spaces are located on the left and closest to the entrance. After parking the vehicles or drop off at the layby, visitors can approach the reception via the covered passageway. The covered passageway also links with the layby, and a tourist bus is allowed to drop off there. Block B Academic Project - Forgotten Memory Page 7

Base StructureStructureSlabFrameRoofConcreteFootingCor-TenSteelStructurePrefabConcreteSlabTimberStructure Structure Prespetcives Academic Project - Forgotten MemoryPage8

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View 1 View 3 View 2 View 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Main ExhibitionCoveredEntranceArea Exhibition 1 (Wetland) Exhibition 2 (Wetland & Lagoon) RoomLecture1 & 2 Exhibition 3 (Wildlife)1:20rampconnectto floating boardwalk

Sence of Experience Visitors will be led into the building by the curved fins wall before entering the building. After entering, they will first see an atrium located in the middle and a sweeping view of the wetland. Then when they pass through the covered exhibition area and corridor, they can reach the exhibition areas. The corridor connects the different exhibition areas. After watching an exhibition, visitors can go outside to experience nature before entering another exhibition. Compared with the ordinary exhibition, "Feeling the nature" should be the experience that this centre wants to provide visitors. After passing three different exhibition rooms, visitors can go to the bird hide and block B through the boardwalk. Block B will provide some workshop and seasonal exhibitions. The outdoor exhibition area, cafe, indoor children's play area and mini cinema are also on the side of block B. After all the above activities, visitors can walk back with the covered walkway and back to block A. This is the main route of the entire park.

View 5 View 7 View 9 View 6 View 8 View 10 9 10 Viewing Platform Viewing Platform 1Workshop&2 Exhibition 4b Exhibition(Seasonal) 4a (Seasonal) Indoor Children's Play AreaMini Cinema Cafe 1:20 connectrampto floating boardwalk Academic Project - Forgotten MemoryPage10floating

Residental Project with Co-working Space

Site Purpose:Location:FloorArea:Area: Portsmouth,77656m²35877m²

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UK The design of this proposal aspires to offer a modest yet comfortable living & working environment. There are 139 nos. apartment units (studio, 1-bed room unit, 2-bed room unit & 3-bed room unit) and 24 terraced house (2-storey & 3-storey). The first two floors would be non-domestic part (co-working area), minimum 42 nos. of parking space are to be provided. Other ancillary facilities include a management office, a multi-purpose room, a guard booth, a storeroom and outdoor residential facilities including children play area and landscape area such as landscape gardens, vertical greening and green roofs, etc.

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Part Academic Project - Co-working Page 13

Ground Floor Plan

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Typical Floor Plan

The unit type diagram is cleanly showed the studio, type a 1-bedroom, and 3-bedroom unit are built from bottom to top; The type b 1-bedroom and the 2-bedroom unit stack up to form the tower (S1). This arrangement created a double volume area to gain more natural lighting in the Thedaytime.void in front of each unit is to increase the distance between the corridor and flat to enhance privacy. Also, it can act as a communication platform for the upper and lower floor neighbour. For the open corridor approach, allowed the opportunity for having balcony at both sides of the unit, which helped to improve the ventilation and created more glazing area.

The glazing canopy at the rooftop is used the PV glazing, which helps to collect the solar energy and transfer to the PV control room (next to the lift lobby).

Detail Plan - Terraced House Academic Project - Co-working Page 15

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Sustainable Life StyleWork at Home Site Purpose:Type:BuildingLocation:Area: Ho2000m2PuiStreet, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Youth Housing & Hostel

The emphasis of this project is “ ARCHITECTURAL DWELLING”. Like most of the urban developments in Hong Kong, the residential and commercial are often integrated into one building. To maximize the use of public space on the ground floor, all indoor spaces are lifted upwards which also creates a hierarchy of privacy. The allocation of spaces is based on the relationship between the public and the privacy of zoning.

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SustainableUnitliving is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society’s use of the earth’s natural resources and personal resources. Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet.

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Proponents of sustainable living aim to conduct their lives in the way that are consistent with sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity’s symbiotic relationship with the earth’s natural ecology and cycles. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living are highly interrelated with the overall principles of sustainable development.


206-212 Johnston Road, Wan Chai Practice Project (LTL) - Commerical Building Practice Project (LTL) - Composite Building 48-54 Ki Lung Street, Kowloon Site Involved:Area:Site Involved:Area: From469m2design stage to the foundation stage - Design Change - GBP Submission - Tender Drawing - Tender Interview - Coordination Meeting (Design, Tender & Foundation) Design197m2 Stage - Design Change Page 19

Practice Project (LTL) - Composite Building 14-18, Mosque Street, Hong Kong Practice Project (HPA) - Composite Building Tung Yuen Street, YauTong, Kowloon Site Involved:Area:Site Involved:Area: 11,295m2S16Re-submission-DesignChange-AlternativeProposal-Section16Coordination-CoordinationMeeting(Design&S16)544.5m2TenderStage-DesignChange-GBPSubmission-TenderDrawing-CoordinationMeeting(Design&Tender) Page 20

FSD Staff Quarter - Pak Shing Kok, Tseung Kwan O ASD - Consultancy Services for Study on Smart Construction for School Practice Project (HPA) - Modular Integrated Construction Page 21 Site Involved:Area: From12,388m2PQDVC Stage 2 to Topping-out Stage - MiC Coordination - Presentations - AIP Submission - DDA Submission - S16A Submission - Review Construction Drawings (MiC) - Coordination Meeting (Design, ArchSD meeting, Site Meeting, MiC Factory -Meeting)TCPT2 Involved: From Stage 1 - 5 / 6 - MiC Develop - Presenation Preparation - Coordination Meeting (Design, ArchSD Meeting)


MArch (RIBA Part 2)

Ho & Partners Architects Engineers & Development Consultants Ltd

University of Portsmouth Architecture (RIBA Part 1) BA (Hons)

- 31 storey residential building at Mosque Street, HK - 28 storey composite building at Ki Lung Street, HK - 21 storey commercial building at Wellington Street, HK - 27 storey commercial building at Johnston Road, HK - A & A Works for 14 storey industrial building at Tsun Yip Lane, HK - A & A Works for Charter House & Alexander House, HK - Feasibility study for redevelopment of Tung Shan Terrace, HK

2019 - 2021 2013FromDesign07/20172015-08/2019StagePQDVCStage 2 to Topping-out S16 CompleteFromRe-submissionStage1to5thewhole study 05/2016 - 04/2017 Tender Stage From Design Stage to Foundation Design Stage Design Stage Design Stage GBP DesignSubmissionStage

University of Huddersfield

- Composite building at Yau Tong, HK - Consultancy Services for Innovative Design and Smart Construction for Schools

Full-time Architectural Assistant - Alpha Square Mixed -use Development, London, UK - Tseung Kwan O FSD Staff Quarter (1st Concrete MiC project in HK)

Full-time Year Out Student

- Feasibility Study in Cyberport Expansion Project, HK Lu Tang Lai Architects Limited

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