april 24, march 27,2012 2012
the newsletter of first christian church (disciples of christ)
THE volume xxv | no. 78
Scholarships Available! The First Christian Church of Smithville, MO, is proud to announce that it is again offering both the First Christian Church Scholarship and the Margaret Wilson Miller & David Rader Miller Scholarship Funds. The First Christian Church Scholarship Application is available for applicants who have completed 24 college hours and have graduated from high school one year ago (2.5 GPA on 4.0 scale is required). The Margaret Wilson Miller & David Rader Miller First Christian Church Scholarship Fund Application is available for high school graduates. Applications will be available in the church office and online starting in April. Completed scholarship applications are due in the church office on Friday, May 25, 2012. Applications will not be accepted after noon on that day. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 532-0773. Scholarships will be awarded during church service on Sunday, June 24, 2012. Please make an effort to be in attendance that day.
CWF Meeting on April 24 The Christian Women’s Fellowship will meet Tuesday, April 24th at 7:00 p.m. Some things on the agenda include purchasing new dishes and how to spend the rest of the $1757.88 we made at the garage sale. Our lesson will be given by Pam Maedel and Nicole Morris will be Hostess. All women of the church are considered members and are most welcome to our meetings.
The Current to be Published Biweekly in May-July As we enter a slower season in the life of the church, we will be moving to publishing “The Current” on a biweekly basis. This will cut down on repetition during the Summer months. During these three months, please check out our website regularly as information will be posted there for you. The next issue of the Current will come out on May 1, with the following on May 15.
operation overboard: vbs 2012! We are now looking for about forty volunteers to help us to make this year’s Vacation Bible School the best it has ever been! Join us as we “dive into faith” and explore God’s love in new ways. Volunteers are needed to help with snacks, recreation, science experiments, bible stories, and small group leaders. Anyone can help! Thank you!
Tall Oaks Day Camp Counselors Wanted! The date is June 6th at Tall Oaks from 8:30 to 3 with children that have completed K-2nd grade. Other than the day of, there is a counselor training from 10 to 12 on May 5th at Tall Oaks. If you have any questions or are interested, you can e-mail Megan Burns at miburns@my.okcu.edu, call me at 816-813-3863 or talk to Traci Burns. Any help is greatly appreciated!
homebound members If you are aware of homebound members who are not currently receiving visits from either Ryan or our Care Connection, please let the church office know as soon as possible. Ryan is going to be making a concerted effort this summer to improve our service to homebound members.
current culture A Word from Ryan I want to take time again to thank you all for the gift of time away in study, rest, and prayer for our congregation and our Church. My journey to California and my retreat time was truly wonderful. To serve with this congregation that is such careful stewards of its ministers is truly a wonderful gift.
6. a place of prayer where the bustle and fever of ministry is cooled by the calming reminder that there is “but one thing most needful:” prayerfully listening to Jesus. Bethany is the place where Martha (“distracted with much serving”) and Mary (“who sat at Jesus’ feet”) resided. (luke 10:38-42; cf. john 11:1)
Many of you have asked me to share more about the Bethany Fellowships, and what exactly it means that I am a “Bethany Fellow.” To give you the “bare bones,” the Bethany Fellows are around forty young ministers in the first five years of serving a congregation who come together to enter into a system of mentorship and spiritual exploration overseen by a group of about ten well-seasoned pastors. I have attended two retreats, and will attend six more over the next three years. We come from around the country, from Maryland to California, Texas to Minnesota. David Shirey, one of the mentors of the Fellows and pastor of Coolwater Christian Church in Flagstaff, AZ, was able to succinctly put into words what the Bethany means for me and my colleagues:
7. a place of blessing where pastors experience the hands-on affirmation, encouragement, and (re)commissioning of the Risen Lord. It was at Bethany where the risen Christ lifted his hands to consecrate and commission his disciples. (luke 24:50-53)”
“Bethany is… 1. a place of preparation, where new forays into ministry are visioned, staged, and launched. It was from Bethany that Jesus sent his disciples ahead of him to find the colt on which he would make his Palm Sunday ride into Jerusalem. (mark 11.1-10; luke 19:29ff) 2. a place of retreat where souls wearied by engagement in ministry may be renewed. It was to Bethany Jesus returned after his Palm Sunday ride into Jerusalem, cleansing of the Temple, healing of the blind and lame, and encounter with the chief priests and scribes. (matthew 21:12-17; mark 11:11) 3. a place of delight where spirits are buoyed by hearing colleagues’ stories about “beautiful things done for Jesus.” It was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper where the disciples witnessed an extraordinary act of devotion – the woman’s anointing Jesus’ feet with the alabaster flask of expensive ointment. (matthew 26:6-13; mark 14:3-9); also john 12:1-8) 4. a place of friendship where bonds of encouragement and accountability formed in the crucible of shared ministry are deepened. It was in the Bethany home of his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus that Jesus both ministered and was ministered unto. (luke 10:38-42; john 12:1-8) 5. a place of healing where dying spirits are resurrected, unbound from the suffocating grave cloths of addiction, unhealthy lifestyles, paralyzing fears, and personal demons. Bethany is where Lazarus was raised from the dead and unbound from his grave cloths. (john 11:1-44)
For me, this specific retreat served as a place of preparation for our coming year in ministry together, of delight in growing through the ministry being done by my colleagues, of friendship where I was able to reconnect with many colleagues from my college and seminary years, and of prayer. Last Wednesday, I sat on a bluff watching the sunset over the mountains near our retreat center, caught up in prayer for our congregation. I prayed for all of our members by name, going through our phonebook one family at a time, praying that God continue to guide you and move you, and give you grace. There were prayers for guidance and vision, for patience and rest, for our children to flourish and for our old men and women, as the prophet Joel said, to dream dreams. As the sun gradually disappeared, my heart knew anew the blessedness of our congregation and I was empowered to explore where God might be leading us next in a new way. And I said, “AMEN,” aloud, because I knew then again the goodness of our Creator. If you’d like to learn more about the Bethany Fellows or how to give back to them, I encourage you to go to www.bethanyfellows.org. With gratitude, Ryan
current culture a note from megan burns
food pantry report
I am participating in Relay for Life at OCU. If you can, please take a moment and donate on my behalf to this amazing event and organization! The committee and I have been working hard and I would love your support in making a difference. Thanks for your help and prayers. Visit my page, http://main.acsevents.org/goto/MeganBurns, to donate and learn more about why I am relaying this year.
galatians: 6:9&10
Thank you for all your love and support in all my endeavors. I couldn’t ask for a better church family!
Tall Oaks Acorn Dash: May 6
Things are going well. The more we give, the more we receive. That is very obvious in the Pantry. It is a blessing to serve. Thank you for all donations. Today Connie from Troop 1668 (5th Grade Girl Scouts) brought hundreds of items. Thank you to the person who brings bread. It really helps. As always, feel free to volunteer. Our needs are: any tooth stuff, deodorant, bar soap, shampoo, and spaghetti. Thank you! Love, Rick romans 8:16&17
The Acorn Dash 5k Run/Walk will be held on May 6th at the Tall Oaks Conference Center. If you are interested in participating in this event you may obtain entry forms in the church office.
a look ahead Graduation Breakfast—Sunday, May 13 Scholarship Application Deadline—Friday, May 25 this sunday, april 29
next sunday, may 6
GREETERS, EAST DOOR: John & Pam Maedel GREETERS, WEST DOOR: Greg & Kathy Atkins LAY READER: John Summers
CHILDREN’S SERMON: Bill Drake CANDLE LIGHTERS: Max Miller & Cassidy French
CHILDREN’S SERMON: Ryan Motter CANDLE LIGHTERS: Alexander Drake & Sam Arnold
ELDERS: Mike Gordon & Linda Neer
ELDERS: Matt Dion & Phil French DIACONATE: Barbara Arnold, Joel Hartman, Cindy Mayberry, John Hamilton, Gary Jones, Joyce Summers, Kathy Hamilton, Sue Lake [Alt: Michelle Atkins/Connor French] PREPARE COMMUNION: Judy Clough CLEAN UP COMMUNION: Peggy Miller PICK UP SANCTUARY: Patrick Burns
DIACONATE: Vicki Belcher, Mary Gordon, Linda Prout, Matt French, Jim Mitchell, Steve Prout, Shirley French, Jim Owen [Alt: Jessica Arnold/Marcus Burchett] PREPARE COMMUNION: Jim Owen CLEAN UP COMMUNION: Steve Prout PICK UP SANCTUARY: Marcus Burchett
APRIL 24: Treasure Beldo APRIL 25: Ian Holland APRIL 27: Bradley Morgan, Jessica Langner, Phillip Vice APRIL 28: Elizabeth Brown, Doug Gordon APRIL 29: Becky McGranahan APRIL 30: Amy Schwind, McKinley Lyn Massie MAY 1: Marilyn Morton, Lora Kerr MAY 2: Beth Cook MAY 3: Darsi Hartman MAY 4: Bill Boswell MAY 5: Josh Bailey, Beau Bailey MAY 7: Eric Winkler
april/may birthdays
First Christian Church
201 North Bridge Street Smithville, MO 64089-8266 phone: 816.532.0773 www.smithvillefcc.org office@smithvillefcc.org
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(Disciples of Christ)
Ryan Motter, pastor cell: 913.707.2870 email: ryan@smithvillefcc.org Mark Holcomb, music minister Velva Fausett, organist Janet George, pianist Greg Atkins, treasurer Abby Carr, communications designer
a look ahead
Graduation Breakfast—Sunday, May 13 Scholarship Application Deadline—Friday, May 25
this sunday, april 29
next sunday, may 6
GREETERS, EAST DOOR: John & Pam Maedel GREETERS, WEST DOOR: Greg & Kathy Atkins LAY READER: John Summers
CHILDREN’S SERMON: Bill Drake CANDLE LIGHTERS: Max Miller & Cassidy French
CHILDREN’S SERMON: Ryan Motter CANDLE LIGHTERS: Alexander Drake & Sam Arnold
ELDERS: Mike Gordon & Linda Neer
ELDERS: Matt Dion & Phil French DIACONATE: Barbara Arnold, Joel Hartman, Cindy Mayberry, John Hamilton, Gary Jones, Joyce Summers, Kathy Hamilton, Sue Lake [Alt: Michelle Atkins/Connor French] PREPARE COMMUNION: Judy Clough CLEAN UP COMMUNION: Peggy Miller PICK UP SANCTUARY: Patrick Burns
DIACONATE: Vicki Belcher, Mary Gordon, Linda Prout, Matt French, Jim Mitchell, Steve Prout, Shirley French, Jim Owen [Alt: Jessica Arnold/Marcus Burchett] PREPARE COMMUNION: Jim Owen CLEAN UP COMMUNION: Steve Prout PICK UP SANCTUARY: Marcus Burchett
april/may birthdays
APRIL 24: Treasure Beldo APRIL 25: Ian Holland APRIL 27: Bradley Morgan, Jessica Langner, Phillip Vice APRIL 28: Elizabeth Brown, Doug Gordon APRIL 29: Becky McGranahan APRIL 30: Amy Schwind, McKinley Lyn Massie MAY 1: Marilyn Morton, Lora Kerr MAY 2: Beth Cook MAY 3: Darsi Hartman MAY 4: Bill Boswell MAY 5: Josh Bailey, Beau Bailey MAY 7: Eric Winkler