The Current | 4.10.12

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april 10, march 27,2012 2012

the newsletter of first christian church (disciples of christ)

THE volume xxv | no. 76

Sign up for Camp at Tall Oaks! The time has come again to sign up for Camp! Talk to Traci Burns about registering, or go to! Deadline is April 15! Come and experience God-inspired moments in the great outdoors! You will make new friends, reconnect with old ones, and have fun. Camp moments at Tall Oaks become memories for life. Contact Traci Burns at 816.813.394 or, or visit and click on “Camp.”

Day Camp 1 June 6 Day Camp 2 July 9 Day Camp 3 August 1 Primary 1 June 23–25 Primary 2 July 5–7 Junior 1 June 6-9 Junior 2 June 30 to July 3 Chi Rho Activity May 29 to June 2 Chi Rho 2 July 30 to August 3 Eighters’ Camp June 30 to July 6 CYF Camp 1 June 3-8 CYF Camp 2 July 8-13 Grandparents Camp 1 June 24-26 Grandparents Camp 2 July 29-31 Equestrian Camp 1 June 17-20 Equestrian Camp 2 July 5-8

Graduation Breakfast We are continuing to gather names of this year’s graduates to honor at the breakfast on May 13. Please let me know if you are aware of someone graduating that is not listed here: HIGH SCHOOL: Patrick Burns, Alex Hamilton. COLLEGE: Elissa Miller, Alicia Seevers, Mallory Burchett, Molly Blosser, Luke French. Thanks! Rachel Drake—

CWF Garage Sale This Weekend The CWF garage sale will be April 12, 13, and 14—Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. We will take household items, furniture, knick knacks, etc. This year, any electronics that are brought, such as TVs and computers will have to be signed in, and if they do not sell you will have to pick them up. The seniors will meet in the basement until the week we are preparing—so no items until Monday, April 9, please. If you would like to volunteer your time in preparing for or working the days of the sale, please let Shirley French or Kathy French know. Thank you!

christian concert on april 20th What is it? A Christian concert! Who is performing? Three cool bands on the Beautiful Unusual tour! Attaboy, Jennie Wellsand, and Calling out Closer! Who can go? Anyone in 9-12th grade! When is it? April 20th. What time? doors open at 6:00 and the concert starts at 6:30. Who is putting this concert on? The Kansas City Regional Youth Cabinet! Anything else? We have a raffle! It includes AWESOME prizes such as; a camera, gift cards to some great places, a customized XBOX controller valued at $120, and much, much more! Anything else else? There are concessions! Can I get more info? Of course! cfm. Tickets are $10 at Lee’s Summit Christian Church 800 NE Tudor Rd Lee’s Summit, mo 64086. For tickets call: Billy Drake @ 816.532.6090.

current culture A Word from Ryan So…now what? We have waited the forty days, we have experienced the barrenness of Holy Week, and we have felt the overwhelming joy of Resurrection on Easter morning! So, now what? What exciting adventures and opportunities for grace are we called to take on next? For me, you already know the immediate answer: I will be taking a little time away. The last five months have been, as some of you have heard me describe them, a “gauntlet” of ministry. Moving from Advent to a season of Funerals to Lent, to dreaming about how we might do new ministry with our children, I need some time away. I am so grateful for a congregation that knows the power of Sabbath both for itself and its minister, and as I am gone I invite your prayers and your support as I take time to refresh my soul. I have a pile of eight books ready to be read, I’ve booked my rooms, and I’m ready to get lost in California for a few days. Our church continues to forge ahead and it continues to tackle old and new opportunities for sharing God’s love with one another and with our community. This week we will share together in our church garage sale. Rachel Drake is working hard to coordinate our graduation breakfast, and Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Already Traci Burns has been guiding families as they register for Tall Oaks Summer Camp, and Shelly Frala and Cara Massie are at work on Vacation Bible School. Here are a few new projects that are in the works, though, that will be slowly coming to play a more prominent role in our church’s life in the coming months: During the month of May, we as a church will be focusing our thoughts on Stewardship. Stewardship is the practice of faithful caring for our time, talents, and resources. While many churches use a “Stewardship Campaign” to undergird their budget, we are going to have a “Stewardship Campaign” to encourage our thinking about how we give and to challenge ourselves to give in new ways. My sermons will be focused on how we give out of what we have, and how this giving comes in many ways. Linda Neer and Brenda Dion have been in the beginning phases of helping us to repeat our support of the BackSnack Program. Last year, we worked together with Smithville United Methodist Church and Good Shepherd Catholic Church to provide the Smithville School District with nearly 200 “BackSnack” packs for food-insecure youth in the Smithville community. We have been asked if we can help with this again, and Brenda and Linda have been working together to shape this.

Recently, the board approved a total refurbishing of our upstairs Children’s classrooms! In the coming weeks, new furniture will be purchased, curriculum will be put into place, some paint will be applied, and our children will have brand new spaces to call their very own! We are also searching for a part-time minister for children and families who will hopefully come on board with us in August. Last but not least, we’re looking to July as a time for us to intentionally focus on the importance of Sabbath in the life of our church. During this month, we will try to shirk some of our meetings in favor of activities that intentionally ask us to focus on caring for ourselves and our relationship with God. There will be times set aside for personal growth in prayer and also for personal growth in health! July will be a season of renewal for us. Praise God! With all these things on the horizon, there is a great deal about which to be excited. I look forward to sharing with you as we discover together what God continues to do through First Christian Church, right here in Smithville. In anticipation, Ryan

Ryan Gone for Bethany Fellows from April 13-20 Ryan will be on vacation from April 13-15, and then from April 16-20 he will be joining together with the Bethany Fellows in California. The Bethany Fellowships take new pastors and place them into a system of mentorship and encouragement meant to build up lifelong ministries. Ryan is one of about thirty young ministers who will be in California for the retreat, where he will take some time to retreat, reflect, and listen to new ideas for his ministry with our church. During his time away, our elders are available to help you with any immediate needs you might have and the church office will be open. Ryan will not be answering his cell phone nor will he be available in case of emergency. Instead, there are several ministers who are helping Ryan by being “on call” during his absence. To reach one of these ministers, please contact one of the elders. Your elders are Matt Dion, Phil French, Rader Miller, Linda Neer, Bill Drake, Ken Lippincott, Mike Gordon, Bud Yazel, and Larry Priddle.

Guest Preacher on April 15: Rev. Dr. Bob Magee We welcome to our pulpit the Rev. Dr. Bob Magee on April 15 as a guest preacher while Ryan is in California. Bob comes to us after many years of fine ministry as the Senior Minister of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Kansas City. He has recently completed a two-year stretch as the interim minister of Shawnee Park Christian Church, and now devotes most of his time to organizing mission trips that journey to Jamaica to assist with medical relief. Bob and his wife Shirley will be joining the congregation that day and are looking forward to worshipping with us!

current culture food pantry report A story of giving and the glory of God: Over some weeks, green eggs for ham have been donated by many wonderful people. My goal was four, God’s goal was more. I said in church last Sunday that we had enough. Before I left the building, I had 21 more, making it possible with what I had already, to receive max discounts on five hams. God’s goal! An anonymous donor called and said that I should go do some shopping for her to help people with Easter dinner. After many explanations and excuses, I just said, “Yes.” We went shopping today with our anonymous donor’s contribution and the green eggs donated. We bought five ten-pound hams, five loaves of bread, fifteen bags of frozen veggies, five bags of taters, and fifteen oranges, with $2.65 in change.

Tall Oaks Acorn Dash: May 6 The Acorn Dash 5k Run/Walk will be held on May 6th at the Tall Oaks Conference Center. If you are interested in participating in this event you may obtain entry forms in the church office.

CWF Service Project The CWF service project for this quarter is for battered women in shelters. We are asking for cosmetic bags filled with lotion, makeup, etc. and also for the lounging pajama bottoms that we all like to wear. You may bring them to the church and put in the container under the table in the fellowship hall. Thank you!

Walt Disney couldn’t write this stuff. Love, Rick

a look ahead

CWF Garage Sale This Weekend—April 12, 13, 14 Tall Oaks Camp Registration Deadline—Sunday, April 15 Graduation Breakfast—Sunday, May 13

April Birthdays APRIL 10: Kara Major, Randy Winkler APRIL 11: Traci Easton, Carolyn Major APRIL 12: Beverly Darling, Debbie Jones, Pat Reece APRIL 13: David (Bud) Morton APRIL 14: Tammy Seevers APRIL 15: Walt Halferty, Coen John Hickman, Erin Miller APRIL 16: Megan Burns, Jim Johnston APRIL 17: Gary Jones, Kayla Lincoln APRIL 19: Mary Lee Chiles, Brady French APRIL 22: Priest Bingelli, Nora Mcmahon, Christopher Riddle APRIL 23: Kaleb Odle APRIL 24: Treasure Beldo

First Christian Church

201 North Bridge Street Smithville, MO 64089-8266 phone: 816.532.0773

(Disciples of Christ)

Ryan Motter, pastor cell: 913.707.2870 email: Mark Holcomb, music minister Velva Fausett, organist Janet George, pianist Greg Atkins, treasurer Abby Carr, communications designer

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