Central United Methodist Church 5144 Oak Street | Kansas City, MO 64112 (816)753-1844 | centralcares.com facebook.com/centralcares
november 2011
Central United Methodist Church celebrates Christ’s unconditional love that changes lives every day, as together we reach up to God, reach within ourselves, and reach out to the world.
IN THIS ISSUE: A Note from Jim | 2 Couples Ministry | 3 Youth Updates | 4 CECC News | 5 Holiday Shopping & Mission Mart | 6 Finance Report | 7 November Birthdays | 7
a note from jim To the Disciples of Jesus at Central UMC: The Lord be with you in this fine autumn season! As you receive this Messenger, we will have enjoyed our 2nd Trunk or Treat for children in the church and community. We are gearing up for a movie night (Polar Express/Dec. 4th) and Breakfast with Santa (Dec. 17th). Fine times for families! Have you noticed all the babies we’ve been baptizing? It is such fun. Thanksgiving Dinner will be on November 20th this year and we are working hard to win the Most Fowl Congregation Contest (make your donation soon). Within these pages, you’ll notice ways to combine your holiday shopping and support missions of the church at the same time. We continue gathering funds for a parsonage in Mukhambe Feha and we plan to send our youth to Tallequa, OK, next June to work among the Cherokee. By early November, the deck for our new building should be poured and steel for the walls and roof will begin to be set. Construction is going smoothly. We also have a landscape group that is making plans for some rehab on our west side and dreaming about the new space. I hope you know how important it is to sustain our support for the Capital Campaign. We have received nearly two-thirds of the 1.2 million pledged for the first three years. The remainder of that amount will be crucial as we begin to make loan payments on the construction. We are deep into The Heart of Giving fall campaign. Thank you to everyone who is reading Bishop Schnase’s Practicing Extravagant Generosity. I know you will find it a blessing as you read, reflect and pray about the spiritual practice of giving. Soon you will receive a letter with an Estimate of Giving Card for the Ministry Budget of 2012. Please give prayerful consideration to making a pledge for the coming year. Your pledge helps us to plan our spending. If possible, please increase your giving so the church will be on a firm foundation as we move forward together. Every ministry of the church depends upon a foundation of prayer. Please care for each other with notes, visits and by lift-
ing each other up before God. Please pray for the life and mission of Central UMC where we celebrate Christ’s unconditional love that changes lives every day. With a grateful heart, Jim Simpson | Pastor
November Worship Highlights Stories of Jesus: November 6: Jim continues the Stories of Jesus series. The story of the Serving Master will help us understand passionate worship and prepare us for Holy Communion. We also will honor those who have died since last All Saints Day. November 13: The Parable of the Pounds will help us understand the importance of extravagant generosity in our Christian life. November 20: THANKSGIVING SUNDAY/PLEDGE SUNDAY 8:30; Jim’s message will focus on the story of Peter and Cornelius as a way to understand risk-taking mission in the life of the church. 10:50; We welcome Dr. Kendall Waller to our pulpit. Kendall is an outstanding preacher and the Director of Finance and Administration for the Missouri Conference of the UMC. November 20th: First Sunday of Advent. Jim’s message will focus on the incarnation. Title: Superman and Jesus..
couples ministry
Survival Guide for Couples: Home for the Holidays November always brings thoughts of the up-coming holidays. For most of us the holidays are a time for us to have fun and enjoy special times with our families. For others, there may be dread about the expectations that our families put upon us regarding how we will spend the holidays. We are sharing some ideas from an article from Better Marriages about spending time with our families of origin during the holidays. “It is all too easy to slip into our well-established place in the family system, the place that’s reserved for us year after year. It doesn’t matter that in the real world we’re a successful adult making a name for our self in our chosen field. That we’re respected, admired and even sought-after. When we’re home, we’re the middle child, the one with a temper, the one that flunked out of school, the one that never could quite measure up. So amazingly, we slip right back into our childhood role in our family system, a role from which we’ve never been able to break free.” “Suddenly our partner becomes a child again, unable to stand up for his/her rights, unwilling to stand up to his/her older siblings or parents, incapable of fulfilling the role of king or queen of your heart. We the most important person in our partner’s life, suddenly become an outsider, fighting for a valued place in the extended family. His or her family collectively becomes the Devil personified. So, again, the laws of reason are defied, denial ensues, and the gravy turns to sludge in our belly. Not to mention that no one makes stuffing like your mother!” “As a couple facing family for the holidays, here are some strategies that have worked for us through the years. The longer we are together, the better they work, the quicker we bring them in to play, and the more completely our sanity is restored. On the drive or plane ride, begin the process of preparation—begin talking about concerns, fears and desires. Look at patterns from the past and adopt a mantra of “no surprises”. What has worked in the past? What hasn’t? It helps to have realistic expectations. Talk about specific behaviors you’ll institute this year that will help you cope. Discuss how each of you can offer verbal and nonverbal support to each other. Agree on signals you can give each other to mean: I’ve had enough. I’ve got to get out of here. I need to know I’m more important to you than your parents. Clarify relational boundaries, those related to your couple relationship and those related to your extended family. Identify and claim what issues are yours and respect what issues are your partner’s and agree and commit to honor what issues are yours together.
FOR MOST OF US, THE HOLIDAYS ARE A TIME FOR US TO HAVE FUN AND ENJOY SPECIAL TIMES WITH OUR FAMILIES. FOR OTHERS, THERE MAY BE DREAD ABOUT THE EXPECTATIONS THAT OUR FAMILIES PUT ON US. Find ways to affirm each other during your visit. Remember that first and foremost you and your partner form a team. Affirm your solidarity. Your partner is not the enemy! Set in your mind a clear, vivid picture of your current family and home. Practice deep breathing and meditation that can elevate you from the dining table into the realm of sanity. Plant positive messages in your brain such as: I am an adult. I am not a victim. I am thankful for my family. Nobody’s perfect. I’ll soon be home in my recliner watching the big game. Agree together on several things you each will do to make this a positive holiday experience.” Have a great Thanksgiving and look forward with anticipation of a great Christmas holiday celebration! Keep Growing,
Clark & Ruth Achelpohl
Great Dates will be held on Saturday, November 19th at 5PM. Our topic will be Surviving Home for the Holidays. Childcare is available from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at the church. Please let Betty in the church office know if you plan to attend and will need childcare so that we know how many children to plan for. The cost is $15 per couple. We look forward to seeing you!
central culture Mather Class November Schedule November 6 & 13
Pastor Jim Simpson continues leading his series of class discussions on the book by Bishop Robert Schnase, Practicing Extravagant Generosity.” This little book may be purchased at the church office for a nominal fee.
November 20
Gary Wesche | “The Wonders of Science: South Pole to the North Pole” Hear a message from our resident science teacher!
November 27
Teresa Stewart | “Words of Waiting: Part One”
The first of two lessons for the beginning of the Advent season.
Samaritans’ Class November Schedule Coffee and refreshments provided!
November 6,13, & 27
Practicing Extravagant Generosity
November 20
All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner cooking and set-up
Sunday Morning Christian Education at Central United Methodist All classes meet at 9:30am on Sundays. The Pastor’s Class Kenwood Hall Study of Acts
Samaritans’ Class Oak Hall Young Adults
The Mather Class
Wesley Hall “A class for all ages studying the Bible, our community, and the world.”
Age 3 - Kindergarten Room 105
1st - 5th Grade Room 206
6th - 12th Grade Youth Room
“The Nest” (Nursery) Room 107
November Youth Meals 11/6: Sells 11/13: Williams 11/20: Hickams 11/27: NO MEETING
Youth Updates Have you ever thought about helping with the youth group? There are several opportunities coming up to help with short term projects that will allow you to get your feet wet, without a once-a-month committment. January 20-21, we are going to WOW! This is a state-wide youth rally and event held in Springfield. We are looking for adult sponsors to join us (especially male sponsors!). If you are interested, contact Jim or Lee, and they will get you in touch with the right process and the right folks. If you plan to attend the WOW trip or Summer Mission trip, let Lee know by November 20 (lee@centralcares.com). Also, we are looking for folks that might be available for filling in when we need extra help with our weekly youth actitivies on Sunday evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. If you think you might be interested in helping out, contact Lee or one of the current youth leaders (Megan McCurdy, Becca Bruce, Cara Megan Lewis and Meredith Moser) for more information about how to obtain “Safe Sanctuary” certification and plug in as much or as little as you want. We have had a mission-minded month in youth. Thanks to Hannah Taft, Joe Green, and Cole Hickham for helping serve taco salad in October as part of Artists’ Helping the Homeless. The youth are also helping with the Trunk or Treat event on October 30. PIZZA + BOWLING = FAMILY FUN: On November 13 from from 5pm-7pm, youth and children along with their family’s will be celebrating our new Sunday School kickoff by going to Ward Parkway Lanes on 89th Street. Cost is $10 per person which includes bowling, shoes, and pizza. This is an opportunity for us to grow together and build up our families. Hope you can make it!
Lee Jackson Director of Children and Family Ministries
CECC Winter Escape Camp
Fun was had by all at the annual Halloween parade and trick-or-treating through the UMKC Law School. Thanks to Do you need a safe, fun environment for your child while the students and staff who welcome the CECC children at you...take some Mommy/Daddy time? Prepare for the holthis annual event! idays? Recover from the holidays? Count your blessings? Thanks to all who visited our Scholastic Preschool Book Fair You may enroll your child for every day or just one day. Enwhich was, once again, a huge success! CECC Classroom and rollment starts NOW & must be received by Nov. 15th. Space Sunday School libraries continue to grow through the gen- is very limited, so enroll early! erosity of Central and CECC families!! Total earnings will be reported in the next newsletter. During the first week in November Trina Taft, CECC assistant director, will travel to Orlando, Florida to attend the international conference of the National Association of Young Children (NAEYC). Trina will attend seminars and other training events to bring back the latest research and information on best practices for children.
Dates: Dec. 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 & 29, 2011 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.* Please provide a cold lunch and beverage. We will provide snacks for children older than 12 months (Please provide food/beverage for infants and/or children with special dietary needs). *No extended day offered for camp.
December 13 at 1:00 pm: Help CECC students, families, and staff celebrate Christmas with story and song in Kenwood. Save the Date: On Friday, February 10, 2012. CECC will be “Jazzing It Up” at our annual fundraiser dinner and Silent Auction. A UMKC Jazz Combo will be appearing again this year. Enjoy dinner, visit with friends, and listen to some fabulous music! CECC is already collecting some amazing items for this year’s auction. The proceeds from this year’s event will purchase cribs that meet the new CPSC standards. More details on this annual event to follow. If you would like to participate or have a new item to donate for the auction please contact Donna or Trina in the CECC office.
Tree House Update We are sprucing up the Tree House! Because the church is getting a facelift, the teachers thought it would be fantastic idea to give our indoor play space a facelift as well, right before the weather gets cold which keeps us indoors! We are asking for your help; our goal is to collect $500 to pay for materials to make the Tree House bright and shiny—paint, new shelving, new toys and items for the children to play with. The CECC teachers are donating their time and energy to work on this, and we are asking for parents and friends to contribute whatever they can to help us on their way. You will find donation jars in every classroom until November 18. Any amount is helpful and VERY much appreciated! We’ll also be having a work day on November 5 from 10am to noon; let Donna or Trina know if you’d like to help! Thank you in advance for helping us make our Tree House something special for your children!
CECC preschool students traveled to the Louisburg Cider Mill in October. The children learned about how cider is made and were able to view the process. “We saw apples being washed and squished”, reported Alta Warriner from Ms. Kate’s class. The children were also given samples of cider and donuts to enjoy.
outreach reStart and Central: A Winning Team They came hungry and 140 were fed. A dinner prepared “from the heart” in many ways. Thanks to our church family, the food was on the table and our guests enjoyed “Taco Salad As You Like It” at reStart on Sunday evening. We could not provide this ministry without the wonderful donations provided by Central families. Thanks to Bob and Marianna McGuire, Joy Fulbright, Becca Bruce, Tony Gonzagowski and leader Jill Gonzagowski for being a part of our outreach on October 2nd. The Central Church family comes together and reaches out to the community in many ways. reStart is one that has had a long history with Central. And there’s more to do...we have meals upcoming in November (6th) and December (18th). Won’t you consider providing a portion of those meals as well? Sign up sheets are in the ‘breezeway’ or by calling Betty at 816.753.1844. Thanks, in advance, to the Leabo ‘Team’ (Ann and Chad and friends) who will participate in our Nov. 6th meal. The Okefor Family will assist on the December 18th reStart meal. Central Cares about reStart and it shows. Your outreach is so appreciated.
Sherri Scharff, Jill Gonzagowski and Susan Odneal
Holiday Shopping and Mission Mart This year, make your holiday shopping easy and do some good in the process. We have two opportunities for you: In the next few weeks, you will see Central youth and friends of the Mozambique Initiative with order forms. You will be able to order gift cards to some of your favorite area restaurants and stores; you’ll find more information on the enclosed order form. Proceeds from the sales will go to help fund a youth mission trip and also help finance a residence for the pastor of the Mukhambe Feha congregation in Mozambique. Also, on Dec. 4, we will be hosting a “Mission Mart” at Central. This is an opportunity for anyone who wishes to raise money for a good cause to display their wares. This could include Boy Scout fundraisers, school fundraisers, cookie sales to benefit church missions or Christmas card sales to benefit non-profit groups that Central members are involved with. The only request is that profits be used to benefit a non-profit group or church mission. If you would like to participate in the Mission Mart, please email a brief description and, if possible, a photo of what you will be offering for sale to Scott Leigh at scotthleigh@earthlink.net. He is putting together a catalogue of what we will have to offer.
Central’s reStart Leaders
Featured Artist: Don Dane Known for his portrayal of the American west and the cowboy way of life, Don Dane is an artist who prefers the realistic style of painting and drawing. He spends a great deal of time working on cattle ranches from Kansas to Arizona, photographing and getting to know his subjects. When asked why he paints cowboys and horses, Don’s response is, “As an artist, I want to document a way of life that tells a story, not just paint a pretty picture.” Many of Don’s paintings have been used on posters for festivals around the country. His work has been featured in Western Horseman, Horses in Art, American Cowboy magazine, and Art of the West. Don was selected as the “2007 National Day of the Cowboy” featured artist by www.cowboypoetry.com. Don works from his Olathe, Kansas home studio. His work can be seen online at www.dondanestudio.com. He is currently represented by the Rice Gallery of Fine Art in Overland Park, Kansas.
Central wants to be the MOST FOWL CONGREGATION! This year is our 19th year of collecting for Harvesters during the Thanksgiving season. Since 1993, the four churches (Central, Broadway, St. John and Country Club) have donated 3523 turkeys and $99,433. We will exceed the $100,000 mark this year. There are several ways to help: if you attend a Sunday School class, put money in the turkey bank, buy a turkey and bring it to the church on or before November 20th, or write a check with Harvesters in the memo line and put it in the collection plate. If you have any questions please contact Maggie Holley, Scott Leigh, or the church office. Last year, we collected 50 turkeys and $2599. Let’s see if we can outdo ourselves this year... last year we tied with St. John’s to be the Most Fowl Congregation!!
central culture Practice Presence A traveling contemplative prayer group led by Cara Megan Lewis. Wednesday mornings, 7:45-8:30am, locations listed at right. Practice Presence is a weekly invitation to be in contemplative prayer. We begin with 10 minutes of settling in (drinking tea, absorbing the surroundings). Following a short reading and introduction, there will be 20 minutes of silent meditation–seated and/or walking. We will end the time promptly at 8:30am. Contact Cara Megan Lewis with any questions: carameganlewis@gmail.com or 415.531.6339.
We are currently in the middle of the Heart of Giving stewardship campaign. As part of the process, we’ve provided a host of information to explain our current financial situation. In addition to that, the Finance Committee has decided to provide a pledge step chart. This is a chart showing the breakdown of pledges made to our church by giving unit (i.e. one family). Our goal is for each giving unit to increase their current pledge by 15% or $500, whichever is greater. Make sure to have your 2012 pledge at (or before) Pledge Sunday on November 20th.
November 2: Nelson-Atkins Sculpture Garden Roxy Paine Dendroid Sculpture, Ferment, enter off of Rockhill Road
November 9: Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral 415 West 13th Street, KCMO, 64105
November 16: Falling Down Cathedral 21st and Benton Blvd, Historic Northeast KCMO
November 23: Pilgrim Chapel 3801 Gillham Road Kansas City, Missouri 64111
U.M.W. World Thank Meeting will take place on Sunday, Nov. 20, after the All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner. Bring your pennies for World Thank Offering! Kitchen Shower for the Church: Rebekah Guild will be hosting a kitchen shower for the church on Saturday, November 12th, from 10-11am, and we are inviting the whole church to participate. We will provide juice, hot tea, cofUNITED fee, and muffins. We are suggesting these needed items for our church kitchen: kitchen towels, potholders, aprons, METHODIST scrubbers, sponges, rubber gloves, disinfecting wipes, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, knives, and items for the hosWOMEN pitality teams: coffee, cookies, sweeteners, stir sticks, cookies, lemonade, etc. We welcome used towels, aprons & potholders in good condition and eco-friendly items. Questions? Contact Cindy Wienstroer at (816) 931-6062. 11/4: Kathy Hodges-Sell, Tom Holley 11/6: Tyson Markham 11/7: Aria Cutelli 11/10: Sandra Carolan, Beth McLaren, Lois Stock, Lisa Treese 11/11: Faith Matthews 11/13: Robert Davidson, Ted Wienstroer 11/14: Gordon Vojta 11/15: Henry Jasa, Joseph Miller, Jack Mooney, Barry Wenger 11/16: Jack Crouch 11/17: Andrew Hattaway 11/18: David Lemon, Nadine Smith 11/19: Sheldon Vogt 11/20: Bob Vandergriff 11/21: Kim Gibbens, Karen Nielsen, Don Robertson 11/22: James Linn 11/23: Rob Bruce 11/24: John Clark 11/25: Cannon Klukvin, Molly Wienstroer 11/26: Jaclyn Krueger 11/27: Jeff Akin, NOVEMBER Allison Hurley 11/28: Emily Akin, Brad Boeck, Tony Gonzagowski, Betty Wilson 11/29: Alexis Cook, Ruth Cooper, BIRTHDAYS Marlene Spies 11/30: Gary Loar, Donna Claire Sanders, Mason Warriner
Address Service Requested MAILED MONDAY, OCTOBER 31
Te Deum by Mark Hayes: Sunday, December 11 during the 10:50 service with Central Singers and COR downtown MUSIC singers and orchestra. Please MINISTRY mark your calendars to hear this wonderful work of joy!
Poinsettia Sponsors Sought During Advent, large poinsettias help to decorate the altar area. Would you like to contribute $55 for one plant? Contact Sally Firestone 816-942-9424 or sfire@kcnet.com if you need more information or would like to sponsor a plant.
Central United Methodist Staff
november 2o11
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Kansas City, MO Permit No. 4561
Jim Simpson | Pastor jim@centralcares.com
Kyle Linson | Dir. of Music & Worship Arts kyle@centralcares.com
Justin McCoy | Organist/Pianist justin@centralcares.com
Donna Brown | Dir. of Early Childhood Center central_ecc@yahoo.com
Betty Clay | Administrative Assistant office@centralcares.com
Lee Jackson | Dir. of Children & Family Ministries lee@centralcares.com
Alexis Cook | College-Age Minister alexis@centralcares.com
Abby Carr | Publications Assistant abby@centralcares.com
Steve & Greg Cutelli | Evening Receptionists Lisa Wynn | Sunday Receptionist
UPCOMING EVENTS @ CENTRAL: Kitchen Shower: November 12, 10-11am | Great Dates: November 19, 5pm All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner: November 20, following 10:50 service The Polar Express Movie Night: December 3, 6-8pm Christmas Music: “Te Deum� by Mark Hayes: December 11, during 10:50 service Breakfast with Santa: December 17, 9:30-11:30