The Current—2.29.12

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february 29, 2012

the newsletter of first christian church (disciples of christ)

THE volume xxv | no. 61

Welcome to The Current! As you have probably noticed by now, our newsletter has changed a little bit! In the last few weeks, Abby has worked hard to get this new newsletter in the amazing shape that it’s in, and it will continue to grow! The new design will help us to save paper, money, and energy. In addition, those who receive the newsletter online will now receive it in full color, allowing us the ability to send pictures of new members and events at the church through the newsletter. Those who receive it in the mail will still receive these pictures, but they will be in grayscale. In addition, you’ll notice that we’ve given the newsletter a name, The Current. As Abby and I spitballed names, we looked for something simple that took on some deeper meanings, something more creative than “The First Christian Church Newsletter.” When we came to “The Current,” it just fit. For example, “Make sure to catch your weekly edition of The Current for more details” or, “The Current features pictures of our new members this week.”

over “the face of the waters.” In those creative moments, God assigns space for the seas and rivers, and he makes those currents teem with living creatures. From creation on, God’s people keep finding themselves in currents: Noah and the Flood, Jacob and his well, Joseph in his well. From the moment Moses floats down the river to the moment Moses sits by the well in Midian to the moment when the waters of Egypt turn to blood to the moment when the Red Sea splits apart and God’s people walk through, Exodus is a story of currents.

These are The Currents of our faith. This newsletter just adds one stream to them, one voice that tells the story of what God is doing with God’s people here and now in Smithville to establish the Kingdom.

More than pithy statements, The Current captured subtle nuances of our church. Think about our history and the importance water has played in it. We have, since the mid-nineteenth century, worshipped on the side of the Little Platte River. As the waters have moved on, so have our people and our church. Time has literally been rolling on next to us, while that river has remained a constant. The currents of that river have, at times, consumed us in flood waters. From a little bit of water in the basement to the great flood of ’65, this church has been swallowed in the currents of change on more than one occasion. What a great symbol for our church: waters that flow onward, occasionally getting so high that it is hard for us to swim in them and yet…we help one another, we find safe places to stand, we adapt, we clean up when necessary, and we look toward the future.

It’s not just the Old Testament: the first story of Jesus’ life that is told is from Mark, where Jesus comes to be baptized in the waters of the Jordan by John the Baptizer. Jesus speaks of “rivers of living water,” and he and his disciples constantly find themselves on a boat. Jesus walks on water, he calms water, and he turns it into wine (not all at the same time, of course!). Since the beginning of the church, Christians around the world have been baptized into water, allowing the currents of God’s Holy Spirit to soak them fully.

The Current is more than that, though. It’s biblical. From the beginning of Creation, we find ourselves in water. Even before God creates the Heavens and the Earth, God’s voice sweeps

With excitement, Ryan

These are The Currents of our faith. This newsletter just adds one stream to them, one voice that tells the story of what God is doing with God’s people here and now in Smithville to establish the Kingdom. So, Catch the Current and see what’s going on at FCC!

current culture Food Pantry Report

Bread & Broth LDS Dialogue Join us starting this Wednesday, at 6:00 pm, for our 2012 Bread and Broth Series, “Ask A Mormon.” As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints comes to play a more prominent role in culture and society, understanding its core beliefs and having dialogue about our differences are important. The class will be five sessions long, and will be our “Bread and Broth” series this year. The first three sessions will be taught by Rev. Ryan. Then, for the last two sessions, we will be joined by Bishop William Litster, Bishop of the New Mark Ward of the LDS Church. The class will culminate with a private tour with the Bishop of the new Mormon Temple in Kansas City, before the temple is dedicated and only open to members of the church. ALL ARE WELCOME TO THE CLASS, and childcare will be provided! Sign-up sheets are now out for individuals to bring both bread and broth! Please sign up today; we are expecting a large crowd, so we will need extra of both this year!

Volunteers needed for Children’s Church Have you ever thought of serving in Children’s Church? Cara Massie and Shelley Frala would love to speak to you! Ideally, the church would like to have two children’s church groups: one for the Pre-K kids and one for those kids in elementary school. To do this, we need two adults and a youth helper in each of those classrooms (a total of six volunteers), so that we can ensure we’re offering curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate for younger children. If you enjoy working with children and would like to help in the Pre-K room, please contact Shelly Frala at 816.517.1505 or If you would like to help in the Elementary room, please contact Cara Massie at 816.532.3890 or caramassie@gmail. com. You can also sign up to help in the Gathering Hall! Thank you!

care connection report The Care Connection has been very busy. There were 15 cards sent, 17 meals prepared, 1 home visit made, 2 assisted living visits made, and 41 telephone calls made. These 76 connections were made by 21 people. A huge thank you to everyone that helped to make connections with people of our church family. Just give the church office a call if you would like to be a part of this care connection!

Things are going well. We have plenty of canned veggies, soup and paper towels. We could use canned fruit and meats. Other items needed are Kleenex, toothbrushes, shampoo, hand soap, maple syrup, salt and pepper in disposable shakers, ketchup, and small cooking oil. On volunteering: you’re always welcome to come and participate and visit anytime, even if two are already here! Three is way more fun. When donating, if you bring one toothbrush, that’s great! Any giving is blessed—luke 6:38 Thank you so much! Love, Rick galatians 6:9&10

laser tag on march 4 All children and youth are welcome to sign-up to join us for Laser Tag on March 4! We have reserved times that are right after church. However, before officially designate different times for different groups, we want to see what age groups we’ll have going! AS MANY YOUTH AS WOULD LIKE TO COME ARE WELCOME, as we can have 50 players per hour and as we have reserved two hours of play time. Please RSVP to the church office if your youth is planning on attending, and please also let us know if you can be an adult sponsor for the trip (or if you would like to play)! And remember: Rev. Ryan will win. We will gather immediately following church for lunch in the Gathering Hall. Following that, we will travel to Jaeger’s to have some fun! If you have any questions, please contact Traci Burns at or 816.813.3994.

Couch to 5K training starts next Tuesday! So, in the last year, Ryan has officially gained his “Freshman 15” as your pastor! The time has come to begin to shake off those winter blues and TRAIN! The Tall Oaks Acorn Dash 5k will be on May 6, and we need to get ready for it! Join us starting next Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00 pm for the first Couch-to-5k training session. There will be a group for walkers, a group for runners, and a group for those who struggle to do both. In addition, we will have a TEAM MEETING after church on Sunday, March 11, very briefly to discuss our team efforts! If you have any questions, talk to Couch Potato Ryan.

current culture Our Prayer List …for Florence Burgman, who fell on Friday evening and has broken her humerus length-wise, not across. She had surgery at 8 AM this morning to correct the issue.

Remember Our Servicemen:

…for Alicia Seevers as she had her Senior Recital Sunday afternoon, February 26, at Grace University in Omaha, NE.

Pvt. Trevor Burgman, PFC, 3rd Brigade, 115th Batallion

…for Bill Drake as he joins with three other doctors in the Ukraine for a medical mission on behalf of Children’s Mercy Hospital. Bill and his colleagues are working to help children’s health there by doing examinations as well as education of Ukranian doctors.

(Todd is now in Afghanistan) Maj. Todd Hanks, HSC 563rd, ASB TF Fighting

…for Darsi and Joel Hartman as they run in a marathon this week in New Orleans, LA!

Col. Lanier Ward and family, 516 sandstone trace prattville, al 36066

…for Gary Wermelskirchen and his family, friends of Cheryl and Argel Merideth, who was diagnosed this last week with cancer. Two of Gary’s sons have been diagnosed with Cancer in the last year also. …for the Smithville High School Girl’s Basketball team that won Districts last week! This week, they play in the quarterfinals on Wednesday in Liberty. Bethany Pierce is on the team, and is the granddaughter of Jim and Roberta Johnston. …for Alexander Drake and his Middle School Academic Bowl who won on Saturday, February 25, in Chillicothe! ...for Mike Gordon who fractured his ankle Tuesday. He has an appointment with a bone doctor on Monday.

photo proofs Our resident historian Kathy French came across some photo proofs from an old church directory. If you are interested in looking through them and finding yours to take with you, please stop by the church office. The proofs that have not been picked up will be disposed of in a month. There are also a few copies of the church group shoot from 2003 that is up for grabs.

newsletter feedback

Sgt. Joseph Binggeli, Danielle and Priest,

3912 pilgram dr. killeen, tx 76543 5001 river chase dr., #223 phoenix city, al 36867

apo ae 09355. Sst. Bobby Hayes, CMR 459

box 24702, apo, ae 09139

And for all those who are at home or in care centers: Elizabeth Connett, Ada Jane Devers, Betty Gordon, Martha Howard, George Riddle, Barbara Scales, Delma Simrall, Mildred Lewis and Minnie Trumbo.

Christian Ministry Scholarship Fund Dinner The Greater Kansas City Region will hold a Ministry Scholarship Dinner at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at the Lee’s Summit Christian Church. This is a fund raising event for the region that provides financial support to local ministerial candidates. Our guest speaker for the event will be Dr. Molly Marshall, Ph.D. She is currently President and Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation at the Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Shawnee, Kansas. I am sponsoring a table for eight and you are invited to join me. Your meal will be complimentary, however, you will be asked to make a contribution to the scholarship fund. Please mark this date on your calendar and let me know that you will be joining me for the dinner. For the Scholarship Committee, Barbara McFadden

As Ryan mentioned in his article on page 1, we’re very excited about the possibilities that this re-designed newsletter holds. I designed The Current with all of you in mind, working to make it an easy informational experience and (hopefully!) a fun one as well. However, one of the most important parts of any design is its ability to be flexible. So I’d love to hear from you—how was your first experience with this new design? Was all of the text easily legible? Any comments, suggestions, or concerns? Let me know at Thanks so much, and I hope you enjoy the new format! abby

First Christian Church

201 North Bridge Street Smithville, MO 64089-8266 phone: 816.532.0773

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(Disciples of Christ)

Ryan Motter, pastor cell: 913.707.2870 email: Mark Holcomb, music minister Velva Fausett, organist Janet George, pianist Melanie Bache, office manager Greg Atkins, treasurer Abby Carr, communications designer

a look ahead this sunday, march 4

next sunday, march 11

GREETERS, EAST DOOR: Greg & Kathy Atkins GREETERS, WEST DOOR: Martha Parks LAY READER: Barbara McFadden

GREETERS, EAST DOOR: Rader Miller GREETERS, WEST DOOR: Charles & Ruth Anne Porter LAY READER: Traci Burns

CHILDREN’S SERMON: Susie Clower CANDLE LIGHTERS: Peyton Bellmer & Emma Drake

CHILDREN’S SERMON: Linda Neer CANDLE LIGHTERS: Cassidy French & Max Miller

ELDERS: Ken Lippincott & Larry Priddle

ELDERS: Mike Gordon & Linda Neer

DIACONATE: Judy Clough, Dee Cooper, Bruce Hathaway, Peggy Miller, Les Neer, Margaret Otto, Donna Priddle

DIACONATE: Vicki Belcher, Matt French, Shirley French, Mary Gordon, Jim Mitchell, Jim Owen, Linda Prout, Steve Prout



Upcoming Birthdays MARCH 1: greg atkins, kim morgan MARCH 3: steve prout MARCH 4: nicki thomas, dan hayes MARCH 5: mildred lewis MARCH 6: dale french, brenda dion MARCH 7: john krueger, don summers MARCH 8: michael hickman

lenten events at fcc smithville

bread broth

Holy Week Schedule


Join us for the processional and parade of the Palms!

soup suppers + “ask a mormon”

Starting on February 29 at 6:00 PM, we will be hosting a series we're calling "Ask A Mormon." As the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints comes to play a more prominent role in culture and society, understanding its core beliefs and having dialogue about our differences are important. The class will be five sessions long, and will be our "Bread and Broth" series this year. The first three sessions will be taught by Rev. Ryan and the Bishop will not join us for those, and then the last two sessions will be a dialogue between Ryan and Bishop William Litster of the New Mark Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with plenty of time for questions and conversations. The Bishop will share the story of his life and his faith, and then answer questions about the LDS. The class will culminate with a private tour with the Bishop of the new Stake Center Mormon Temple at Shoal Creek Rd. and I-435, before the temple is dedicated and thus closed to the public.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4—A SERVICE OF FOOT WASHING 7:00 PM Sanctuary Come participate in the act of service which Jesus performed for his disciples in the Gospel of John in his final week.

THURSDAY, APRIL 5—MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE 7:00 PM Sanctuary A service of communion and preparation for the days ahead.

FRIDAY, APRIL 6—GOOD FRIDAY CANTATA 7:00 PM Sanctuary Join our Choir and Minister of Music Mark Holcomb as they share the choral cantata, “No Greater Love.”


Easter Sunday Schedule SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 2012—TWO SERVICES 8:30 AM—Traditional Easter Worship Service with Baptisms (60 Minutes) 9:30 AM—Breakfast for the Baptismal Candidates! All church members are welcome at this breakfast. If your last name starts with the letter A-H, please bring fresh fruit. If your last name starts with the letter I-N, please bring a breakfast casserole. If your last name starts with the letter O-Z, please bring a breakfast baked good. 10:30 AM—Traditional Easter Worship Service with Baptisms (90 Minutes)

Good Friday from 8 PM to Sunday at 8 AM Individuals will be encouraged to sign up for individual prayer times as we wait and watch over the tomb, wondering: what has happened?

Sunday Morning Sermon Series “TAKING ON/GIVING UP” | SUNDAYS AT 10:30AM FEBRUARY 26 Take On Practicing Your Faith MARCH 4 Give Up Your Calendar MARCH 11 Take On Stillness MARCH 18 Give Up Your Walls MARCH 25 Take On Vulnerability APRIL 1 Give Up Death Dealing APRIL 8/EASTER SUNDAY Take On Resurrection

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