Lizzy and Chester
In August 2012, in Japan, there lived a little rock named Chester. He lived in the hole a few feet below the surface of the Earth. The hole was located on a road. One day Chester wondered, “Will I ever have a friend?” Just a few seconds after he said that a voice said, “Hi. I’m Lizzy. I’ll be your friend.” Chester looked and looked but he didn’t see anyone. He said to himself, “Oh, well I must be hearing things.” “No silly. It’s me, the hole you’re in.” said Lizzy.
“Wait a minute.” said Chester. “I’ve been here for one year
and you’ve never said a word to me. Why?” “Well I wasn’t sure if I’d frighten you.” said Lizzy. “Well you might of” said Chester. They talked and talked for hours. They got to know each other very well. By the time they were done talking it was dark. Chester said goodnight and went to sleep. But Lizzy still had one thing to tell Chester. “Well, I will have to wait until the morning” Lizzy thought to her self.
The next morning, Lizzy woke up bright and early. While she was waiting for Chester to wake up, Lizzy watched the
people walk and drive past her. Chester woke up and asked Lizzy, “What are you looking at?” “Oh nothing” said Lizzy. “Well it’s obviously something” said Chester. “Well ok. I wanted to tell you last night but you went to sleep.” “Ok” said Chester.
“Haven’t you ever just wanted to get out of Japan and see the world?” said Lizzy. “Oh, I’ve seen the world” said Chester. “REALLY!” said Lizzy. “Yeah, I can tell you my story” said Chester. “PLEASE, PLEASE tell me” said Lizzy. “OK” said Chester.
Chester Well first you must know I’m a rock made out of magma. So here is my story. One day I was minding my own business, just going up and down in the mantle which is called convection currents. The next thing I know I’m under water! Thankfully my best friend Bob was with me. I noticed we both turned into rock and we were scared. A group of smart fish came over and told us we became rocks because we cooled when we went from very hot temperatures to very cold temperatures.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge The fish also told us we were at the Mid- Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean and slowly moving away from the ridge. We asked what the Mid-Atlantic ridge was and they said it was a divergent boundary. That means it is two tectonic plates moving apart from one another and you came up to fill the gap between the two plates. New sea floor is made when you come up and the old sea floor moves away. “What’s a tectonic plate?” asked Bob. It was too late. The fish swam away.
Bob Bob and I were ok now that we knew where we were. But we still weren’t sure about the tectonic plate thing. The next morning Bob and I woke up. Bob said we moved a little but I said no, we couldn’t have. We did. Within the next year we talked about the friends we made, what we saw, and much more.
Africa African Plate One day Bob and I were talking and we noticed a sign. It said, “Welcome to Africa!” We asked each other, “What’s Africa?” And as soon as we said that, the smart fish came back. They told us it was a continent on the African plate. We asked what a tectonic plate was again and also a continent. They said a tectonic plate is a piece of Earth’s crust that is broken off and can move. A continent is a large landmass (piece of land). There are seven continents on planet Earth. We said “OK” and continued.
The next year we were far away from home and we got scared. Bob noticed the fish again and they said there is nothing to be scared of. The fish said “Look, it’s the Indian Ocean.” “What’s that?” asked Bob. “It’s just like the Atlantic Ocean but a little different.” said the fish. “Oh” said Bob.
While we were there, we saw many animals, fish, coral, and sharks. It was so pretty, “I wish I could go” said Lizzy. “You will someday” said Chester. “Can you go back to your story now” said Lizzy. “Yes”
Center of the Earthquake(Epicenter) “While we were in the Indian Ocean, we felt a rumble. Bob and I got scared. The fish came and told us “SWIM, SWIM, it’s and earthquake!” What’s that!” shouted Bob. He didn’t get an answer. We had no idea what to do so we found a rock and hid under it.
The next thing I knew I was swept up by a wave and here I was. “The tsunami which was caused by the earthquake here!” said Lizzy. “Yea, I guess.” said Chester. “What’s wrong Chester?” “That was the last time I ever saw Bob.” “Oh Chester, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to tell that story.” “No, it’s ok Lizzy. I’m tired. Good night.” “Good night Chester.”
The next morning Lizzy woke up and saw that Chester was sad. “Chester, are you ok?” “Yea, I’m fine” said Chester. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing” said Chester. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” asked Lizzy. “Yes” said Chester. “Ok then”
Days went by and the two friends didn’t talk. Lizzy was bored and felt bad for Chester. She wanted to cheer him up, but she just couldn’t. One day Chester finally said something. “Lizzy?” “Yes Chester?” “I’m so sorry for not talking.” said Chester. “It’s ok Chester, I get it” said Lizzy. “Thank you for understanding Lizzy.” “You’re welcome Chester”
Lizzy has an idea! Suddenly, Lizzy had an idea. She couldn’t tell anyone. Not even Chester. For weeks her and Chester talked and talked. While they were talking, Lizzy’s idea got bigger and bigger. One night, while Chester was asleep, she called out into the pitch black night, “Bob, Bob! are you there?” She got no answer. The next morning Chester woke up and told Lizzy he had a strange dream about Lizzy trying to find Bob.
Bob Lizzy acted like she didn’t know anything. That night Lizzy called for Bob again. She still had no answer from Bob. She tried and tried until one night she heard a reply. “Hi, I’m Bob. Who’s calling my name?” “Here, me the hole in the road.” Bob rolled over. “Hi. I’m Lizzy.” Hi. I’m Bob. Why were you calling my
name?” said Bob.
“Well,” she paused for a moment. “I’m a friend of Chester.” “CHESTER! Where is he?” “Shhhhh” said Lizzy “He’s sleeping.” Lizzy told Bob the plan and it took all night. “I’m not so sure about this.” said Bob. “You’ll be alright. Just climb down to the bottom of me and be quiet. Oh, and when you here my cue, come up.” “OK” said Bob.
Lizzy’s is happy Chester The next morning Chester woke up. Lizzy was there waiting. “Why are you so happy?” said Chester. “Oh, well I’m not happy.” “Yes you are, you have a big smile on your face.” “Ok, you got me. I have a surprise for you!” “What is it?” said Chester. “Something you love” said Lizzy. “Ok I trust you” said Chester.
Bob Chester
“Ok” said Lizzy. Bob came up out of the hole. “Hi Chester.” said Bob. “BOB it’s you, it’s really you!” said Chester. “Yes it is” said Bob “I missed you so much.” ”I missed you too Chester.” For the rest of the night Bob and Chester talked all about the tsunami, where Bob had been, and what had happened to him. Bob Chester Lizzy
Eventually they both fell asleep. The next day they finished talking all about their travels. Lizzy felt like she did a good thing. “So guys” said Lizzy. “Can I be your friend too?” “YES!” Bob and Chester shouted. “Now all three of us can see the world” said Chester. “Yes we can. We will be friends forever!” THE END