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Vive e trabalha em Brasília/DF souzamartinez@gmail.com
Elisa de Souza Martinez é docente da Universidade de Brasília desde 1992, na qual lidera os grupos de pesquisa “Modernismo e Discursos Utópicos” e “Curadoria, Memória e Transtextualidade”. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), com o projeto “Objeto artístico-etnográfico e narrativas curatoriais excêntricas: entre arte e design” (2018-2021). Membro efetivo do Conselho Consultivo do Patrimônio Museológico, do Instituto Brasileiro de Museus (Ibram/MinC) como representante do Comitê Brasileiro de História da Arte (CBHA). Em 2017, coordenou o Seminário Internacional Curadoria, Memória e Transtextualidade, que deu origem ao livro “Convergências indisciplinadas” (Brasília: CMT, 2017). Doutora em Intersemiose na Literatura e nas Artes, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. De 2011 a 2012 desenvolveu o projeto de pós-doutorado “A obra de arte no contexto das narrativas curatoriais – estratégias de significação excêntricas”, com a colaboração de Mieke Bal, na Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, da Universiteit van Amsterdam, Holanda. Seus trabalhos têm sido publicados no Brasil e no exterior desde 1995. Em 2016, publicou o artigo “Ethnographic image: in and out of the exhibition space”, no dossiê Art Moves: Performativity in Time, Space and Form, organizado por Mieke Bal para a Revista Spacio, Tiempo y Forma (Espanha), e o capítulo “Exposing exoticism – the near and the far in the exhibition contexto”, no livro “Sens et médiation”, da Association Française de Sémiotique (França/Luxemburgo). Pesquisadora visitante na Universidad Simón Bolívar (Colômbia, 2018). Elisa de Souza Martinez is Associate Professor at the Univesity of Brasília, where she conducts the research groups “Modernism and Utopian Discourses” and “Curatorship, Memory and Transtextuality”. Researcher for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), responsible for the project “Between the artistic-ethnographic object and excentric curatorial narratives: art and design”(2018-2021). Member of the National Council for Museological Heritage, at the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram/MinC) representing the Brazilian Committee of Art History (CBHA). In 2017, organized the International Seminar Curatorship, Memory and Transtextuality, and the book “Convergências indisciplinadas” (Brasília: CMT, 2017) with selected contributions by its participants. Doctor in Intersemiosis in Literature and Art, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brasil. From 2011 to 2012, conducted a postdoctoral project, “Works of art in the conext of curatorial narratives – eccentric significance strategies”, with the collaboration of Mieke Bal, at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her work has been published in Brazil and other countries since 1995. In 2016, her essay “Ethnographic image: in and out of the exhibition space”, was included in the dossier Art Moves: Performativity in Time, Space and Form, organized by Mieke Bal for the Revista Spacio, Tiempo y Forma (Espanha). In the same year, the chapter “Exposing exoticism – the near and the far in the exhibition contexto”, was included in the book “Sens et médiation, by the Association Française de Sémiotique (France/Luxembourg). Guest researcher at the Universidad Simón Bolívar (Colômbia, 2018).