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Vive e trabalha no Rio de Janeiro/RJ humbertofarias@hotmail.com
Professor da UFRJ e membro do Conselho Consultivo do Instituto Rubens Gerchman. Trabalhou de 2009 a 2014 como membro da Comissão Cultural do IBEU onde realizou curadorias. Participou do projeto de residência no Departamento de Conservación del Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía em 2014 e como Professor Visitante na TISCH School of the Arts, Department of Cinema Studies, Moving Image Archive & Preservation na disciplina Handling Complex Midia da New York University em 2016. Professor at UFRJ and member of the Advisory Board of the Rubens Gerchman Institute. He worked from 2009 to 2014 as a member of the Cultural Commission of IBEU where he held curatorships. He participated in the residency project at the Conservation Department of the Reina Sofía Art Center Museum in 2014 and as Visiting Professor at the TISCH School of Arts, Department of Cinema Studies, Image Archive in Motion and Preservation in the discipline of Media Management Complex of the University of New York in 2016.