Animal Care
Animal Care
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About ABC Awards Established in 1998, ABC Awards (ABC) is the result of combining more than 180 years of regional examination and assessment practices into one national Awarding Organisation. As a registered charity we are continuing the tradition of our founding organisations who were established by the sector to deliver useful and practical qualifications whilst offering exceptional support and ABC is proud to still be “owned” by the sector and working for the sector. ABC offers an outstanding range of vocational qualifications which reflect the skills that employers and centres look for in learners and employees. At ABC, we recognise the importance of continuing to offer not only a wide range and breadth of qualifications, but just as significantly, excellent customer support.
An Experienced and Knowledgeable Team Our friendly and responsive approach to customers means all our centres have access to a dedicated Qualification Administrator as well as unlimited access to a Business Development Manager who can answer any queries or concerns you might have. Our Moderators are all subject specialists and are chosen by us for their experience, knowledge and ability to support centres to deliver ABC’s qualifications successfully.
A Wide Range of Qualifications Our portfolio or more than 600 Ofqual regulated qualifications cover 14 sectors with qualifications to suit all ages and abilities. We have designed all ABC qualifications with the support of relevant stakeholders to make sure that they meet the needs of the current industries across the UK. This means that the qualifications are designed to give learners the skills needed to find employment, progress within education or enhance their skills in their current job role. We have more than 1200 centres with many tens of thousands of certificates being issued each year.
Recognised and Valuable Qualifications ABC Awards is a national Awarding Organisation providing qualifications regulated by Ofqual.
The animal care industry is imporr tant for the land based and environ nmental sector in England, representing 11% of businesses and 21% of employment within the e sector. ABC’s Animal Care qualifications provide practic cal entryy and progression n routes that encourage learners to develop their skkills and d knowledg ge in area as of intterest to them. Contents C ontents
ABC’s qualifications can lead to empl1 o.y0mS eencttiw 1.0 Section onithheading hin hea eatdhienganimal sector or fur ther study. These qualifications are designed for young people aged 1.1 Section 1 .1 S .1 ection heading heading 14+ and adults who have an interest in the land based in ndustry as an 1.2 Section hlesakd di area of employment and want to deve1 lo.2pS percatciotincaheading iilnlsgin this area 1.3 Section 1 .3 S ection heading heading
Our Animal Care sector covers the following areas: • • • • • •
2.0 Section 2 .0 S ection heading headin ng
Practical Farm Anim mal Care Skills 2.1 Section 2 .1 S ection heading heading Practical Small Animal Care Skills 2.2 Section .2 S ection heading heading Practical Animal Care Skills 2 Animal Nursing Assistants 3.0 Section 3 .0 S ection heading heading g Hydrotherapy for Small Animals Work-Based Animal Care
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Practical Farm Animal Care Skills The ABC Awards’ qualifications in Practical Farm Animal Care Skills provide practical experience and knowledge of the land based sector to support engagement, participation, achievement and progression. They aim to help learners decide whether to undertake further training or employment within this occupational area. As well as caring for farm animals our Practical Farm Animal Care Skills qualifications aim to provide a broad insight into all aspects of Farm Animal Care. ABC’s qualifications focus on the principles of caring for animals, delivering basic treatments to animals, through to principles of the preparation and the monitoring of livestock outdoors and assisting with the basic preparation and use of tractors.
Our qualifications in Practical Farm Animal Care Skills aim to enable learners to: • gain work-related skills in the area of farm animal care • develop generic employability skills • prepare for fur ther training within this occupational area • gain an insight into core activiities within this occupational area in order to allow them to o make informed care eer decisiions ABC offers the followin ng range of qualiifications designed specifically for learners wishing g to sttudy witthin the Practical Farm Animal Care Skillspathway: • • •
Entryy Le evel 2 Award in Practtical Farm Anim mal Care Skillls Entry Level 3 Award in Practical Farm Animal Care Skills Entryy Level 2 Cer tificate in Practical Farm Animal Care Skills
• •
Entry Level 3 Certiificate in Practical Farm Animal Care Skills Level 1 Awa ard in Prractica al Animal Care Skills
Level 1 Certifica ate in n Practical Animal Care Skills
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Practical Small Animal Care Skills The ABC qualifications in Practical Small Animal Care Skills provide practical experience and knowledge of the animal care sector to support engagement, participation and achievement and progression for learners. The aim is to help learners decide whether to undertake further training or employment within this occupational area. Our Practical Small Animal Care Skills qualifications cover sections on recognising parts and there functions on a small animal, checking the health of animals, grooming small animals, through to communicating with others and handling stock in a retail environment.
The ABC qualifications in Practical Small Animal Care Skills aim to enable learners to: • gain work-related skills in the area of animal care • develop generic employability skills • prepare for further training within this occupational area
canine cruciate
ABC offers the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Practical small Animal Care Skills pathways: • • • • •
Entry Level 2 Award in Practical Small Animal Care Skills Entry Level 3 Award in Practical Small Animal Care Skills Entry Level 3 Certificate in Practical Small Animal Care Skills Level 1 Award in Practical Small Animal Care Skills Level 1 Certificate in Practical Small Animal Care Skills
hip dysplasia exotic animal anatomy & physiology
grooming feeding regimes
wild animal population
handling and restraining
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Practical Animal Care Skills
This range of qualifications are designed to cover all aspects of Practical Animal Care Skills including controlling and restraining animals, preparing and grooming animals right through to knowing how to maintain the health and welfare of animals and contributing to the evaluation and implementation of basic animal training programmes. The ABC Awards qualifications in Practical Animal Care Skills aim to enable learners to: • develop practical skills that will support those seeking a career in the animal care industry • provide knowledge and understanding that could support further study within the animal care sector • promote and encourage good working practices in relation to safety and the environment
ABC offer the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Practical Animal Care Skills pathway: •
Level 2 Award in Practical Animal Care Skills
Level 3 Award in Practical Animal Care Skills
Level 2 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Animal Care and Welfare)
Level 2 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Zoos / Wildlife Establishments)
Level 2 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Dog Grooming)
Level 2 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Pet Care and Retail)
Level 2 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Animal Training)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Animal Care and Welfare)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Zoos / Wildlife Establishments)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Dog Grooming)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Pet Care and Retail)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Animal Training)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Dog / Animal Wardens)
Level 3 Certificate in Practical Animal Care Skills (Animals in Education and Entertainment)
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Animal Nursing Assistants
Image: Greyfriars Rehabilitaion and Hydrotherapy Referral Centre/
The ABC Animal Nursing Assistants qualification has been developed for learners seeking a specialised qualification in animal nursing, with the overall aim being to prepare learners for a career in animal care or Veterinary Nursing, based within a Veterinary Practice. The course covers a number of units including Anatomy and Physiology, Principles of Infection Control and Parasitology and Zoonosis. It provides learners with the information required to play a valuable support role to qualified veterinary staff and to assist owners in the correct management of their companion animals. Further to this,learners have the opportunity to learn basic practice reception skills and retailing of products. ABC offer the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Animal Nursing Assistants pathway: • Level 2 Award for Animal Nursing Assistants • Level 2 Certificate for Animal Nursing Assistants • Level 2 Diploma for Work-Based Nursing Assistants
Hydrotherapy for Small Animals It is important that those who administer these new treatments such as Hydrotherapy are properly trained and understand the theory which supports the treatment. Our Hydrotherapy for Small Animal qualifications aim to assist the existing workforce involved with animal care to gain the skills and knowledge required through flexible unit based qualifications. The ABC qualifications in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals introduce learners to the practice and benefits of Hydrotherapy for small animals, in particular dogs and cats develop their awareness and skills in this area of treatment. Our Hydrotherapy for Small Animals qualifications cover aspects including first aid for small animals, anatomy and physiology for hydrotherspy, through to the principles and practice of small animal hydrotherapy.
Image: Greyfriars Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referral Centre/
ABC offer the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within Hydrotherapy for Small Animals pathway: • Level 2 Award in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals • Level 3 Award in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals • Level 3 Certificate in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals
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Work-Based Animal Care The ABC Awards’ Diplomas in Work-Based Animal Care provide practical experience and knowledge for learners wanting to work within an animal based environment. Our WorkBased Animal Care Diplomas pathways include Zoo/Wildlife Establishments, Animal Training, Pet Care & Retail and Dog Grooming
Our ABC Diplomas in Work-Based Animal Care aim to enable learners to: • provide knowledge and understanding that will support effective and efficient working practices that are fully in accordance with Animal Welfare requirements and the five freedoms • promote and encourage good working practices in relation to safety, bio security, transport, handling and restraint of animals and to customer transactions, stock rotation and retail activities • encourage a pragmatic and structured approach to achieving the required standard of work in a way that, where possible, is enjoyed by the animal and the animal care operative • foster good habits of observation and awareness of the characteristics, behavior, overall state and health of the animal throughout care operation • develop competent practical skills in handling, grooming, care and training of animals to achieve the desired condition, visual appearance, appropriate behaviour and working or recreational effectiveness of the animal • cultivate team-working practices and effective communication skills with the animal, its owner and colleagues to underpin the consistent achievement of customer satisfaction
ABC offer the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Work-Based Animal Care pathway: • Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Animal Care and Welfare) • Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Zoo / Wildlife Establishments) • Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Dog Grooming) • Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Pet Care and Retail) • Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Animal Training) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Animal Care and Welfare) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Zoo / Wildlife Establishments) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Dog Grooming) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Pet Care & Retail) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Animal Training) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Dog / Animal Wardens) • Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (Animals in Education and Entertainment)
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What Next? - Progression Routes • • • • •
Further study on another ABC Awards’ Land Based qualification Progess into an apprenticeship within a sector Gain promotion to a more senior position within existing employment Improve employment prospects Higher level study
Apprenticeships Animal Care Apprenticeships are available to learners who have a vested interest in the land based industry and who want to gain the skills needed for a successful career in this field. Apprentices get to develop land based specific skills and knowledge whilst learning key/core skills. ABC has a number of qualifications in the Animal Care sector that contribute towards apprenticeships. Animal Care Level 2 Intermediate Appreniceship, England and (Wales) non statutory Combined Qualification Pathway 1 - Animal Care: ABC Level 2 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (500/6740/0) Animal Care Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship, England and (Wales) non statutory Combined Qualification Pathway 1 - Animal Care: ABC Level 3 Diploma in Work-Based Animal Care (500/6738/2)
ABC has no hidden fees or charges so the prices you see on our web site are the prices you actually pay. Our costs are inclusive of enrolment, certification and moderation fees.
Funding ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought.
Resources Additional guidance and resources to support our qualifications is freely available to approved ABC centres.
How do I get more information?
Published 10 September 2012